Whodunnit?: Hundreds of Thousands Of Birds Fell Out Of The Sky In Southwest And Now We Know Why

Nothing on this earth can live without water.

No plant or human or animal. Nothing can live without it.
I don't recall saying they could. Did I? NO!

Stop putting words in my mouth you want to see.
hey dana are liberals helping to kill the planet?...hey just asking...

No, her Iphone and Apple watch (which were made by slave labor in China) don't cause any carbon. The lithium ion batteries are WOKE yo, so they are carbon neutral - as are all the IC's and plastic housings...
Drought is a natural phenomenon- man can adapt and so does nature- man ain't gonna change nature, but, through human innovation, he can adapt- mandating to buy votes from idiots is just that- man made attempt to be relevant to nature- he ain't.
So true, humans do adapt! Animals die off, survival of the fittest. But remember, part of that human adaption to water shortages is conservation....boyscout motto, Be Prepared! as well!

Flushing toilets with clean drinking water, is a SIN! :) create a cheap way to use home gray water from showers directed to toilet flushing.... pebble stone front yards....less lawn watering... these kind of drinking water conservation measures becomes the norm....cheaper means for desalination plants that can turn sea water in to drinking water.....

Nothing on this earth can live without water.

No plant or human or animal. Nothing can live without it.

I travel all over the nation and see dry lakes, streams and rivers. Or reduced to such low levels the water can't be used anymore.

The reflection lakes at Mt. Rainier no longer have enough water in them to reflect Mt. Rainier like a mirror as it had done for thousands of years.

The photo below is what is left of the great Nisqualy River. It's source is Mt. Rainier glacier. What was once a huge raging river that provided water for thousands of farms all over the state has been reduced to a trickle I can literally step over. A huge raging river should be covering all those gray rocks.

View attachment 434039
All over ?
It comes down to climate change. It has caused a massive and very long drought in the southwest that is killing birds and probably other animals.

View attachment 434013

The plants and animals those birds rely on for food aren't growing or there for the birds to eat because of the drought.

As the article says, think of the canary in the coal mine. Those birds are the canaries.

Humans are the coal mine.

You don't know why. You what what someone was told to tell you, and you swallow it whole.
I live in the land of 10,000 lakes.15,891 in actuality.
No drought, plenty of birds, wildlife is thriving.

A localized drought in a desert climate doesn't predict jack shit for the planet as a whole.
hey dana are liberals helping to kill the planet?...hey just asking...

No, her Iphone and Apple watch (which were made by slave labor in China) don't cause any carbon. The lithium ion batteries are WOKE yo, so they are carbon neutral - as are all the IC's and plastic housings...

ya but. . . ya but. . .

The energy for electric devices and electric cars? That comes magically from . . . no where. Of course we just get it out of no where. Of course we get enough energy from sources that do not produce any CO2.

I live in the land of 10,000 lakes.15,891 in actuality.
No drought, plenty of birds, wildlife is thriving.

A localized drought in a desert climate doesn't predict jack shit for the planet as a whole.

California operates on a 7 year micro-cycle within a 180 macro-cycle. We know when wet years and drought years will happen. Nothing out of the ordinary is going on. 2 years back was extremely wet, last year moderately wet, this year will be moderately dry, next year will be very dry. The cycle goes on with no help from humans as it has for millennia.
This should worry us all now. . . who is going to pay for something that won't work, now that these lunatics (on both sides of the aisle) are in charge? :dunno:

Here is the math, for those who actually care about the math and the facts, instead of the propaganda.

New York Can’t Buy Its Way Out Of Blackouts
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hey dana are liberals helping to kill the planet?...hey just asking...

No, her Iphone and Apple watch (which were made by slave labor in China) don't cause any carbon. The lithium ion batteries are WOKE yo, so they are carbon neutral - as are all the IC's and plastic housings...
i didnt think the drama queen would answer me...
"the period from 2000 to 2018 was the driest 19-year span since the late 1500s and the second driest since 800 CE.”

Let’s just repeat that. From 2000 to 2018 was the driest of dry spells, with regard to how severe the lack of water has been and how long it has lasted."

Let me remind everyone, the earth is 4 1/2 BILLION years old.

Let's just repeat that. The earth is 4 1/2 BILLION years old.
Flushing toilets with clean drinking water, is a SIN! :) create a cheap way to use home gray water from showers directed to toilet flushing.... pebble stone front yards....less lawn watering... this kind of drinking water conservation becomes the norm....cheaper means for desalination plants that can turn sea water in to drinking water.....
Let us know how you circumvent the mandates and get back to us with the results that your innovation created-

keep in mind too, one man's trash is another man's treasure- mandates create a treasure for the mandater-
Then please tell us, what you meant by ADAPT to survive it?
Then please tell us, what you meant by ADAPT to survive it?
geezus- are you really this dumb? You said you could (or someone else could) do what you suggested- I suggested you do it and tell us how you got past the mandates to achieve your goals- now, you want me to figure something out for you? Good lord- why don't you just wait?
It comes down to climate change. It has caused a massive and very long drought in the southwest that is killing birds and probably other animals.

View attachment 434013

The plants and animals those birds rely on for food aren't growing or there for the birds to eat because of the drought.

As the article says, think of the canary in the coal mine. Those birds are the canaries.

Humans are the coal mine.

Climate change has always been happening all through the world for centuries. And that is why there are dams and irrigations systems.
Egypt was once a tropical wetland paradise. Then came the famine during the time of Joseph. That it became a desert and all of the surrounding areas. which it cause many people to migrate further out north after the famine.
And plus there is a simple and cheap way to solve the problem. But corporate America don't want the problem to be solved.
The CEO of 5 Hour Energy created a simple machine that turns salt water into fresh drinking water. And the machine can filtered until it becomes pharmaceutical grade water.
And so the climate had been changing throughout history.
They've said that sea level is rising, and so there is lots of seawater to turn into drinking water and for agriculture use.
And plus these machines is safer than a dam and costless to create. And we will not have to worry about someone blowing up a dam anymore if we start using these machines.
Last terrorist attack, the government banned RVs and semis from driving by the dam in fear they may tried to blow up the dams to flood the towns. But with these machines that there will be no need for dams. Dams will be obsolete.
But one thing about this machine. It don't need any chemicals to help purified the water and don't need harsh chemicals to clean out the machines.
But the international Elites want to sit down and relax to profit from carbon taxes and carbon credits made out of nothing.

Flushing toilets with clean drinking water, is a SIN! :) create a cheap way to use home gray water from showers directed to toilet flushing.... pebble stone front yards....less lawn watering... this kind of drinking water conservation becomes the norm....cheaper means for desalination plants that can turn sea water in to drinking water.....
Let us know how you circumvent the mandates and get back to us with the results that your innovation created-

keep in mind too, one man's trash is another man's treasure- mandates create a treasure for the mandater-
Then please tell us, what you meant by ADAPT to survive it?

Humans can't adapt to not having water.

Humans and everything on this planet will die without water.
Flushing toilets with clean drinking water, is a SIN! :) create a cheap way to use home gray water from showers directed to toilet flushing.... pebble stone front yards....less lawn watering... this kind of drinking water conservation becomes the norm....cheaper means for desalination plants that can turn sea water in to drinking water.....
Let us know how you circumvent the mandates and get back to us with the results that your innovation created-

keep in mind too, one man's trash is another man's treasure- mandates create a treasure for the mandater-
Then please tell us, what you meant by ADAPT to survive it?

Humans can't adapt to not having water.

Humans and everything on this planet will die without water.
yes, in many poorer areas of the world, it will.

but we have the means, to do something to make the droughts less of a drought, with conservation, and ingenuity and technology....like desalination....

we can survive with an extended drought....if we conserve!
Drought is a natural phenomenon- man can adapt and so does nature- man ain't gonna change nature, but, through human innovation, he can adapt- mandating to buy votes from idiots is just that- man made attempt to be relevant to nature- he ain't.
So true, humans do adapt! Animals die off, survival of the fittest. But remember, part of that human adaption to water shortages is conservation....boyscout motto, Be Prepared! as well!

Flushing toilets with clean drinking water, is a SIN! :) create a cheap way to use home gray water from showers directed to toilet flushing.... pebble stone front yards....less lawn watering... these kind of drinking water conservation measures becomes the norm....cheaper means for desalination plants that can turn sea water in to drinking water.....
I agree with everything but a damn stone lawn.

Lots of life depends on and enjoys lawn.
And I have NEVER watered my lawn. That's what God is for. Of course I live in a deep green part of the country
It comes down to climate change. It has caused a massive and very long drought in the southwest that is killing birds and probably other animals.

View attachment 434013

The plants and animals those birds rely on for food aren't growing or there for the birds to eat because of the drought.

As the article says, think of the canary in the coal mine. Those birds are the canaries.

Humans are the coal mine.

the period from 2000 to 2018 was the driest 19-year span since the late 1500s and the second driest since 800 CE.”

What caused the drought in the late 1500s? Or the earlier one?

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