Whoever wins in November, the nation will not unite behind him/her

Hillary Clinton has made it clear that she thinks all white people and cops are racist. She has also said that at least half of all Donald Trump's supporter are a "basket of deplorables" who are "irredeemable." After rhetoric like that, there is no way the people she insulted will ever unite behind her as President.

The 'deplorables' would never support her regardless.

The Birthers, the white supremacists, the "Hillary killed Vince Foster" crowd, the ones who think that only blacks are racists, the ones that consider all Mexicans to be rapists....no- they will not unite behind anyone but one of their own.
Whoever wins the White House in November, the nation will not unite behind him/her.

Thanks in part to Obama, and the race-baiting demagoguery of the Democrats, our nation is now more divided than at any time since the beginning of the Civil War.

Furthermore, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are the most hated people who have ever run for President.

Whoever wins, the supporters of the other will continue the divisiveness and hate, and it will continue unchecked for their entire four-year term.

And then there's the majority of Americans who despise them both.

There will be no honeymoon for the next President, no "100 days" to get things done with Congress.

It will be bitter, hateful, and angry from the very beginning.
Hate, hate, hateful, despise, bitter divisiveness, hate,
Tone down your rhetoric and things might not be quite as bad as you think.
The rhetoric on both sides are bad. If you can't admit that, you are deluded.

That's because "both" sides are the same side. Really, some of you folks oughtta slow down and think. The whole thing runs on two sides promising you shit they have no intention of ever seriously going after, only to tell you that if only the "other" guys weren't in the way, this could all happen for ya - but those evil other guys are screwing it all up. So be sure to get out there and sneer/vote for "our" guys.

So they both play that angle, and the fear/anxiety/mass paranoia game while the unsubstantial people on "both" sides fall for it everytime.

And the beauty of our system is no one ever has to take any responsibility for anything. We just waddle along behind participating with guilt/sin/blame as society gets cannibalized.
Hillary Clinton has made it clear that she thinks all white people and cops are racist. She has also said that at least half of all Donald Trump's supporter are a "basket of deplorables" who are "irredeemable." After rhetoric like that, there is no way the people she insulted will ever unite behind her as President.
No, you and other conservatives have made it clear that most on the right are liars, this post being one of many examples.
how is that post an example of lying? Hillary has said all of those things, she does cozy up to and support BLM, ( Blacks lawless movement) Nothing he posted is a lie.
after the last 8 years of obama dividing this country on purpose, Jesus Christ himself would have a hard time bringing it all back together. and people want to vote for Hillary to continue this destructive policy of pitting people against people.

And by pitting people against people, you mean that President Obama made the mistake of getting elected while being black.
The unrestrained hatred that has been unleashed in this election will not end after the inauguration. If Hillary is elected, the Republicans in Congress will set out to destroy her, and they will have plenty of ammo to do it with with all the emails and Wikileaks leaks that keep coming out. If Trump is elected, the Democrats and the mainstream media will attack him relentlessly. Either way, our nation is screwed. We will not have a President who can unite our nation in the face of the crises to come, i.e. Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, ISIS, the economy, energy policy, the deficit, the debt, etc.
The unrestrained hatred that has been unleashed in this election will not end after the inauguration. If Hillary is elected, the Republicans in Congress will set out to destroy her, and they will have plenty of ammo to do it with with all the emails and Wikileaks leaks that keep coming out. If Trump is elected, the Democrats and the mainstream media will attack him relentlessly. Either way, our nation is screwed. We will not have a President who can unite our nation in the face of the crises to come, i.e. Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, ISIS, the economy, energy policy, the deficit, the debt, etc.
Don't come together, you fucks go away.
This will become if it hasn't already the new norm the hate on both sides is to strong I suspect only another 9-11 type event will break the cycle.
Americans will unite behind Trump.

They will not unite behind Hillary. She leads a different crowd.
What makes you think that? Even the Republicans won't unite behind Trump!

Those few errant Republicans getting press are, in practice, Democrats. If Trump wins, his voters will unleash hell upon them. If Trump loses, they will be blamed, with the same result.

Yep- Trump is promising to retaliate against all of his political enemies........

Nothing wrong with that.
Americans will unite behind Trump.

They will not unite behind Hillary. She leads a different crowd.
What makes you think that? Even the Republicans won't unite behind Trump!
You're Confusing Republicans with conservatives… Dip shit
Trump isn't conservative or Republican.
True, he also is not a career politician which put him above all career politicians…
Americans will unite behind Trump.

They will not unite behind Hillary. She leads a different crowd.
What makes you think that? Even the Republicans won't unite behind Trump!

Those few errant Republicans getting press are, in practice, Democrats. If Trump wins, his voters will unleash hell upon them. If Trump loses, they will be blamed, with the same result.
It's not a few. It's half the gop

after the last 8 years of obama dividing this country on purpose, Jesus Christ himself would have a hard time bringing it all back together. and people want to vote for Hillary to continue this destructive policy of pitting people against people.

What did Obama do to divide you?
evidently you have been in that coma for at least 7 years,. Maybe your therapist can try to help you catch up on all you've missed.

So you can't tell me, amazing.
Americans will unite behind Trump.

They will not unite behind Hillary. She leads a different crowd.
What makes you think that? Even the Republicans won't unite behind Trump!
You're Confusing Republicans with conservatives… Dip shit
Trump isn't conservative or Republican.
True, he also is not a career politician which put him above all career politicians…

Pfffffffffffffffffft, sure, he'll save you from america.
Americans will unite behind Trump.

They will not unite behind Hillary. She leads a different crowd.
What makes you think that? Even the Republicans won't unite behind Trump!
You're Confusing Republicans with conservatives… Dip shit
Trump isn't conservative or Republican.
True, he also is not a career politician which put him above all career politicians…
Only for fucks too stupid to realize that fish swim in water for a reason. You don't make a fish a farmer and still expect to eat!

Generals suck, let's have the janitor plan the war? What a stupid idea.
Agreed, the nation will not unite, and the fault lies with the american public alone.

Lies with the American public alone? How so? The American public are sick of the scum politicians running things. They certainly have that right.
I know I have that right.

Having said that....it's most likely true that all will not unite behind either one. We're too far gone.
Whoever wins the White House in November, the nation will not unite behind him/her.

Thanks in part to Obama, and the race-baiting demagoguery of the Democrats, our nation is now more divided than at any time since the beginning of the Civil War.

Furthermore, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are the most hated people who have ever run for President.

Whoever wins, the supporters of the other will continue the divisiveness and hate, and it will continue unchecked for their entire four-year term.

And then there's the majority of Americans who despise them both.

There will be no honeymoon for the next President, no "100 days" to get things done with Congress.

It will be bitter, hateful, and angry from the very beginning.
Hate, hate, hateful, despise, bitter divisiveness, hate,
Tone down your rhetoric and things might not be quite as bad as you think.
The rhetoric on both sides are bad. If you can't admit that, you are deluded.
so much for calm rhetoric. LOL
Whoever wins the White House in November, the nation will not unite behind him/her.

Thanks in part to Obama, and the race-baiting demagoguery of the Democrats, our nation is now more divided than at any time since the beginning of the Civil War.

Furthermore, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are the most hated people who have ever run for President.

Whoever wins, the supporters of the other will continue the divisiveness and hate, and it will continue unchecked for their entire four-year term.

And then there's the majority of Americans who despise them both.

There will be no honeymoon for the next President, no "100 days" to get things done with Congress.

It will be bitter, hateful, and angry from the very beginning.
Hate, hate, hateful, despise, bitter divisiveness, hate,
Tone down your rhetoric and things might not be quite as bad as you think.
The rhetoric on both sides are bad. If you can't admit that, you are deluded.
so much for calm rhetoric. LOL

:scared1: :lol:
Americans will unite behind Trump.

They will not unite behind Hillary. She leads a different crowd.
What makes you think that? Even the Republicans won't unite behind Trump!
You're Confusing Republicans with conservatives… Dip shit
Trump isn't conservative or Republican.
True, he also is not a career politician which put him above all career politicians…
Only for fucks too stupid to realize that fish swim in water for a reason. You don't make a fish a farmer and still expect to eat!

Generals suck, let's have the janitor plan the war? What a stupid idea.
This country has had 100+ years of fuck ups, let's try something different maybe?

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