'Whole Families Murdered': Syrian Rebels Execute Over 80 Civilians...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Sadly, this is your Tax Dollars at work. It's just so shocking and shameful that our Government is funding and arming despicable cretins like this. Especially at a time when it's trying to disarm its own Citizens. Our Government should be held accountable for this massacre.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-mjcoNvX00]'Whole families murdered': Syrian rebels execute over 80 civilians outside Damascus - YouTube[/ame]

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The dead were probably Christians which is something the US government wants.

I do not see our government wanting to kill Christians, the problem is worse then that, they simply could care less about how many lives are lost because of our actions in foreign lands.

The lives of people outside America simply do not matter to our government.
The dead were probably Christians which is something the US government wants.

I do not see our government wanting to kill Christians, the problem is worse then that, they simply could care less about how many lives are lost because of our actions in foreign lands.

The lives of people outside America simply do not matter to our government.

It's pretty horrible. Take American Citizens' Guns away, but give em to brutal animals all around the World. Our Government is just as responsible as these cretins are for this massacre.
Syrians are being put in ovens by Islamists.
So it is being claimed.....

Blowback. We'll deeply regret funding and arming these criminals. Aggressive Foreign Interventionism has run its course. It's time for something different.
Please show me proof that we are funding this group. When warehouses of arms was broken into and looted by the Islamic terrorist in Syria(which all rebels are not fanatical Muslims) the US cut off non-military aid to them. See we did not give them weapons.

The US and Britain have cut off aid to Syria's opposition, after Islamist rebel groups seized bases loaded with Western-provided goods from their former Free Syrian Army colleagues. The move won't affect humanitarian aid, a US embassy spokesman tells the BBC, but rather the "non-lethal" military assistance the countries have been providing, like radios and body armor. The Islamic Front, a massive coalition of Jihad-minded groups that recently broke from the FSA, seized the facilities last week, capturing anti-aircraft and anti-tank rockets among other supplies.

US, Britain Yank Aid to Syrian Rebels - Meanwhile, Islamists kidnap human rights lawyer, two journalists

Ignorance is bliss to a rat.
Do you people ever think to research about what to say so you do not look like you are out of the loop, and are just a bunch of rhetoric driven political hacks?
Syrians are being put in ovens by Islamists.
So it is being claimed.....

Blowback. We'll deeply regret funding and arming these criminals. Aggressive Foreign Interventionism has run its course. It's time for something different.

I don't think they can transplant intelligence into a dead brain.

It's common knowledge we're funding, arming, and training Syrian Rebel groups. You wanna live in denial, that's your call. Whatever makes ya feel better i guess.
Blowback. We'll deeply regret funding and arming these criminals. Aggressive Foreign Interventionism has run its course. It's time for something different.

I don't think they can transplant intelligence into a dead brain.

It's common knowledge we're funding, arming, and training Syrian Rebel groups. You wanna live in denial, that's your call. Whatever makes ya feel better i guess.

Where is your proof?
I remain skeptical of anything coming from 'RT' as it is partly owned by Putin. If we assume that some 'oligarchy' actually runs the government in pretty much every nation - and there is some evidence to suggest that is possible - then Putin is one of such an oligarchy. And as such has no more concern for people - his nation's OR any other's! - than the US oligarchy appears to have.

So all this becomes merely a competition between different oligarchies for increased influence in the 'Third World' - same old stuff as for decades. And 'RT' is simply a 'government mouthpiece' not much different from 'Pravda'.

One needn't be an 'Islamist' or a 'jihadi maniac' or a 'foreign provocateur' to be against the theft, nepotism and repression of the Assad dynasty. Not ALL the rebels are 'Islamists' - any more than all the 'Resistance' against Hitler was from Communists (although the French communist partisans made a habit of turning in non-communist members of the Resistance whenever possible).

It is neither logical nor reasonable to assume that because we distrust the US government, we should then trust OTHER nations' governments more. Especially a government that has to jail 'Pussy Riot'ers!
I don't think they can transplant intelligence into a dead brain.

It's common knowledge we're funding, arming, and training Syrian Rebel groups. You wanna live in denial, that's your call. Whatever makes ya feel better i guess.

Where is your proof?

It's common knowledge. The CIA has been in Syria for a long time. They are arming and training various Syrian Rebel groups. Some are even good buddies with John McCain and Barack Obama. It's a real mess.
Blowback. We'll deeply regret funding and arming these criminals. Aggressive Foreign Interventionism has run its course. It's time for something different.

I don't think they can transplant intelligence into a dead brain.

It's common knowledge we're funding, arming, and training Syrian Rebel groups. You wanna live in denial, that's your call. Whatever makes ya feel better i guess.

And it used to be 'common knowledge' that the Earth was flat and the Sun circled about it.................
I don't think they can transplant intelligence into a dead brain.

It's common knowledge we're funding, arming, and training Syrian Rebel groups. You wanna live in denial, that's your call. Whatever makes ya feel better i guess.

And it used to be 'common knowledge' that the Earth was flat and the Sun circled about it.................

Where and who do you think Syrian Rebel groups are getting their weapons, cash, and training from? It's not rocket science. Do the simple math.
US is not funding the foreign Islamists. They providing non-military aid to syrian opposition.
It's common knowledge we're funding, arming, and training Syrian Rebel groups. You wanna live in denial, that's your call. Whatever makes ya feel better i guess.

And it used to be 'common knowledge' that the Earth was flat and the Sun circled about it.................

Where and who do you think Syrian Rebel groups are getting their weapons, cash, and training from? It's not rocket science. Do the simple math.

Since there are a lot of different groups, there are a lot of different sources. Everyone from 'Russians' on both sides, to Kurds, to jihadi maniacs, to rich anti-Shi'a fundy maniacs - to just plain Sunni Syrians OUTside Syria trying to help out their families or their home village or neighborhood.

So yes, some of that backing is undoubtedly coming from the US - but it's not from the US Government. Which of course is an entirely different thing.
US is not funding the foreign Islamists. They providing non-military aid to syrian opposition.

'non-military aid?' :lol: The CIA doesn't do non-military aid. They've been in Syria for years arming and training Syrian Rebel Groups. These Rebel Groups are getting their cash and weapons from somewhere and someone. I'll let you research and conclude where those somewheres are and who those someones are.

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