Whoopi Goldberg scolds people to stop talking about Hillary, Biden on classified docs: 'Don't want to hear’ it

Foul Owl

Gold Member
Apr 17, 2023
She is speaking to an Echo Chamber and her entire existence depends on the benevolence of far-left executives and viewers. She wouldn't dare objectively listen to an argument that could cost her financially. She is not alone in this world. Character is in short supply everywhere you look, regardless of ideology.
If we wanted the butthurt opinion of FOX News on every issue, we could just watch FOX News. There's no need for you to repost every single bad propaganda piece that FOX pushes.
Whoopi and 'The View' trying to explain how it's "different" when a Democrat breaks the law.

It’s very different than the Trump situation. Do you actually think it’s the same?
Whoopi and 'The View' trying to explain how it's "different" when a Democrat breaks the law.

Fuck that cow. She hasn't been relevant to anything for decades--if ever. She should still be on welfare.
No. She's saying it doesn't apply. Because the situations are not even remotely the same...and she'd be right.
Just more attempted deflection. Donny is the one under indictment, not Hillary. :)
Yep, Hillary has killed 53 people, destroyed classified documents on her computer that was illegally outside a government office. She illegally interfered with at least 2 elections with her fake dossier that she bought and paid for to discredit her opponent. And, Biden just bribes Ukraine and Chinese politicians for million to the Biden Family Mafia. But, because of the deep state, Democrats in power over the DOJ, FBI and other governmental agencies, that won't be delt with, yet.
Whoopi and 'The View' trying to explain how it's "different" when a Democrat breaks the law.

That dumb cow shows how stupid she is with every utterance.
they all broke the law.....this is from the cornell law school......

U.S. Code § 1924 - Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material​

Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.
What Whoopi Cushion wants to hear is of no significance.

Hillary’s case is absolutely relevant. The same sanctimonious gasbag who acknowledged the elements of the crime in her case also concluded (incorrectly) that no “reasonable” prosecutor would seek to indict her.

And that was never a call he should have had the authority to make.

Her guilt is beyond doubt. The contrary is true, however, with Trump. This federal indictment is politicized bullshit and antithetical to the actual obligations and duty of a public prosecutor.
Oh good. Should be easy for you to make a counter argument then… whatchya got?!

She is flat assed wrong. That's what. Hillary committed MULTIPLE felonies that were very well documented by comey. Xiden has documents in his possession from when he was a senator. That requires theft from a SCIF, so you, and she, are complete morons, who are ignoring well documented crimes from YOUR authoritarian assholes.
Deliberate ignorance.

On full display for all to see and to prove it, every bed wetter that posts here will refuse to acknowledge that spectacularly obvious fact that they do so CONSTANTLY. It isn't a "one off". A "one off" with a bed wetter is if one does admit they did something stupid, like Gavin Newsome did with Hannity.
No. She's saying it doesn't apply. Because the situations are not even remotely the same...and she'd be right.
Just more attempted deflection. Donny is the one under indictment, not Hillary. :)
You can deny these things all you want. Even deny our nation is in decline. If you are young enough, you will experience the fun coming with everyone else. Otherwise, the younger ones in your family will have the pleasure.
Whoopi says...

Of course Whoopi is just a clown, but many people actually believe her nonsense. Claiming that Hillary was welcoming a full investigation into her e-mails is simply comical. All one has to do is mention "bleach-bit" to make Woopi look like a fool. But the clown serves a purpose...... Many dem voters are beginning to see the hypocrisy. This upsets the dem voters. Then they watch Whoopi, believe the lies, and go back to their safe place. Some of her fans are probably thinking " Wow! I thought this was seriously messed up, but Whoopi set me straight, and that's good enough for me."

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