Who's Afraid of Socialism?

Capitalism is businesses owned by their owners. They made lots of money and lots of debt ran up for Hitler, they had to go conquer some countries. Right-wing is capitalist, left-wing is socialist with more control of all businesses and finally State ownership and communism. The ends of the spectrum are totalitarian fascism and capitalism on the right, totalitarian communism on the farthest left, with liberalism and socialism on the way.

So, the Nazi regime nationalizing business, murdering boards of directors to put in stooges, is the exact opposite of capitalism.

Good lord you are a stupid fuck, even as Nazis go,,,,
They didn't do that much unless the companies were Jewish or in opposition as I said. They sent a hell of a lot of socialists to concentration camps also.
So did Stalin. What's unusual about socialists sending other socialists to prison?
Nazis and German socialists and social Democrats were from two ends of the political Spectrum. well communists are at the very end of the spectrum at the left, while Nazis and fascists are on the far right. Can't ignore the type of economy they liked.

You are such a blithering "knows-nothing" non-entity.......when the "state" controls it all, it makes NO difference of the alleged ideology because at the end of the day, it's all the same. Communism is nothing but socialism in a hurry and just before the tanks arrive. You are what Lenin referred to as a "useful idiot".
Far-right is Nazi fascist capitalism, far left is communist totalitarianism with no business owners get it dumbass?
So, the Nazi regime nationalizing business, murdering boards of directors to put in stooges, is the exact opposite of capitalism.

Good lord you are a stupid fuck, even as Nazis go,,,,
They didn't do that much unless the companies were Jewish or in opposition as I said. They sent a hell of a lot of socialists to concentration camps also.
So did Stalin. What's unusual about socialists sending other socialists to prison?
Nazis and German socialists and social Democrats were from two ends of the political Spectrum. well communists are at the very end of the spectrum at the left, while Nazis and fascists are on the far right. Can't ignore the type of economy they liked.

You are such a blithering "knows-nothing" non-entity.......when the "state" controls it all, it makes NO difference of the alleged ideology because at the end of the day, it's all the same. Communism is nothing but socialism in a hurry and just before the tanks arrive. You are what Lenin referred to as a "useful idiot".
Far-right is Nazi fascist capitalism, far left is communist totalitarianism with no business owners get it dumbass?

Franky-bitchboy, you are so pathetically uninformed, so pathetically uninformed about the creation of Federal Reserve notes of debt that should embarrass you from even posting here. The biggest thing the you have going for you is your willingness to look stoooopid . You are a mere child......a snot-nosed pussbag sans a clue.....

Hope this helps!!!!
They didn't do that much unless the companies were Jewish or in opposition as I said. They sent a hell of a lot of socialists to concentration camps also.
So did Stalin. What's unusual about socialists sending other socialists to prison?
Nazis and German socialists and social Democrats were from two ends of the political Spectrum. well communists are at the very end of the spectrum at the left, while Nazis and fascists are on the far right. Can't ignore the type of economy they liked.

You are such a blithering "knows-nothing" non-entity.......when the "state" controls it all, it makes NO difference of the alleged ideology because at the end of the day, it's all the same. Communism is nothing but socialism in a hurry and just before the tanks arrive. You are what Lenin referred to as a "useful idiot".
Far-right is Nazi fascist capitalism, far left is communist totalitarianism with no business owners get it dumbass?

Franky-bitchboy, you are so pathetically uninformed, so pathetically uninformed about the creation of Federal Reserve notes of debt that should embarrass you from even posting here. The biggest thing the you have going for you is your willingness to look stoooopid . You are a mere child......a snot-nosed pussbag sans a clue.....

Hope this helps!!!!

It won't. :coffee:
George is the most vile racist on this forum.

Franco is #2

These are a couple of Nazis who desperately need to be worm food.
Fascists are capitalist that is why they are right wings and they are totalitarian that's why they're way off on the right wing. You have those tendencies but luckily you're in American although you are brainwashed these days. Nazis are fascists they are racist militarist totalitarian nationalists, and the capitalist, aristocrats are fine as long as you're not opposition or Jewish.

So, "capitalism" is state control of the means of production, dumbfuck?
Capitalism is businesses owned by their owners. They made lots of money and lots of debt ran up for Hitler, they had to go conquer some countries. Right-wing is capitalist, left-wing is socialist with more control of all businesses and finally State ownership and communism. The ends of the spectrum are totalitarian fascism and capitalism on the right, totalitarian communism on the farthest left, with liberalism and socialism on the way.
Ownership means having control, and they certainly didn't have that. The government made all the decisions.
Pretty true, but they didn't make the profits.
They weren't properly called "profits" in the economic sense. What they received was just a payment from the government.
So, the Nazi regime nationalizing business, murdering boards of directors to put in stooges, is the exact opposite of capitalism.

Good lord you are a stupid fuck, even as Nazis go,,,,
They didn't do that much unless the companies were Jewish or in opposition as I said. They sent a hell of a lot of socialists to concentration camps also.
So did Stalin. What's unusual about socialists sending other socialists to prison?
Nazis and German socialists and social Democrats were from two ends of the political Spectrum. well communists are at the very end of the spectrum at the left, while Nazis and fascists are on the far right. Can't ignore the type of economy they liked.

You are such a blithering "knows-nothing" non-entity.......when the "state" controls it all, it makes NO difference of the alleged ideology because at the end of the day, it's all the same. Communism is nothing but socialism in a hurry and just before the tanks arrive. You are what Lenin referred to as a "useful idiot".
Far-right is Nazi fascist capitalism, far left is communist totalitarianism with no business owners get it dumbass?
Fascism isn't capitalism, dumbass. It's socialism.

Fascism is socialism you doofus......

Nazi George is REALLY stupid.

But he makes up for it by being insidiously evil....

"The stubborn appeal of the libertarian idea persists, despite mountains of evidence that the free market is neither efficient, nor fair, nor free from periodic catastrophe.

The Libertarian Delusion | BillMoyers.com

"In an Adam Smith world, the interplay of supply and demand yields a price that signals producers what to make and investors where to put their capital.

"The more that government interferes with this sublime discipline, the more bureaucrats deflect the market from its true path."

A much smaller economy with 4 times the population.
Maybe they need some slaves, eh?
Wage slaves?

Are you learning Mandarin?

The language of business is English.
Not for long, Comrade.

Is China the Fastest-Rising Power in History?

I hope you're not investing based on Chinese reports of growth. Could get ugly for you.
Of course good socialists don't own stock, do you?

Annals Of Corporate Oligarchy: Burying Wall Street Fraud

Fascism is socialism you doofus......

Nazi George is REALLY stupid.

But he makes up for it by being insidiously evil....

"The stubborn appeal of the libertarian idea persists, despite mountains of evidence that the free market is neither efficient, nor fair, nor free from periodic catastrophe.

The Libertarian Delusion | BillMoyers.com

"In an Adam Smith world, the interplay of supply and demand yields a price that signals producers what to make and investors where to put their capital.

"The more that government interferes with this sublime discipline, the more bureaucrats deflect the market from its true path."

"The stubborn appeal of the libertarian idea persists, despite mountains of evidence that the free market is neither efficient, nor fair, nor free from periodic catastrophe.

I'd never claim the free market was immune to periodic catastrophe, but to get a really BIG catastrophe, you have to get the government involved in the market. Just look at the housing crisis. The government took a good intention, who doesn't want deserving people with less than perfect credit to have a chance at owning a home, right?

And turned it into such a massive clusterfuck that, well, everyone knows how bad it got.

And as far as the market being "not efficient", well, when a private business does a shitty job, inefficiently, they go out of business, deservedly so. When a government entity does the same, they get thousands more bureaucrats and billions more in their budget to continue their inefficient dumbfuckery, on a bigger scale.

As Reagan said,

"No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on this earth!"
A much smaller economy with 4 times the population.
Maybe they need some slaves, eh?
Wage slaves?

Are you learning Mandarin?

The language of business is English.
Not for long, Comrade.

Is China the Fastest-Rising Power in History?

I hope you're not investing based on Chinese reports of growth. Could get ugly for you.
Of course good socialists don't own stock, do you?

Annals Of Corporate Oligarchy: Burying Wall Street Fraud

I agree, Barney Frank should have done at least a few years in the big house.
Last edited:
It wasn't socialists who invaded western Europe twice in the 20th Century; it was western capitalists looking to expand their empires:

"Estimated to be 10 million military dead, 7 million civilian deaths, 21 million wounded, and 7.7 million missing or imprisoned" (WWI)

"Over 60 million people died in World War II. Estimated deaths range from 50-80 million. 38 to 55 million civilians were killed, including 13 to 20 million from war-related disease and famine." (WWII)

World War I vs World War II - Difference and Comparison | Diffen

Capitalism has killed hundreds of millions over the past five centuries with no end in sight.

Moron....the Germans were socialists....the Russians were socialists, and they didn't just make dead people from war....they murdered 12 million in Europe, and 25 million or more in Russia....that doesn't include the over 70 million murdered by the Chinese socialists....
The Germans were right-wing Nazi fascists who murdered the socialists and communists in their Fatherland before slaughtering millions more in Russia.

Eastern Front (World War II) - Wikipedia

Fascism is socialism you doofus......

Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism

"The most striking example of the miscellaneous nature of national and international politics is the interesting argument – supported by many – that theories that apparently oppose and contradict each other might, in fact, be surprisingly similar. This is the case of fascism and socialism."

Read more: Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism
Didn't like that much because they seem to go on about socialism as communism, after already saying there were Democratic socialism progressive socialism liberal socialism, none of which do the Communist thing. In the second link anyway.
Mussolini is among the architects of fascism:

Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism

Fascism is a far-right nationalistic movement first born in Italy at the beginning of the 20th century[1]. According to one of its main exponents – Benito Mussolini – the fascist philosophy is based on three main pillars[2]:

  1. 'Everything in the state'
  2. 'Nothing outside the state'
  3. 'Nothing against the state'
"A fascist government is supreme, and all institutions must conform to the willing of the ruling authority.

"Moreover, opposition is not tolerated: the fascist ideology has primacy and supremacy over all other perspectives, and the ultimate goal of a fascist country is to rule the world and spread the “superior ideology” everywhere."

Read more: Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism

The Italian dictator also worshiped the corporation:

Not exactly consistent with socialism bringing democracy to the workplace.
Moron....the Germans were socialists....the Russians were socialists, and they didn't just make dead people from war....they murdered 12 million in Europe, and 25 million or more in Russia....that doesn't include the over 70 million murdered by the Chinese socialists....
The Germans were right-wing Nazi fascists who murdered the socialists and communists in their Fatherland before slaughtering millions more in Russia.

Eastern Front (World War II) - Wikipedia

Fascism is socialism you doofus......

Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism

"The most striking example of the miscellaneous nature of national and international politics is the interesting argument – supported by many – that theories that apparently oppose and contradict each other might, in fact, be surprisingly similar. This is the case of fascism and socialism."

Read more: Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism
Didn't like that much because they seem to go on about socialism as communism, after already saying there were Democratic socialism progressive socialism liberal socialism, none of which do the Communist thing. In the second link anyway.
Mussolini is among the architects of fascism:

Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism

Fascism is a far-right nationalistic movement first born in Italy at the beginning of the 20th century[1]. According to one of its main exponents – Benito Mussolini – the fascist philosophy is based on three main pillars[2]:

  1. 'Everything in the state'
  2. 'Nothing outside the state'
  3. 'Nothing against the state'
"A fascist government is supreme, and all institutions must conform to the willing of the ruling authority.

"Moreover, opposition is not tolerated: the fascist ideology has primacy and supremacy over all other perspectives, and the ultimate goal of a fascist country is to rule the world and spread the “superior ideology” everywhere."

Read more: Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism

The Italian dictator also worshiped the corporation:

Not exactly consistent with socialism bringing democracy to the workplace.

"A fascist government is supreme, and all institutions must conform to the willing of the ruling authority.

Wow! So the Nazis sound just like the Commies Big surprise.

Not exactly consistent with socialism bringing democracy to the workplace.

Commies didn't let the workers do their own thing either.

the ultimate goal of a fascist country is to rule the world and spread the “superior ideology” everywhere."

Dah, comrade!
We cannot avoid socialism; it is like Palmolive, we are soaking in it.

Congress commands fiscal policy and the Fed commands monetary policy.

That is why, we have a mixed market economy and not true Capitalism.
Ok.... Hey you left-wingers.

Due tell how many people in the top 100 wealthiest in this country, do not run companies that produce, or invest in companies that produce products and services that millions of people use.
How many of the wealthiest 100 Americans owe their fortune to an accident of birth? A random phenomenon that placed them in national and familial circumstances conducive to acquiring vast wealth by bribing politicians for favorable tax and trade policies like the Walton family or by "free riding" off taxpayer-funded infrastructure like the Internet as Gate, Bezos, and Zuckerberg have done? And then there's...
Ok.... Hey you left-wingers.

Due tell how many people in the top 100 wealthiest in this country, do not run companies that produce, or invest in companies that produce products and services that millions of people use.
How many of the wealthiest 100 Americans owe their fortune to an accident of birth? A random phenomenon that placed them in national and familial circumstances conducive to acquiring vast wealth by bribing politicians for favorable tax and trade policies like the Walton family or by "free riding" off taxpayer-funded infrastructure like the Internet as Gate, Bezos, and Zuckerberg have done? And then there's...

Since the launch of The Forbes 400 list of richest Americans, first published in 1982, we’ve been keeping a close tab on the wealthiest people in the U.S. And while we can tell a whole lot about how their fortunes have evolved, in 2014 we decided to delve deeper into one defining characteristic of these billionaires: How far did they climb to make their way to the top?

Starting in 2014 and every year since, we gave each member of The Forbes 400 a score on a scale from 1 to 10—a 1 indicated the fortune was completely inherited, while a 10 was for a Horatio Algeresque journey. We also did the analysis for every 10 years going back to 1984. Looking at the numbers over time, the data lead us to an interesting insight: In 1984, less than half the people on The Forbes 400 were self-made; in 2018, 67% of the 400 created their own fortunes.

The Forbes 400 Self-Made Score: From Silver Spooners To Bootstrappers

A much smaller economy with 4 times the population.
Maybe they need some slaves, eh?
Wage slaves?

Are you learning Mandarin?

The language of business is English.
Not for long, Comrade.

Is China the Fastest-Rising Power in History?
You're gloating about that?
It isn't "gloating" to acknowledge the obvious:

"Speed is where China stands out. In 30 years of ascent, starting from a low base, it has come farther, faster than any of the other rising powers in the comparison group. Here’s a look at its GDP growth, in historical context..."

"China has expanded its share of world GDP faster than any other rising state from 1870 to today.

"When then-leader Deng Xiaoping inaugurated a series of sweeping economic reforms in 1982, China accounted for a mere 2.2 percent of global output.

"Thirty years later, in 2012, China produced 14.6 percent of the world’s GDP, a roughly sevenfold increase."

Is China the Fastest-Rising Power in History?
This is what we are supposed to be doing with our form of socialism:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
It wasn't socialists who invaded western Europe twice in the 20th Century; it was western capitalists looking to expand their empires:

"Estimated to be 10 million military dead, 7 million civilian deaths, 21 million wounded, and 7.7 million missing or imprisoned" (WWI)

"Over 60 million people died in World War II. Estimated deaths range from 50-80 million. 38 to 55 million civilians were killed, including 13 to 20 million from war-related disease and famine." (WWII)

World War I vs World War II - Difference and Comparison | Diffen

Capitalism has killed hundreds of millions over the past five centuries with no end in sight.

Moron....the Germans were socialists....the Russians were socialists, and they didn't just make dead people from war....they murdered 12 million in Europe, and 25 million or more in Russia....that doesn't include the over 70 million murdered by the Chinese socialists....
The Germans were right-wing Nazi fascists who murdered the socialists and communists in their Fatherland before slaughtering millions more in Russia.

Eastern Front (World War II) - Wikipedia

The Germans were right-wing Nazi fascists who murdered the socialists and communists in their Fatherland before slaughtering millions more in Russia.

German socialists murdering German and Russian socialists and Communists.

Talk about a win-win!
Can you spot the Nazi?

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

"George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.

"The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.

"His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy."

Nazi = Capitalist.
Here's one:

The Dark Side Of Joseph P. Kennedy Sr., The Patriarch Of The Kennedy Family

At least Joe got the end he deserved.

Your link:

"But Joseph Kennedy Sr.’s own roller coaster of a biography trumps even the fictional Kane’s in every regard, from his hand-over-fist stock market days to his persona non grata period as a failed World War II-era diplomat, forever tarnished by what many considered to be an unshakable anti-Semitism.

"Like Kane’s tale, the story of Joseph Kennedy Sr.’s dark side begins at his end, when Kennedy bested Kane even in the pathos of his dying days.

"Felled by a debilitating stroke in 1961, Kennedy was forced to sit, trapped in his own failing body, as two of his sons, Jack and Bobby, were assassinated in the tumultuous decade to come."
A much smaller economy with 4 times the population.
Maybe they need some slaves, eh?
Wage slaves?

Are you learning Mandarin?

The language of business is English.
Not for long, Comrade.

Is China the Fastest-Rising Power in History?
You're gloating about that?

He's gloating about the fact that China's economy sucked until they tried capitalism.
China was pillaged by western and Japanese capitalists for centuries before becoming capitalism's latest source of child labor

China’s Capitalist Revolutions

"China and World Capitalism

The Chinese class struggle can only be understood by examining China’s relationship to world capitalism.

"The post-World War II prosperity bubble that offered partial camouflage to the reality of capitalist decay ended a quarter of a century ago.

"Capitalism has been fighting off a debilitating worldwide crisis since; its need to deepen its exploitation of the working class has grown accordingly.

"To this end it increasingly cast an eye towards productive investments in imperialized regions of the world."

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