Who's Afraid of Socialism?

Capitalism is businesses owned by their owners. They made lots of money and lots of debt ran up for Hitler, they had to go conquer some countries. Right-wing is capitalist, left-wing is socialist with more control of all businesses and finally State ownership and communism. The ends of the spectrum are totalitarian fascism and capitalism on the right, totalitarian communism on the farthest left, with liberalism and socialism on the way.
Ownership means having control, and they certainly didn't have that. The government made all the decisions.
Pretty true, but they didn't make the profits.
They weren't properly called "profits" in the economic sense. What they received was just a payment from the government.
Just like corporations, companies, and owners get payments from our government...
They get paid for selling something to the government. Most corporations do not rely on government sales for their revenue. They rely on private customers purchasing their products.

Under the NAZIs, the government was the sole determinate of how much "profit" the company recieved.
Only in there
Capitalism is businesses owned by their owners. They made lots of money and lots of debt ran up for Hitler, they had to go conquer some countries. Right-wing is capitalist, left-wing is socialist with more control of all businesses and finally State ownership and communism. The ends of the spectrum are totalitarian fascism and capitalism on the right, totalitarian communism on the farthest left, with liberalism and socialism on the way.
Ownership means having control, and they certainly didn't have that. The government made all the decisions.
Pretty true, but they didn't make the profits.
They weren't properly called "profits" in the economic sense. What they received was just a payment from the government.
Just like corporations, companies, and owners get payments from our government...
They get paid for selling something to the government. Most corporations do not rely on government sales for their revenue. They rely on private customers purchasing their products.

Under the NAZIs, the government was the sole determinate of how much "profit" the company recieved.
They only cared about War industries
Capitalism is businesses owned by their owners. They made lots of money and lots of debt ran up for Hitler, they had to go conquer some countries. Right-wing is capitalist, left-wing is socialist with more control of all businesses and finally State ownership and communism. The ends of the spectrum are totalitarian fascism and capitalism on the right, totalitarian communism on the farthest left, with liberalism and socialism on the way.
Ownership means having control, and they certainly didn't have that. The government made all the decisions.
Pretty true, but they didn't make the profits.
They weren't properly called "profits" in the economic sense. What they received was just a payment from the government.
Just like corporations, companies, and owners get payments from our government...
They get paid for selling something to the government. Most corporations do not rely on government sales for their revenue. They rely on private customers purchasing their products.

Under the NAZIs, the government was the sole determinate of how much "profit" the company recieved.
Only cared about War industries or propaganda.
Fascism isn't capitalism, dumbass. It's socialism.

CPGB: The Question of Fascism and Capitalist Decay

But you guys are far more fascist than Trump.
Look at Antifa. Antifa is basically the left-wing goon squads trying to shut down alternate opinions.

Well what political ideology is the elimination of dissenting opinions? Fascism. Where do you think "politically correct" came from? Fascism.

In 1934, The New York Times reported that Nazi Germany was granting reporting permits "only to pure 'Aryans' whose opinions are politically correct."

And when you see Democrats pushing the "Hush Rush" law in the 90s, and trying to prevent moderate speakers like Ben Shapiro from speaking.... What are you engaged in? Fascism.

The left-wing is far more Fascist than the right, and by a wide margin.
Fascism by definition is right wing, no matter what your BS propaganda machine says, super duper. Your propaganda machine is totally full of crap and b******* propaganda that never makes it to the real world of Journalism and law enforcement. Rush Limbaugh and the rest are totally full of crap. 3 minutes an hour of fact would kill them and the fugue State you have reached...

But you guys are far more fascist than Trump.
Look at Antifa. Antifa is basically the left-wing goon squads trying to shut down alternate opinions.

Well what political ideology is the elimination of dissenting opinions? Fascism. Where do you think "politically correct" came from? Fascism.

In 1934, The New York Times reported that Nazi Germany was granting reporting permits "only to pure 'Aryans' whose opinions are politically correct."

And when you see Democrats pushing the "Hush Rush" law in the 90s, and trying to prevent moderate speakers like Ben Shapiro from speaking.... What are you engaged in? Fascism.

The left-wing is far more Fascist than the right, and by a wide margin.
Fascism by definition is right wing, no matter what your BS propaganda machine says, super duper. Your propaganda machine is totally full of crap and b******* propaganda that never makes it to the real world of Journalism and law enforcement. Rush Limbaugh and the rest are totally full of crap. 3 minutes an hour of fact would kill them and the fugue State you have reached...
/—-/ There is nothing Conservative or Republican about fascism you troll. Fascism definition is - a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
I think it was Tucker Carlson who had a well known negro professor who is an avoided socialist/communist on recently.
Tucker asked the professor why socialism has never worked anywhere. The professor said: "you are right socialism has never worked because 'they' have never done it right".
I laughed so hard the G&T squirted out my nose!
What's G&T?
Gin and tonic. They're yummy after a hard early morning at the keyboard. LOL!
In the modern world and everywhere outside your GOP bubble of garbage propaganda, that is the old definition of socialism, everyone in the world outside of you GOP dupes calls that communism now. You are terminally brainwashed misinformed, confused and living on an imaginary planet. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed. Ask any socialist.and don't listen to GOP propaganda, Nazis and Communists for God's sake lol...
I think it was Tucker Carlson who had a well known negro professor who is an avoided socialist/communist on recently.
Tucker asked the professor why socialism has never worked anywhere. The professor said: "you are right socialism has never worked because 'they' have never done it right".
I laughed so hard the G&T squirted out my nose!
What's G&T?
Gin and tonic. They're yummy after a hard early morning at the keyboard. LOL!
In the modern world and everywhere outside your GOP bubble of garbage propaganda. That is the old definition of socialism, everyone in the world outside of you GOP dupes calls that communism now. You are terminally brainwashed misinformed, confused and living on an imaginary planet. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed. Ask any socialist.and don't listen to GOP propaganda, Nazis and Communists for God's sake lol...
/——/ So when you get called out you just say the definition has changed. How convenient

But you guys are far more fascist than Trump.
Look at Antifa. Antifa is basically the left-wing goon squads trying to shut down alternate opinions.

Well what political ideology is the elimination of dissenting opinions? Fascism. Where do you think "politically correct" came from? Fascism.

In 1934, The New York Times reported that Nazi Germany was granting reporting permits "only to pure 'Aryans' whose opinions are politically correct."

And when you see Democrats pushing the "Hush Rush" law in the 90s, and trying to prevent moderate speakers like Ben Shapiro from speaking.... What are you engaged in? Fascism.

The left-wing is far more Fascist than the right, and by a wide margin.
Fascism by definition is right wing, no matter what your BS propaganda machine says, super duper. Your propaganda machine is totally full of crap and b******* propaganda that never makes it to the real world of Journalism and law enforcement. Rush Limbaugh and the rest are totally full of crap. 3 minutes an hour of fact would kill them and the fugue State you have reached...
/—-/ There is nothing Conservative or Republican about fascism you troll. Fascism definition is - a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
Yes, and fascists always are capitalists, corrupt capitalists. And that makes them right wing d u h. Left-wing is liberals socialists and communists..
You are parroting the stupidest brand new GOP garbage propaganda, ignorant dumbass GOP doop, the whole Nazism is socialism and all totalitarians are left-wing is pure garbage propaganda that started with that book liberal fascism, known as pure drivel everywhere in the intelligent respected world.

But you guys are far more fascist than Trump.
Look at Antifa. Antifa is basically the left-wing goon squads trying to shut down alternate opinions.

Well what political ideology is the elimination of dissenting opinions? Fascism. Where do you think "politically correct" came from? Fascism.

In 1934, The New York Times reported that Nazi Germany was granting reporting permits "only to pure 'Aryans' whose opinions are politically correct."

And when you see Democrats pushing the "Hush Rush" law in the 90s, and trying to prevent moderate speakers like Ben Shapiro from speaking.... What are you engaged in? Fascism.

The left-wing is far more Fascist than the right, and by a wide margin.
Fascism by definition is right wing, no matter what your BS propaganda machine says, super duper. Your propaganda machine is totally full of crap and b******* propaganda that never makes it to the real world of Journalism and law enforcement. Rush Limbaugh and the rest are totally full of crap. 3 minutes an hour of fact would kill them and the fugue State you have reached...
Wrong. The definition of "rightwing" is "endorses the free market, and private property." The definition of "leftwing" is "endorse government control and government ownership." Fascism clearly falls into the later category. Because some pinko professor says it's "rightwing," that doesn't mean it is. He has to prove it. He can't just say it, and that's all you turds ever do.

But you guys are far more fascist than Trump.
Look at Antifa. Antifa is basically the left-wing goon squads trying to shut down alternate opinions.

Well what political ideology is the elimination of dissenting opinions? Fascism. Where do you think "politically correct" came from? Fascism.

In 1934, The New York Times reported that Nazi Germany was granting reporting permits "only to pure 'Aryans' whose opinions are politically correct."

And when you see Democrats pushing the "Hush Rush" law in the 90s, and trying to prevent moderate speakers like Ben Shapiro from speaking.... What are you engaged in? Fascism.

The left-wing is far more Fascist than the right, and by a wide margin.
Fascism by definition is right wing, no matter what your BS propaganda machine says, super duper. Your propaganda machine is totally full of crap and b******* propaganda that never makes it to the real world of Journalism and law enforcement. Rush Limbaugh and the rest are totally full of crap. 3 minutes an hour of fact would kill them and the fugue State you have reached...
/—-/ There is nothing Conservative or Republican about fascism you troll. Fascism definition is - a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
If Trump and you right-wing dupes ever declare martial law, that would be fascism, dumbass. Corrupt totalitarian capitalism. Your misinformation will get you laughed out of every intelligent group in the world... Only GOP dukes believe this crap. The right side of the political spectrum is capitalist, the left hand side of the spectrum is less and less Savage capitalism, more and more socialism, that is fair capitalism with a good safety net, until you reach the totalitarian far left, communism. You are a brainwashed functional moron. Many of you would be very happy to have a fascist totalitarian Donald Trump capitalist state.
I think it was Tucker Carlson who had a well known negro professor who is an avoided socialist/communist on recently.
Tucker asked the professor why socialism has never worked anywhere. The professor said: "you are right socialism has never worked because 'they' have never done it right".
I laughed so hard the G&T squirted out my nose!
What's G&T?
Gin and tonic. They're yummy after a hard early morning at the keyboard. LOL!
In the modern world and everywhere outside your GOP bubble of garbage propaganda, that is the old definition of socialism, everyone in the world outside of you GOP dupes calls that communism now. You are terminally brainwashed misinformed, confused and living on an imaginary planet. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed. Ask any socialist.and don't listen to GOP propaganda, Nazis and Communists for God's sake lol...
Why should anyone believe the definition has changed, because you find the old one embarrassing? Changing the definition of words is an old Marxist propaganda ploy.
Ownership means having control, and they certainly didn't have that. The government made all the decisions.
Pretty true, but they didn't make the profits.
They weren't properly called "profits" in the economic sense. What they received was just a payment from the government.
Just like corporations, companies, and owners get payments from our government...
They get paid for selling something to the government. Most corporations do not rely on government sales for their revenue. They rely on private customers purchasing their products.

Under the NAZIs, the government was the sole determinate of how much "profit" the company recieved.
Only in there
Ownership means having control, and they certainly didn't have that. The government made all the decisions.
Pretty true, but they didn't make the profits.
They weren't properly called "profits" in the economic sense. What they received was just a payment from the government.
Just like corporations, companies, and owners get payments from our government...
They get paid for selling something to the government. Most corporations do not rely on government sales for their revenue. They rely on private customers purchasing their products.

Under the NAZIs, the government was the sole determinate of how much "profit" the company recieved.
They only cared about War industries
Ownership means having control, and they certainly didn't have that. The government made all the decisions.
Pretty true, but they didn't make the profits.
They weren't properly called "profits" in the economic sense. What they received was just a payment from the government.
Just like corporations, companies, and owners get payments from our government...
They get paid for selling something to the government. Most corporations do not rely on government sales for their revenue. They rely on private customers purchasing their products.

Under the NAZIs, the government was the sole determinate of how much "profit" the company recieved.
Only cared about War industries or propaganda.
Says who? Do you have something to back up your imbecile claims?

But you guys are far more fascist than Trump.
Look at Antifa. Antifa is basically the left-wing goon squads trying to shut down alternate opinions.

Well what political ideology is the elimination of dissenting opinions? Fascism. Where do you think "politically correct" came from? Fascism.

In 1934, The New York Times reported that Nazi Germany was granting reporting permits "only to pure 'Aryans' whose opinions are politically correct."

And when you see Democrats pushing the "Hush Rush" law in the 90s, and trying to prevent moderate speakers like Ben Shapiro from speaking.... What are you engaged in? Fascism.

The left-wing is far more Fascist than the right, and by a wide margin.
Fascism by definition is right wing, no matter what your BS propaganda machine says, super duper. Your propaganda machine is totally full of crap and b******* propaganda that never makes it to the real world of Journalism and law enforcement. Rush Limbaugh and the rest are totally full of crap. 3 minutes an hour of fact would kill them and the fugue State you have reached...
Wrong. The definition of "rightwing" is "endorses the free market, and private property." The definition of "leftwing" is "endorse government control and government ownership." Fascism clearly falls into the later category. Because some pinko professor says it's "rightwing," that doesn't mean it is. He has to prove it. He can't just say it, and that's all you turds ever do.
just because you don't know about the entire history of history and political science doesn't mean it doesn't exist, brainwashed ignorant functional moron. Everything you know is idiotic and wrong BS propaganda from the greedy idiot rich GOP, super dupes.
Pretty true, but they didn't make the profits.
They weren't properly called "profits" in the economic sense. What they received was just a payment from the government.
Just like corporations, companies, and owners get payments from our government...
They get paid for selling something to the government. Most corporations do not rely on government sales for their revenue. They rely on private customers purchasing their products.

Under the NAZIs, the government was the sole determinate of how much "profit" the company recieved.
Only in there
Pretty true, but they didn't make the profits.
They weren't properly called "profits" in the economic sense. What they received was just a payment from the government.
Just like corporations, companies, and owners get payments from our government...
They get paid for selling something to the government. Most corporations do not rely on government sales for their revenue. They rely on private customers purchasing their products.

Under the NAZIs, the government was the sole determinate of how much "profit" the company recieved.
They only cared about War industries
Pretty true, but they didn't make the profits.
They weren't properly called "profits" in the economic sense. What they received was just a payment from the government.
Just like corporations, companies, and owners get payments from our government...
They get paid for selling something to the government. Most corporations do not rely on government sales for their revenue. They rely on private customers purchasing their products.

Under the NAZIs, the government was the sole determinate of how much "profit" the company recieved.
Only cared about War industries or propaganda.
Says who? Do you have something to back up your imbecile claims?
As long as the aristocrats and companies were not in opposition or Jewish, the Nazis had no problem with capitalism, in fact their whole idea was to destroy socialism and communism, dumbass.social Democrats socialists and Communists were the first to go to the concentration camps. Read something anything super dupe. The only reason the Nazis had socialist in their party name was pure propaganda purpose. Works great with ignorant racists like yourself...

But you guys are far more fascist than Trump.
Look at Antifa. Antifa is basically the left-wing goon squads trying to shut down alternate opinions.

Well what political ideology is the elimination of dissenting opinions? Fascism. Where do you think "politically correct" came from? Fascism.

In 1934, The New York Times reported that Nazi Germany was granting reporting permits "only to pure 'Aryans' whose opinions are politically correct."

And when you see Democrats pushing the "Hush Rush" law in the 90s, and trying to prevent moderate speakers like Ben Shapiro from speaking.... What are you engaged in? Fascism.

The left-wing is far more Fascist than the right, and by a wide margin.
Fascism by definition is right wing, no matter what your BS propaganda machine says, super duper. Your propaganda machine is totally full of crap and b******* propaganda that never makes it to the real world of Journalism and law enforcement. Rush Limbaugh and the rest are totally full of crap. 3 minutes an hour of fact would kill them and the fugue State you have reached...
Wrong. The definition of "rightwing" is "endorses the free market, and private property." The definition of "leftwing" is "endorse government control and government ownership." Fascism clearly falls into the later category. Because some pinko professor says it's "rightwing," that doesn't mean it is. He has to prove it. He can't just say it, and that's all you turds ever do.
just because you don't know about the entire history of history and political science doesn't mean it doesn't exist, brainwashed ignorant functional moron. Everything you know is idiotic and wrong BS propaganda from the greedy idiot rich GOP, super dupes.
prove it, dumbass.
They weren't properly called "profits" in the economic sense. What they received was just a payment from the government.
Just like corporations, companies, and owners get payments from our government...
They get paid for selling something to the government. Most corporations do not rely on government sales for their revenue. They rely on private customers purchasing their products.

Under the NAZIs, the government was the sole determinate of how much "profit" the company recieved.
Only in there
They weren't properly called "profits" in the economic sense. What they received was just a payment from the government.
Just like corporations, companies, and owners get payments from our government...
They get paid for selling something to the government. Most corporations do not rely on government sales for their revenue. They rely on private customers purchasing their products.

Under the NAZIs, the government was the sole determinate of how much "profit" the company recieved.
They only cared about War industries
They weren't properly called "profits" in the economic sense. What they received was just a payment from the government.
Just like corporations, companies, and owners get payments from our government...
They get paid for selling something to the government. Most corporations do not rely on government sales for their revenue. They rely on private customers purchasing their products.

Under the NAZIs, the government was the sole determinate of how much "profit" the company recieved.
Only cared about War industries or propaganda.
Says who? Do you have something to back up your imbecile claims?
As long as the aristocrats and companies were not in opposition or Jewish, the Nazis had no problem with capitalism, in fact their whole idea was to destroy socialism and communism, dumbass.social Democrats socialists and Communists were the first to go to the concentration camps. Read something anything super dupe. The only reason the Nazis had socialist in their party name was pure propaganda purpose. Works great with ignorant racists like yourself...
Stalin sent plenty of socialists to the Gulag. That isn't proof that he was a rightwinger. The first thing a leftist does when he gets into power is lock up all the competing socialist parties. Stalin had one of his goons pound the pointy end of a geologist's rock hammer into Trotsky's head.

You use arguments that have already been knocked down 10,000 times.
I think it was Tucker Carlson who had a well known negro professor who is an avoided socialist/communist on recently.
Tucker asked the professor why socialism has never worked anywhere. The professor said: "you are right socialism has never worked because 'they' have never done it right".
I laughed so hard the G&T squirted out my nose!
What's G&T?
Gin and tonic. They're yummy after a hard early morning at the keyboard. LOL!
In the modern world and everywhere outside your GOP bubble of garbage propaganda. That is the old definition of socialism, everyone in the world outside of you GOP dupes calls that communism now. You are terminally brainwashed misinformed, confused and living on an imaginary planet. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed. Ask any socialist.and don't listen to GOP propaganda, Nazis and Communists for God's sake lol...
/——/ So when you get called out you just say the definition has changed. How convenient
People figured out that the USSR had no freedom or democracy of any kind, so it was no longer called socialism, except by Communists trying to bamboozle fools like you, and right-wing Liars like the Republicans who keep you confused, Cold War dinosaur Dupe. Every successful rich country in the world is socialist. If we ever ever get good health care, we will qualify too,although we are of course a giveaway to the rich screw the rest GOP mess. If the GOP didn't have garbage propaganda oh, they wouldn't have anything. Breaking for brainwashed functional morons... Hillary is honest and the rich do not pay enough in taxes, wrecking our infrastructure and middle-class the last 35 years.
Just like corporations, companies, and owners get payments from our government...
They get paid for selling something to the government. Most corporations do not rely on government sales for their revenue. They rely on private customers purchasing their products.

Under the NAZIs, the government was the sole determinate of how much "profit" the company recieved.
Only in there
Just like corporations, companies, and owners get payments from our government...
They get paid for selling something to the government. Most corporations do not rely on government sales for their revenue. They rely on private customers purchasing their products.

Under the NAZIs, the government was the sole determinate of how much "profit" the company recieved.
They only cared about War industries
Just like corporations, companies, and owners get payments from our government...
They get paid for selling something to the government. Most corporations do not rely on government sales for their revenue. They rely on private customers purchasing their products.

Under the NAZIs, the government was the sole determinate of how much "profit" the company recieved.
Only cared about War industries or propaganda.
Says who? Do you have something to back up your imbecile claims?
As long as the aristocrats and companies were not in opposition or Jewish, the Nazis had no problem with capitalism, in fact their whole idea was to destroy socialism and communism, dumbass.social Democrats socialists and Communists were the first to go to the concentration camps. Read something anything super dupe. The only reason the Nazis had socialist in their party name was pure propaganda purpose. Works great with ignorant racists like yourself...
Stalin sent plenty of socialists to the Gulag. That isn't proof that he was a rightwinger. The first thing a leftist does when he gets into power is lock up all the competing socialist parties. Stalin had one of his goons pound the pointy end of a geologist's rock hammer into Trotsky's head.

You use arguments that have already been knocked down 10,000 times.
It's proof that Stalin was a totalitarian dictator. he sent everyone to the gulags LOL. He's totalitarian left-wing because the state owned every business and industry duh. Hitler was right wing totalitarian because the economy remained capitalist, although totally controlled. Read something please, super duper. Right-wing does not mean freedom unicorns and GOP, it means capitalist and more and more totalitarian until it finally reaches Nazism and fascism... Every Poli SCI and history department in the world agrees, only bought off GOP propaganda agrees with your garbage. Read something LOL
Neo-Marxists always say: "If only Socialism was done correctly".....World history confirms that Socialism can NEVER be 'done correctly' and is currently responsible for killing the most innocent souls.
Neo-Marxists always say: "If only Socialism was done correctly".....World history confirms that Socialism can NEVER be 'done correctly' and is currently responsible for killing the most innocent souls.
Neo-Marxists always say: "If only Socialism was done correctly".....World history confirms that Socialism can NEVER be 'done correctly' and is currently responsible for killing the most innocent souls.
That's communism, brainwashed functional moron Cold War dinosaur GOP dupe. Everywhere outside your bubble of ignorance, socialism means Fair capitalism with a good safety net.
Neo-Marxists always say: "If only Socialism was done correctly".....World history confirms that Socialism can NEVER be 'done correctly' and is currently responsible for killing the most innocent souls.
Neo-Marxists always say: "If only Socialism was done correctly".....World history confirms that Socialism can NEVER be 'done correctly' and is currently responsible for killing the most innocent souls.
That's communism, brainwashed functional moron Cold War dinosaur GOP dupe. Everywhere outside your bubble of ignorance, socialism means Fair capitalism with a good safety net.
"We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed....

But you guys are far more fascist than Trump.
Look at Antifa. Antifa is basically the left-wing goon squads trying to shut down alternate opinions.

Well what political ideology is the elimination of dissenting opinions? Fascism. Where do you think "politically correct" came from? Fascism.

In 1934, The New York Times reported that Nazi Germany was granting reporting permits "only to pure 'Aryans' whose opinions are politically correct."

And when you see Democrats pushing the "Hush Rush" law in the 90s, and trying to prevent moderate speakers like Ben Shapiro from speaking.... What are you engaged in? Fascism.

The left-wing is far more Fascist than the right, and by a wide margin.
Fascism by definition is right wing, no matter what your BS propaganda machine says, super duper. Your propaganda machine is totally full of crap and b******* propaganda that never makes it to the real world of Journalism and law enforcement. Rush Limbaugh and the rest are totally full of crap. 3 minutes an hour of fact would kill them and the fugue State you have reached...

Fascism by definition is right wing

You twats used to whine that right-wingers wanted to make government small enough to drown in the bathtub, that we said businesses should be free to pollute and rape the environment free from any regulation, but now you're saying right-wingers want the government to be big enough to totally control what businesses can do?

Make up your tiny minds and decide which one it is already.

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