Who's Afraid of Socialism?

Nazi George is REALLY stupid.

But he makes up for it by being insidiously evil....

"The stubborn appeal of the libertarian idea persists, despite mountains of evidence that the free market is neither efficient, nor fair, nor free from periodic catastrophe.

The Libertarian Delusion | BillMoyers.com

"In an Adam Smith world, the interplay of supply and demand yields a price that signals producers what to make and investors where to put their capital.

"The more that government interferes with this sublime discipline, the more bureaucrats deflect the market from its true path."

So where's the problem with the market?
Do you see how a market that distributes goods and services based solely on the ability to pay will exclude a large percentage of workers from being unable to buy what they produce?

No recessions under Marxism, eh?
As long as capitalists control the IMF, World Bank, and global reserve currencies recessions are inevitable. When are you expecting the next one?
The Next Recession: What It Could Look Like | Op-Eds & Columns | CEPR
So you're saying we should put someone like Maduro in charge?

What's G&T?
Gin and tonic. They're yummy after a hard early morning at the keyboard. LOL!
In the modern world and everywhere outside your GOP bubble of garbage propaganda. That is the old definition of socialism, everyone in the world outside of you GOP dupes calls that communism now. You are terminally brainwashed misinformed, confused and living on an imaginary planet. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed. Ask any socialist.and don't listen to GOP propaganda, Nazis and Communists for God's sake lol...
/——/ So when you get called out you just say the definition has changed. How convenient
People figured out that the USSR had no freedom or democracy of any kind, so it was no longer called socialism, except by Communists trying to bamboozle fools like you, and right-wing Liars like the Republicans who keep you confused, Cold War dinosaur Dupe. Every successful rich country in the world is socialist. If we ever ever get good health care, we will qualify too,although we are of course a giveaway to the rich screw the rest GOP mess. If the GOP didn't have garbage propaganda oh, they wouldn't have anything. Breaking for brainwashed functional morons... Hillary is honest and the rich do not pay enough in taxes, wrecking our infrastructure and middle-class the last 35 years.
/----/ People figured it out??? What kind of horseshyt is that? Librtards bemoaned the USSR when it collapsed. Intelligent people know it was a slave state from the get go. You're trying to rewrite and dilute the evil empire as something harmless.
By the 1930s people had figured out that the USSR was garbage and I would like you to show me some liberals who felt bad about it falling LOL. Under Lenin until 1926 there were elements of capitalism and democracy. Stalin followed.
Nazi George is REALLY stupid.

But he makes up for it by being insidiously evil....

"The stubborn appeal of the libertarian idea persists, despite mountains of evidence that the free market is neither efficient, nor fair, nor free from periodic catastrophe.

The Libertarian Delusion | BillMoyers.com

"In an Adam Smith world, the interplay of supply and demand yields a price that signals producers what to make and investors where to put their capital.

"The more that government interferes with this sublime discipline, the more bureaucrats deflect the market from its true path."

So where's the problem with the market?
Do you see how a market that distributes goods and services based solely on the ability to pay will exclude a large percentage of workers from being unable to buy what they produce?

No recessions under Marxism, eh?
As long as capitalists control the IMF, World Bank, and global reserve currencies recessions are inevitable. When are you expecting the next one?
The Next Recession: What It Could Look Like | Op-Eds & Columns | CEPR
It is more like when the Republicans control regulation, a recession or depression following a corrupt bubble and bust will follow...see 1929 1989 2008 and any minute now.

"The stubborn appeal of the libertarian idea persists, despite mountains of evidence that the free market is neither efficient, nor fair, nor free from periodic catastrophe.

The Libertarian Delusion | BillMoyers.com

"In an Adam Smith world, the interplay of supply and demand yields a price that signals producers what to make and investors where to put their capital.

"The more that government interferes with this sublime discipline, the more bureaucrats deflect the market from its true path."

So where's the problem with the market?
Do you see how a market that distributes goods and services based solely on the ability to pay will exclude a large percentage of workers from being unable to buy what they produce?

No recessions under Marxism, eh?
As long as capitalists control the IMF, World Bank, and global reserve currencies recessions are inevitable. When are you expecting the next one?
The Next Recession: What It Could Look Like | Op-Eds & Columns | CEPR
So you're saying we should put someone like Maduro in charge?

Maduro's predecessor would be my choice:

How Venezuela went from a rich democracy to a dictatorship on the brink of collapse

"Understanding Maduro requires understanding his predecessor Hugo Chávez, the populist firebrand who served as president of Venezuela from 1999 until his death in 2013 and spearheaded the country’s experiment with socialism.

"Chávez is a legendary figure in Venezuela who transformed the country’s political and economic landscape by nationalizing industries and funneling enormous amounts of government money into social programs.

"Under his rule, Venezuela’s unemployment rate halved, income per capita more than doubled, the poverty rate fell by more than half, education improved, and infant mortality rates declined.

"While he sparked ferocious opposition among the country’s elites and conservatives — who at one point attempted a coup against him — he was loved by the country’s poor and working classes."

But you guys are far more fascist than Trump.
Look at Antifa. Antifa is basically the left-wing goon squads trying to shut down alternate opinions.

Well what political ideology is the elimination of dissenting opinions? Fascism. Where do you think "politically correct" came from? Fascism.

In 1934, The New York Times reported that Nazi Germany was granting reporting permits "only to pure 'Aryans' whose opinions are politically correct."

And when you see Democrats pushing the "Hush Rush" law in the 90s, and trying to prevent moderate speakers like Ben Shapiro from speaking.... What are you engaged in? Fascism.

The left-wing is far more Fascist than the right, and by a wide margin.
Leftists of conscience recognize how Antifa and the Alt-Right are mirror images of those discarded by elites on both sides of the political aisle.

In general, leftists are less willing to embrace violence for the sake of violence than those on the right are.

How ‘Antifa’ Mirrors the ‘Alt-Right’
"How ‘Antifa’ Mirrors the ‘Alt-Right’..."

"Behind the rhetoric of the “
alt-right” about white nativism and protecting American traditions, history and Christian values is the lust for violence.

"Behind the rhetoric of
antifa, the Black Bloc and the so-called “alt-left” about capitalism, racism, state repression and corporate power is the same lust for violence.

"The two opposing groups, largely made up of people who have been cast aside by the cruelty of corporate capitalism, have embraced holy war.

"Their lives, battered by economic misery and social marginalization, have suddenly been filled with meaning.

"They hold themselves up as the vanguard of the oppressed.

"They arrogate to themselves the right to use force to silence those they define as the enemy.

"They sanctify anger."
Gin and tonic. They're yummy after a hard early morning at the keyboard. LOL!
In the modern world and everywhere outside your GOP bubble of garbage propaganda. That is the old definition of socialism, everyone in the world outside of you GOP dupes calls that communism now. You are terminally brainwashed misinformed, confused and living on an imaginary planet. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed. Ask any socialist.and don't listen to GOP propaganda, Nazis and Communists for God's sake lol...
/——/ So when you get called out you just say the definition has changed. How convenient
People figured out that the USSR had no freedom or democracy of any kind, so it was no longer called socialism, except by Communists trying to bamboozle fools like you, and right-wing Liars like the Republicans who keep you confused, Cold War dinosaur Dupe. Every successful rich country in the world is socialist. If we ever ever get good health care, we will qualify too,although we are of course a giveaway to the rich screw the rest GOP mess. If the GOP didn't have garbage propaganda oh, they wouldn't have anything. Breaking for brainwashed functional morons... Hillary is honest and the rich do not pay enough in taxes, wrecking our infrastructure and middle-class the last 35 years.
/----/ People figured it out??? What kind of horseshyt is that? Librtards bemoaned the USSR when it collapsed. Intelligent people know it was a slave state from the get go. You're trying to rewrite and dilute the evil empire as something harmless.
By the 1930s people had figured out that the USSR was garbage and I would like you to show me some liberals who felt bad about it falling LOL. Under Lenin until 1926 there were elements of capitalism and democracy. Stalin followed.
/----/ I don't know about you, but I was in my 30s when the USSR collapsed and I recall the libtard prognosticators on liberal talk shows say it was a mistake to let them collapse.
Old Letters to the editor BELCH Kennedy was on who allied with the USSR.
Ted Kennedy and his Liberal Brethren were engaged in the larger, anti-American, Soviet-orchestrated world disarmament and peace movement. They viewed our support of NATO in facing down a menacing Soviet build-up Eastern Europe as a provocative move. To be generous toward their motives, I will only say that history has shown that they were fools at best. Reagan correctly saw the Soviets as a hollow system on the verge of collapse.
This authenticated letter [link], uncovered when the KGB files were opened after the fall of the Soviet Union expose Kennedy’s duplicity in dealing with the Soviets behind the scenes and without permission of the USG. The POTUS alone is charged with negotiating with foreign nations per the USC.

"The stubborn appeal of the libertarian idea persists, despite mountains of evidence that the free market is neither efficient, nor fair, nor free from periodic catastrophe.

The Libertarian Delusion | BillMoyers.com

"In an Adam Smith world, the interplay of supply and demand yields a price that signals producers what to make and investors where to put their capital.

"The more that government interferes with this sublime discipline, the more bureaucrats deflect the market from its true path."

So where's the problem with the market?
Do you see how a market that distributes goods and services based solely on the ability to pay will exclude a large percentage of workers from being unable to buy what they produce?

No recessions under Marxism, eh?
As long as capitalists control the IMF, World Bank, and global reserve currencies recessions are inevitable. When are you expecting the next one?
The Next Recession: What It Could Look Like | Op-Eds & Columns | CEPR
It is more like when the Republicans control regulation, a recession or depression following a corrupt bubble and bust will follow...see 1929 1989 2008 and any minute now.
I was expecting the next recession in 2019, so I was surprised by Dean Baker's analysis; I tend to trust his judgement because he was predicting the 2008 meltdown while others were telling Americans how strong their economy was.

The Next Recession: What It Could Look Like | Op-Eds & Columns | CEPR

"Again, this is not a story that is likely to play out in 2019. The inflation rate remains under 2.0 percent using the core personal consumption expenditure deflator, which is the key measure for the Fed.

"However, if wage growth does continue to pick up in the next few months, then we are likely to see a somewhat higher inflation rate in the near future.

"That could trigger more aggressive rate hikes by the Fed.

"Given the lag between increases in interest rates and their impact on the economy, Fed rate hikes in the middle of 2019 will not lead to a recession in 2019, but they certainly could in 2020.

"That would be my best guess as to what the next recession looks like and when it will come.

"There can always be extraneous factors that would hugely change the picture.

"For example, if a war or revolution lead to large disruptions of oil flows and therefore sharp price rises. It is also possible that Trump’s trade wars get completely out of control and go from being minor drags on the economy to major disruptions."

Never Underestimate Trump.
Nazi George is REALLY stupid.

But he makes up for it by being insidiously evil....

"The stubborn appeal of the libertarian idea persists, despite mountains of evidence that the free market is neither efficient, nor fair, nor free from periodic catastrophe.

The Libertarian Delusion | BillMoyers.com

"In an Adam Smith world, the interplay of supply and demand yields a price that signals producers what to make and investors where to put their capital.

"The more that government interferes with this sublime discipline, the more bureaucrats deflect the market from its true path."

So where's the problem with the market?
Do you see how a market that distributes goods and services based solely on the ability to pay will exclude a large percentage of workers from being unable to buy what they produce?

No recessions under Marxism, eh?
As long as capitalists control the IMF, World Bank, and global reserve currencies recessions are inevitable. When are you expecting the next one?
The Next Recession: What It Could Look Like | Op-Eds & Columns | CEPR

No recessions before the IMF or world bank?
So where's the problem with the market?
Do you see how a market that distributes goods and services based solely on the ability to pay will exclude a large percentage of workers from being unable to buy what they produce?

No recessions under Marxism, eh?
As long as capitalists control the IMF, World Bank, and global reserve currencies recessions are inevitable. When are you expecting the next one?
The Next Recession: What It Could Look Like | Op-Eds & Columns | CEPR
So you're saying we should put someone like Maduro in charge?

Maduro's predecessor would be my choice:

How Venezuela went from a rich democracy to a dictatorship on the brink of collapse

"Understanding Maduro requires understanding his predecessor Hugo Chávez, the populist firebrand who served as president of Venezuela from 1999 until his death in 2013 and spearheaded the country’s experiment with socialism.

"Chávez is a legendary figure in Venezuela who transformed the country’s political and economic landscape by nationalizing industries and funneling enormous amounts of government money into social programs.

"Under his rule, Venezuela’s unemployment rate halved, income per capita more than doubled, the poverty rate fell by more than half, education improved, and infant mortality rates declined.

"While he sparked ferocious opposition among the country’s elites and conservatives — who at one point attempted a coup against him — he was loved by the country’s poor and working classes."
he was loved by the country’s poor and working classes."

They're loving him now, a-hole.
You twats used to whine that right-wingers wanted to make government small enough to drown in the bathtub, that we said businesses should be free to pollute and rape the environment free from any regulation, but now you're saying right-wingers want the government to be big enough to totally control what businesses can do?
Are you saying the biggest businesses should use their influence to totally control government regulation of their activities?

Group of 30 :: Consultative Group on International Economic and Monetary Affairs, Inc.
You twats used to whine that right-wingers wanted to make government small enough to drown in the bathtub, that we said businesses should be free to pollute and rape the environment free from any regulation, but now you're saying right-wingers want the government to be big enough to totally control what businesses can do?
Are you saying the biggest businesses should use their influence to totally control government regulation of their activities?

Group of 30 :: Consultative Group on International Economic and Monetary Affairs, Inc.

Am I saying that? Where?

"The stubborn appeal of the libertarian idea persists, despite mountains of evidence that the free market is neither efficient, nor fair, nor free from periodic catastrophe.

The Libertarian Delusion | BillMoyers.com

"In an Adam Smith world, the interplay of supply and demand yields a price that signals producers what to make and investors where to put their capital.

"The more that government interferes with this sublime discipline, the more bureaucrats deflect the market from its true path."

So where's the problem with the market?
Do you see how a market that distributes goods and services based solely on the ability to pay will exclude a large percentage of workers from being unable to buy what they produce?

No recessions under Marxism, eh?
As long as capitalists control the IMF, World Bank, and global reserve currencies recessions are inevitable. When are you expecting the next one?
The Next Recession: What It Could Look Like | Op-Eds & Columns | CEPR

No recessions before the IMF or world bank?
Was recession a problem before capitalism?
"‘Recession is capitalism as usual’"

‘Recession is capitalism as usual’

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So where's the problem with the market?
Do you see how a market that distributes goods and services based solely on the ability to pay will exclude a large percentage of workers from being unable to buy what they produce?

No recessions under Marxism, eh?
As long as capitalists control the IMF, World Bank, and global reserve currencies recessions are inevitable. When are you expecting the next one?
The Next Recession: What It Could Look Like | Op-Eds & Columns | CEPR

No recessions before the IMF or world bank?
Was recession a problem before capitalism?
"‘Recession is capitalism as usual’"

‘Recession is capitalism as usual’

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Was recession a problem before capitalism?

No, neither was growth.

Do you have any sources who aren't Commies?
Gin and tonic. They're yummy after a hard early morning at the keyboard. LOL!
In the modern world and everywhere outside your GOP bubble of garbage propaganda. That is the old definition of socialism, everyone in the world outside of you GOP dupes calls that communism now. You are terminally brainwashed misinformed, confused and living on an imaginary planet. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed. Ask any socialist.and don't listen to GOP propaganda, Nazis and Communists for God's sake lol...
/——/ So when you get called out you just say the definition has changed. How convenient
People figured out that the USSR had no freedom or democracy of any kind, so it was no longer called socialism, except by Communists trying to bamboozle fools like you, and right-wing Liars like the Republicans who keep you confused, Cold War dinosaur Dupe. Every successful rich country in the world is socialist. If we ever ever get good health care, we will qualify too,although we are of course a giveaway to the rich screw the rest GOP mess. If the GOP didn't have garbage propaganda oh, they wouldn't have anything. Breaking for brainwashed functional morons... Hillary is honest and the rich do not pay enough in taxes, wrecking our infrastructure and middle-class the last 35 years.
/----/ People figured it out??? What kind of horseshyt is that? Librtards bemoaned the USSR when it collapsed. Intelligent people know it was a slave state from the get go. You're trying to rewrite and dilute the evil empire as something harmless.
By the 1930s people had figured out that the USSR was garbage and I would like you to show me some liberals who felt bad about it falling LOL. Under Lenin until 1926 there were elements of capitalism and democracy. Stalin followed.
Yes, we know socialism was a huge failure as demonstrated by the USSR. It fails every time it's tried.
So where's the problem with the market?
Do you see how a market that distributes goods and services based solely on the ability to pay will exclude a large percentage of workers from being unable to buy what they produce?

No recessions under Marxism, eh?
As long as capitalists control the IMF, World Bank, and global reserve currencies recessions are inevitable. When are you expecting the next one?
The Next Recession: What It Could Look Like | Op-Eds & Columns | CEPR

No recessions before the IMF or world bank?
Was recession a problem before capitalism?
"‘Recession is capitalism as usual’"

‘Recession is capitalism as usual’

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People who starved on a regular basis had no use for terms like "recession."
Do you see how a market that distributes goods and services based solely on the ability to pay will exclude a large percentage of workers from being unable to buy what they produce?

No recessions under Marxism, eh?
As long as capitalists control the IMF, World Bank, and global reserve currencies recessions are inevitable. When are you expecting the next one?
The Next Recession: What It Could Look Like | Op-Eds & Columns | CEPR
So you're saying we should put someone like Maduro in charge?

Maduro's predecessor would be my choice:

How Venezuela went from a rich democracy to a dictatorship on the brink of collapse

"Understanding Maduro requires understanding his predecessor Hugo Chávez, the populist firebrand who served as president of Venezuela from 1999 until his death in 2013 and spearheaded the country’s experiment with socialism.

"Chávez is a legendary figure in Venezuela who transformed the country’s political and economic landscape by nationalizing industries and funneling enormous amounts of government money into social programs.

"Under his rule, Venezuela’s unemployment rate halved, income per capita more than doubled, the poverty rate fell by more than half, education improved, and infant mortality rates declined.

"While he sparked ferocious opposition among the country’s elites and conservatives — who at one point attempted a coup against him — he was loved by the country’s poor and working classes."
he was loved by the country’s poor and working classes."

They're loving him now, a-hole.

"Venezuela became increasingly politicised, with the debate focusing on the role of President Chavez himself.

"To maintain political support, Mr Chavez expanded his social programmes using the income derived from high oil prices.

"Minimum wages were increased sharply and many Venezuelans were lifted out of poverty.

"Other social indicators, notably literacy, also improved and Mr Chavez and his political movement had little difficulty in defeating an opposition that was deeply divided and unable to adjust to the new Venezuelan realities."

Analysis: How Chavez changed Venezuela

When did Americans love Trump as much, Gringo?
Wrong again super duper. Fascism is right wing very capitalist and nationalist garbage. You are in it right now, the GOP right wing is damn close to fascist thank God they love freedom so much so they remain Americans just crazy ones.

Oh really you fucking lying pile of shit?

What is it that makes fascism right wing?

The supremacy of the state like in Marxism? The absolute control of the means of production as in Marxism? The absolute repression of civil liberties as in Marxism? Totalitarianism as in Marxism? Terrorist activities against the population, as is the case in Marxism?

Look, you're a fucking liar, we get it. You're a Nazi pile of shit who advocates genocide, we get it. If you actually are American, you're a fucking traitor.

And those are your good points.
It's because they're racists, don't ya know. Of course, Woodrow Wilson brought back segregation to the Army, and FDR was a racist who barred Jews from immigrating to the country and put Japanese in concentration camps. Stalin was also a notorious antisemite.

George is the most vile racist on this forum.

Franco is #2

These are a couple of Nazis who desperately need to be worm food.

Aren't you proud, Shithead?

I'm I proud that you're a fucking liar and a Nazi?

No, you disgust me, you're a pile of shit with no redeeming qualities.
No recessions under Marxism, eh?
As long as capitalists control the IMF, World Bank, and global reserve currencies recessions are inevitable. When are you expecting the next one?
The Next Recession: What It Could Look Like | Op-Eds & Columns | CEPR
So you're saying we should put someone like Maduro in charge?

Maduro's predecessor would be my choice:

How Venezuela went from a rich democracy to a dictatorship on the brink of collapse

"Understanding Maduro requires understanding his predecessor Hugo Chávez, the populist firebrand who served as president of Venezuela from 1999 until his death in 2013 and spearheaded the country’s experiment with socialism.

"Chávez is a legendary figure in Venezuela who transformed the country’s political and economic landscape by nationalizing industries and funneling enormous amounts of government money into social programs.

"Under his rule, Venezuela’s unemployment rate halved, income per capita more than doubled, the poverty rate fell by more than half, education improved, and infant mortality rates declined.

"While he sparked ferocious opposition among the country’s elites and conservatives — who at one point attempted a coup against him — he was loved by the country’s poor and working classes."
he was loved by the country’s poor and working classes."

They're loving him now, a-hole.

"Venezuela became increasingly politicised, with the debate focusing on the role of President Chavez himself.

"To maintain political support, Mr Chavez expanded his social programmes using the income derived from high oil prices.

"Minimum wages were increased sharply and many Venezuelans were lifted out of poverty.

"Other social indicators, notably literacy, also improved and Mr Chavez and his political movement had little difficulty in defeating an opposition that was deeply divided and unable to adjust to the new Venezuelan realities."

Analysis: How Chavez changed Venezuela

When did Americans love Trump as much, Gringo?

"Minimum wages were increased sharply and many Venezuelans were lifted out of poverty.

Yep, it was a huge success, as can be seen by the "Venezuela Diet"!

Other social indicators, notably literacy, also improved

What about the indicators, starvation and no toilet paper?
No recessions under Marxism, eh?
As long as capitalists control the IMF, World Bank, and global reserve currencies recessions are inevitable. When are you expecting the next one?
The Next Recession: What It Could Look Like | Op-Eds & Columns | CEPR
So you're saying we should put someone like Maduro in charge?

Maduro's predecessor would be my choice:

How Venezuela went from a rich democracy to a dictatorship on the brink of collapse

"Understanding Maduro requires understanding his predecessor Hugo Chávez, the populist firebrand who served as president of Venezuela from 1999 until his death in 2013 and spearheaded the country’s experiment with socialism.

"Chávez is a legendary figure in Venezuela who transformed the country’s political and economic landscape by nationalizing industries and funneling enormous amounts of government money into social programs.

"Under his rule, Venezuela’s unemployment rate halved, income per capita more than doubled, the poverty rate fell by more than half, education improved, and infant mortality rates declined.

"While he sparked ferocious opposition among the country’s elites and conservatives — who at one point attempted a coup against him — he was loved by the country’s poor and working classes."
he was loved by the country’s poor and working classes."

They're loving him now, a-hole.

"Venezuela became increasingly politicised, with the debate focusing on the role of President Chavez himself.

"To maintain political support, Mr Chavez expanded his social programmes using the income derived from high oil prices.

"Minimum wages were increased sharply and many Venezuelans were lifted out of poverty.

"Other social indicators, notably literacy, also improved and Mr Chavez and his political movement had little difficulty in defeating an opposition that was deeply divided and unable to adjust to the new Venezuelan realities."

Analysis: How Chavez changed Venezuela

When did Americans love Trump as much, Gringo?
Now they are all starving and eating their pets, so what did Chavez accomplish?
Do you see how a market that distributes goods and services based solely on the ability to pay will exclude a large percentage of workers from being unable to buy what they produce?

No recessions under Marxism, eh?
As long as capitalists control the IMF, World Bank, and global reserve currencies recessions are inevitable. When are you expecting the next one?
The Next Recession: What It Could Look Like | Op-Eds & Columns | CEPR

No recessions before the IMF or world bank?
Was recession a problem before capitalism?
"‘Recession is capitalism as usual’"

‘Recession is capitalism as usual’

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Was recession a problem before capitalism?

No, neither was growth.

Do you have any sources who aren't Commies?
Define "commie"

‘Recession is capitalism as usual’

"In our view, the current economic crisis (1974) flows from corporate and Government efforts to make working people in this country pay the costs of the collapse and reconstruction of the American corporate empire.

"The crisis is beginning to push the American economic system toward some basic institutional changes. As those changes develop, we shall all be forced to ask whose interests they will serve and whose they will subvert."

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