Who's Afraid of Socialism?

That's communism, brainwashed functional moron Cold War dinosaur GOP dupe. Everywhere outside your bubble of ignorance, socialism means Fair capitalism with a good safety net.

Oh Lord!! What did I just say.....Another 'if only Socialism was done right' clueless, neo-Marxist.
Fascism isn't capitalism, dumbass. It's socialism.

CPGB: The Question of Fascism and Capitalist Decay

But you guys are far more fascist than Trump.
Look at Antifa. Antifa is basically the left-wing goon squads trying to shut down alternate opinions.

Well what political ideology is the elimination of dissenting opinions? Fascism. Where do you think "politically correct" came from? Fascism.

In 1934, The New York Times reported that Nazi Germany was granting reporting permits "only to pure 'Aryans' whose opinions are politically correct."

And when you see Democrats pushing the "Hush Rush" law in the 90s, and trying to prevent moderate speakers like Ben Shapiro from speaking.... What are you engaged in? Fascism.

The left-wing is far more Fascist than the right, and by a wide margin.
Fascism by definition is right wing, no matter what your BS propaganda machine says, super duper. Your propaganda machine is totally full of crap and b******* propaganda that never makes it to the real world of Journalism and law enforcement. Rush Limbaugh and the rest are totally full of crap. 3 minutes an hour of fact would kill them and the fugue State you have reached...

Fascism by definition is right wing

You twats used to whine that right-wingers wanted to make government small enough to drown in the bathtub, that we said businesses should be free to pollute and rape the environment free from any regulation, but now you're saying right-wingers want the government to be big enough to totally control what businesses can do?

Make up your tiny minds and decide which one it is already.
The new BS GOP simply wants to cut taxes on the rich and screw the rest. Small government and family values my ass. Reagan and George W bush Grew government more than anyone...

But you guys are far more fascist than Trump.
Look at Antifa. Antifa is basically the left-wing goon squads trying to shut down alternate opinions.

Well what political ideology is the elimination of dissenting opinions? Fascism. Where do you think "politically correct" came from? Fascism.

In 1934, The New York Times reported that Nazi Germany was granting reporting permits "only to pure 'Aryans' whose opinions are politically correct."

And when you see Democrats pushing the "Hush Rush" law in the 90s, and trying to prevent moderate speakers like Ben Shapiro from speaking.... What are you engaged in? Fascism.

The left-wing is far more Fascist than the right, and by a wide margin.
Fascism by definition is right wing, no matter what your BS propaganda machine says, super duper. Your propaganda machine is totally full of crap and b******* propaganda that never makes it to the real world of Journalism and law enforcement. Rush Limbaugh and the rest are totally full of crap. 3 minutes an hour of fact would kill them and the fugue State you have reached...

Fascism by definition is right wing

You twats used to whine that right-wingers wanted to make government small enough to drown in the bathtub, that we said businesses should be free to pollute and rape the environment free from any regulation, but now you're saying right-wingers want the government to be big enough to totally control what businesses can do?

Make up your tiny minds and decide which one it is already.
The new BS GOP simply wants to cut taxes on the rich and screw the rest. Small government and family values my ass. Reagan and George W bush Grew government more than anyone...
And huge deficits in supposedly Good Times, what a scam. And Trump is doing it again...
just because you don't know about the entire history of history and political science doesn't mean it doesn't exist, brainwashed ignorant functional moron. Everything you know is idiotic and wrong BS propaganda from the greedy idiot rich GOP, super dupes.

No 'funny-boy' Franco, your version of history and political science is ignorant and brainwashed. Don't expect sane folks to agree with your propaganda. ;Here's the real, fact based story of Socialism. (neo-Marxism, etc.)

"Socialists believe that socialist regimes have chosen the wrong jockeys to ride the socialist horse to its deserved victory. Bad jockeys such as Stalin, Mao, Fidel, Pol Pot, and Hugo Chavez chose tactics and policies that led their socialist horse astray. But actually, a look at how the Soviet Union actually worked reveals that it’s the horse itself that’s the problem."

"The basics of the Soviet “horse” were in place by the early 1930s. Under this system, Stalin and his Politburo set general priorities for industrial ministries and a state planning commission. The ministers and planners worked in tandem to draw up economic plans. Managers of the hundreds of thousands of plants, factories, food stores, and even farms were obligated by law to fulfill the plans handed down by their superiors."

Why Socialism Fails
And huge deficits in supposedly Good Times, what a scam. And Trump is doing it again...

Deficits are tied to U.S. Treasury bonds which are issued to cover U.S. debt. As long as the U.S. is solvent and the economy is booming (as it is now) investors will 'buy' these bonds and reduce the deficit. You are confused with the Obama era.
They get paid for selling something to the government. Most corporations do not rely on government sales for their revenue. They rely on private customers purchasing their products.

Under the NAZIs, the government was the sole determinate of how much "profit" the company recieved.
Only in there
They get paid for selling something to the government. Most corporations do not rely on government sales for their revenue. They rely on private customers purchasing their products.

Under the NAZIs, the government was the sole determinate of how much "profit" the company recieved.
They only cared about War industries
They get paid for selling something to the government. Most corporations do not rely on government sales for their revenue. They rely on private customers purchasing their products.

Under the NAZIs, the government was the sole determinate of how much "profit" the company recieved.
Only cared about War industries or propaganda.
Says who? Do you have something to back up your imbecile claims?
As long as the aristocrats and companies were not in opposition or Jewish, the Nazis had no problem with capitalism, in fact their whole idea was to destroy socialism and communism, dumbass.social Democrats socialists and Communists were the first to go to the concentration camps. Read something anything super dupe. The only reason the Nazis had socialist in their party name was pure propaganda purpose. Works great with ignorant racists like yourself...
Stalin sent plenty of socialists to the Gulag. That isn't proof that he was a rightwinger. The first thing a leftist does when he gets into power is lock up all the competing socialist parties. Stalin had one of his goons pound the pointy end of a geologist's rock hammer into Trotsky's head.

You use arguments that have already been knocked down 10,000 times.
It's proof that Stalin was a totalitarian dictator. he sent everyone to the gulags LOL. He's totalitarian left-wing because the state owned every business and industry duh. Hitler was right wing totalitarian because the economy remained capitalist, although totally controlled. Read something please, super duper. Right-wing does not mean freedom unicorns and GOP, it means capitalist and more and more totalitarian until it finally reaches Nazism and fascism... Every Poli SCI and history department in the world agrees, only bought off GOP propaganda agrees with your garbage. Read something LOL

Hitler was right wing totalitarian because the economy remained capitalist, although totally controlled.

If only you could understand how totally stupid that sentence is!
The Germans were right-wing Nazi fascists who murdered the socialists and communists in their Fatherland before slaughtering millions more in Russia.

Eastern Front (World War II) - Wikipedia

Fascism is socialism you doofus......

Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism

"The most striking example of the miscellaneous nature of national and international politics is the interesting argument – supported by many – that theories that apparently oppose and contradict each other might, in fact, be surprisingly similar. This is the case of fascism and socialism."

Read more: Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism
Didn't like that much because they seem to go on about socialism as communism, after already saying there were Democratic socialism progressive socialism liberal socialism, none of which do the Communist thing. In the second link anyway.
Mussolini is among the architects of fascism:

Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism

Fascism is a far-right nationalistic movement first born in Italy at the beginning of the 20th century[1]. According to one of its main exponents – Benito Mussolini – the fascist philosophy is based on three main pillars[2]:

  1. 'Everything in the state'
  2. 'Nothing outside the state'
  3. 'Nothing against the state'
"A fascist government is supreme, and all institutions must conform to the willing of the ruling authority.

"Moreover, opposition is not tolerated: the fascist ideology has primacy and supremacy over all other perspectives, and the ultimate goal of a fascist country is to rule the world and spread the “superior ideology” everywhere."

Read more: Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism

The Italian dictator also worshiped the corporation:

Not exactly consistent with socialism bringing democracy to the workplace.
The merger of state and corporate power is not capitalism, dumbass. That's socialism. Socialism does not require democracy to be socialist. All that's required is for the government to own the means of production. Any other definition of socialism is propaganda. In fact, socialism and democracy are mutually exclusive. We've seen that in the USSR, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, you name it.
The merger of state and corporate power is fascism as one of your idols pointed out:

Talk:Giovanni Gentile - Wikipedia

Try thinking of socialism as a form or economic democracy, a process which proposes to shift decision-making power from corporate managers and corporate shareholders to a larger group of public stakeholders including workers, customers, suppliers, neighbors, and the broader public instead of a fraction of the richest one percent of humanity making decisions that affect the lives of millions of productive human beings.

Group of 30 :: Consultative Group on International Economic and Monetary Affairs, Inc.
I think it was Tucker Carlson who had a well known negro professor who is an avoided socialist/communist on recently.
Tucker asked the professor why socialism has never worked anywhere. The professor said: "you are right socialism has never worked because 'they' have never done it right".
I laughed so hard the G&T squirted out my nose!
What's G&T?
Gin and tonic. They're yummy after a hard early morning at the keyboard. LOL!
In the modern world and everywhere outside your GOP bubble of garbage propaganda. That is the old definition of socialism, everyone in the world outside of you GOP dupes calls that communism now. You are terminally brainwashed misinformed, confused and living on an imaginary planet. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed. Ask any socialist.and don't listen to GOP propaganda, Nazis and Communists for God's sake lol...
/——/ So when you get called out you just say the definition has changed. How convenient
People figured out that the USSR had no freedom or democracy of any kind, so it was no longer called socialism, except by Communists trying to bamboozle fools like you, and right-wing Liars like the Republicans who keep you confused, Cold War dinosaur Dupe. Every successful rich country in the world is socialist. If we ever ever get good health care, we will qualify too,although we are of course a giveaway to the rich screw the rest GOP mess. If the GOP didn't have garbage propaganda oh, they wouldn't have anything. Breaking for brainwashed functional morons... Hillary is honest and the rich do not pay enough in taxes, wrecking our infrastructure and middle-class the last 35 years.
/----/ People figured it out??? What kind of horseshyt is that? Librtards bemoaned the USSR when it collapsed. Intelligent people know it was a slave state from the get go. You're trying to rewrite and dilute the evil empire as something harmless.
Fascism is socialism you doofus......

Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism

"The most striking example of the miscellaneous nature of national and international politics is the interesting argument – supported by many – that theories that apparently oppose and contradict each other might, in fact, be surprisingly similar. This is the case of fascism and socialism."

Read more: Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism
Didn't like that much because they seem to go on about socialism as communism, after already saying there were Democratic socialism progressive socialism liberal socialism, none of which do the Communist thing. In the second link anyway.
Mussolini is among the architects of fascism:

Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism

Fascism is a far-right nationalistic movement first born in Italy at the beginning of the 20th century[1]. According to one of its main exponents – Benito Mussolini – the fascist philosophy is based on three main pillars[2]:

  1. 'Everything in the state'
  2. 'Nothing outside the state'
  3. 'Nothing against the state'
"A fascist government is supreme, and all institutions must conform to the willing of the ruling authority.

"Moreover, opposition is not tolerated: the fascist ideology has primacy and supremacy over all other perspectives, and the ultimate goal of a fascist country is to rule the world and spread the “superior ideology” everywhere."

Read more: Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism

The Italian dictator also worshiped the corporation:

Not exactly consistent with socialism bringing democracy to the workplace.
The merger of state and corporate power is not capitalism, dumbass. That's socialism. Socialism does not require democracy to be socialist. All that's required is for the government to own the means of production. Any other definition of socialism is propaganda. In fact, socialism and democracy are mutually exclusive. We've seen that in the USSR, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, you name it.
The merger of state and corporate power is fascism as one of your idols pointed out:

Talk:Giovanni Gentile - Wikipedia

Try thinking of socialism as a form or economic democracy, a process which proposes to shift decision-making power from corporate managers and corporate shareholders to a larger group of public stakeholders including workers, customers, suppliers, neighbors, and the broader public instead of a fraction of the richest one percent of humanity making decisions that affect the lives of millions of productive human beings.

Group of 30 :: Consultative Group on International Economic and Monetary Affairs, Inc.

"The merger of state and corporate power is fascism as one of your idols pointed out"

That isn't capitalism, fool. It's socialism.

Fascism is socialism you doofus......

Nazi George is REALLY stupid.

But he makes up for it by being insidiously evil....

"The stubborn appeal of the libertarian idea persists, despite mountains of evidence that the free market is neither efficient, nor fair, nor free from periodic catastrophe.

The Libertarian Delusion | BillMoyers.com

"In an Adam Smith world, the interplay of supply and demand yields a price that signals producers what to make and investors where to put their capital.

"The more that government interferes with this sublime discipline, the more bureaucrats deflect the market from its true path."

So where's the problem with the market?
Do you see how a market that distributes goods and services based solely on the ability to pay will exclude a large percentage of workers from being unable to buy what they produce?
Wrong again super duper. Fascism is right wing very capitalist and nationalist garbage. You are in it right now, the GOP right wing is damn close to fascist thank God they love freedom so much so they remain Americans just crazy ones.

Oh really you fucking lying pile of shit?

What is it that makes fascism right wing?

The supremacy of the state like in Marxism? The absolute control of the means of production as in Marxism? The absolute repression of civil liberties as in Marxism? Totalitarianism as in Marxism? Terrorist activities against the population, as is the case in Marxism?

Look, you're a fucking liar, we get it. You're a Nazi pile of shit who advocates genocide, we get it. If you actually are American, you're a fucking traitor.

And those are your good points.
It's because they're racists, don't ya know. Of course, Woodrow Wilson brought back segregation to the Army, and FDR was a racist who barred Jews from immigrating to the country and put Japanese in concentration camps. Stalin was also a notorious antisemite.

George is the most vile racist on this forum.

Franco is #2

These are a couple of Nazis who desperately need to be worm food.

Aren't you proud, Shithead?
Fake. The word "libertarian" didn't exist when Hitler was in power.
Depends on your definition of "Libertarian."

Libertarianism - Wikipedia

"Elements of libertarianism can be traced as far back as the ancient Chinese philosopher Lao-Tzu and the higher-law concepts of the Greeks and the Israelites.[80][81]

"In 17th-century England, libertarian ideas began to take modern form in the writings of the Levellers and John Locke.

"In the middle of that century, opponents of royal power began to be called Whigs, or sometimes simply 'opposition' or 'country' (as opposed to Court) writers.[82]"
just because you don't know about the entire history of history and political science doesn't mean it doesn't exist, brainwashed ignorant functional moron. Everything you know is idiotic and wrong BS propaganda from the greedy idiot rich GOP, super dupes.

No 'funny-boy' Franco, your version of history and political science is ignorant and brainwashed. Don't expect sane folks to agree with your propaganda. ;Here's the real, fact based story of Socialism. (neo-Marxism, etc.)

"Socialists believe that socialist regimes have chosen the wrong jockeys to ride the socialist horse to its deserved victory. Bad jockeys such as Stalin, Mao, Fidel, Pol Pot, and Hugo Chavez chose tactics and policies that led their socialist horse astray. But actually, a look at how the Soviet Union actually worked reveals that it’s the horse itself that’s the problem."

"The basics of the Soviet “horse” were in place by the early 1930s. Under this system, Stalin and his Politburo set general priorities for industrial ministries and a state planning commission. The ministers and planners worked in tandem to draw up economic plans. Managers of the hundreds of thousands of plants, factories, food stores, and even farms were obligated by law to fulfill the plans handed down by their superiors."

Why Socialism Fails
Yes we know you are brainwashed. Socialism today is defined as France Scandinavia Germany Canada Japan New Zealand Australia. no, not dead communism. Ever heard of Sanders or ocasio-cortez? They have nothing to do with Mao or Stalin.

Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism

"The most striking example of the miscellaneous nature of national and international politics is the interesting argument – supported by many – that theories that apparently oppose and contradict each other might, in fact, be surprisingly similar. This is the case of fascism and socialism."

Read more: Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism
Didn't like that much because they seem to go on about socialism as communism, after already saying there were Democratic socialism progressive socialism liberal socialism, none of which do the Communist thing. In the second link anyway.
Mussolini is among the architects of fascism:

Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism

Fascism is a far-right nationalistic movement first born in Italy at the beginning of the 20th century[1]. According to one of its main exponents – Benito Mussolini – the fascist philosophy is based on three main pillars[2]:

  1. 'Everything in the state'
  2. 'Nothing outside the state'
  3. 'Nothing against the state'
"A fascist government is supreme, and all institutions must conform to the willing of the ruling authority.

"Moreover, opposition is not tolerated: the fascist ideology has primacy and supremacy over all other perspectives, and the ultimate goal of a fascist country is to rule the world and spread the “superior ideology” everywhere."

Read more: Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism

The Italian dictator also worshiped the corporation:

Not exactly consistent with socialism bringing democracy to the workplace.
The merger of state and corporate power is not capitalism, dumbass. That's socialism. Socialism does not require democracy to be socialist. All that's required is for the government to own the means of production. Any other definition of socialism is propaganda. In fact, socialism and democracy are mutually exclusive. We've seen that in the USSR, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, you name it.
The merger of state and corporate power is fascism as one of your idols pointed out:

Talk:Giovanni Gentile - Wikipedia

Try thinking of socialism as a form or economic democracy, a process which proposes to shift decision-making power from corporate managers and corporate shareholders to a larger group of public stakeholders including workers, customers, suppliers, neighbors, and the broader public instead of a fraction of the richest one percent of humanity making decisions that affect the lives of millions of productive human beings.

Group of 30 :: Consultative Group on International Economic and Monetary Affairs, Inc.

"The merger of state and corporate power is fascism as one of your idols pointed out"

That isn't capitalism, fool. It's socialism.
Yes, we know you are brainwashed. Read something.
Oh really you fucking lying pile of shit?

What is it that makes fascism right wing?

The supremacy of the state like in Marxism? The absolute control of the means of production as in Marxism? The absolute repression of civil liberties as in Marxism? Totalitarianism as in Marxism? Terrorist activities against the population, as is the case in Marxism?

Look, you're a fucking liar, we get it. You're a Nazi pile of shit who advocates genocide, we get it. If you actually are American, you're a fucking traitor.

And those are your good points.
It's because they're racists, don't ya know. Of course, Woodrow Wilson brought back segregation to the Army, and FDR was a racist who barred Jews from immigrating to the country and put Japanese in concentration camps. Stalin was also a notorious antisemite.

George is the most vile racist on this forum.

Franco is #2

These are a couple of Nazis who desperately need to be worm food.

Aren't you proud, Shithead?
Fake. The word "libertarian" didn't exist when Hitler was in power.
Depends on your definition of "Libertarian."

Libertarianism - Wikipedia

"Elements of libertarianism can be traced as far back as the ancient Chinese philosopher Lao-Tzu and the higher-law concepts of the Greeks and the Israelites.[80][81]

"In 17th-century England, libertarian ideas began to take modern form in the writings of the Levellers and John Locke.

"In the middle of that century, opponents of royal power began to be called Whigs, or sometimes simply 'opposition' or 'country' (as opposed to Court) writers.[82]"
Here it means absolute garbage and you vote GOP anyway...

Fascism is socialism you doofus......

Nazi George is REALLY stupid.

But he makes up for it by being insidiously evil....

"The stubborn appeal of the libertarian idea persists, despite mountains of evidence that the free market is neither efficient, nor fair, nor free from periodic catastrophe.

The Libertarian Delusion | BillMoyers.com

"In an Adam Smith world, the interplay of supply and demand yields a price that signals producers what to make and investors where to put their capital.

"The more that government interferes with this sublime discipline, the more bureaucrats deflect the market from its true path."

So where's the problem with the market?
Do you see how a market that distributes goods and services based solely on the ability to pay will exclude a large percentage of workers from being unable to buy what they produce?

No recessions under Marxism, eh?

Source: The Communist International

Utter horseshit.
Some communists see the connection between imperialism, decay, and fascism much more clearly than you do.

Deal with it.

CPGB: The Question of Fascism and Capitalist Decay

"1. The question of capitalist 'decay'; the meaning of Lenin’s definition of imperialism as 'decaying capitalism'; the role of fascism as a phenomenon of an advanced stage of this process in the period of the general crisis of capitalism; and, in particular, the role of fascism as a retrograde factor in relation to the development of the productive forces."
Wage slaves?

Are you learning Mandarin?

The language of business is English.
Not for long, Comrade.

Is China the Fastest-Rising Power in History?
You're gloating about that?
It isn't "gloating" to acknowledge the obvious:

"Speed is where China stands out. In 30 years of ascent, starting from a low base, it has come farther, faster than any of the other rising powers in the comparison group. Here’s a look at its GDP growth, in historical context..."

"China has expanded its share of world GDP faster than any other rising state from 1870 to today.

"When then-leader Deng Xiaoping inaugurated a series of sweeping economic reforms in 1982, China accounted for a mere 2.2 percent of global output.

"Thirty years later, in 2012, China produced 14.6 percent of the world’s GDP, a roughly sevenfold increase."

Is China the Fastest-Rising Power in History?
China is doing it the easy way: they are stealing all their technology from the US.
US capitalists were accused of stealing the UK's technology during the American rise to "economic greatness." Stealing is just something inherent in capitalism.

Fascism is socialism you doofus......

Nazi George is REALLY stupid.

But he makes up for it by being insidiously evil....

"The stubborn appeal of the libertarian idea persists, despite mountains of evidence that the free market is neither efficient, nor fair, nor free from periodic catastrophe.

The Libertarian Delusion | BillMoyers.com

"In an Adam Smith world, the interplay of supply and demand yields a price that signals producers what to make and investors where to put their capital.

"The more that government interferes with this sublime discipline, the more bureaucrats deflect the market from its true path."

So where's the problem with the market?
Do you see how a market that distributes goods and services based solely on the ability to pay will exclude a large percentage of workers from being unable to buy what they produce?
What if they produce multi-million dollar computers? Cruise ships? Airliners? D9 caterpillar bull dozers?

Do you understand how stupid your theory is?

Fascism is socialism you doofus......

Nazi George is REALLY stupid.

But he makes up for it by being insidiously evil....

"The stubborn appeal of the libertarian idea persists, despite mountains of evidence that the free market is neither efficient, nor fair, nor free from periodic catastrophe.

The Libertarian Delusion | BillMoyers.com

"In an Adam Smith world, the interplay of supply and demand yields a price that signals producers what to make and investors where to put their capital.

"The more that government interferes with this sublime discipline, the more bureaucrats deflect the market from its true path."

So where's the problem with the market?
Do you see how a market that distributes goods and services based solely on the ability to pay will exclude a large percentage of workers from being unable to buy what they produce?

No recessions under Marxism, eh?
As long as capitalists control the IMF, World Bank, and global reserve currencies recessions are inevitable. When are you expecting the next one?
The Next Recession: What It Could Look Like | Op-Eds & Columns | CEPR
Oh really you fucking lying pile of shit?

What is it that makes fascism right wing?

The supremacy of the state like in Marxism? The absolute control of the means of production as in Marxism? The absolute repression of civil liberties as in Marxism? Totalitarianism as in Marxism? Terrorist activities against the population, as is the case in Marxism?

Look, you're a fucking liar, we get it. You're a Nazi pile of shit who advocates genocide, we get it. If you actually are American, you're a fucking traitor.

And those are your good points.
It's because they're racists, don't ya know. Of course, Woodrow Wilson brought back segregation to the Army, and FDR was a racist who barred Jews from immigrating to the country and put Japanese in concentration camps. Stalin was also a notorious antisemite.

George is the most vile racist on this forum.

Franco is #2

These are a couple of Nazis who desperately need to be worm food.

Aren't you proud, Shithead?
Fake. The word "libertarian" didn't exist when Hitler was in power.
Depends on your definition of "Libertarian."

Libertarianism - Wikipedia

"Elements of libertarianism can be traced as far back as the ancient Chinese philosopher Lao-Tzu and the higher-law concepts of the Greeks and the Israelites.[80][81]

"In 17th-century England, libertarian ideas began to take modern form in the writings of the Levellers and John Locke.

"In the middle of that century, opponents of royal power began to be called Whigs, or sometimes simply 'opposition' or 'country' (as opposed to Court) writers.[82]"
The word didn't exist at the time, dumbass. That means your quote is fake.

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