Who's Afraid of Socialism?

Wrong again super duper. Fascism is right wing very capitalist and nationalist garbage. You are in it right now, the GOP right wing is damn close to fascist thank God they love freedom so much so they remain Americans just crazy ones.

Oh really you fucking lying pile of shit?

What is it that makes fascism right wing?

The supremacy of the state like in Marxism? The absolute control of the means of production as in Marxism? The absolute repression of civil liberties as in Marxism? Totalitarianism as in Marxism? Terrorist activities against the population, as is the case in Marxism?

Look, you're a fucking liar, we get it. You're a Nazi pile of shit who advocates genocide, we get it. If you actually are American, you're a fucking traitor.

And those are your good points.
It's because they're racists, don't ya know. Of course, Woodrow Wilson brought back segregation to the Army, and FDR was a racist who barred Jews from immigrating to the country and put Japanese in concentration camps. Stalin was also a notorious antisemite.

George is the most vile racist on this forum.

Franco is #2

These are a couple of Nazis who desperately need to be worm food.

Aren't you proud, Shithead?

Fascism is socialism you doofus......

Nazi George is REALLY stupid.

But he makes up for it by being insidiously evil....

"The stubborn appeal of the libertarian idea persists, despite mountains of evidence that the free market is neither efficient, nor fair, nor free from periodic catastrophe.

The Libertarian Delusion | BillMoyers.com

"In an Adam Smith world, the interplay of supply and demand yields a price that signals producers what to make and investors where to put their capital.

"The more that government interferes with this sublime discipline, the more bureaucrats deflect the market from its true path."

So where's the problem with the market?

Fascism is socialism you doofus......

Nazi George is REALLY stupid.

But he makes up for it by being insidiously evil....

"The stubborn appeal of the libertarian idea persists, despite mountains of evidence that the free market is neither efficient, nor fair, nor free from periodic catastrophe.

The Libertarian Delusion | BillMoyers.com

"In an Adam Smith world, the interplay of supply and demand yields a price that signals producers what to make and investors where to put their capital.

"The more that government interferes with this sublime discipline, the more bureaucrats deflect the market from its true path."

So where's the problem with the market?
Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is a social problem for the People.
Moron....the Germans were socialists....the Russians were socialists, and they didn't just make dead people from war....they murdered 12 million in Europe, and 25 million or more in Russia....that doesn't include the over 70 million murdered by the Chinese socialists....
The Germans were right-wing Nazi fascists who murdered the socialists and communists in their Fatherland before slaughtering millions more in Russia.

Eastern Front (World War II) - Wikipedia

Fascism is socialism you doofus......

Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism

"The most striking example of the miscellaneous nature of national and international politics is the interesting argument – supported by many – that theories that apparently oppose and contradict each other might, in fact, be surprisingly similar. This is the case of fascism and socialism."

Read more: Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism
Didn't like that much because they seem to go on about socialism as communism, after already saying there were Democratic socialism progressive socialism liberal socialism, none of which do the Communist thing. In the second link anyway.
Mussolini is among the architects of fascism:

Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism

Fascism is a far-right nationalistic movement first born in Italy at the beginning of the 20th century[1]. According to one of its main exponents – Benito Mussolini – the fascist philosophy is based on three main pillars[2]:

  1. 'Everything in the state'
  2. 'Nothing outside the state'
  3. 'Nothing against the state'
"A fascist government is supreme, and all institutions must conform to the willing of the ruling authority.

"Moreover, opposition is not tolerated: the fascist ideology has primacy and supremacy over all other perspectives, and the ultimate goal of a fascist country is to rule the world and spread the “superior ideology” everywhere."

Read more: Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism

The Italian dictator also worshiped the corporation:

Not exactly consistent with socialism bringing democracy to the workplace.
The merger of state and corporate power is not capitalism, dumbass. That's socialism. Socialism does not require democracy to be socialist. All that's required is for the government to own the means of production. Any other definition of socialism is propaganda. In fact, socialism and democracy are mutually exclusive. We've seen that in the USSR, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, you name it.
Wrong again super duper. Fascism is right wing very capitalist and nationalist garbage. You are in it right now, the GOP right wing is damn close to fascist thank God they love freedom so much so they remain Americans just crazy ones.

Oh really you fucking lying pile of shit?

What is it that makes fascism right wing?

The supremacy of the state like in Marxism? The absolute control of the means of production as in Marxism? The absolute repression of civil liberties as in Marxism? Totalitarianism as in Marxism? Terrorist activities against the population, as is the case in Marxism?

Look, you're a fucking liar, we get it. You're a Nazi pile of shit who advocates genocide, we get it. If you actually are American, you're a fucking traitor.

And those are your good points.
It's because they're racists, don't ya know. Of course, Woodrow Wilson brought back segregation to the Army, and FDR was a racist who barred Jews from immigrating to the country and put Japanese in concentration camps. Stalin was also a notorious antisemite.

George is the most vile racist on this forum.

Franco is #2

These are a couple of Nazis who desperately need to be worm food.

Aren't you proud, Shithead?
Fake. The word "libertarian" didn't exist when Hitler was in power.
The Germans were right-wing Nazi fascists who murdered the socialists and communists in their Fatherland before slaughtering millions more in Russia.

Eastern Front (World War II) - Wikipedia

Fascism is socialism you doofus......

Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism

"The most striking example of the miscellaneous nature of national and international politics is the interesting argument – supported by many – that theories that apparently oppose and contradict each other might, in fact, be surprisingly similar. This is the case of fascism and socialism."

Read more: Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism
Didn't like that much because they seem to go on about socialism as communism, after already saying there were Democratic socialism progressive socialism liberal socialism, none of which do the Communist thing. In the second link anyway.
Mussolini is among the architects of fascism:

Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism

Fascism is a far-right nationalistic movement first born in Italy at the beginning of the 20th century[1]. According to one of its main exponents – Benito Mussolini – the fascist philosophy is based on three main pillars[2]:

  1. 'Everything in the state'
  2. 'Nothing outside the state'
  3. 'Nothing against the state'
"A fascist government is supreme, and all institutions must conform to the willing of the ruling authority.

"Moreover, opposition is not tolerated: the fascist ideology has primacy and supremacy over all other perspectives, and the ultimate goal of a fascist country is to rule the world and spread the “superior ideology” everywhere."

Read more: Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism Difference between socialism and fascism | Difference Between | Difference between socialism vs fascism

The Italian dictator also worshiped the corporation:

Not exactly consistent with socialism bringing democracy to the workplace.

"A fascist government is supreme, and all institutions must conform to the willing of the ruling authority.

Wow! So the Nazis sound just like the Commies Big surprise.

Not exactly consistent with socialism bringing democracy to the workplace.

Commies didn't let the workers do their own thing either.

the ultimate goal of a fascist country is to rule the world and spread the “superior ideology” everywhere."

Dah, comrade!
That's hilarious. That was the ultimate goal of the USSR.
A much smaller economy with 4 times the population.
Maybe they need some slaves, eh?
Wage slaves?

Are you learning Mandarin?

The language of business is English.
Not for long, Comrade.

Is China the Fastest-Rising Power in History?
You're gloating about that?
It isn't "gloating" to acknowledge the obvious:

"Speed is where China stands out. In 30 years of ascent, starting from a low base, it has come farther, faster than any of the other rising powers in the comparison group. Here’s a look at its GDP growth, in historical context..."

"China has expanded its share of world GDP faster than any other rising state from 1870 to today.

"When then-leader Deng Xiaoping inaugurated a series of sweeping economic reforms in 1982, China accounted for a mere 2.2 percent of global output.

"Thirty years later, in 2012, China produced 14.6 percent of the world’s GDP, a roughly sevenfold increase."

Is China the Fastest-Rising Power in History?
China is doing it the easy way: they are stealing all their technology from the US.
I think it was Tucker Carlson who had a well known negro professor who is an avoided socialist/communist on recently.
Tucker asked the professor why socialism has never worked anywhere. The professor said: "you are right socialism has never worked because 'they' have never done it right".
I laughed so hard the G&T squirted out my nose!
I think it was Tucker Carlson who had a well known negro professor who is an avoided socialist/communist on recently.
Tucker asked the professor why socialism has never worked anywhere. The professor said: "you are right socialism has never worked because 'they' have never done it right".
I laughed so hard the G&T squirted out my nose!
What's G&T?
Capitalism need to be regulated to be fair for the citizens of any nation. Socialism needs to be regulated also for the same reasons.
The phrase "regulated socialism" is too stupid for words to describe.
It's the socialists who do all the regulating....Worked out great for the Castros, but the rest of Cuba not so much.
Once a couple I knew went to visit Cuba on some sort of 'agriculture initiative' bullshit scheme.
They were in some small shithole village where no locals were allowed to speak with the tour participants.
At one point my friends saw a man with a wheelbarrow going down the street with a woman in the wheelbarrow. Someone asked what was going on? The bus driver whispered that the man was taking his wife to the local hospital.
That my friends is the real face of socialism.
I think it was Tucker Carlson who had a well known negro professor who is an avoided socialist/communist on recently.
Tucker asked the professor why socialism has never worked anywhere. The professor said: "you are right socialism has never worked because 'they' have never done it right".
I laughed so hard the G&T squirted out my nose!
What's G&T?
Gin and tonic. They're yummy after a hard early morning at the keyboard. LOL!
Wrong again super duper. Fascism is right wing very capitalist and nationalist garbage. You are in it right now, the GOP right wing is damn close to fascist thank God they love freedom so much so they remain Americans just crazy ones.

Oh really you fucking lying pile of shit?

What is it that makes fascism right wing?

The supremacy of the state like in Marxism? The absolute control of the means of production as in Marxism? The absolute repression of civil liberties as in Marxism? Totalitarianism as in Marxism? Terrorist activities against the population, as is the case in Marxism?

Look, you're a fucking liar, we get it. You're a Nazi pile of shit who advocates genocide, we get it. If you actually are American, you're a fucking traitor.

And those are your good points.
It's because they're racists, don't ya know. Of course, Woodrow Wilson brought back segregation to the Army, and FDR was a racist who barred Jews from immigrating to the country and put Japanese in concentration camps. Stalin was also a notorious antisemite.

George is the most vile racist on this forum.

Franco is #2

These are a couple of Nazis who desperately need to be worm food.

Aren't you proud, Shithead?
Fake. The word "libertarian" didn't exist when Hitler was in power.

Ok.... Hey you left-wingers.

Due tell how many people in the top 100 wealthiest in this country, do not run companies that produce, or invest in companies that produce products and services that millions of people use.
How many of the wealthiest 100 Americans owe their fortune to an accident of birth? A random phenomenon that placed them in national and familial circumstances conducive to acquiring vast wealth by bribing politicians for favorable tax and trade policies like the Walton family or by "free riding" off taxpayer-funded infrastructure like the Internet as Gate, Bezos, and Zuckerberg have done? And then there's...
What are you smoking?

There isn't a single wealthy person anywhere, that got wealthy on favorable tax policies.

And honestly, the left-wing is the group most in favor of pushing government fund infrastructure, over privately funded infrastructure.

You people push infrastructure spending ALL THE TIME. Hundreds of threads, millions of posts on this forum, by left-wingers saying we need more infrastructure spending. There isn't week that goes by that some idiot on your side of the ideology spectrum, isn't saying we need more infrastructure spending.

Then.... you turn right around and b!tch and moan about how wealthy people are using that infrastructure to make money.

Whose fault is that? Wouldn't that be YOUR fault for demanding we pay for that infrastructure?

You can't haven't it both ways you hypocritical snot bag. Either stop demanding government building everything from tax money... OR SHUT UP about the rich making money off your programs.

This is the same as welfare spending, and having some dumb left-winger shocked that people are taking advantage of the system. How dumb are you people?

But you guys are far more fascist than Trump.
Look at Antifa. Antifa is basically the left-wing goon squads trying to shut down alternate opinions.

Well what political ideology is the elimination of dissenting opinions? Fascism. Where do you think "politically correct" came from? Fascism.

In 1934, The New York Times reported that Nazi Germany was granting reporting permits "only to pure 'Aryans' whose opinions are politically correct."

And when you see Democrats pushing the "Hush Rush" law in the 90s, and trying to prevent moderate speakers like Ben Shapiro from speaking.... What are you engaged in? Fascism.

The left-wing is far more Fascist than the right, and by a wide margin.
Fascists are capitalist that is why they are right wings and they are totalitarian that's why they're way off on the right wing. You have those tendencies but luckily you're in American although you are brainwashed these days. Nazis are fascists they are racist militarist totalitarian nationalists, and the capitalist, aristocrats are fine as long as you're not opposition or Jewish.

So, "capitalism" is state control of the means of production, dumbfuck?
Capitalism is businesses owned by their owners. They made lots of money and lots of debt ran up for Hitler, they had to go conquer some countries. Right-wing is capitalist, left-wing is socialist with more control of all businesses and finally State ownership and communism. The ends of the spectrum are totalitarian fascism and capitalism on the right, totalitarian communism on the farthest left, with liberalism and socialism on the way.
Ownership means having control, and they certainly didn't have that. The government made all the decisions.
Pretty true, but they didn't make the profits.
They weren't properly called "profits" in the economic sense. What they received was just a payment from the government.
Just like corporations, companies, and owners get payments from our government...
So, "capitalism" is state control of the means of production, dumbfuck?
Capitalism is businesses owned by their owners. They made lots of money and lots of debt ran up for Hitler, they had to go conquer some countries. Right-wing is capitalist, left-wing is socialist with more control of all businesses and finally State ownership and communism. The ends of the spectrum are totalitarian fascism and capitalism on the right, totalitarian communism on the farthest left, with liberalism and socialism on the way.
Ownership means having control, and they certainly didn't have that. The government made all the decisions.
Pretty true, but they didn't make the profits.
They weren't properly called "profits" in the economic sense. What they received was just a payment from the government.
Just like corporations, companies, and owners get payments from our government...
They get paid for selling something to the government. Most corporations do not rely on government sales for their revenue. They rely on private customers purchasing their products.

Under the NAZIs, the government was the sole determinate of how much "profit" the company recieved.

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