Who's Afraid of Socialism?

FDR came up with farm subsidies. The left comes up with solutions the right wing has nothing but excuses.
Farm subsidies are the biggest boondoggle ever conceived.
we have an oversupply problem not an over demand problem.

The quickest way to resolve that is to allow some farmers to go bankrupt. Subsidies always create a surplus. They are the cause of the problem, not the solution.
socialism causes an oversupply problem?
Yes, it often does. The USSR often had vast surpluses of things like condoms, but mostly it had shortages of stuff people actually wanted, like bread, eggs, beef, automobiles and televisions.
sounds like a right wing management problem.
That is ridiculous. You are not limited by anything.
It isn't a barter system. We use the division of labor so bartering isn't really feasible. Whatever is produced would be made available in the market and you would use labor credits to acquire what you needed from the market.

If you don't like the cost of something, don't buy it. Isn't that how it works now?
How would it "be made available to the market?" What market? There's only one seller: the government.
That is your conception. Mine is a free exchange of goods in a cooperative economic system.

Government doesn't need to be in our lives. It is now due to our competitive economic system.
How can there be "free exchange of goods" when the government is the only producer of goods and everyone works for the government? No one but the government has any goods to exchange, and everyone has to accept the price dictated by the government, which is purely arbitrary.
how do military command economics work?

They work in the context of a market economy, and they don't work very well.
the Romans proved Government solves all problems.

we really just needed a Mission to Mars and a "war on communicable diseases".
What is so unappealing about using labor time as a sole means of determining exchange value?

It's unappealing because it squashes individual freedom. It denies the subjective nature of utility and personal preference.

I hesitate to engage you on this, because you usually play dodge 'em rather than directly defending your views, but let me ask you this. How is your conception of value "enforced"? If someone wants to trade something with someone else for a price that doesn't match your "intrinsic value" calculation, what happens? Are they arrested? Fined? What?
It's unappealing because it squashes individual freedom. It denies the subjective nature of utility and personal preference.
That is ridiculous. You are not limited by anything.
If someone wants to trade something with someone else for a price that doesn't match your "intrinsic value" calculation, what happens? Are they arrested? Fined? What?
It isn't a barter system. We use the division of labor so bartering isn't really feasible. Whatever is produced would be made available in the market and you would use labor credits to acquire what you needed from the market.

If you don't like the cost of something, don't buy it. Isn't that how it works now?
How would it "be made available to the market?" What market? There's only one seller: the government.
That is your conception. Mine is a free exchange of goods in a cooperative economic system.

Government doesn't need to be in our lives. It is now due to our competitive economic system.
How can there be "free exchange of goods" when the government is the only producer of goods and everyone works for the government? No one but the government has any goods to exchange, and everyone has to accept the price dictated by the government, which is purely arbitrary.
Are you getting dizzy yet?
ROFL! So you believe the state controlled propaganda organs of the Maduro regime?

Do you actually believe that Maduro is popular with people who are starving?
I don't believe the Western corporate media.

Abby Martin visited Venezuela this past year. She tells a different story than what the corporate media is telling. She says that Maduro still has a lot of support among the poor people living in Venezuela.

Abby Martin has reportedly been threatened with lynching by the so-called "peaceful" opposition in Venezuela:

"CHILE — The U.S.-backed right-wing opposition in Venezuela is consistently described as 'peaceful,' protesting non-violently against the leftist regime of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, who mainstream media throughout the Americas and the world consider an autocrat, or dictator who is hell-bent on accumulating more power.

"However, the Venezuelan opposition has proven themselves to be anything but peaceful, especially in recent weeks.

"Late last month (5/2017), a mob of around 40 opposition protesters were caught on video beating 21-year-old Orlando José Figuera, then dousing him with gasoline and lighting him on fire after he was accused of being a 'Chavista infiltrator.'"

Venezuelan Opposition Threatens To Lynch American Journalist Abby Martin

It sounds like he got what he deserve. Maduro has killed thousands of Venezuelans.Abby Martin is a 9/11 truther. She sounds like a fucking commie. I won't shed any tears the day she is killed.

The time for peaceful protests in Venezuela is over. What the opposition needs is military grade weapons.

Venezuela 2017/2018

"Venezuela remained in a state of emergency, repeatedly extended since January 2016.

"A National Constituent Assembly was elected without the participation of the opposition.

"The Attorney General was dismissed under irregular circumstances.

"Security forces continued to use excessive and undue force to disperse protests. Hundreds of people were arbitrarily detained.

"There were many reports of torture and other ill-treatment, including sexual violence against demonstrators.

"The judicial system continued to be used to silence dissidents, including using military jurisdiction to prosecute civilians.

"Human rights defenders were harassed, intimidated and subject to raids. Conditions of detention were extremely harsh.

"The food and health crises continued to worsen, especially affecting children, people with chronic illness and pregnant women.

"The number of Venezuelans seeking asylum in other countries increased."

Trump’s Economic Sanctions Have Cost Venezuela About $6bn Since August 2017

Capitalism to the rescue.

You're blaming capitalism for all this?

You're blaming capitalism for all this?
Capitalists control the world's reserve currencies.
Capitalists control the IMF and World Bank.
And capitalists control this
Treasury sanctions Venezuela state-owned oil firm in bid to transfer control to Maduro opposition

Why do you suppose capitalists aren't sanctioning this mad dog?
I don't believe the Western corporate media.

Abby Martin visited Venezuela this past year. She tells a different story than what the corporate media is telling. She says that Maduro still has a lot of support among the poor people living in Venezuela.

Abby Martin has reportedly been threatened with lynching by the so-called "peaceful" opposition in Venezuela:

"CHILE — The U.S.-backed right-wing opposition in Venezuela is consistently described as 'peaceful,' protesting non-violently against the leftist regime of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, who mainstream media throughout the Americas and the world consider an autocrat, or dictator who is hell-bent on accumulating more power.

"However, the Venezuelan opposition has proven themselves to be anything but peaceful, especially in recent weeks.

"Late last month (5/2017), a mob of around 40 opposition protesters were caught on video beating 21-year-old Orlando José Figuera, then dousing him with gasoline and lighting him on fire after he was accused of being a 'Chavista infiltrator.'"

Venezuelan Opposition Threatens To Lynch American Journalist Abby Martin

It sounds like he got what he deserve. Maduro has killed thousands of Venezuelans.Abby Martin is a 9/11 truther. She sounds like a fucking commie. I won't shed any tears the day she is killed.

The time for peaceful protests in Venezuela is over. What the opposition needs is military grade weapons.

Venezuela 2017/2018

"Venezuela remained in a state of emergency, repeatedly extended since January 2016.

"A National Constituent Assembly was elected without the participation of the opposition.

"The Attorney General was dismissed under irregular circumstances.

"Security forces continued to use excessive and undue force to disperse protests. Hundreds of people were arbitrarily detained.

"There were many reports of torture and other ill-treatment, including sexual violence against demonstrators.

"The judicial system continued to be used to silence dissidents, including using military jurisdiction to prosecute civilians.

"Human rights defenders were harassed, intimidated and subject to raids. Conditions of detention were extremely harsh.

"The food and health crises continued to worsen, especially affecting children, people with chronic illness and pregnant women.

"The number of Venezuelans seeking asylum in other countries increased."

Trump’s Economic Sanctions Have Cost Venezuela About $6bn Since August 2017

Capitalism to the rescue.

You're blaming capitalism for all this?

You're blaming capitalism for all this?
Capitalists control the world's reserve currencies.
Capitalists control the IMF and World Bank.
And capitalists control this
Treasury sanctions Venezuela state-owned oil firm in bid to transfer control to Maduro opposition

Why do you suppose capitalists aren't sanctioning this mad dog?

What about all those socialist paradises in Europe? Why can't the Venezuelan oil monopoly just borrow money from them? Come to think of it, since socialism is so superior, why does Venezuela even need any capitalist countries?

It's hilarious the way socialists always blame capitalist countries for not doing business with them when they fail.
It's unappealing because it squashes individual freedom. It denies the subjective nature of utility and personal preference.

I hesitate to engage you on this, because you usually play dodge 'em rather than directly defending your views, but let me ask you this. How is your conception of value "enforced"? If someone wants to trade something with someone else for a price that doesn't match your "intrinsic value" calculation, what happens? Are they arrested? Fined? What?
It's unappealing because it squashes individual freedom. It denies the subjective nature of utility and personal preference.
That is ridiculous. You are not limited by anything.
If someone wants to trade something with someone else for a price that doesn't match your "intrinsic value" calculation, what happens? Are they arrested? Fined? What?
It isn't a barter system. We use the division of labor so bartering isn't really feasible. Whatever is produced would be made available in the market and you would use labor credits to acquire what you needed from the market.

If you don't like the cost of something, don't buy it. Isn't that how it works now?
How would it "be made available to the market?" What market? There's only one seller: the government.
That is your conception. Mine is a free exchange of goods in a cooperative economic system.

Government doesn't need to be in our lives. It is now due to our competitive economic system.
How can there be "free exchange of goods" when the government is the only producer of goods and everyone works for the government? No one but the government has any goods to exchange, and everyone has to accept the price dictated by the government, which is purely arbitrary.
Are you getting dizzy yet?
No, but Tehon is. I think he's already picked up his ball and gone home.
Abby Martin has reportedly been threatened with lynching by the so-called "peaceful" opposition in Venezuela:

"CHILE — The U.S.-backed right-wing opposition in Venezuela is consistently described as 'peaceful,' protesting non-violently against the leftist regime of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, who mainstream media throughout the Americas and the world consider an autocrat, or dictator who is hell-bent on accumulating more power.

"However, the Venezuelan opposition has proven themselves to be anything but peaceful, especially in recent weeks.

"Late last month (5/2017), a mob of around 40 opposition protesters were caught on video beating 21-year-old Orlando José Figuera, then dousing him with gasoline and lighting him on fire after he was accused of being a 'Chavista infiltrator.'"

Venezuelan Opposition Threatens To Lynch American Journalist Abby Martin
It sounds like he got what he deserve. Maduro has killed thousands of Venezuelans.Abby Martin is a 9/11 truther. She sounds like a fucking commie. I won't shed any tears the day she is killed.

The time for peaceful protests in Venezuela is over. What the opposition needs is military grade weapons.
Venezuela 2017/2018

"Venezuela remained in a state of emergency, repeatedly extended since January 2016.

"A National Constituent Assembly was elected without the participation of the opposition.

"The Attorney General was dismissed under irregular circumstances.

"Security forces continued to use excessive and undue force to disperse protests. Hundreds of people were arbitrarily detained.

"There were many reports of torture and other ill-treatment, including sexual violence against demonstrators.

"The judicial system continued to be used to silence dissidents, including using military jurisdiction to prosecute civilians.

"Human rights defenders were harassed, intimidated and subject to raids. Conditions of detention were extremely harsh.

"The food and health crises continued to worsen, especially affecting children, people with chronic illness and pregnant women.

"The number of Venezuelans seeking asylum in other countries increased."

Trump’s Economic Sanctions Have Cost Venezuela About $6bn Since August 2017

Capitalism to the rescue.
You're blaming capitalism for all this?
You're blaming capitalism for all this?
Capitalists control the world's reserve currencies.
Capitalists control the IMF and World Bank.
And capitalists control this
Treasury sanctions Venezuela state-owned oil firm in bid to transfer control to Maduro opposition

Why do you suppose capitalists aren't sanctioning this mad dog?

What about all those socialist paradises in Europe? Why can't the Venezuelan oil monopoly just borrow money from them? Come to think of it, since socialism is so superior, why does Venezuela even need any capitalist countries?

It's hilarious the way socialists always blame capitalist countries for not doing business with them when they fail.
Because they are also capitalists and don't want trouble with the United States, who have wrecked Venezuela the last 15 years with their corrupt World depression of 2008 and crippling sanctions against Venezuela. The usual GOP covert assassination of socialist countries.... See Iran 1953, Central and South America forever, Reagan's pal Saddam etc etc.
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It sounds like he got what he deserve. Maduro has killed thousands of Venezuelans.Abby Martin is a 9/11 truther. She sounds like a fucking commie. I won't shed any tears the day she is killed.

The time for peaceful protests in Venezuela is over. What the opposition needs is military grade weapons.
Venezuela 2017/2018

"Venezuela remained in a state of emergency, repeatedly extended since January 2016.

"A National Constituent Assembly was elected without the participation of the opposition.

"The Attorney General was dismissed under irregular circumstances.

"Security forces continued to use excessive and undue force to disperse protests. Hundreds of people were arbitrarily detained.

"There were many reports of torture and other ill-treatment, including sexual violence against demonstrators.

"The judicial system continued to be used to silence dissidents, including using military jurisdiction to prosecute civilians.

"Human rights defenders were harassed, intimidated and subject to raids. Conditions of detention were extremely harsh.

"The food and health crises continued to worsen, especially affecting children, people with chronic illness and pregnant women.

"The number of Venezuelans seeking asylum in other countries increased."

Trump’s Economic Sanctions Have Cost Venezuela About $6bn Since August 2017

Capitalism to the rescue.
You're blaming capitalism for all this?
You're blaming capitalism for all this?
Capitalists control the world's reserve currencies.
Capitalists control the IMF and World Bank.
And capitalists control this
Treasury sanctions Venezuela state-owned oil firm in bid to transfer control to Maduro opposition

Why do you suppose capitalists aren't sanctioning this mad dog?

What about all those socialist paradises in Europe? Why can't the Venezuelan oil monopoly just borrow money from them? Come to think of it, since socialism is so superior, why does Venezuela even need any capitalist countries?

It's hilarious the way socialists always blame capitalist countries for not doing business with them when they fail.
Because they are also capitalists and don't want trouble with the United States, whoever wrecked Venezuela the last 15 years with their corrupt World depression of 2008 and crippling sanctions against Venezuela. The usual GOP covert assassination of socialist countries.... See Iran 1953, Central and South America forever, Reagan's pal Saddam etc etc.
Chavez and Maduro wrecked Venezuela, douchebag. Why is it only Venezuela was wrecked when countries like Chile and Colombia are thriving?
Venezuela 2017/2018

"Venezuela remained in a state of emergency, repeatedly extended since January 2016.

"A National Constituent Assembly was elected without the participation of the opposition.

"The Attorney General was dismissed under irregular circumstances.

"Security forces continued to use excessive and undue force to disperse protests. Hundreds of people were arbitrarily detained.

"There were many reports of torture and other ill-treatment, including sexual violence against demonstrators.

"The judicial system continued to be used to silence dissidents, including using military jurisdiction to prosecute civilians.

"Human rights defenders were harassed, intimidated and subject to raids. Conditions of detention were extremely harsh.

"The food and health crises continued to worsen, especially affecting children, people with chronic illness and pregnant women.

"The number of Venezuelans seeking asylum in other countries increased."

Trump’s Economic Sanctions Have Cost Venezuela About $6bn Since August 2017

Capitalism to the rescue.
You're blaming capitalism for all this?
You're blaming capitalism for all this?
Capitalists control the world's reserve currencies.
Capitalists control the IMF and World Bank.
And capitalists control this
Treasury sanctions Venezuela state-owned oil firm in bid to transfer control to Maduro opposition

Why do you suppose capitalists aren't sanctioning this mad dog?

What about all those socialist paradises in Europe? Why can't the Venezuelan oil monopoly just borrow money from them? Come to think of it, since socialism is so superior, why does Venezuela even need any capitalist countries?

It's hilarious the way socialists always blame capitalist countries for not doing business with them when they fail.
Because they are also capitalists and don't want trouble with the United States, whoever wrecked Venezuela the last 15 years with their corrupt World depression of 2008 and crippling sanctions against Venezuela. The usual GOP covert assassination of socialist countries.... See Iran 1953, Central and South America forever, Reagan's pal Saddam etc etc.
Chavez and Maduro wrecked Venezuela, douchebag. Why is it only Venezuela was wrecked when countries like Chile and Colombia are thriving?
Hardly are they thriving, and hardly are they a one product country like Venezuela... And of course they are not being sanctioned and ruined by the United States. And of course their scumbag Venezuelan oligarchs...
Socialism is voluntary government servitude.
It might work halfass in a small homogenious country, but not in a large diverse country like the United States.
Socialism is receiving a ballot with your tax bill so that you can direct government where to spend your fair share of supporting society.
I've proposed that idea myself. The first thing that will happen is that funding for all the socialist boondoggles like Social Security will go to zero.
You're blaming capitalism for all this?
You're blaming capitalism for all this?
Capitalists control the world's reserve currencies.
Capitalists control the IMF and World Bank.
And capitalists control this
Treasury sanctions Venezuela state-owned oil firm in bid to transfer control to Maduro opposition

Why do you suppose capitalists aren't sanctioning this mad dog?

What about all those socialist paradises in Europe? Why can't the Venezuelan oil monopoly just borrow money from them? Come to think of it, since socialism is so superior, why does Venezuela even need any capitalist countries?

It's hilarious the way socialists always blame capitalist countries for not doing business with them when they fail.
Because they are also capitalists and don't want trouble with the United States, whoever wrecked Venezuela the last 15 years with their corrupt World depression of 2008 and crippling sanctions against Venezuela. The usual GOP covert assassination of socialist countries.... See Iran 1953, Central and South America forever, Reagan's pal Saddam etc etc.
Chavez and Maduro wrecked Venezuela, douchebag. Why is it only Venezuela was wrecked when countries like Chile and Colombia are thriving?
Hardly are they thriving, and hardly are they a one product country like Venezuela... And of course they are not being sanctioned and ruined by the United States. And of course their scumbag Venezuelan oligarchs...
What stopped Venezuela from developing other industries? Can't those bureaucrats plan for the future? Why is having huge oil revenues a liability?

None of your excuses make the slightest bit of sense. Anyway you look at it, Venezuela is a disaster.
Capitalists control the world's reserve currencies.
Capitalists control the IMF and World Bank.
And capitalists control this
Treasury sanctions Venezuela state-owned oil firm in bid to transfer control to Maduro opposition

Why do you suppose capitalists aren't sanctioning this mad dog?

What about all those socialist paradises in Europe? Why can't the Venezuelan oil monopoly just borrow money from them? Come to think of it, since socialism is so superior, why does Venezuela even need any capitalist countries?

It's hilarious the way socialists always blame capitalist countries for not doing business with them when they fail.
Because they are also capitalists and don't want trouble with the United States, whoever wrecked Venezuela the last 15 years with their corrupt World depression of 2008 and crippling sanctions against Venezuela. The usual GOP covert assassination of socialist countries.... See Iran 1953, Central and South America forever, Reagan's pal Saddam etc etc.
Chavez and Maduro wrecked Venezuela, douchebag. Why is it only Venezuela was wrecked when countries like Chile and Colombia are thriving?
Hardly are they thriving, and hardly are they a one product country like Venezuela... And of course they are not being sanctioned and ruined by the United States. And of course their scumbag Venezuelan oligarchs...
What stopped Venezuela from developing other industries? Can't those bureaucrats plan for the future? Why is having huge oil revenues a liability?

None of your excuses make the slightest bit of sense. Anyway you look at it, Venezuela is a disaster.
They've only had socialist leadership since Hugo Chavez in 2005 or something. Before that they were USA banana Republic with totally corrupt oligarchs and charge. Chavez cut poverty by 75% and a literacy by 90% and gave them Healthcare. You have no idea what you're talking about of course. Google US sanctions against Venezuela socialists. The GOP should get there corrupt covert garbage out of other countries. The GOP always screws up other countries and our own economy. Of course you know nothing about that, super dupe.
I don't believe the Western corporate media.

Abby Martin visited Venezuela this past year. She tells a different story than what the corporate media is telling. She says that Maduro still has a lot of support among the poor people living in Venezuela.

Abby Martin has reportedly been threatened with lynching by the so-called "peaceful" opposition in Venezuela:

"CHILE — The U.S.-backed right-wing opposition in Venezuela is consistently described as 'peaceful,' protesting non-violently against the leftist regime of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, who mainstream media throughout the Americas and the world consider an autocrat, or dictator who is hell-bent on accumulating more power.

"However, the Venezuelan opposition has proven themselves to be anything but peaceful, especially in recent weeks.

"Late last month (5/2017), a mob of around 40 opposition protesters were caught on video beating 21-year-old Orlando José Figuera, then dousing him with gasoline and lighting him on fire after he was accused of being a 'Chavista infiltrator.'"

Venezuelan Opposition Threatens To Lynch American Journalist Abby Martin

It sounds like he got what he deserve. Maduro has killed thousands of Venezuelans.Abby Martin is a 9/11 truther. She sounds like a fucking commie. I won't shed any tears the day she is killed.

The time for peaceful protests in Venezuela is over. What the opposition needs is military grade weapons.

Venezuela 2017/2018

"Venezuela remained in a state of emergency, repeatedly extended since January 2016.

"A National Constituent Assembly was elected without the participation of the opposition.

"The Attorney General was dismissed under irregular circumstances.

"Security forces continued to use excessive and undue force to disperse protests. Hundreds of people were arbitrarily detained.

"There were many reports of torture and other ill-treatment, including sexual violence against demonstrators.

"The judicial system continued to be used to silence dissidents, including using military jurisdiction to prosecute civilians.

"Human rights defenders were harassed, intimidated and subject to raids. Conditions of detention were extremely harsh.

"The food and health crises continued to worsen, especially affecting children, people with chronic illness and pregnant women.

"The number of Venezuelans seeking asylum in other countries increased."

Trump’s Economic Sanctions Have Cost Venezuela About $6bn Since August 2017

Capitalism to the rescue.

You're blaming capitalism for all this?

You're blaming capitalism for all this?
Capitalists control the world's reserve currencies.
Capitalists control the IMF and World Bank.
And capitalists control this
Treasury sanctions Venezuela state-owned oil firm in bid to transfer control to Maduro opposition

Why do you suppose capitalists aren't sanctioning this mad dog?

We're gonna fuck the shit out of Maduro.
How long before he eats a bullet?
What is so unappealing about using labor time as a sole means of determining exchange value?

It's unappealing because it squashes individual freedom. It denies the subjective nature of utility and personal preference.

I hesitate to engage you on this, because you usually play dodge 'em rather than directly defending your views, but let me ask you this. How is your conception of value "enforced"? If someone wants to trade something with someone else for a price that doesn't match your "intrinsic value" calculation, what happens? Are they arrested? Fined? What?
Even more important, how do the pricing authorities even determine a price? What is the "value" of a ton of coal? How would they even guess without having market prices to look at?
Can you imagine a market that doesn't distribute goods and services on the basis of ability to pay? Such a market would determine the price of a ton of coal based on consumers' needs for warmth and society's need to save the natural environment from capitalism's need to privatize profits by socializing costs.

US Coal Plants Dump Thousands of Gallons of Waste Into Drinking Water Supplies a Day
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What about all those socialist paradises in Europe? Why can't the Venezuelan oil monopoly just borrow money from them? Come to think of it, since socialism is so superior, why does Venezuela even need any capitalist countries?

It's hilarious the way socialists always blame capitalist countries for not doing business with them when they fail.
Because they are also capitalists and don't want trouble with the United States, whoever wrecked Venezuela the last 15 years with their corrupt World depression of 2008 and crippling sanctions against Venezuela. The usual GOP covert assassination of socialist countries.... See Iran 1953, Central and South America forever, Reagan's pal Saddam etc etc.
Chavez and Maduro wrecked Venezuela, douchebag. Why is it only Venezuela was wrecked when countries like Chile and Colombia are thriving?
Hardly are they thriving, and hardly are they a one product country like Venezuela... And of course they are not being sanctioned and ruined by the United States. And of course their scumbag Venezuelan oligarchs...
What stopped Venezuela from developing other industries? Can't those bureaucrats plan for the future? Why is having huge oil revenues a liability?

None of your excuses make the slightest bit of sense. Anyway you look at it, Venezuela is a disaster.
They've only had socialist leadership since Hugo Chavez in 2005 or something. Before that they were USA banana Republic with totally corrupt oligarchs and charge. Chavez cut poverty by 75% and a literacy by 90% and gave them Healthcare. You have no idea what you're talking about of course. Google US sanctions against Venezuela socialists. The GOP should get there corrupt covert garbage out of other countries. The GOP always screws up other countries and our own economy. Of course you know nothing about that, super dupe.
How did he cut poverty if everyone is starving? in 1960 they had the 4th highest GDP per capita in the entire world. So far, the only sanctions I'm aware of is the one Trump just imposed. Obama certainly didn't put any sanctions on them? He loves those fucking commies. You pathetic bleating about how Venezuela has been so abused just doesn't wash. I fail to see any basis for blaming the GOP. Name one thing the GOP has done to damage Venezuela. One thing.

Here's one of your links:

DSA Calls for Ending Sanctions Against Venezuela - Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

In 2014, the U.S. Congress, led by Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ), passed a sanctions bill that targeted Venezuelan officials by threatening to deny them visas and to seize their assets.
That doesn't seem like much a threat to the Venezuelan economy. It might prevent the scumbag bureaucrats from traveling to the US, but that's about it. If they have significant assets in the US, that would indicate to me that they are corrupt. Keep in mind that it only "threatened" to seize their assets. As far as I know, no assets have been seized.

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