Who’s Going to Be the First to Cut a Deal in Spygate?

Funny Chit watching the Trumpette trash Amercans that spent their life protecting them.

Military heroes - trashed

POWs Trashed

Gold Star families - Trashed

widoes of soldiers just killed in battle - Trashed

What the fuck happened to you people?

Bring on this investigation. Lets hear again from Flynn, Trump, Trump Jr, Manafort, Comey. Mitch McConnell,

Let's hear why Trump lied about Russian contacts & Russian businesses.
lord you are more full of shit than any one person should ever be.

SO refute my claims. Which do you deny happened?

Why do you support such a piece of shit?
Funny Chit watching the Trumpette trash Amercans that spent their life protecting them.

Military heroes - trashed

POWs Trashed

Gold Star families - Trashed

widoes of soldiers just killed in battle - Trashed

What the fuck happened to you people?

Bring on this investigation. Lets hear again from Flynn, Trump, Trump Jr, Manafort, Comey. Mitch McConnell,

Let's hear why Trump lied about Russian contacts & Russian businesses.
lord you are more full of shit than any one person should ever be.

SO refute my claims. Which do you deny happened?

Why do you support such a piece of shit?
i'd list a counter of ways that obama and hillary were/are pieces of shit but that would set you off.
i'd explain my point of view as to how i feel about each and the above actions, but you've never once in the years i've been here actually cared about conversation, just bitching and calling people 'pieces of shit'.

there's a lot of things that could be done if you were open to doing them but you're not. you're a singular minded asshole who will trash anyone and everyone who doesn't feel like you. all that being a "given" you tell me why i should answer any of your questions.
Funny Chit watching the Trumpette trash Amercans that spent their life protecting them.

Military heroes - trashed

POWs Trashed

Gold Star families - Trashed

widoes of soldiers just killed in battle - Trashed

What the fuck happened to you people?

Bring on this investigation. Lets hear again from Flynn, Trump, Trump Jr, Manafort, Comey. Mitch McConnell,

Let's hear why Trump lied about Russian contacts & Russian businesses.
lord you are more full of shit than any one person should ever be.

SO refute my claims. Which do you deny happened?

Why do you support such a piece of shit?
i'd list a counter of ways that obama and hillary were/are pieces of shit but that would set you off.
i'd explain my point of view as to how i feel about each and the above actions, but you've never once in the years i've been here actually cared about conversation, just bitching and calling people 'pieces of shit'.

there's a lot of things that could be done if you were open to doing them but you're not. you're a singular minded asshole who will trash anyone and everyone who doesn't feel like you. all that being a "given" you tell me why i should answer any of your questions.

List them.

Especially list where they trashed our troops, veterans & their families.

Dona;d Trump is a liar, fraud, business cheat, women abuser, and con man who is driving us toward an economic disaster.
Not this guy.


Dan Coats is not looking well. His copies are not legitimate...

List them. Especially list where they trashed our troops, veterans & their families.
Does forcing our military help Al Qaeda, who slaughtered 3,000 Americans in one day, take over their own country ... forcing our military commit an International War Crime by invading a sovereign nation that did not ask us to or invite us in ... abandoning Americans to needlessly die in terrorist attacks count?
Friday...anything yet?
What's your rush? Dem traitors and snowflakes wasted 3 years of our time only to fall flat on their faces and set Horowitz and Barr up for successful investigations into the investigators....

You can't rush these things - you must savor the sweet 'appetizers' of finger-pointing, the squirming, sweating, whimpering, crying, and panicked denials coming from the left before the 'main course' is served...

Ice, now you know by now snowflakes never back up their accusations with actual proof...
Funny Chit watching the Trumpette trash Amercans that spent their life protecting them.

Military heroes - trashed

POWs Trashed

Gold Star families - Trashed

widoes of soldiers just killed in battle - Trashed

What the fuck happened to you people?

Bring on this investigation. Lets hear again from Flynn, Trump, Trump Jr, Manafort, Comey. Mitch McConnell,

Let's hear why Trump lied about Russian contacts & Russian businesses.

No one is trashing, as you put it, anyone who served our Country.
You confuse Democrat Party tantrums and overreach with serving our Country, willfully and purposefully in a false narrative in order to advance an unhinged left platform in an ultra partisan way.
If anyone deserves to be trashed, it is you and your ILK!

See. The denial. The ignorance.

Dona;d Trump trashed the military service of John McCain. He said he did not like POWs. He trashed a Gold Star family & yes, he called a woman who had just met her husband's body at the airport a liar.

And you voted for him.

So shove your fake patriotism up your ass.
It’s like the worse Donald Trump is the louder they applaud his odious behavior.
It’s like the worse Donald Trump is the louder they applaud his odious behavior.
And the more evidence against traitorous Dems that comes out, the more snowflakes lie, deny, and justify...

And the closer Horowitz and Barr come to exposing the truth the louder and more finger-pointed the traitors get / engage in...
Ice, now you know by now snowflakes never back up their accusations with actual proof...
Yea that tsunami of disappointment hit me yesterday. Took a lot of time to find info as bias free as I could. Never read then of course "right wing" talking points. Took 2 days to get there. Never once were actual sources offered up in return, just i am wrong and need to reflect.

Oh I reflected alright. :)

Won't happen again at least for that person.
My bet is that Bill Priestap made a deal last year.
My bet is that Bill Priestap made a deal last year.

Winner-winner, chicken dinner! I agree 100%, he has been singing for months. There is little doubt, Paige is also singing, as much as she can sing, being a lawyer.

How do we know Paige is singing?

Ummmmmm, does anyone believe that they accidentally discovered how a warrant started at the top, instead of the bottom like it was supposed to, and knew exactly who to interview? Ummmmmm, who was the FBI lawyer who would have insight into this, and along with putting the finger on who was the lawyer who retired that had knowledge of this action?

LISA PAIGE, omg...…..nothing to see here, move along, lololol!

Not only that, but who here is dumb enough to think we are going to get a press release--------->so and so flipped, and is now co-operating with the government, lol. It would be highly unlikely until discovery on a trial, that anybody would be reported to have flipped. It is all supposition now by the news, and honestly, any of us.

But one thing you can surely see, 1 or more have, as the government is being LED directly to where the evidence is, such as Christine Kavelicks handwritten notes.

Unless you are blind in one eye, and can't see out the other, it is more than evident someone(s) is spilling the proverbial beans-)
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My bet is that Bill Priestap made a deal last year.

Winner-winner, chicken dinner! I agree 100%, he has been singing for months. There is little doubt, Paige is also singing, as much as she can sing, being a lawyer.

How do we know Paige is singing?

Ummmmmm, does anyone believe that they accidentally discovered how a warrant started at the top, instead of the bottom like it was supposed to, and knew exactly who to interview? Ummmmmm, who was the FBI lawyer who would have insight into this, and along with putting the finger on who was the lawyer who retired that had knowledge of this action?

LISA PAIGE, omg...…..nothing to see here, move along, lololol!

Not only that, but who here is dumb enough to think we are going to get a press release--------->so and so flipped, and is now co-operating with the government, lol. It would be highly unlikely until discovery on a trial, that anybody would be reported to have flipped. It is all supposition now by the news, and honestly, any of us.

But one thing you can surely see, 1 or more have, as the government is being LED directly to where the evidence is, such as Christine Kavelicks handwritten notes.

Unless you are blind in one eye, and can't see out the other, it is more than evident someone(s) is spilling the proverbial beans-)

Indeed. There is going to be a feeding frenzy to try to cut a deal. One thing is certain, everyone is going to throw Comey under the bus.

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