Who's our enemy?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
An intangible abstract concept like Islam, or the actual people running around with military weapons? If we dedicate ourselves to attacking the idea, will we have any success? Do bombs and bullets kill ideas like they do people? Or should we instead focus our efforts on actual people?

Islam isn't our enemy. A handful of very evil people using Islam as a selling point is.
Much as I prefer everyone getting along with one another, if we must have conflict then let's make sure we're fighting the right people and things. And not wasting time and energy trying to kill ideas, especially if the idea isn't the problem.

No one claims Christianity is an evil religion of war simply because some white supremacist types have their own pseudo-Christian denomination. So why waste time and energy denouncing Islam for an exactly identical thing?

ISIS and other terror grpups would LOVE us to portray the conflict as us vs Islam because then they have 1.6 billion potential allies ready to sign up.

Quit doing what the enemy wants.
An intangible abstract concept like Islam, or the actual people running around with military weapons? If we dedicate ourselves to attacking the idea, will we have any success? Do bombs and bullets kill ideas like they do people? Or should we instead focus our efforts on actual people?

Islam isn't our enemy. A handful of very evil people using Islam as a selling point is.
Channeling for Harf/Paski/Obama/Kerry?
This is not our enemy:


US Army Sergeant in Texas at prayers.


US Muslim soldiers during Ramadan

This IS the enemy:

An intangible abstract concept like Islam, or the actual people running around with military weapons? If we dedicate ourselves to attacking the idea, will we have any success? Do bombs and bullets kill ideas like they do people? Or should we instead focus our efforts on actual people?

Islam isn't our enemy. A handful of very evil people using Islam as a selling point is.
This is our enemy
A "handful"? How stupid can you get, anyway?

This is as far from reasonable as those who might claim all Muslims are terrorist.
Gee, I dunno, but if we're gonna use the Ft. Hood shooter to condemn Islam, guess that means the other US Army soldier who murdered 16 civilians means Christianity's to blame for that huh?

" (Reuters) - A U.S. Army sergeant who killed 16 Afghan civilians in cold blood last year pleaded guilty on Wednesday to premeditated murder and other charges under a deal with military prosecutors that spares him from the death penalty.

Staff Sergeant Robert Bales, a decorated veteran of four combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, admitted to leaving his Army post in the Afghan province of Kandahar last March to gun down and set fire to unarmed villagers, mostly women and children, in attacks on their family compounds."
Soldier pleads guilty to murdering 16 Afghan civilians Reuters
See how it works? Condemn one reliigon and you only open yourself up to comparisons. Religion isn't the enemy.
An intangible abstract concept like Islam, or the actual people running around with military weapons? If we dedicate ourselves to attacking the idea, will we have any success? Do bombs and bullets kill ideas like they do people? Or should we instead focus our efforts on actual people?

Islam isn't our enemy. A handful of very evil people using Islam as a selling point is.
Once again I will point out, that my Bible does not tell me to convert people or kill them if they won't convert, like the Quran does.

And anyone who believes that our government, does not know where ISIS terrorists are holed up at, is a real idiot. But, if we were to blow them up, then they would have to face some issues they really don't want to deal with, so let the ISIS bunch be, and let people live in fear of them, so we can protect our phony baloney jobs. That is their mentality.
Gee, I dunno, but if we're gonna use the Ft. Hood shooter to condemn Islam, guess that means the other US Army soldier who murdered 16 civilians means Christianity's to blame for that huh?

" (Reuters) - A U.S. Army sergeant who killed 16 Afghan civilians in cold blood last year pleaded guilty on Wednesday to premeditated murder and other charges under a deal with military prosecutors that spares him from the death penalty.

Staff Sergeant Robert Bales, a decorated veteran of four combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, admitted to leaving his Army post in the Afghan province of Kandahar last March to gun down and set fire to unarmed villagers, mostly women and children, in attacks on their family compounds."
Soldier pleads guilty to murdering 16 Afghan civilians Reuters

he did it in the name of Christianity, right?
An intangible abstract concept like Islam, or the actual people running around with military weapons? If we dedicate ourselves to attacking the idea, will we have any success? Do bombs and bullets kill ideas like they do people? Or should we instead focus our efforts on actual people?

Islam isn't our enemy. A handful of very evil people using Islam as a selling point is.
Once again I will point out, that my Bible does not tell me to convert people or kill them if they won't convert, like the Quran does.

And anyone who believes that our government, does not know where ISIS terrorists are holed up at, is a real idiot. But, if we were to blow them up, then they would have to face some issues they really don't want to deal with, so let the ISIS bunch be, and let people live in fear of them, so we can protect our phony baloney jobs. That is their mentality.

And once again, I'll point out what every KJV says:


13 That whosoever would not seek the LORD God of Israel should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman.
- 2 Chronicles 15, KJV
See how it works? Condemn one reliigon and you only open yourself up to comparisons. Religion isn't the enemy.
Yet, World War 3 will probably be Christianity/Jewish vs. Muslim. It could be the war that ends religion, though, if it happens, it will be the war, that ends the world, thus, ending religion.

Welcome to Armageddon.
An intangible abstract concept like Islam, or the actual people running around with military weapons? If we dedicate ourselves to attacking the idea, will we have any success? Do bombs and bullets kill ideas like they do people? Or should we instead focus our efforts on actual people?

Islam isn't our enemy. A handful of very evil people using Islam as a selling point is.
Once again I will point out, that my Bible does not tell me to convert people or kill them if they won't convert, like the Quran does.

And anyone who believes that our government, does not know where ISIS terrorists are holed up at, is a real idiot. But, if we were to blow them up, then they would have to face some issues they really don't want to deal with, so let the ISIS bunch be, and let people live in fear of them, so we can protect our phony baloney jobs. That is their mentality.

And once again, I'll point out what every KJV says:


13 That whosoever would not seek the LORD God of Israel should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman.
- 2 Chronicles 15, KJV
You know quoting an older part of the Bible is quite unfair AND unjust. The Bible starts out like that yes but moves toward peace.
The quran on the other hand starts out in peace and works towards war.
See how it works? Condemn one reliigon and you only open yourself up to comparisons. Religion isn't the enemy.
Yet, World War 3 will probably be Christianity/Jewish vs. Muslim. It could be the war that ends religion, though, if it happens, it will be the war, that ends the world, thus, ending religion.

Welcome to Armageddon.

WW3 isn't the concern. Concern is a nuclear state like Pakistan, DPRK, or Iran "losing" a nuclear weapon (in reality they give it to someone) who then deploys it somewhere. In effect, using a proxy agent to attack with nuclear weapons while retaining deniability.

Our response plans don't address proxy-use of nuclear weapons. Who do we retaliate against? The ones who did it are presumedly vaporized. But do we strike whoever made the weapon? We don't retaliate against conventional arms dealer nations. Do we suddenly if it's a WMD? What about if it's chemical or biological?
An intangible abstract concept like Islam, or the actual people running around with military weapons? If we dedicate ourselves to attacking the idea, will we have any success? Do bombs and bullets kill ideas like they do people? Or should we instead focus our efforts on actual people?

Islam isn't our enemy. A handful of very evil people using Islam as a selling point is.
Once again I will point out, that my Bible does not tell me to convert people or kill them if they won't convert, like the Quran does.

And anyone who believes that our government, does not know where ISIS terrorists are holed up at, is a real idiot. But, if we were to blow them up, then they would have to face some issues they really don't want to deal with, so let the ISIS bunch be, and let people live in fear of them, so we can protect our phony baloney jobs. That is their mentality.

And once again, I'll point out what every KJV says:


13 That whosoever would not seek the LORD God of Israel should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman.
- 2 Chronicles 15, KJV
Try reading it in context. A band of Jews taking an oath, about their group.

Much like a bunch of kids on the Andy Griffith show pricking their fingers and calling themselves blood brothers.

You already know this Delta, picking and choosing Scripture is below your intellectual level.
See how it works? Condemn one reliigon and you only open yourself up to comparisons. Religion isn't the enemy.
Who is our enemy?

It's no use talking to numb nuts who have predetermined that they absolutely MUST defend Islam no matter what. It is their prime directive, as they lose cred with their little mates if they don't show solidarity.

All his pathetic tripe about a "handful" of bad apples is all about setting the bar for what is considered acceptable at such a place that what was once considered outrageous becomes the new normal. What, with ISIS now making The Muslim Brotherhood look downright moderate in comparison, those like Delta who lack any critical thinking skills actually believes the agenda of The M.B. IS moderate. The bar keeps moving and few even realize it.

His focusing only on the tactics Islamists use to achieve their goals misses the entire point, and deliberately so IMO since he lies about the numbers involved. It is the agenda, itself, as shared by many hundreds of millions of Muslims that is the real problem -- spreading Islam as a totalitarian political ideology instead of just a religion -- and your C.A.I.R. quote shows that very clearly. The tactics they may vary, but the goals are the same.

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