Who's Responsible for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?

Who's Responsible for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?

Does someone need to be reminded that the terrorists are in fact civilians?
It is the civilians in Gaza that are attempting genocide in Israel.
Is it anyone else's fault that they are determined to fight a war they cannot win?
I don't think so.
Civilians are people who take no part in hostilities, you dumbass!
Who's responsible for civilian deaths in Gaza?
Those responsible for the illegal occupation of Palestine.

"As a first principle to this question, it must be understand that the West Bank is under a legal regime of belligerent occupation.

"Belligerent occupation is a specific category under the international laws of war that comes into effect when a state captures territory from another state during the course of war.

"On the first day that Israel came into possession of the West Bank and Gaza Strip from Jordan and Egypt, respectively, the IDF declared its authority over the territories, and that the international law of belligerent occupation would be the law of the land in those territories.

"Much to Israel’s credit, it has been the only state since the end of World War II to have formally applied the international law of occupation in a territory it has conquered through war.

"Occupation law in the territories is still enforced to this day, 46 years after it was established."

End the occupation.
End the killing of civilians.

The settlements are illegal under international law | JPost | Israel News
And just how many occupational laws has Israel been in compliance with?
Israel is still violating GCIV in the West Bank by transferring 500,000 of its civilians into territory it occupies, and it's guilty of collective punishment, at least, in Gaza. Maybe Israel is complying with some aspects of international occupation law, but I can't think of any offhand.
Who's Responsible for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?

Does someone need to be reminded that the terrorists are in fact civilians?
It is the civilians in Gaza that are attempting genocide in Israel.
Is it anyone else's fault that they are determined to fight a war they cannot win?
I don't think so.
Civilians are people who take no part in hostilities, you dumbass!

If that were true there would be no hostilities there. Picking up a weapon doesn't make you part of a military or subject to protections under international law (if there were such a thing).
Who's Responsible for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?

Does someone need to be reminded that the terrorists are in fact civilians?
It is the civilians in Gaza that are attempting genocide in Israel.
Is it anyone else's fault that they are determined to fight a war they cannot win?
I don't think so.
Apparently someone's confused about which country in inflicting an illegal occupation of Palestine:

"Israeli Violations of International Law - (6) The current Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories is illegal.

"Military actions and occupations are considered legal only if they are based on self-defense (as Israel claims), but it is now clear that Israel's occupation is illegal because Israeli implementation of it clearly is about (1) acquisition of land by force, (2) economic exploitation of the occupied communities (both violations of international law), (3) through unwarranted self-serving alterations of local law (also a violation of international law), and (4) in violation of human rights through the practice of collective punishment and (5) the creation of 'de facto' annexation also benefitting Israel and at the expense of the local population ."

Illegal Military Occupation

The Jewish state is responsible for the civilian deaths in Gaza, and they're not through yet.

"Ultimatum – One warning from the Prime Minister of Israel to the enemy population, in which he announces that Israel is about to attack military targets in their area and urges those who are not involved and do not wish to be harmed to leave immediately. Sinai is not far from Gaza and they can leave. This will be the limit of Israel’s humanitarian efforts. Hamas may unconditionally surrender and prevent the attack."

My Outline for a Solution in Gaza - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva

Israel plans on opening the crossing at Kerem Shalom and drive hundreds of thousands of Gazan civilians into tent cites before shipping them out to points around the world.

It's called ethnic cleansing, and it is exactly what Jews have been doing in Palestine since 1948, at least.
Israel's policies toward indigenous Palestinians are as racist as White South Africa's policies towards its indigenous population three decades ago.

Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions will work just as well in Palestine as they did in Africa:

"Israel’s illegal use of military violence

"– Israel uses military force to maintain an unlawful regime of occupation, colonialism and apartheid.

"This system is put in place in order to control as much land with as few indigenous Palestinians on it as possible, and to prevent the Palestinian people from exercising its inalienable right to self-determination.

"– Between 2000 and 2010 alone, Israeli armed forces injured tens of thousands and killed more than 7,000 Palestinians.

"– Israel has a documented track record of breaching international humanitarian and human rights law during its armed conflicts. This includes during its military operations, invasions and occupations of Palestinian and other Arab territory.

"Israel’s wars are acts of aggression, rather than 'self-defence', and are therefore in violation of international law.

"Israel’s military forces have officially adopted a doctrine of disproportionate force, otherwise known as the 'Dahiya Doctrine', which calls for severely hurting civilians and civilian infrastructure as the most 'effective' means of stopping or undermining irregular resistance forces.

"The UN and other bodies have repeatedly documented war crimes and crimes against humanity.

"– Israel’s ability to launch such devastating attacks with impunity largely stems from the vast international military cooperation and trade that it maintains with complicit governments across the world.

Fact sheet: The case for a military embargo on Israel | BDSmovement.net
Israel's policies toward indigenous Palestinians are as racist as White South Africa's policies towards its indigenous population three decades ago.

Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions will work just as well in Palestine as they did in Africa:

"Israel’s illegal use of military violence

"– Israel uses military force to maintain an unlawful regime of occupation, colonialism and apartheid.

"This system is put in place in order to control as much land with as few indigenous Palestinians on it as possible, and to prevent the Palestinian people from exercising its inalienable right to self-determination.

"– Between 2000 and 2010 alone, Israeli armed forces injured tens of thousands and killed more than 7,000 Palestinians.

"– Israel has a documented track record of breaching international humanitarian and human rights law during its armed conflicts. This includes during its military operations, invasions and occupations of Palestinian and other Arab territory.

"Israel’s wars are acts of aggression, rather than 'self-defence', and are therefore in violation of international law.

"Israel’s military forces have officially adopted a doctrine of disproportionate force, otherwise known as the 'Dahiya Doctrine', which calls for severely hurting civilians and civilian infrastructure as the most 'effective' means of stopping or undermining irregular resistance forces.

"The UN and other bodies have repeatedly documented war crimes and crimes against humanity.

"– Israel’s ability to launch such devastating attacks with impunity largely stems from the vast international military cooperation and trade that it maintains with complicit governments across the world.

Fact sheet: The case for a military embargo on Israel | BDSmovement.net
George, you should go to Gaza and help the poor Pals there. Bring some fresh carpets, their lips are looking a little dusty. :D
If Hamas wasn't in Gaza there would be peace.

Of course those idiot Palestinians voted them into power and are now getting exactly what they deserve.

Don't feel one ounce of pity for those idiots. If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.
If Hamas wasn't in Gaza there would be peace.

Of course those idiot Palestinians voted them into power and are now getting exactly what they deserve.

Don't feel one ounce of pity for those idiots. If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.

Yes most Zionist are heartless even when little babies die. Not Israel's fault though, those babies were a threat and got in the way.
If Hamas wasn't in Gaza there would be peace.

Of course those idiot Palestinians voted them into power and are now getting exactly what they deserve.

Don't feel one ounce of pity for those idiots. If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.

Yes most Zionist are heartless even when little babies die. Not Israel's fault though, those babies were a threat and got in the way.

Its the fault of those parents. You know the ones that voted Hamas into power. Blame them for the civilian deaths. They voted their killers into power.

If Hamas didn't build tunnels, thirty nine of em, lob rockets and send suicide bombesr to Isreal there would be peace.

Those fucking idiots voted Hamas into power. A Hamas who has stated catagorically that their aim is to kill every jew in Isreal. They are getting exactly what they voted for. Death.
If Hamas wasn't in Gaza there would be peace.

Of course those idiot Palestinians voted them into power and are now getting exactly what they deserve.

Don't feel one ounce of pity for those idiots. If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.

Yes most Zionist are heartless even when little babies die. Not Israel's fault though, those babies were a threat and got in the way.

Then tell all your cousins to stop shooting rockets at Israel. Pretty simple really.
If Hamas wasn't in Gaza there would be peace.

Of course those idiot Palestinians voted them into power and are now getting exactly what they deserve.

Don't feel one ounce of pity for those idiots. If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.

Yes most Zionist are heartless even when little babies die. Not Israel's fault though, those babies were a threat and got in the way.

Its the fault of those parents. You know the ones that voted Hamas into power. Blame them for the civilian deaths. They voted their killers into power.

If Hamas didn't build tunnels, thirty nine of em, lob rockets and send suicide bombesr to Isreal there would be peace.

Those fucking idiots voted Hamas into power. A Hamas who has stated catagorically that their aim is to kill every jew in Isreal. They are getting exactly what they voted for. Death.

Right I don't believe any of that. Hamas was voted in to get what is rightfully Palestinians back. I believe they have every right. Israel started this battle with the teens and the ground invasion, searching homes , stealing money and arresting over 400 people, if the cops did that in the US we'd fight back too.
Israel's policies toward indigenous Palestinians are as racist as White South Africa's policies towards its indigenous population three decades ago.

Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions will work just as well in Palestine as they did in Africa:

"Israel’s illegal use of military violence

"– Israel uses military force to maintain an unlawful regime of occupation, colonialism and apartheid.

"This system is put in place in order to control as much land with as few indigenous Palestinians on it as possible, and to prevent the Palestinian people from exercising its inalienable right to self-determination.

"– Between 2000 and 2010 alone, Israeli armed forces injured tens of thousands and killed more than 7,000 Palestinians.

"– Israel has a documented track record of breaching international humanitarian and human rights law during its armed conflicts. This includes during its military operations, invasions and occupations of Palestinian and other Arab territory.

"Israel’s wars are acts of aggression, rather than 'self-defence', and are therefore in violation of international law.

"Israel’s military forces have officially adopted a doctrine of disproportionate force, otherwise known as the 'Dahiya Doctrine', which calls for severely hurting civilians and civilian infrastructure as the most 'effective' means of stopping or undermining irregular resistance forces.

"The UN and other bodies have repeatedly documented war crimes and crimes against humanity.

"– Israel’s ability to launch such devastating attacks with impunity largely stems from the vast international military cooperation and trade that it maintains with complicit governments across the world.

Fact sheet: The case for a military embargo on Israel | BDSmovement.net
George, you should go to Gaza and help the poor Pals there. Bring some fresh carpets, their lips are looking a little dusty. :D
You should suck down a few more kosher loads.
Maybe you'll become "chosen?"
If Hamas wasn't in Gaza there would be peace.

Of course those idiot Palestinians voted them into power and are now getting exactly what they deserve.

Don't feel one ounce of pity for those idiots. If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.
Are you speaking from experience?
What do you wake up with when you bend over for greedy Jews?
If Hamas wasn't in Gaza there would be peace.

Of course those idiot Palestinians voted them into power and are now getting exactly what they deserve.

Don't feel one ounce of pity for those idiots. If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.

Yes most Zionist are heartless even when little babies die. Not Israel's fault though, those babies were a threat and got in the way.

Its the fault of those parents. You know the ones that voted Hamas into power. Blame them for the civilian deaths. They voted their killers into power.

If Hamas didn't build tunnels, thirty nine of em, lob rockets and send suicide bombesr to Isreal there would be peace.

Those fucking idiots voted Hamas into power. A Hamas who has stated catagorically that their aim is to kill every jew in Isreal. They are getting exactly what they voted for. Death.

Those deaths are on Israel's hands, they killed them, they are the aggressors, they are the ones who bombed whole buildings not caring who was in them, the innocent bloodshed in on Israel. Israel has to quit blaming everyone else for their inhuman behavior.
Yes most Zionist are heartless even when little babies die. Not Israel's fault though, those babies were a threat and got in the way.

Its the fault of those parents. You know the ones that voted Hamas into power. Blame them for the civilian deaths. They voted their killers into power.

If Hamas didn't build tunnels, thirty nine of em, lob rockets and send suicide bombesr to Isreal there would be peace.

Those fucking idiots voted Hamas into power. A Hamas who has stated catagorically that their aim is to kill every jew in Isreal. They are getting exactly what they voted for. Death.

Those deaths are on Israel's hands, they killed them, they are the aggressors, they are the ones who bombed whole buildings not caring who was in them, the innocent bloodshed in on Israel. Israel has to quit blaming everyone else for their inhuman behavior.

If Hamas wasn't in Gaza there would be peace. Not hard to figure out but then your a jew hater so you just want Isreal to be at blame.

Those idiots voted Hames into power. They are now reaping what they have sown.

Boo fucking Hoo. Civilians die in warfare. They always have and always will. Those fucking idiots VOTED HAMAS INTO POWER. Hope they enjoy the fucking ride they voted for.

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