Who's Responsible for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?

You fall for that. Israel had to know going in with tanks, one of the most populated places on earth, fenced in, where was there to go, not even the sea was safe. Israel knew there would be lots of civilian casualties, and frankly didn't care. What they did was criminal.

Yes, Israel fucked up, should have pushed ALL you fucking muslim's into the sea! YOU SCUM, are not just fighting just Israel, but your BROTHERS are killing hundred of thousand of Christians, in other ME countries, the whole CULT needs to be eradicated...OR get involved in stopping your own from KILLING...you bastards are so fucked up, you even KILL muslims that aren't of the same SECT....how fucked up is that....You are ALL MENTALLY retarded, need you OUT of the human gene pool!

For one thing I'm not Muslim, but woe, sounds to me like you mean to genocide them, you agree with that?

Hi hypocrite. :fu:

I wonder. Did you bother to read the Hamas charter? Who is it that calls for genocide? Not that you care.

You typical left wing blind asshole.
Yes, Israel fucked up, should have pushed ALL you fucking muslim's into the sea! YOU SCUM, are not just fighting just Israel, but your BROTHERS are killing hundred of thousand of Christians, in other ME countries, the whole CULT needs to be eradicated...OR get involved in stopping your own from KILLING...you bastards are so fucked up, you even KILL muslims that aren't of the same SECT....how fucked up is that....You are ALL MENTALLY retarded, need you OUT of the human gene pool!

For one thing I'm not Muslim, but woe, sounds to me like you mean to genocide them, you agree with that?

Hi hypocrite. :fu:

I wonder. Did you bother to read the Hamas charter? Who is it that calls for genocide? Not that you care.

You typical left wing blind asshole.
Did you know that 'Pen...' actually has a video tape which shows the 'Jews' actually writing the Hamas Charter and then claiming actually Hamas is just a peace loving group who's only goal is to make sure little arab girls can go to school. If you look carefully at the video tape you can see Cheney and Bush hiding in the background.
Hamas is nothing but a bunch of simian pigs who love death more than life. It's like trying to reason with a pen full of monkeys at the zoo.
'Get rid'.
What do you do if you have a headache? Take a pill. Then no headache.
In the case of the sand monkeys the 'pill' needs to be five hundred 'MOABS' dropped from fifty thousand feet.
Really , ,perhaps its the creator of Hamas, and perhaps they are still bankrolled by Israel, and this has been just a huge display of how to get rid of your neighbors, working both sides as to say. Least ways Israel owes, and the US tax dollars better not pay. Time for them to stand on their own two feet.

How Israel helped create Hamas

It also obscures Hamas's curious history. To a certain degree, the Islamist organization whose militant wing has rained rockets on Israel the past few weeks has the Jewish state to thank for its existence. Hamas launched in 1988 in Gaza at the time of the first intifada, or uprising, with a charter now infamous for its anti-Semitism and its refusal to accept the existence of the Israeli state. But for more than a decade prior, Israeli authorities actively enabled its rise.


But, as Aaron David Miller, a Middle East expert at the Woodrow Wilson Center, observes, a strange, self-sustaining relationship remains. Israel's hawkish government — comprising many politicians who have little interest in seeing the creation of a separate Palestinian state — dwells on the security threat that Hamas's crude rockets pose. Hamas depends, Miller writes, on "an ideology and strategy steeped in confrontation and resistance."

How Israel helped create Hamas - The Washington Post

Your source does not support your argument. Israel neither created nor bankrolled Hamas.
Do you ever do anything but lie?

She never claimed Israel bankrolled them. Why are YOU lying?

And the article is saying that Israel's extreme policies and militarism has created the atmosphere where radical Islam can grow.

She did too.
Really , ,perhaps its the creator of Hamas, and perhaps they are still bankrolled by Israel, and this has been just a huge display of how to get rid of your neighbors, working both sides as to say. Least ways Israel owes, and the US tax dollars better not pay. Time for them to stand on their own two feet.
You have a problem understanding english?


That map is incomplete. You forgot the part in which Israel returned the Sinai desert to Egypt for a chance at peace.
...which has nothing to do with Palestinian land.
You're so smart, put your 2 cents in on this thread --> http://www.usmessageboard.com/israe...g-questionaire-for-palestinian-advocates.html
I think it is funny how the lying godless liberals do not even know or care that Israel has not been in Gaza since 2005.

Israeli disengagement from Gaza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As I have mentioned over and over again. Liberals, could not possibly care less about the plight of any of these poor people. Remember, they are the same fucktards that wish saddam was still alive and in power. Yes, they do, don't they? Or is it that they don't wish that, but........

George Philip is nothings short of a liar, a piece of shit, and worthy of zero respect.

I am a liberal but strongly in agreement with you on that facts you laid out. But I am not in agreement with your using this as an attack on Liberals.

George Philips is not a liberal. He may be other things, like, say, an utter asshole, but he's not a Liberal.

Oh no you don't.
You're not dumping GP on the normal peeps.
He's yours and dat's dat. :cool:
You fall for that. Israel had to know going in with tanks, one of the most populated places on earth, fenced in, where was there to go, not even the sea was safe. Israel knew there would be lots of civilian casualties, and frankly didn't care. What they did was criminal.

Yes, Israel fucked up, should have pushed ALL you fucking muslim's into the sea! YOU SCUM, are not just fighting just Israel, but your BROTHERS are killing hundred of thousand of Christians, in other ME countries, the whole CULT needs to be eradicated...OR get involved in stopping your own from KILLING...you bastards are so fucked up, you even KILL muslims that aren't of the same SECT....how fucked up is that....You are ALL MENTALLY retarded, need you OUT of the human gene pool!

For one thing I'm not Muslim, but woe, sounds to me like you mean to genocide them, you agree with that?

YES, emphatically!! YOU asshole, makes it sound like that's a dirty word compared to SUICIDE!!! Fucking stupid cocksucker, they'd just as soon kill you as look at you, unfortunately you're an American! I speak as an agnostic, that UNDERSTANDS what the fucking muslim's mean when they say DEATH TO AMERICA!!!
No, they don't. Arabs are animals who want to force sharia law down everyones throats. So fuck em.

Yup and they have also vowed to kill every Jew on the planet.

Great guys. The Hamas leader is sitting on his ass safe in another country and I'm sure he could care less how many Palestinians get killed.

Was reading that the Isreali's bombed 32 tunnels. Thirty two. One can only guess how many Hamas dirtbags made it into Isreal to kill and maim.

One can almost imagine where those tunnels were as well. Anywhere to get civilians killed.

Hamas are nothing but gutless assholes.

Actually I think the slimeball does care how many Palestinians die. I don't think there's any doubt about it. The more Palestinians die, especially children, the more Hamas can use for propaganda reasons. He's loving every single death.
They're not the ones imposing an illegal blockade on Israel, are they?
They aren't calculating the calories Jews did need to survive every day and restricting food imports into Israel accordingly, are they?
They aren't publicizing plans to intern hundreds of thousands of Jews in the Sinai either.
Israeli Jews want all the land of Palestine for themselves.
It's just that simple.
Who's responsible for civilian deaths in Gaza?
Those responsible for the illegal occupation of Palestine.

"As a first principle to this question, it must be understand that the West Bank is under a legal regime of belligerent occupation.

"Belligerent occupation is a specific category under the international laws of war that comes into effect when a state captures territory from another state during the course of war.

"On the first day that Israel came into possession of the West Bank and Gaza Strip from Jordan and Egypt, respectively, the IDF declared its authority over the territories, and that the international law of belligerent occupation would be the law of the land in those territories.

"Much to Israel’s credit, it has been the only state since the end of World War II to have formally applied the international law of occupation in a territory it has conquered through war.

"Occupation law in the territories is still enforced to this day, 46 years after it was established."

End the occupation.
End the killing of civilians.

The settlements are illegal under international law | JPost | Israel News
Who's responsible for civilian deaths in Gaza?
Those responsible for the illegal occupation of Palestine.

"As a first principle to this question, it must be understand that the West Bank is under a legal regime of belligerent occupation.

"Belligerent occupation is a specific category under the international laws of war that comes into effect when a state captures territory from another state during the course of war.

"On the first day that Israel came into possession of the West Bank and Gaza Strip from Jordan and Egypt, respectively, the IDF declared its authority over the territories, and that the international law of belligerent occupation would be the law of the land in those territories.

"Much to Israel’s credit, it has been the only state since the end of World War II to have formally applied the international law of occupation in a territory it has conquered through war.

"Occupation law in the territories is still enforced to this day, 46 years after it was established."

End the occupation.
End the killing of civilians.

The settlements are illegal under international law | JPost | Israel News
And just how many occupational laws has Israel been in compliance with?

Wow. So who are those 8 Palestinians with Nobel prizes in medicine, etc ?

Glad you asked, There are not, but the main reason there are Israel nobel prizes in medicine is thanks to Germany. Most of the Muslim nobel prices are in Peace, but I'm sure they are as intelligent as everyone else is given the means to education and higher education.

As of 2012, ten Nobel Prize winners have been Muslims. Half of the ten Muslim Nobel laureates were awarded the prize in the 21st century. Six of the ten winners have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, including a controversial award to Yasser Arafat. Muslims make up over 23% of the worlds population [5][6][7] and have earned 1% of nobel prizes.

List of Muslim Nobel laureates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Who's Responsible for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?

Does someone need to be reminded that the terrorists are in fact civilians?
It is the civilians in Gaza that are attempting genocide in Israel.
Is it anyone else's fault that they are determined to fight a war they cannot win?
I don't think so.

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