Who's Responsible for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?

I think it is funny how the lying godless liberals do not even know or care that Israel has not been in Gaza since 2005.

During the first period (2005-2007), Israel removed all of its troops from Gaza.

It also removed all of its settlers.

The settlers left behind greenhouses, farm equipment and other valuable civilian assets worth millions of dollars.

The Palestinians of Gaza were free to come and go as they pleased, to conduct free elections, and to import construction and other economic material in order to build a viable Palestinian entity to help their citizens. European donors sent them money and other resources, hoping that they would use them to create jobs, schools, hospitals and other necessary infrastructure.

To be sure, Israel maintained control over its border with Gaza, with checkpoints and security fences, but it opened its border to Palestinian residents of Gaza who came to work in Israel. During that period, numerous Gazans came into Israel to work and came back to Gaza with good salaries to feed their families.

During the same period many Gazans went to Egypt and other countries.


As I have mentioned over and over again. Liberals, could not possibly care less about the plight of any of these poor people. Remember, they are the same fucktards that wish saddam was still alive and in power. Yes, they do, don't they? Or is it that they don't wish that, but........

Yes, in 2005 Israel uprooted from Gaza completely. Yet, more than 10,000 missiles have been fired upon Israel and their citizens are deliberately targeted.

On January 25, 2006, the Palestinian Authority held elections. Gazans were free to vote and did in fact vote in large numbers for Hamas, which achieved a significant political victory. But that wasn’t enough for Hamas, which conducted a bloody coup d’etat in which numerous Palestinian civilians who were associated with the Palestinian Authority were killed.

Hamas also resumed rocket attacks against Israeli civilians and increased its building of terrorist tunnels into Israel, which it used to kill and kidnap Israelis. It was only after these acts of war by Hamas that Israel instituted its blockade in 2007 – nearly two years after it ended its occupation.

So the truth is that the blockade has not been the cause of Hamas’ rocket and tunnel attacks. The blockade has been the result of these attacks. It is an entirely legitimate defensive military response to war crimes committed by Hamas.

We see now what good the withdrawal did for the Jews. Remember the immortal statement of Winston Churchill after British PM Chamberlain signed an agreement with Hitler: "You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor and you will have war."


Do not think for one moment any of these facts will effect the scourge on humanity, better known as liberalism. They stand for nothing, other than the destruction of America, the obliteration of Israel, and all of the godlessness they can handle.

That is about it. They are filthy, disgusting creatures who only follow the bandwagons. Ironic how they turned out to be the actual nazis even though they have insisted that it has been the right wing all of this time.


George Philip is nothings short of a liar, a piece of shit, and worthy of zero respect.

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Almost 300 responses on a joke thread, joke question.

Anyone arguing Israel is not responsible, would argue gravity plays no role in plane crashes.

Anyone arguing Hamas isn't at fault is an idiot. You fit the bill.

Really , ,perhaps its the creator of Hamas, and perhaps they are still bankrolled by Israel, and this has been just a huge display of how to get rid of your neighbors, working both sides as to say. Least ways Israel owes, and the US tax dollars better not pay. Time for them to stand on their own two feet.

How Israel helped create Hamas

It also obscures Hamas's curious history. To a certain degree, the Islamist organization whose militant wing has rained rockets on Israel the past few weeks has the Jewish state to thank for its existence. Hamas launched in 1988 in Gaza at the time of the first intifada, or uprising, with a charter now infamous for its anti-Semitism and its refusal to accept the existence of the Israeli state. But for more than a decade prior, Israeli authorities actively enabled its rise.


But, as Aaron David Miller, a Middle East expert at the Woodrow Wilson Center, observes, a strange, self-sustaining relationship remains. Israel's hawkish government — comprising many politicians who have little interest in seeing the creation of a separate Palestinian state — dwells on the security threat that Hamas's crude rockets pose. Hamas depends, Miller writes, on "an ideology and strategy steeped in confrontation and resistance."

How Israel helped create Hamas - The Washington Post
Those rat faced Israelis can kill as many civilians as they want in Gaza and celebrate it in the streets because they are sick, insecure, and cowardly people, but in the long run they will lose. They won't lose militarily, they will lose demographically. In a few generations, arabs will be a majority in Israel, and short of these sick israeli racists sterilizing them, that cant be stopped . The jewish state(an absurd supremacist notion to begin with) at that point will cease to exist, and the arab majority will enact the right of return for the 75% of Palestinians and their descendants who were driven from their homes since 1948.
The civilised world will prevail against these sub-humans or perish. Pick one.

That is correct, the jewish subhumans will be defeated. They simply aren't breeding anymore, Arabs will win the battle of demographics. The public civilized white world is turning against the juden and supporting Palestine against ZOG occupation forces.

Maybe if Arabs weren't such crappy soldiers things might be different.......but they always run away at the first sign of resistance.
On July 15th, Egypt attempted to broker a truce. Israel accepted. Hamas rejected. The current truce is the very same one offered on the 15th. 90% of the casualties have happened since then. Hamas is undeniably responsible for those deaths.

Asked to extend the current ceasefire Israel said yes but Hamas said only if Israel satisfies its demands in the next 36 hours. I guess they want more IDF with their breakfast on Friday. :cuckoo:
Almost 300 responses on a joke thread, joke question.

Anyone arguing Israel is not responsible, would argue gravity plays no role in plane crashes.

Anyone arguing Hamas isn't at fault is an idiot. You fit the bill.

Really , ,perhaps its the creator of Hamas, and perhaps they are still bankrolled by Israel, and this has been just a huge display of how to get rid of your neighbors, working both sides as to say. Least ways Israel owes, and the US tax dollars better not pay. Time for them to stand on their own two feet.

How Israel helped create Hamas

It also obscures Hamas's curious history. To a certain degree, the Islamist organization whose militant wing has rained rockets on Israel the past few weeks has the Jewish state to thank for its existence. Hamas launched in 1988 in Gaza at the time of the first intifada, or uprising, with a charter now infamous for its anti-Semitism and its refusal to accept the existence of the Israeli state. But for more than a decade prior, Israeli authorities actively enabled its rise.


But, as Aaron David Miller, a Middle East expert at the Woodrow Wilson Center, observes, a strange, self-sustaining relationship remains. Israel's hawkish government — comprising many politicians who have little interest in seeing the creation of a separate Palestinian state — dwells on the security threat that Hamas's crude rockets pose. Hamas depends, Miller writes, on "an ideology and strategy steeped in confrontation and resistance."

How Israel helped create Hamas - The Washington Post

Your source does not support your argument. Israel neither created nor bankrolled Hamas.
Do you ever do anything but lie?
Anyone arguing Hamas isn't at fault is an idiot. You fit the bill.

Really , ,perhaps its the creator of Hamas, and perhaps they are still bankrolled by Israel, and this has been just a huge display of how to get rid of your neighbors, working both sides as to say. Least ways Israel owes, and the US tax dollars better not pay. Time for them to stand on their own two feet.

How Israel helped create Hamas

It also obscures Hamas's curious history. To a certain degree, the Islamist organization whose militant wing has rained rockets on Israel the past few weeks has the Jewish state to thank for its existence. Hamas launched in 1988 in Gaza at the time of the first intifada, or uprising, with a charter now infamous for its anti-Semitism and its refusal to accept the existence of the Israeli state. But for more than a decade prior, Israeli authorities actively enabled its rise.


But, as Aaron David Miller, a Middle East expert at the Woodrow Wilson Center, observes, a strange, self-sustaining relationship remains. Israel's hawkish government — comprising many politicians who have little interest in seeing the creation of a separate Palestinian state — dwells on the security threat that Hamas's crude rockets pose. Hamas depends, Miller writes, on "an ideology and strategy steeped in confrontation and resistance."

How Israel helped create Hamas - The Washington Post

Your source does not support your argument. Israel neither created nor bankrolled Hamas.
Do you ever do anything but lie?

Lie, I quoted the Washington Post article. It rather common news. Just seems funny such a one sided battle once again. Israel is responsible for the damage and life lost, the blood is on their hands, no one else's.
Really , ,perhaps its the creator of Hamas, and perhaps they are still bankrolled by Israel, and this has been just a huge display of how to get rid of your neighbors, working both sides as to say. Least ways Israel owes, and the US tax dollars better not pay. Time for them to stand on their own two feet.

How Israel helped create Hamas

It also obscures Hamas's curious history. To a certain degree, the Islamist organization whose militant wing has rained rockets on Israel the past few weeks has the Jewish state to thank for its existence. Hamas launched in 1988 in Gaza at the time of the first intifada, or uprising, with a charter now infamous for its anti-Semitism and its refusal to accept the existence of the Israeli state. But for more than a decade prior, Israeli authorities actively enabled its rise.


But, as Aaron David Miller, a Middle East expert at the Woodrow Wilson Center, observes, a strange, self-sustaining relationship remains. Israel's hawkish government — comprising many politicians who have little interest in seeing the creation of a separate Palestinian state — dwells on the security threat that Hamas's crude rockets pose. Hamas depends, Miller writes, on "an ideology and strategy steeped in confrontation and resistance."

How Israel helped create Hamas - The Washington Post

Your source does not support your argument. Israel neither created nor bankrolled Hamas.
Do you ever do anything but lie?

Lie, I quoted the Washington Post article. It rather common news. Just seems funny such a one sided battle once again. Israel is responsible for the damage and life lost, the blood is on their hands, no one else's.

That article neither says nor infers that Israel was "the creator of Hamas" or that Israel "bankrolled" it. As already noted, do you ever do anything but lie?
Anyone arguing Hamas isn't at fault is an idiot. You fit the bill.

Really , ,perhaps its the creator of Hamas, and perhaps they are still bankrolled by Israel, and this has been just a huge display of how to get rid of your neighbors, working both sides as to say. Least ways Israel owes, and the US tax dollars better not pay. Time for them to stand on their own two feet.

How Israel helped create Hamas

It also obscures Hamas's curious history. To a certain degree, the Islamist organization whose militant wing has rained rockets on Israel the past few weeks has the Jewish state to thank for its existence. Hamas launched in 1988 in Gaza at the time of the first intifada, or uprising, with a charter now infamous for its anti-Semitism and its refusal to accept the existence of the Israeli state. But for more than a decade prior, Israeli authorities actively enabled its rise.


But, as Aaron David Miller, a Middle East expert at the Woodrow Wilson Center, observes, a strange, self-sustaining relationship remains. Israel's hawkish government — comprising many politicians who have little interest in seeing the creation of a separate Palestinian state — dwells on the security threat that Hamas's crude rockets pose. Hamas depends, Miller writes, on "an ideology and strategy steeped in confrontation and resistance."

How Israel helped create Hamas - The Washington Post

Your source does not support your argument. Israel neither created nor bankrolled Hamas.
Do you ever do anything but lie?

She never claimed Israel bankrolled them. Why are YOU lying?

And the article is saying that Israel's extreme policies and militarism has created the atmosphere where radical Islam can grow.
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