Who's Smart?

The smart people are the ones who can recognize the intelligence of others, no matter the political stripe.

The stupid ones are those who think that joining a tribe called "conservative" or a tribe called "liberal" is what actually makes them smart.

Actually, the smart ones are the ones who can articulate exactly what they see as the basis for deciding who's smart....or not.

You mean like the propensity towards original thought vs. regurgitated group think or the ability to understand complex systems vs the need to simplify the world into binary?

Yes, they most certainly can.
Actually, the smart ones are the ones who can articulate exactly what they see as the basis for deciding who's smart....or not.
Want a Better Economy? History Says Vote Democrat ...Forbes
History Shows Stocks GDP Outperform Under Democrats Fox Business

BTW, Obama interned at Sidley Austin, a top Wall Street firm.

You don't get that by being below average.

But Cruz is a smart guy. He won't be President, but no one will mistake him for Sarah Palin.

How about comparing Obama and Bush.

5. "It is unclear what "smart" really means in politics. I think it is the red herring of politics. Universities are loaded with faculty who are "smart". But 80% are liberal. In politics, policies matter, not technical interpretations of esoteric material; the usual purpose or functionality of high IQ smarts.

[Obama] attended Occidental/Columbia undergrad and Harvard Law. Bush attended Yale undergrad and Harvard Business School.

Bush released his grades and SAT scores (1206 on Verbal and Math--pre-1974--like 1300 today) as did his opponents, Kerry and Gore. Using the "Otis Gamma and Scholastic Aptitude" score, one can infer Bush's IQ to be 130. This places him in about the top 2-3% in the country. This is higher than John Kerry and lower than Al Gore. The latter was a massive underachiever in college.

We do not know Obama's SAT, LSAT, or GPA scores because he won't release them.
His Columbia GPA was estimated by the WSJ to be between 1.8 and 3.0 (C- to B) because he did not graduate with honors.

He was at the bottom 15% in Occidental. He was in the top 10% at Harvard Law because he graduated "magna cum laude". So we assume he is smart, but how he got into Harvard with that record is peculiar. In any event, he will not release his records.

Just as he hides his grades and SAT scores from the public, he also hides what he really thinks about health care "reform". Truly "brilliant".
Law of the Bad Premise Obama s Rocky Mountain High IQ
Standardized tests are just one indicator in a vast array of measures for intelligence. Other than bragging rights there is not much value for the scores in the long run.
My dog's pretty smart.

He's an Aussie.

We have to spell in front him.

Then he figured that out. Now we have to speak in code.

Wow, our Border Collie/Aussie Cattle Dog mix is clearly smarter than the average conservative - of course an average conservative is controlled by his or her emotions and locked in a box of dogma.

R, can count, she gets two dog cookies at bed time, give her one and you get the Border Collie 'look', a combination of "what's wrong with you" and "I'm in charge here". In that an many of her daily activities she is clearly more in tune with the world, other dogs at the park and knows when to be silent and when to bark. Unlike the little dogs and PoliticalChic (PC) who yap yap yap all day long.
BTW, Obama interned at Sidley Austin, a top Wall Street firm.

You don't get that by being below average.

But Cruz is a smart guy. He won't be President, but no one will mistake him for Sarah Palin.

How about comparing Obama and Bush.

5. "It is unclear what "smart" really means in politics. I think it is the red herring of politics. Universities are loaded with faculty who are "smart". But 80% are liberal. In politics, policies matter, not technical interpretations of esoteric material; the usual purpose or functionality of high IQ smarts.

[Obama] attended Occidental/Columbia undergrad and Harvard Law. Bush attended Yale undergrad and Harvard Business School.

Bush released his grades and SAT scores (1206 on Verbal and Math--pre-1974--like 1300 today) as did his opponents, Kerry and Gore. Using the "Otis Gamma and Scholastic Aptitude" score, one can infer Bush's IQ to be 130. This places him in about the top 2-3% in the country. This is higher than John Kerry and lower than Al Gore. The latter was a massive underachiever in college.

We do not know Obama's SAT, LSAT, or GPA scores because he won't release them.
His Columbia GPA was estimated by the WSJ to be between 1.8 and 3.0 (C- to B) because he did not graduate with honors.

He was at the bottom 15% in Occidental. He was in the top 10% at Harvard Law because he graduated "magna cum laude". So we assume he is smart, but how he got into Harvard with that record is peculiar. In any event, he will not release his records.

Just as he hides his grades and SAT scores from the public, he also hides what he really thinks about health care "reform". Truly "brilliant".
Law of the Bad Premise Obama s Rocky Mountain High IQ

You funny

Some "estimate"
His Columbia GPA was estimated by the WSJ to be between 1.8 and 3.0 (C- to B) because he did not graduate with honors.

So your "estimate" is based on him not flunking out and not graduating with honors

Rocket science.....pure rocket science
Standardized tests are just one indicator in a vast array of measures for intelligence. Other than bragging rights there is not much value for the scores in the long run.

That must be why Obama hid his, huh?

Never mind....
“Ye shall know them by their fruits"
Matthew 7:16
Standardized tests are just one indicator in a vast array of measures for intelligence. Other than bragging rights there is not much value for the scores in the long run.

That must be why Obama hid his, huh?

Never mind....
“Ye shall know them by their fruits"
Matthew 7:16
Obomba hides a lot of things not just test score.
Bush destroyed the economy.
Obama repaired the economy.

I'll take Obama any day.

"Surprise: U.S. Economic Data Have Been the World's Most Disappointing
It's not only the just-released University of Michigan consumer confidence report and February retail sales on Thursday that surprised economists and investors with another dose of underwhelming news. Overall, U.S. economic data have been falling short of prognosticators' expectations by the most in six years." Surprise U.S. Economic Data Have Been the World s Most Disappointing - Bloomberg Business

Oh, wait....you're the one praising government schools, too.
BTW, Obama interned at Sidley Austin, a top Wall Street firm.

You don't get that by being below average.

But Cruz is a smart guy. He won't be President, but no one will mistake him for Sarah Palin.

How about comparing Obama and Bush.

5. "It is unclear what "smart" really means in politics. I think it is the red herring of politics. Universities are loaded with faculty who are "smart". But 80% are liberal. In politics, policies matter, not technical interpretations of esoteric material; the usual purpose or functionality of high IQ smarts.

[Obama] attended Occidental/Columbia undergrad and Harvard Law. Bush attended Yale undergrad and Harvard Business School.

Bush released his grades and SAT scores (1206 on Verbal and Math--pre-1974--like 1300 today) as did his opponents, Kerry and Gore. Using the "Otis Gamma and Scholastic Aptitude" score, one can infer Bush's IQ to be 130. This places him in about the top 2-3% in the country. This is higher than John Kerry and lower than Al Gore. The latter was a massive underachiever in college.

We do not know Obama's SAT, LSAT, or GPA scores because he won't release them.
His Columbia GPA was estimated by the WSJ to be between 1.8 and 3.0 (C- to B) because he did not graduate with honors.

He was at the bottom 15% in Occidental. He was in the top 10% at Harvard Law because he graduated "magna cum laude". So we assume he is smart, but how he got into Harvard with that record is peculiar. In any event, he will not release his records.

Just as he hides his grades and SAT scores from the public, he also hides what he really thinks about health care "reform". Truly "brilliant".
Law of the Bad Premise Obama s Rocky Mountain High IQ

You funny

Some "estimate"
His Columbia GPA was estimated by the WSJ to be between 1.8 and 3.0 (C- to B) because he did not graduate with honors.

So your "estimate" is based on him not flunking out and not graduating with honors

Rocket science.....pure rocket science

Hmmmm......analysis by the WSJ vs the opinion of an Obama lap-dog who lies about his avi.....

Tough choice.
PoliticalChic is the archetype of a new genre, formed at the end of the 20th Century, this form attacks the character, intelligence, motives, etc. of every person, alive or dead, whose weltanschauung is outside of the dogmatic view held by the author.

It is illogical, emotion driven and wholly void of understanding, characteristics of the leaders of despotic regimes many of whom seem to have been narcissistic personality types too.
My dog's pretty smart.

He's an Aussie.

We have to spell in front him.

Then he figured that out. Now we have to speak in code.

I've had two Aussies.........wicked smart

First one had a vocabulary of about 200 words
The one I have now sits and watches TV


My dog is wicked smart, but the biggest coward in the world!

When he was a puppy, he heard a snarling dog bark on the TV, and he scrambled up onto the couch and wrapped himself around my wife's shoulders to hide behind her head.
My dog's pretty smart.

He's an Aussie.

We have to spell in front him.

Then he figured that out. Now we have to speak in code.

I've had two Aussies.........wicked smart

First one had a vocabulary of about 200 words
The one I have now sits and watches TV


My dog is wicked smart, but the biggest coward in the world!

When he was a puppy, he heard a snarling dog bark on the TV, and he scrambled up onto the couch and wrapped himself around my wife's shoulders to hide behind her head.

So....did you name the dog 'Subban'?
BTW, Obama interned at Sidley Austin, a top Wall Street firm.

You don't get that by being below average.

But Cruz is a smart guy. He won't be President, but no one will mistake him for Sarah Palin.

How about comparing Obama and Bush.

5. "It is unclear what "smart" really means in politics. I think it is the red herring of politics. Universities are loaded with faculty who are "smart". But 80% are liberal. In politics, policies matter, not technical interpretations of esoteric material; the usual purpose or functionality of high IQ smarts.

[Obama] attended Occidental/Columbia undergrad and Harvard Law. Bush attended Yale undergrad and Harvard Business School.

Bush released his grades and SAT scores (1206 on Verbal and Math--pre-1974--like 1300 today) as did his opponents, Kerry and Gore. Using the "Otis Gamma and Scholastic Aptitude" score, one can infer Bush's IQ to be 130. This places him in about the top 2-3% in the country. This is higher than John Kerry and lower than Al Gore. The latter was a massive underachiever in college.

We do not know Obama's SAT, LSAT, or GPA scores because he won't release them.
His Columbia GPA was estimated by the WSJ to be between 1.8 and 3.0 (C- to B) because he did not graduate with honors.

He was at the bottom 15% in Occidental. He was in the top 10% at Harvard Law because he graduated "magna cum laude". So we assume he is smart, but how he got into Harvard with that record is peculiar. In any event, he will not release his records.

Just as he hides his grades and SAT scores from the public, he also hides what he really thinks about health care "reform". Truly "brilliant".
Law of the Bad Premise Obama s Rocky Mountain High IQ

My guess is that Obama doesn't release his grades because they were probably pretty poor, and that he benefited from affirmative action.

I don't really care. It never bothered me that Bush was a C student. There is waaaaaay too much emphasis in America about where you went to college and what you're grades were. I work in the financial industry, where most of the people have excellent academic pedigrees, and I see these people doing dumb things all the time.
6. Here's a bunch more:

Paul Allen - 1600 (unrecentered)
Bill Gates - 1590 (unrecentered)
Bill O'Reilly - 1585 (unrecentered)
James Woods - 1579 (unrecentered)
Ben Stein - 1573 (unrecentered)
Rush Limbaugh - 1530 (unrecentered)
Scott McNealy - 1420 (unrecentered)
Jennifer Ringley - 1400 (unrecentered)
Al Gore - 1355 (unrecentered)
George W. Bush - 1206 (unrecentered)
John Kerry - 1190 (unrecentered)
Bill Clinton - 1032 (unrecentered)
Al Franken - 1020 (unrecentered)
Janeane Garofalo - 950 (unrecentered)
Howard Stern - 870 (unrecentered)

List Of People BY SAT SCORE. W Kerry Clinton LOL
My dog's pretty smart.

He's an Aussie.

We have to spell in front him.

Then he figured that out. Now we have to speak in code.

I've had two Aussies.........wicked smart

First one had a vocabulary of about 200 words
The one I have now sits and watches TV


My dog is wicked smart, but the biggest coward in the world!

When he was a puppy, he heard a snarling dog bark on the TV, and he scrambled up onto the couch and wrapped himself around my wife's shoulders to hide behind her head.

R. is 44 pounds and rules the dog park. She has friends and keeps her eye out for trouble, when a dog gets overwhelmed or yelps in pain R. steps in, sometimes getting between the two dogs, sometimes chasing one of them off. She has this look, unblinking and steadfast which dogs (and her human family) understand.
I can't remember what I made on the SAT??/ But I had no problem going to any school I could afford...So I attended the school of hard knockers...
I can't remember what I made on the SAT??/ But I had no problem going to any school I could afford...So I attended the school of hard knockers...

Bet you wish it had three digits, huh?

So....how did you like the Robert Fiance School of Beauty?
No matter who it is, if the person under discussion is a Republican, a conservative, a religious individual, one can always count on Liberals to accuse 'em of being 'dummmm.'
Never fails.

Let's see.....

1. "Meanwhile talk show host Rush Limbaugh, political commentator Bill O'Reilly and actor and economist Ben Stein picked up near-perfect [SAT] scores of 1530, 1585 and 1573 respectively.

It's not just conservatives with high scores though: Al Gore kept the tally high for the Democrat camp with a score of 1355.

US president Barack Obama, on the other hand, has repeatedly refused to release his education records.

Not all celebrities fared brilliantly however, with presenter Howard Stern rumoured to have picked up a low 870, and baseball star Alex Rodriguez reaching just 910. Meanwhile stand-up comedian Janeane Garofalo is thought to have scored around 950."
Celebrities SAT scores revealed amid controversy over regrading Daily Mail Online

2. ".... former US President Bill Clinton scored fairly low - with results of 1020 puts him more than 200 points below successor George W Bush's 1206. SAT FAIL !"

3. "Famed Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz ranks Sen. Ted Cruz among the school’s smartest students,...."
Dershowitz Ted Cruz one of Harvard Law s smartest students The Daily Caller

4. How many time have we heard that Bush is 'stoooopiddddd.'
Turns out, it's just one more Liberal error....you know, like electing you-know-who.

"Being a legacy student definitely helped much more years ago. But it's foolish to think that a 1206 is an average score.
A 1206 would be scored a 1210 by today's standards of rounding off (all scores end in 0). And it's more than 2 standard deviations above the mean, putting his score in the top 5% when it was taken. The vast majority of "average colleges" offer full-scholarships to students they can attract with SATs at or above 1200 (on the old scale).

By no means would it only have been good enough to get him into an average college. It would have been considered an acceptable score by most institutions in the nation, pending the rest of the application such as GPA, extra-curriculars, etc.

You can debate the worthiness of his acceptance to an Ivy League school with such a score because most have traditionally preferred 1300 or above on the old scale since the late 90's, but you cannot debate the fact that it was a very good score. I'm not even a Bush supporter nor did I vote for him, but there's no denying the stats.
Good leaders are not defined by their SAT score or where they went to school, it takes a little something else that a number cannot quantify."
Breaking news Sarah palin shockingly low sat score racism Hillary Clinton anti-American - Elections - Page 19 - City-Data Forum

"....Good leaders are not defined by their SAT score or where they went to school, it takes a little something else that a number cannot quantify."

A vision for America.
LMAO You're such an idiot. Bill Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar. SAT scores mean very little--standardized tests mean very little. Being a Rhodes Scholar means a great deal. You exemplify why people say conservatives are dummmmmm.....because they have no critical thinking skills. All SAT does is measure language and math.....and people study for the SAT. To study for a specific standardized test is not a measure of overall intelligence and critical thinking skills.

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