Who's the biggest threat to this country and world peace? Russia, China or the Republican Party?

Answer (drumrollllll) *) IRAN !!!!! Let me explain, ye of little brain. Iran is not just Iran. Iran rules the mind of every SHIITE muslim on the planet. There are about 500 million Shiites SPREAD ALL OVER the world----mostly as minorities----
but majority in some countries----most notably IRAN---oil rich---huge----very educated,---very IRAN!!!!!!!!! (Shiites constitute more than 10% of the total number of muslims-----ie lots of people) sunnis and their beheading and raping
and bomb on ass attacks ain't NUTHIN' compared to the potential of SHIITES. Shiites fancy themselves ARYANS-------like adolf-------and share the temperament of
HIMMLER ------the nice pleasant muslim living down the street is probably a sunni
Educated and Iranian? Extreme religious tend not to be educated. For obvious reasons.

No you arent for obvious reasons. You are nothing but talking points

For a muslim country------Iran has a VERY EDUCATED population
I would say Socialists. Every country they gain power in, turns into a nightmare of instability.

Beyond that, I think Russia is only a danger to those countries directly near their boarders.

Thus, they are only a threat to world peace, as much as the rest of the world is willing to tolerate their military actions.

I would rank North Korea today, and Iran tomorrow, as being the biggest threats to world peace. The fact Israel now has working relationships with the Arab countries around it, because of Iran, is a clue to how dangerous that has the potential to be. The Arabs grasp this. The left-wing idiots do not.
Answer (drumrollllll) *) IRAN !!!!! Let me explain, ye of little brain. Iran is not just Iran. Iran rules the mind of every SHIITE muslim on the planet. There are about 500 million Shiites SPREAD ALL OVER the world----mostly as minorities----
but majority in some countries----most notably IRAN---oil rich---huge----very educated,---very IRAN!!!!!!!!! (Shiites constitute more than 10% of the total number of muslims-----ie lots of people) sunnis and their beheading and raping
and bomb on ass attacks ain't NUTHIN' compared to the potential of SHIITES. Shiites fancy themselves ARYANS-------like adolf-------and share the temperament of
HIMMLER ------the nice pleasant muslim living down the street is probably a sunni
Educated and Iranian? Extreme religious tend not to be educated. For obvious reasons.

No you arent for obvious reasons. You are nothing but talking points

For a muslim country------Iran has a VERY EDUCATED population

True. Which makes them more dangerous than Taliban hiding in caves.
Russia is a failed country with former KGB Putin at it's head who is trying to rebuild the Russian Empire that finally fell apart under Ronald Reagan. They don't make anything of value. They rely completely on oil and minerals. Not on anything they actually make. In the past few years, they have invaded their neighbors and annexed part of another country. They kill political opponents and journalists.

China is the worlds most populous country. Much of it is rural farmers. And getting older. They are a communist country. Freedom is granted by the government. There is no free speech.

Republicans are home to American white supremacists. They have gone to court again and again over their voter suppression tactics. They are anti education and anti science. Members of the party have talked openly of denying gays jobs, a place to live, serving them as customers and even some conservative religious leaders have promoted death and "camps". Republicans hate blacks, Hispanics and Muslims. They don't innovate nor produce much of value beyond crops and they only do that with a lot of scientific help. The party disrespects it's own base. They have no interest in helping the sick, the elderly or the GOP base. Their leaders promote warfare without ever being in the military or letting their children serve (see Donald Trump and Mitt Romney). Their policies have been proven again and again to be dangerous and were the cause of the most recent recession. The worst in US History.

So which are more dangerous? Honestly, I have to say Republicans. The minority is dragging the majority over a cliff. We can all see it coming. They did it once before under George W. Bush and now have all the pieces in place to create far greater damage.

So what do you think? What's the US of A's greatest danger and why? Give facts, I did. I can prove everything I said. You have to be able to do that same.

The answer is easy. The United States under the Democrats. Let's look at the crimes you accuse Russia of. We actually have to include one, Syria.

But Russia went into Syria, and the Ukrane for the same reason. The US trying to deny Russia the Naval Bases they depend upon. So we have to go back a bit to the Arab Spring. That was when we started shipping weapons to Foreign Fighters in Syria who were trying to get a Civil War going. Hillary was Secretary of State, and the State Department's advice would have been sought. I don't think that Obama would have approved the plan without the State Department's support.

So we shipped weapons from Libya to Syria through Jordan. Then we purchased weapons in Eastern Europe including in Ukrane and the former Yugoslavia for the "Moderate Jihadi" forces. This was done because Russia has one Naval Base in the entire Mediterranean Sea, and it is in Syria. Imagine our reaction if Russia had done this to Italy, or Spain where we have our bases.

When the Syrian Adventure bogged down because unlike Libya, Sudan, Egypt, or Tunisia the people didn't feel like they had a bad deal under Assad. There was no popular uprising against Assad, and Russia started to offer military support to an ally.

Well, the plan was good, it just is going to take a little time. So we stirred up the Right Wing in Ukrane figuring that at first you don't succeed, try again. Only there Russia used their own troops right off the bat to secure their naval base. You denounce Putin as former KGB, but wouldn't he be smart enough to see through our proxy war and grasp our goal? Apparently so, since he has not only shored up support for his naval bases, but has also exposed us and our allies as the bad guys.

Turkey is dealing in stolen oil from Syria. Jordan is stealing the weapons we are shipping in by the ton and selling them to ISIS for some of that cash Turkey is paying them for the stolen oil. In the end, our allies are funding and arming the Terrorist group ISIS.

So you have to conclude that we are the enemies of peace. We are meddling in internal politics for geopolitical gain, and we are causing the deaths and suffering of millions in the process. Worse, we are apparently inept meddlers since we have accomplished nothing except to tie Syria closer to Russia. It's one thing to do this kind of thing and win, but when you do it and drive us closer to World War III and fail, that is proof that you were never quite as clever as you thought you were.

We had no business getting involved in Syria. We had no business stirring up the Right Wing in Ukrane. We had an obligation to tell our ally to cease dealing in stolen oil. We had an obligation to keep weapons out of the hands of terrorists. We failed in every single obligation we had for world peace, and have made things worse.

I hope we lose in Syria. We already lost in Ukrane, as we should have. The bad guys, and you can't claim we are anything but the bad guys, deserve to lose.

I am a patriot. I have served defending this nation. I would not serve now, because I will not enable the bad guys, the imperialist aggressors who threaten world peace.
Russia is a failed country with former KGB Putin at it's head who is trying to rebuild the Russian Empire that finally fell apart under Ronald Reagan. They don't make anything of value. They rely completely on oil and minerals. Not on anything they actually make. In the past few years, they have invaded their neighbors and annexed part of another country. They kill political opponents and journalists.

China is the worlds most populous country. Much of it is rural farmers. And getting older. They are a communist country. Freedom is granted by the government. There is no free speech.

Republicans are home to American white supremacists. They have gone to court again and again over their voter suppression tactics. They are anti education and anti science. Members of the party have talked openly of denying gays jobs, a place to live, serving them as customers and even some conservative religious leaders have promoted death and "camps". Republicans hate blacks, Hispanics and Muslims. They don't innovate nor produce much of value beyond crops and they only do that with a lot of scientific help. The party disrespects it's own base. They have no interest in helping the sick, the elderly or the GOP base. Their leaders promote warfare without ever being in the military or letting their children serve (see Donald Trump and Mitt Romney). Their policies have been proven again and again to be dangerous and were the cause of the most recent recession. The worst in US History.

So which are more dangerous? Honestly, I have to say Republicans. The minority is dragging the majority over a cliff. We can all see it coming. They did it once before under George W. Bush and now have all the pieces in place to create far greater damage.

So what do you think? What's the US of A's greatest danger and why? Give facts, I did. I can prove everything I said. You have to be able to do that same.

By far the clearest threat to this country are progressive globalists.
Answer (drumrollllll) *) IRAN !!!!! Let me explain, ye of little brain. Iran is not just Iran. Iran rules the mind of every SHIITE muslim on the planet. There are about 500 million Shiites SPREAD ALL OVER the world----mostly as minorities----
but majority in some countries----most notably IRAN---oil rich---huge----very educated,---very IRAN!!!!!!!!! (Shiites constitute more than 10% of the total number of muslims-----ie lots of people) sunnis and their beheading and raping
and bomb on ass attacks ain't NUTHIN' compared to the potential of SHIITES. Shiites fancy themselves ARYANS-------like adolf-------and share the temperament of
HIMMLER ------the nice pleasant muslim living down the street is probably a sunni
Educated and Iranian? Extreme religious tend not to be educated. For obvious reasons.

No you arent for obvious reasons. You are nothing but talking points

For a muslim country------Iran has a VERY EDUCATED population

True. Which makes them more dangerous than Taliban hiding in caves.

very very dangerous-----the coming world war III------will be galvanized by the
AXIS powers-----Russia, Iran and the approx. 500 million Shiite
muslims spread around the world. Thus sayeth rosie----oracle at usmb
Russia is a failed country with former KGB Putin at it's head who is trying to rebuild the Russian Empire that finally fell apart under Ronald Reagan. They don't make anything of value. They rely completely on oil and minerals. Not on anything they actually make. In the past few years, they have invaded their neighbors and annexed part of another country. They kill political opponents and journalists.

China is the worlds most populous country. Much of it is rural farmers. And getting older. They are a communist country. Freedom is granted by the government. There is no free speech.

Republicans are home to American white supremacists. They have gone to court again and again over their voter suppression tactics. They are anti education and anti science. Members of the party have talked openly of denying gays jobs, a place to live, serving them as customers and even some conservative religious leaders have promoted death and "camps". Republicans hate blacks, Hispanics and Muslims. They don't innovate nor produce much of value beyond crops and they only do that with a lot of scientific help. The party disrespects it's own base. They have no interest in helping the sick, the elderly or the GOP base. Their leaders promote warfare without ever being in the military or letting their children serve (see Donald Trump and Mitt Romney). Their policies have been proven again and again to be dangerous and were the cause of the most recent recession. The worst in US History.

So which are more dangerous? Honestly, I have to say Republicans. The minority is dragging the majority over a cliff. We can all see it coming. They did it once before under George W. Bush and now have all the pieces in place to create far greater damage.

So what do you think? What's the US of A's greatest danger and why? Give facts, I did. I can prove everything I said. You have to be able to do that same.

Donald Trump and his midnight tweety fingers are the biggest threat to peace in the world.

Russia is a failed country with former KGB Putin at it's head who is trying to rebuild the Russian Empire that finally fell apart under Ronald Reagan. They don't make anything of value. They rely completely on oil and minerals. Not on anything they actually make. In the past few years, they have invaded their neighbors and annexed part of another country. They kill political opponents and journalists.

China is the worlds most populous country. Much of it is rural farmers. And getting older. They are a communist country. Freedom is granted by the government. There is no free speech.

Republicans are home to American white supremacists. They have gone to court again and again over their voter suppression tactics. They are anti education and anti science. Members of the party have talked openly of denying gays jobs, a place to live, serving them as customers and even some conservative religious leaders have promoted death and "camps". Republicans hate blacks, Hispanics and Muslims. They don't innovate nor produce much of value beyond crops and they only do that with a lot of scientific help. The party disrespects it's own base. They have no interest in helping the sick, the elderly or the GOP base. Their leaders promote warfare without ever being in the military or letting their children serve (see Donald Trump and Mitt Romney). Their policies have been proven again and again to be dangerous and were the cause of the most recent recession. The worst in US History.

So which are more dangerous? Honestly, I have to say Republicans. The minority is dragging the majority over a cliff. We can all see it coming. They did it once before under George W. Bush and now have all the pieces in place to create far greater damage.

So what do you think? What's the US of A's greatest danger and why? Give facts, I did. I can prove everything I said. You have to be able to do that same.

Progressives are, since they are the ones trying to undermine the election by calling for the electors to vote for Hillary or to delay the vote. You accuse Republicans and Russians of doing the very thing you progressive turds are doing.
Answer (drumrollllll) *) IRAN !!!!! Let me explain, ye of little brain. Iran is not just Iran. Iran rules the mind of every SHIITE muslim on the planet. There are about 500 million Shiites SPREAD ALL OVER the world----mostly as minorities----
but majority in some countries----most notably IRAN---oil rich---huge----very educated,---very IRAN!!!!!!!!! (Shiites constitute more than 10% of the total number of muslims-----ie lots of people) sunnis and their beheading and raping
and bomb on ass attacks ain't NUTHIN' compared to the potential of SHIITES. Shiites fancy themselves ARYANS-------like adolf-------and share the temperament of
HIMMLER ------the nice pleasant muslim living down the street is probably a sunni
Educated and Iranian? Extreme religious tend not to be educated. For obvious reasons.

No you arent for obvious reasons. You are nothing but talking points

For a muslim country------Iran has a VERY EDUCATED population

"For a muslim country"?

Interactive map ranks school standards around the world

Brazil (Christian) is 60th.
Iran (Muslim) is 50th
Kazakhstan (Muslim) is 49th
Malaysia (majority Muslim) is 52nd
Mexico (Christian) is 54th
Turkey (Muslim) is 41st

Would appear to have lots of countries around that ranking, though the rankings are, of course, a little controversial in the first place.
Russia is a failed country with former KGB Putin at it's head who is trying to rebuild the Russian Empire that finally fell apart under Ronald Reagan. They don't make anything of value. They rely completely on oil and minerals. Not on anything they actually make. In the past few years, they have invaded their neighbors and annexed part of another country. They kill political opponents and journalists.

China is the worlds most populous country. Much of it is rural farmers. And getting older. They are a communist country. Freedom is granted by the government. There is no free speech.

Republicans are home to American white supremacists. They have gone to court again and again over their voter suppression tactics. They are anti education and anti science. Members of the party have talked openly of denying gays jobs, a place to live, serving them as customers and even some conservative religious leaders have promoted death and "camps". Republicans hate blacks, Hispanics and Muslims. They don't innovate nor produce much of value beyond crops and they only do that with a lot of scientific help. The party disrespects it's own base. They have no interest in helping the sick, the elderly or the GOP base. Their leaders promote warfare without ever being in the military or letting their children serve (see Donald Trump and Mitt Romney). Their policies have been proven again and again to be dangerous and were the cause of the most recent recession. The worst in US History.

So which are more dangerous? Honestly, I have to say Republicans. The minority is dragging the majority over a cliff. We can all see it coming. They did it once before under George W. Bush and now have all the pieces in place to create far greater damage.

So what do you think? What's the US of A's greatest danger and why? Give facts, I did. I can prove everything I said. You have to be able to do that same.

Progressives are, since they are the ones trying to undermine the election by calling for the electors to vote for Hillary or to delay the vote. You accuse Republicans and Russians of doing the very thing you progressive turds are doing.

Wait, Trump undermined the election in the first place, saying he wouldn't accept it. He said it was rigged too. Then when he won all his supporters said the system was great, but then when people try and act WITHIN THE RULES and get electors to change their mind, all of a sudden the right don't seem to think the system is so great any more.

Let's try this. I get what I want = system is great, don't change it. I don't get what I want = fuck this shit, I'm, starting a war.
Russia is a failed country with former KGB Putin at it's head who is trying to rebuild the Russian Empire that finally fell apart under Ronald Reagan. They don't make anything of value. They rely completely on oil and minerals. Not on anything they actually make. In the past few years, they have invaded their neighbors and annexed part of another country. They kill political opponents and journalists.

China is the worlds most populous country. Much of it is rural farmers. And getting older. They are a communist country. Freedom is granted by the government. There is no free speech.

Republicans are home to American white supremacists. They have gone to court again and again over their voter suppression tactics. They are anti education and anti science. Members of the party have talked openly of denying gays jobs, a place to live, serving them as customers and even some conservative religious leaders have promoted death and "camps". Republicans hate blacks, Hispanics and Muslims. They don't innovate nor produce much of value beyond crops and they only do that with a lot of scientific help. The party disrespects it's own base. They have no interest in helping the sick, the elderly or the GOP base. Their leaders promote warfare without ever being in the military or letting their children serve (see Donald Trump and Mitt Romney). Their policies have been proven again and again to be dangerous and were the cause of the most recent recession. The worst in US History.

So which are more dangerous? Honestly, I have to say Republicans. The minority is dragging the majority over a cliff. We can all see it coming. They did it once before under George W. Bush and now have all the pieces in place to create far greater damage.

So what do you think? What's the US of A's greatest danger and why? Give facts, I did. I can prove everything I said. You have to be able to do that same.
Fascist liberals....
Russia is a failed country with former KGB Putin at it's head who is trying to rebuild the Russian Empire that finally fell apart under Ronald Reagan. They don't make anything of value. They rely completely on oil and minerals. Not on anything they actually make. In the past few years, they have invaded their neighbors and annexed part of another country. They kill political opponents and journalists.

China is the worlds most populous country. Much of it is rural farmers. And getting older. They are a communist country. Freedom is granted by the government. There is no free speech.

Republicans are home to American white supremacists. They have gone to court again and again over their voter suppression tactics. They are anti education and anti science. Members of the party have talked openly of denying gays jobs, a place to live, serving them as customers and even some conservative religious leaders have promoted death and "camps". Republicans hate blacks, Hispanics and Muslims. They don't innovate nor produce much of value beyond crops and they only do that with a lot of scientific help. The party disrespects it's own base. They have no interest in helping the sick, the elderly or the GOP base. Their leaders promote warfare without ever being in the military or letting their children serve (see Donald Trump and Mitt Romney). Their policies have been proven again and again to be dangerous and were the cause of the most recent recession. The worst in US History.

So which are more dangerous? Honestly, I have to say Republicans. The minority is dragging the majority over a cliff. We can all see it coming. They did it once before under George W. Bush and now have all the pieces in place to create far greater damage.

So what do you think? What's the US of A's greatest danger and why? Give facts, I did. I can prove everything I said. You have to be able to do that same.
Dear lord, it's difficult to respond to babbling nonsense.

Allow me to complete his thoughts. Patriarchy, Islamaphobia, homophoia, institutional racism, sexism. white privilege, white supremacy, fake news, altr-right, no wait it's the russians.

The racist party is the democrat party....has been and always will be.......their core groups today are all racist......their leaders..racist...obama sat in a racist church for 20 years and called the racist pastor his good friend, and the racist pastor married the obama's and baptized their children....

One candidate called blacks "never do well" "super predators" who must be "brought to heel"
The biggest threat are stupid pacifist crybabies that do not or cannot comprehend that if you let bullies push you around and do not stop them, they will keep on pushing until it escalates.
So which are more dangerous? Honestly, I have to say Republicans. The minority is dragging the majority over a cliff. We can all see it coming. They did it once before under George W. Bush and now have all the pieces in place to create far greater damage.

So what do you think? What's the US of A's greatest danger and why? Give facts, I did. I can prove everything I said. You have to be able to do that same.

I'd say the greatest danger is the corrupt, warmongering, establishment part of the democratic party. They're the ones that put Trump into the oval office by insisting that the psychotic wall street princess deserved to be crowned instead of the sane, popular and moderate left wing Bernie

So which are more dangerous? Honestly, I have to say Republicans. The minority is dragging the majority over a cliff. We can all see it coming. They did it once before under George W. Bush and now have all the pieces in place to create far greater damage.

So what do you think? What's the US of A's greatest danger and why? Give facts, I did. I can prove everything I said. You have to be able to do that same.

I'd say the greatest danger is the corrupt, warmongering, establishment part of the democratic party. They're the ones that put Trump into the oval office by insisting that the psychotic wall street princess deserved to be crowned instead of the sane, popular and moderate left wing Bernie

Bernie the communist?
Bernie the communist?

Bernie isn't a communist comrade, just another establishment capitalist with a few moderate ideas

If he was a commie, he would be calling for the execution of the wall street criminals and their puppets in congress, nationalization of the banks and industries, to be led by worker's councils etc.


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