Who's The Most Hated Politician In Washington?

Who do you think is the most hated politician in Washington?

  • Donald J Trump

  • Joe Biden

  • Mike Pence

  • Mitt Romney

  • Mitch McConnell

  • Nancy Pelosi

  • Chuck Schumer

  • Adam Schiff

  • Maxine Waters

  • Kamala Harris

  • Hillary Clinton

  • Barack H Obama

  • Michelle Obama

  • Jamie Raskin

  • Liz Cheney

  • Ilhan Omar

  • AOC

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Your location says NY. What did she ever run for in NY?
What’s your point? I never said I hated her. I believe she’s the most hated amongst her colleges.

What’s your point? I never said I hated her. I believe she’s the most hated amongst her colleges.

No you said you voted for Liz Cheney in post #13

I was just pointing out, I was not aware she ran for office in New York for you to vote for her.
They maintain residences in Washington. Part of the year, Clinton and Obama live in Washington. Reagan, HW Bush, W Bush, and Trump all left Washington completely. Non maintained private residences in or near Washington to live part of the year here.
They all have a residence in Washington.
They all worked in Washington.
That's not the point of this thread.
Kind of a dishonest list, as it contains almost all DEMS, Where are the most disliked YOUR SIDE OF ISLE????
Every morning and evening i pray for mercy for this nation and for democrat eyes to be opened to the condition of the party that they are supporting. I pray that if we are close to the time of the Anti-Christ and the demise of this country and the world that God shows me that that is the case and gives me and my family the stremgth to endure it.

Democrats have built a formidable cult following.
Will be difficult for many to break free.
Kind of a dishonest list, as it contains almost all DEMS, Where are the most disliked YOUR SIDE OF ISLE????
Well that's cause they are the biggest pieces of shit of all.

Where are they? Who cares.
Real Clear Politics shows polling numbers every day. McConnell always "wins." Currently 23.7 positive, 56.7 negative, net 33% below neutral. Worst on the block.

Note: Only R. DeSantis is showing positive right now, but he's not in Washington.
Yet every election, the people of Kentucky, re-elect him..... And sadly, that's all that counts....
Some of those people are no longer in Washington.
"God is not mocked. Whatsoever you sow, so shall you reap"

Of course just because they are gone doesn't mean God is going to give them what they deserve (after giving Americans a break :)). But I've never seen anyone beat death

no matter how much $$ the person has.

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