Who's The Most Hated Politician In Washington?

Who do you think is the most hated politician in Washington?

  • Donald J Trump

  • Joe Biden

  • Mike Pence

  • Mitt Romney

  • Mitch McConnell

  • Nancy Pelosi

  • Chuck Schumer

  • Adam Schiff

  • Maxine Waters

  • Kamala Harris

  • Hillary Clinton

  • Barack H Obama

  • Michelle Obama

  • Jamie Raskin

  • Liz Cheney

  • Ilhan Omar

  • AOC

Results are only viewable after voting.
Every morning and evening i pray for mercy for this nation and for democrat eyes to be opened to the condition of the party that they are supporting. I pray that if we are close to the time of the Anti-Christ and the demise of this country and the world that God shows me that that is the case and gives me and my family the stremgth to endure it.
I can relate.

I don't pray for mercy, though, to speak of, except for the Christians who have to endure all this hell. I pray mercy for them and the instigators can, well---they can deal with an angry God. I just pray they REPENT before His wrath hits. There was a girl named Melanie (Calvat?) who at La Salette saw the Virgin who told her such things as: The Catholic Church will be corrupted (my words, can't recall the original ones), there will be bad priests and popes. I should probably post the actual words in Religion.
I'd say most spend their time elsewhere, like the Bahamas where there is FTX money for them.

But really, it's just one big clown show, they all look alike to me.
That's what I was thinking

Real Clear Politics shows polling numbers every day. McConnell always "wins." Currently 23.7 positive, 56.7 negative, net 33% below neutral. Worst on the block.

Note: Only R. DeSantis is showing positive right now, but he's not in Washington.
he used to be

the ones who want to save their souls get the hell out of there.
There are one or two options missing

One should be

__ You mean there's a difference?
Because he simply a brain addled puppet?
That's mostly an act. He knows exactly what he's doing.
He's also a despicable scumbag who is turning his back on America while taking bribes from our enemies.

The Southern Border
Destruction Of Our Energy Independence
Hired A Corrupt Degenerate To Run The DOJ

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