Who's to blame for the black crime rate?

Who's to blame for the high crime rate within the black community

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It is simply the demise of the black family structure, and politics of an opportunistic party.
Individuals are responsible for their actions. it's that simple.

(My bold)

If the question is Who's responsible for the high Black crime rate within the Black community:

1. TMK, all Blacks in the US were brought here in chains, as slaves. They suffered a high mortality rate in crossing the Atlantic.
2. Upon arrival, the survivors were systematically stripped of their language, culture, any surviving relatives, families. They were then sold again.
3. The slaves were not taught to read nor write. (There were some experiments, which - from the masters' point of view, ended badly. Laws were passed forbidding teaching Blacks to read/write.)
4. During the Civil War, the North seized all slaves in the South as war booty - although freeing them, rather than continuing their slavery.

So, if individuals are responsible for their actions, the first crime that Colonials & later US citizens commited upon the Blacks was to "buy" them in Africa & transport them to the US. & then to sell them & pocket the profits. If that argument holds up, the fortunes amassed in the slave trade - mostly the shippers, in the North, the plantation families, in the South; owe the Black community, & should make some restitution.

Yah, I understand that Black slavers captured & sold the Blacks. That was reprehensible, true enough. The fact remains that without a market, the slave trade would have collapsed. Most slaves went to the Caribbean & C. & S. America - but again, that doesn't absolve the US transport & plantation families of their share of blame.

The demolition of family ties, language, culture, religion - all the normal social ties that would have bound the Black community together & given them some solidarity - was deliberate policy by the plantations.

So those are the proximate answers as to Who's responsible. I think an adequate redressing is beyond human capacity. But I would like to see an effort to identify academic talent among the children, & tutoring/mentoring, maybe scholarships based on merit/need, to help the Black community make up for lost ground. Keep that up for a couple of generations, & then we could look again.

Really? How many have you met in 2013? Back in history, blacks were brought here in chains, as slaves. They were emancipated following a civil war in the 1860's. After the civil rights movement of the 1960's, they have come to enjoy all the same rights as any American. To my knowledge, no white person holds a black person as a slave in the US in 2013. Sometimes, you have to accept the progress you've wanted and move on. Rioting because of something that happened to your ancestors 2 hundred years ago is moronic.
Good question. When someone choses of their own free will to act like a negative cultural/racial stereotype, with all the negative baggage, is it a "FAULT" to notice that? I don't think so. Is that crime? Whatever you call this: "profiling’? People have choices. Martin made his, Zimmerman choose another. Martin should be alive now, but I identify with Zimmerman. I have been hurt more by gangbanging blacks more than they have reached out to help me or build the community. Trayvon identifies with that minds set. Bang. I get that.
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If this was a dead white guy, with a black man in zimmerman's shoes, would their be riot apprehension? Get the fuck out of here; this would be a non story. Blacks are more prone to violence, less at discourse. You want to talk about the plight of the blackman. What about that of the Jew, Chinese, Armenian etc. etc. etc. Do they act like savages ? Get real.
It's Paula Deen's fault. Ya'al. Dr laura was run o-f-t the air with the use of the Nigra-word. Then, going back a dozen years or so, there was that LA officer, Furman. A poplar word used by popular black Musicians. For a word! I see how violent and ALMOST suicidal black males can be. The cycle of violence in the black community isn't Zimmerman's fault for noticing. Martin shouldn't have died, but I lay this at the foot at the black community for not trying harder to live in peace with everyone. Condemn violence , racism is a chimera. A lie.
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They cry racism, because it gives them leverage. They know that racism is diminishing, and with it goes their goodies. Sharpton, and Jackson would lose their platform, and their prominence. Their influence to perpetuate would diminish - they would spiral down. What the dumb asses don't understand is that it would be good for the country, but they are too " ignent" to understand that.
They would rather incite anger in the black masses; make them feel that somehow if GZ is exonerated, a personal injury befalls them. They wan't riots, knowing that they will give rise to more oppertunities to cry foul. The black population has a cognizant block, and can not recognize this - they have bought the consummate victim identity.
I just want the violence to stop...What is so wrong with that? I want blacks to become reasonable and start giving a damn about the cities they're in.

hey matthew were you saying the same things,when the italians were killing each other by the handfuls,you know organize crime.HUH?
If this was a dead white guy, with a black man in zimmerman's shoes, would their be riot apprehension? Get the fuck out of here; this would be a non story. Blacks are more prone to violence, less at discourse. You want to talk about the plight of the blackman. What about that of the Jew, Chinese, Armenian etc. etc. etc. Do they act like savages ? Get real.

Yes they do act like savages,remember the russian mob,the chinese triads,the jews have their own version of organized criminals.We all know about the latino gangs.
I want the violence to stop, too. let's all go down to the local poor black slum, and try whispering that in some homeboy's ear. Why isn't nonviolence something all poor black males practice? On the OTHER hand, why is it so bad to notice that they DON'T and they hate and they kill and hurt and are evil? We are stereotyping them? Aren't they stereotyping themselves?
I just want the violence to stop...What is so wrong with that? I want blacks to become reasonable and start giving a damn about the cities they're in.

hey matthew were you saying the same things,when the italians were killing each other by the handfuls,you know organize crime.HUH?

I want no violence...I'd say the same thing.

Let's care about the law and be happy. ;)
Who's to blame for the high black crime rate?

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Blacks make allowances for those in thier low income communities that attempt to earn an income outside the model provided by the white society.

Nothing is absolute and neither is that statement. Poor white urban communities have a similar acceptance of kids and grown members breaking some laws to get an economic advantage.

Irish and Italian ghettos during the prohibitian era had the same problems as poor black communities do today.

But...to answer the question as to who is responsible for a crime. It is the individual criminal. It has nothing to do with skin pigmentation. Poverty in places with no means of survival other than crime is the cause of most crime.
If this was a dead white guy, with a black man in zimmerman's shoes, would their be riot apprehension? Get the fuck out of here; this would be a non story. Blacks are more prone to violence, less at discourse. You want to talk about the plight of the blackman. What about that of the Jew, Chinese, Armenian etc. etc. etc. Do they act like savages ? Get real.

Yes they do act like savages,remember the russian mob,the chinese triads,the jews have their own version of organized criminals.We all know about the latino gangs.
All human beings have a propensity for violence, but their is a disprportionate amount of violence in the black community - particularly younger black males.
You do realize that if the races were reversed in the GZ, TM, case - it would be a non starter. Why is that - race. If they were both black it would be normal everyday news. This is national news! Why? Race Why? Their are different borometers for blacks, and others - particularly whites. Why? Whites are held to a higher standard. Why? Blacks are afforded a lower standard for societal behavior, because they have the self given reputation for bad behavior.
Get ready for black violence!
Who's to blame for the high black crime rate?

Vote and discuss :eusa_hand:

Blacks make allowances for those in thier low income communities that attempt to earn an income outside the model provided by the white society.

Nothing is absolute and neither is that statement. Poor white urban communities have a similar acceptance of kids and grown members breaking some laws to get an economic advantage.

Irish and Italian ghettos during the prohibitian era had the same problems as poor black communities do today.

But...to answer the question as to who is responsible for a crime. It is the individual criminal. It has nothing to do with skin pigmentation. Poverty in places with no means of survival other than crime is the cause of most crime.
I can't survive without breaking the law? Your twisted. Poor whites do not act like poor blacks! There is no excuse for breaking the law - that is why it is called the fucking law! You see what I mean - poor fucking blacks. Hey blacks - do the best you can with what you have, and obey the laws - you are owed nothing special.

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