Who's to blame for the black crime rate?

Who's to blame for the high crime rate within the black community

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Individuals are responsible for their actions. it's that simple.

Normally true, takeastep back, but that doesn't explain why one racial class has such a high rate of crime.

There's a lot of poor whites...Doesn't make them kill, rob or destroy someone's poverty.

I don't know what a racial class is suppose to encompass.

There are a lot of poor, middle income and wealthy whites who murder, rob and destroy property. granted, statistically speaking, african americans seem to be dominant in this arena. However, addressing the entire community of them doesn't help the problem. Same with race baiters playing the "youre the victim card" fo th elast 3 generations.

The sooner we stop separating people out into groups (and that includes the black community who are just as guilty), the sooner we can start having an honest discussion about why individuals behave the way they do.

Again, it IS about the individual and their actions. unless collectivism is somehow relevant here, when it seems aboreed in so many other discussions.
The Blacks are practizing for when the whites and mexies,try to start something.
Individuals are responsible for their actions. it's that simple.

Normally true, takeastep back, but that doesn't explain why one racial class has such a high rate of crime.

There's a lot of poor whites...Doesn't make them kill, rob or destroy someone's poverty.

I don't know what a racial class is suppose to encompass.

There are a lot of poor, middle income and wealthy whites who murder, rob and destroy property. granted, statistically speaking, african americans seem to be dominant in this arena. However, addressing the entire community of them doesn't help the problem. Same with race baiters playing the "youre the victim card" fo th elast 3 generations.

The sooner we stop separating people out into groups (and that includes the black community who are just as guilty), the sooner we can start having an honest discussion about why individuals behave the way they do.

Again, it IS about the individual and their actions. unless collectivism is somehow relevant here, when it seems aboreed in so many other discussions.

Individuals are responsible for their actions. it's that simple.

Normally true, takeastep back, but that doesn't explain why one racial class has such a high rate of crime.

There's a lot of poor whites...Doesn't make them kill, rob or destroy someone's poverty.

I don't know what a racial class is suppose to encompass.

There are a lot of poor, middle income and wealthy whites who murder, rob and destroy property. granted, statistically speaking, african americans seem to be dominant in this arena. However, addressing the entire community of them doesn't help the problem. Same with race baiters playing the "youre the victim card" fo th elast 3 generations.

The sooner we stop separating people out into groups (and that includes the black community who are just as guilty), the sooner we can start having an honest discussion about why individuals behave the way they do.

Again, it IS about the individual and their actions. unless collectivism is somehow relevant here, when it seems aboreed in so many other discussions.

Collectivism? You mean the black community marching and threatening to riot to defend their thugs? They don't have a problem with these young men blowing each other away as they seem to come out in support of them.

Same reason people think all muslims are bad.
The blacks who commit the crimes, their parents, and the dumb white liberals who champion dependency.

So there is not a one lazy repub? Not a one on welfare?
This poll is about black violence, and who is to blame for it. It's not about lazy republicans, or whether or not any are on welfare. Why don't you start a poll about who are the predominate welfare recipients, liberals, or conservatives.

(My bold)

Wait, what? The thread title says it's about the Black crime rate. You're saying it's about Black violence.

So - which is it?
How are whites causing blacks to become thugs and kill at 5 times per capita? They do this with or without whites.
White liberals perpetuate dependency, and racism. They are opposed to personal reponsibility. They view the world as a collective - like the BORG.
It's like a person who gives an addict drugs, or enables them to do drugs. Even though the addict wants the drugs - they will blame the enabler for the negative effects of them. Dependancy kills hope; promotes misery. The ultimate responsibility is the offenders, but liberal aid, and abett them.
Normally true, takeastep back, but that doesn't explain why one racial class has such a high rate of crime.

There's a lot of poor whites...Doesn't make them kill, rob or destroy someone's poverty.

I don't know what a racial class is suppose to encompass.

There are a lot of poor, middle income and wealthy whites who murder, rob and destroy property. granted, statistically speaking, african americans seem to be dominant in this arena. However, addressing the entire community of them doesn't help the problem. Same with race baiters playing the "youre the victim card" fo th elast 3 generations.

The sooner we stop separating people out into groups (and that includes the black community who are just as guilty), the sooner we can start having an honest discussion about why individuals behave the way they do.

Again, it IS about the individual and their actions. unless collectivism is somehow relevant here, when it seems aboreed in so many other discussions.

Collectivism? You mean the black community marching and threatening to riot to defend their thugs? They don't have a problem with these young men blowing each other away as they seem to come out in support of them.

Same reason people think all muslims are bad.

If you continue to paint with broad brushstrokes, you'll continue to miss my point entirely.
Normally true, takeastep back, but that doesn't explain why one racial class has such a high rate of crime.

There's a lot of poor whites...Doesn't make them kill, rob or destroy someone's poverty.

I don't know what a racial class is suppose to encompass.

There are a lot of poor, middle income and wealthy whites who murder, rob and destroy property. granted, statistically speaking, african americans seem to be dominant in this arena. However, addressing the entire community of them doesn't help the problem. Same with race baiters playing the "youre the victim card" fo th elast 3 generations.

The sooner we stop separating people out into groups (and that includes the black community who are just as guilty), the sooner we can start having an honest discussion about why individuals behave the way they do.

Again, it IS about the individual and their actions. unless collectivism is somehow relevant here, when it seems aboreed in so many other discussions.

Collectivism? You mean the black community marching and threatening to riot to defend their thugs? They don't have a problem with these young men blowing each other away as they seem to come out in support of them.

Same reason people think all muslims are bad.

I'm beginning to suspect that you don't care for negroes. :eek:
I don't know what a racial class is suppose to encompass.

There are a lot of poor, middle income and wealthy whites who murder, rob and destroy property. granted, statistically speaking, african americans seem to be dominant in this arena. However, addressing the entire community of them doesn't help the problem. Same with race baiters playing the "youre the victim card" fo th elast 3 generations.

The sooner we stop separating people out into groups (and that includes the black community who are just as guilty), the sooner we can start having an honest discussion about why individuals behave the way they do.

Again, it IS about the individual and their actions. unless collectivism is somehow relevant here, when it seems aboreed in so many other discussions.

Collectivism? You mean the black community marching and threatening to riot to defend their thugs? They don't have a problem with these young men blowing each other away as they seem to come out in support of them.

Same reason people think all muslims are bad.

I'm beginning to suspect that you don't care for negroes. :eek:

I just don't care for their violence and their community backing that up...Trayvon is a classic case of this.
I don't know what a racial class is suppose to encompass.

There are a lot of poor, middle income and wealthy whites who murder, rob and destroy property. granted, statistically speaking, african americans seem to be dominant in this arena. However, addressing the entire community of them doesn't help the problem. Same with race baiters playing the "youre the victim card" fo th elast 3 generations.

The sooner we stop separating people out into groups (and that includes the black community who are just as guilty), the sooner we can start having an honest discussion about why individuals behave the way they do.

Again, it IS about the individual and their actions. unless collectivism is somehow relevant here, when it seems aboreed in so many other discussions.

Collectivism? You mean the black community marching and threatening to riot to defend their thugs? They don't have a problem with these young men blowing each other away as they seem to come out in support of them.

Same reason people think all muslims are bad.

If you continue to paint with broad brushstrokes, you'll continue to miss my point entirely.

Hard not too when they're threatening violence over a "white-Hispanic" defending himself...Not like they protest over the 1,000's a year of young black man killed by other blacks.
Individuals are responsible for their actions. it's that simple.

(My bold)

If the question is Who's responsible for the high Black crime rate within the Black community:

1. TMK, all Blacks in the US were brought here in chains, as slaves. They suffered a high mortality rate in crossing the Atlantic.
2. Upon arrival, the survivors were systematically stripped of their language, culture, any surviving relatives, families. They were then sold again.
3. The slaves were not taught to read nor write. (There were some experiments, which - from the masters' point of view, ended badly. Laws were passed forbidding teaching Blacks to read/write.)
4. During the Civil War, the North seized all slaves in the South as war booty - although freeing them, rather than continuing their slavery.

So, if individuals are responsible for their actions, the first crime that Colonials & later US citizens commited upon the Blacks was to "buy" them in Africa & transport them to the US. & then to sell them & pocket the profits. If that argument holds up, the fortunes amassed in the slave trade - mostly the shippers, in the North, the plantation families, in the South; owe the Black community, & should make some restitution.

Yah, I understand that Black slavers captured & sold the Blacks. That was reprehensible, true enough. The fact remains that without a market, the slave trade would have collapsed. Most slaves went to the Caribbean & C. & S. America - but again, that doesn't absolve the US transport & plantation families of their share of blame.

The demolition of family ties, language, culture, religion - all the normal social ties that would have bound the Black community together & given them some solidarity - was deliberate policy by the plantations.

So those are the proximate answers as to Who's responsible. I think an adequate redressing is beyond human capacity. But I would like to see an effort to identify academic talent among the children, & tutoring/mentoring, maybe scholarships based on merit/need, to help the Black community make up for lost ground. Keep that up for a couple of generations, & then we could look again.
Collectivism? You mean the black community marching and threatening to riot to defend their thugs? They don't have a problem with these young men blowing each other away as they seem to come out in support of them.

Same reason people think all muslims are bad.

I'm beginning to suspect that you don't care for negroes. :eek:

I just don't care for their violence and their community backing that up...Trayvon is a classic case of this.

Seems like more. :eusa_think:
Some of the most violent places on gods earth are within Africa...You idiots always have to blame whitey. lol...It is like you believe that we're causing them to join that gang or kill their own brother. Get out of the 19th century.

You people are a fucking joke.
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