Who's views are these?

I wanted ypu to clarify your state little fly.
The left has since the tea party begin tried to pin leadership to the TEA party. The left has never been able to give any evidence or findings who was the leader of the TEA party, because their isn't one person. It was started by word of mouth people getting together and the internet. Do in my opinion you failed unless you have some hard facts other than left leaning source.

That may be the way it "started", but the Koch Brothers gives them teeth. Without them? the Tea Party would probably have fizzled by now. Heck, it already is faltering now that people can see how obstructionist, intolerant and uncompromising they are... their approval ratings have been dropping steadily.

That may be the way it "started"
is not what you first said.

This is what you said. Little fly meet web.
Fred Koch was a founding member....

Good God man.... Learn to fucking read and Comprehend... Fred Koch was a founding member of the John Birch Society. The infamous Koch Brothers are Fred Koch's sons.....who are the biggest financial backers of the Tea Party... now... use your fingers and attempt to put two and two together.
How about the Neo-John Birch Society? You know... the Tea Party?

JBS... Fred Koch was a founding member....

TP....Koch Brothers are the biggest financial influence.

Coincidence? I think not.

Who says they are "the biggest financial influence?"

Only brain damaged Obama fluffers swallow the kind of arguments you post.
Which Political Group:

1. Upholds an originalist interpretation of the Constitution
2. Identifies with fundamentalist Christian Principles
3. Seeks to limit Government Powers
4. Opposes Wealth Redistribution
5. Opposes economic interventionism
6. Opposes the Federal Reserve

They are actually the views of the John Birch Society. Not much has changed with the radical rightwing in 50 years......different names but same extremist nonsense

John Birch Society - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

. The society upholds an originalist interpretation of the U.S. Constitution, which it identifies with fundamentalist Christian principles, seeks to limit governmental powers, and opposes wealth redistribution, and economic interventionism. It not only opposes practices it terms collectivism, Totalitarianism, and communism, but socialism and fascism as well, which it asserts is infiltrating US governmental administration.

The society opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, claiming it violated the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and overstepped individual states' rights to enact laws regarding civil rights. The society opposes "one world government", and has an immigration reduction view on immigration reform. It opposes the United Nations, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), and other free trade agreements. They argue the U.S. Constitution has been devalued to favor of political and economic globalization

Sounds like a good society. Of course socialists don't like it do you?
That may be the way it "started", but the Koch Brothers gives them teeth. Without them? the Tea Party would probably have fizzled by now. Heck, it already is faltering now that people can see how obstructionist, intolerant and uncompromising they are... their approval ratings have been dropping steadily.

is not what you first said.

This is what you said. Little fly meet web.
Fred Koch was a founding member....

Good God man.... Learn to fucking read and Comprehend... Fred Koch was a founding member of the John Birch Society. The infamous Koch Brothers are Fred Koch's sons.....who are the biggest financial backers of the Tea Party... now... use your fingers and attempt to put two and two together.

You said he was the founder then after I corrected you by saying it was a grassroots movement with no leadership you said "That may be the way it "started","
A founder would be the one who started the group. It seems like you're trying to redefine founder for political expediences. Which is a fallacy on your part. In other words their were no founding members just cohesion of people coming together

I am also a founding member, as are most of the original members are.
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Let's see not OK for the Koch brothers to help with funding for Tea Party.
But it's OK for George Soros to give to the OWS.
Which Political Group:

1. Upholds an originalist interpretation of the Constitution
2. Identifies with fundamentalist Christian Principles
3. Seeks to limit Government Powers
4. Opposes Wealth Redistribution
5. Opposes economic interventionism
6. Opposes the Federal Reserve

All government is wealth didistribution. But I asume they don't want poor to get any taxpayer money. do they have a problem with Wealth Redistribution from middle class to the rich?

Apparently not, because they wanted to raise the payroll tax on the middle class.
It is the same old thing, hate capitalism which built this country and love socialism which has never succeeded. But fools still believe in failures like socialism.
I think the New American magazine is a decent publication.
The New American

As for the Koch brothers, I am not the biggest fan of what they fund and support sometimes, but they are not as evil as some paint them out to be. Despite the millions they pour into political causes and think tanks, they pour millions more into the arts, education, and medical research.

They also gave $20 million to the ACLU to fight Bush's Patriot Act.
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Which Political Group:

1. Upholds an originalist interpretation of the Constitution
2. Identifies with fundamentalist Christian Principles
3. Seeks to limit Government Powers
4. Opposes Wealth Redistribution
5. Opposes economic interventionism
6. Opposes the Federal Reserve

All government is wealth didistribution. But I asume they don't want poor to get any taxpayer money. do they have a problem with Wealth Redistribution from middle class to the rich?

Apparently not, because they wanted to raise the payroll tax on the middle class.

Restoring the payroll tax is not raising the tax.
Payroll tax is the result of the Dems programs.
Do you realize that cutting back the payroll tax by dems, is not fully funding Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid?
We are short enough already on these programs and dems voted to cut back the funding.
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Interesting.......the John Birch Society has reemerged as the Tea Party, Libertarians and the Ron Paul Society

Same positions....same rhetoric

Your attempt to smear the TEA Party is a colossal FAIL, asshole

What is the smear?

The Tea Party has the same positions as the John Birch Society

The TEA party has no official position on anything since it's not a party of any kind.

You're trying to associate it with the John Birch Society. Although that group is utterly benign, sleazy left-wingers managed to smear it in the 50s, so trying to associate the TEA Party with it is also a smear.
They are actually the views of the John Birch Society. Not much has changed with the radical rightwing in 50 years......different names but same extremist nonsense

John Birch Society - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

. The society upholds an originalist interpretation of the U.S. Constitution, which it identifies with fundamentalist Christian principles, seeks to limit governmental powers, and opposes wealth redistribution, and economic interventionism. It not only opposes practices it terms collectivism, Totalitarianism, and communism, but socialism and fascism as well, which it asserts is infiltrating US governmental administration.

The society opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, claiming it violated the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and overstepped individual states' rights to enact laws regarding civil rights. The society opposes "one world government", and has an immigration reduction view on immigration reform. It opposes the United Nations, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), and other free trade agreements. They argue the U.S. Constitution has been devalued to favor of political and economic globalization

And the Nazis supported government health care and socialism.

Actually, the Nazis arrested socialists

Much like today's rightwing would do if not for the Constitution

Really? National Socialists doesn't ring a bell? Socialism for one supreme race, as hitler described it. He was for massive socialism....of one supreme race. Its all in Mein Kampf.
And the Nazis supported government health care and socialism.

Actually, the Nazis arrested socialists

Much like today's rightwing would do if not for the Constitution

Really? National Socialists doesn't ring a bell? Socialism for one supreme race, as hitler described it. He was for massive socialism....of one supreme race. Its all in Mein Kampf.

Well, the GOP is sure good at violating the freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

'Gasland' director Joshua Fox arrested filming House panel
Comments 21Share492

Oscar-nominated documentary filmmaker Joshua Fox is arrested on Capitol Hill after trying to film a hearing without the required media credentials. (Associated Press / February 1, 2012)

By Neela Banerjee

February 1, 2012, 4:37 p.m.
At the behest of the Republican leadership of a House of Representatives subcommittee, Capitol Police arrested Joshua Fox, the maker of the Oscar-nominated documentary “Gasland,” when he tried on Wednesday to film a subcommittee hearing on hydraulic fracturing, a controversial method used to tap oil and gas reservoirs.

With its images of flammable tap water, “Gasland” publicized concerns among critics of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, of the technology’s possible effect on water supplies. The oil and gas industry and its supporters have argued that the film misrepresented the risk from fracking, which they say is minute. Fracking involves high-pressure injection of water laced with chemicals into shale beds to fracture the formations and unlock pockets of oil and, increasingly, natural gas.

Fox and his small crew had joined other media in the Rayburn building on Capitol Hill on Wednesday morning to record a fracking hearing by a House subcommittee on Science, Space and Technology, led by Rep. Andy Harris (R-Md.), a vocal proponent of fracking. Republicans wanted Fox removed because he lacked the proper press credentials to film.

Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-San Jose) said she was at another committee hearing when a staffer at the fracking hearing called her urging her to come immediately. She said she found Fox handcuffed in the hallway outside the hearing room, along with at least one member of his small crew. Of her Republican colleagues, she said, “Do these guys get the 1st Amendment at all?”

'Gasland' director Fox arrested filming House subcommittee - latimes.com

It was a PUBLIC hearing and the press would have been allowed to stay under normal circumstances, but they didn't want the director of "Gasland" to be able to see the hearings.
Which Political Group:

1. Upholds an originalist interpretation of the Constitution
2. Identifies with fundamentalist Christian Principles
3. Seeks to limit Government Powers
4. Opposes Wealth Redistribution
5. Opposes economic interventionism
6. Opposes the Federal Reserve

Umm no group?
Actually, the Nazis arrested socialists

Much like today's rightwing would do if not for the Constitution

Really? National Socialists doesn't ring a bell? Socialism for one supreme race, as hitler described it. He was for massive socialism....of one supreme race. Its all in Mein Kampf.

Well, the GOP is sure good at violating the freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

'Gasland' director Joshua Fox arrested filming House panel
Comments 21Share492

Oscar-nominated documentary filmmaker Joshua Fox is arrested on Capitol Hill after trying to film a hearing without the required media credentials. (Associated Press / February 1, 2012)

By Neela Banerjee

February 1, 2012, 4:37 p.m.
At the behest of the Republican leadership of a House of Representatives subcommittee, Capitol Police arrested Joshua Fox, the maker of the Oscar-nominated documentary “Gasland,” when he tried on Wednesday to film a subcommittee hearing on hydraulic fracturing, a controversial method used to tap oil and gas reservoirs.

With its images of flammable tap water, “Gasland” publicized concerns among critics of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, of the technology’s possible effect on water supplies. The oil and gas industry and its supporters have argued that the film misrepresented the risk from fracking, which they say is minute. Fracking involves high-pressure injection of water laced with chemicals into shale beds to fracture the formations and unlock pockets of oil and, increasingly, natural gas.

Fox and his small crew had joined other media in the Rayburn building on Capitol Hill on Wednesday morning to record a fracking hearing by a House subcommittee on Science, Space and Technology, led by Rep. Andy Harris (R-Md.), a vocal proponent of fracking. Republicans wanted Fox removed because he lacked the proper press credentials to film.

Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-San Jose) said she was at another committee hearing when a staffer at the fracking hearing called her urging her to come immediately. She said she found Fox handcuffed in the hallway outside the hearing room, along with at least one member of his small crew. Of her Republican colleagues, she said, “Do these guys get the 1st Amendment at all?”

'Gasland' director Fox arrested filming House subcommittee - latimes.com

It was a PUBLIC hearing and the press would have been allowed to stay under normal circumstances, but they didn't want the director of "Gasland" to be able to see the hearings.

Sure, both parties are squashing rights at an amazing pace. This isn't about one upping. Its about the pitiful state that we're in.
Really? National Socialists doesn't ring a bell? Socialism for one supreme race, as hitler described it. He was for massive socialism....of one supreme race. Its all in Mein Kampf.

Well, the GOP is sure good at violating the freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

'Gasland' director Joshua Fox arrested filming House panel
Comments 21Share492

Oscar-nominated documentary filmmaker Joshua Fox is arrested on Capitol Hill after trying to film a hearing without the required media credentials. (Associated Press / February 1, 2012)

By Neela Banerjee

February 1, 2012, 4:37 p.m.
At the behest of the Republican leadership of a House of Representatives subcommittee, Capitol Police arrested Joshua Fox, the maker of the Oscar-nominated documentary “Gasland,” when he tried on Wednesday to film a subcommittee hearing on hydraulic fracturing, a controversial method used to tap oil and gas reservoirs.

With its images of flammable tap water, “Gasland” publicized concerns among critics of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, of the technology’s possible effect on water supplies. The oil and gas industry and its supporters have argued that the film misrepresented the risk from fracking, which they say is minute. Fracking involves high-pressure injection of water laced with chemicals into shale beds to fracture the formations and unlock pockets of oil and, increasingly, natural gas.

Fox and his small crew had joined other media in the Rayburn building on Capitol Hill on Wednesday morning to record a fracking hearing by a House subcommittee on Science, Space and Technology, led by Rep. Andy Harris (R-Md.), a vocal proponent of fracking. Republicans wanted Fox removed because he lacked the proper press credentials to film.

Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-San Jose) said she was at another committee hearing when a staffer at the fracking hearing called her urging her to come immediately. She said she found Fox handcuffed in the hallway outside the hearing room, along with at least one member of his small crew. Of her Republican colleagues, she said, “Do these guys get the 1st Amendment at all?”

'Gasland' director Fox arrested filming House subcommittee - latimes.com

It was a PUBLIC hearing and the press would have been allowed to stay under normal circumstances, but they didn't want the director of "Gasland" to be able to see the hearings.

Sure, both parties are squashing rights at an amazing pace. This isn't about one upping. Its about the pitiful state that we're in.

If you watched the videotape of him being arrested, you would have heard ANOTHER COMMITTEE MEMBER (probably Democrat) who was asking questions about why were they ignoring the First Amendment.
Which Political Group:

1. Upholds an originalist interpretation of the Constitution
2. Identifies with fundamentalist Christian Principles
3. Seeks to limit Government Powers
4. Opposes Wealth Redistribution
5. Opposes economic interventionism
6. Opposes the Federal Reserve

Umm no group?

Why, The John Birch Society of course

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