Wh's Up With All The White Liberals Pretending to be Minorities???


Gold Member
Feb 6, 2014
Do White Progressives hate themselves that much?

i know they are conditioned in their schools to blame the White man for every evil on the planet, but this is ridiculous!!
Yes. They do. Understand that in liberal land....they have merit badges. Much like the boy scouts. Oppression is a highly sought after condition. It's street cred to them. I outlined this before.

My intell says the current top 5 ranked oppression merit badges of liberals are:

1 Race. The coup de gras of badges. If you're racially oppressed....you're top dog. Highly sought after. Impossible to fake (until now)

2 Sexual orientation. The hottest badge right now. Soaring in rank since 2005. However...it's easily faked so it'll never take over race.

3 Islam. A dark horse. It's religion...so libs would expectedly hate it. But no....they dont. They cherish it...even though Islam is overtly oppressive itself.

4 Police Abuse. This one is nearly mandatory for all liberals. It won't rank as high though....because it's EASILY obtained. Either make up a story...or...just bitch that a cop stopped you doing 75 in a 35 zone and call it oppression. They have a special rainbow bordered police abuse patch for those who were assaulted (or claim to be) by cops. AND....there is one that is crested with a gold sickle and hammer reserved for those lucky libs who catch it on camera!!

5 Tranny. This is another new one. Very close to the sexual orientation badge...but different because you can be Tranny and not gay. This badge is hot right now. But....does it have staying power?

So there you have it. The liberal merit badges of oppression.

If you're a gay Transsexual black Muslim who was beat down on camera by cops....you can be president of liberal land.
But yeah....libs can fake it to get badges 2 3 4 and 5. Make shit up. Pretend to be gay or Muslim. Falsify cop abuse stories.

But racial oppression....the most sought after status a liberal could desire....is very hard to fake. But...they're trying. They want that top honor.
Yes. They do. Understand that in liberal land....they have merit badges. Much like the boy scouts. Oppression is a highly sought after condition. It's street cred to them. I outlined this before.

My intell says the current top 5 ranked oppression merit badges of liberals are:

1 Race. The coup de gras of badges. If you're racially oppressed....you're top dog. Highly sought after. Impossible to fake (until now)

2 Sexual orientation. The hottest badge right now. Soaring in rank since 2005. However...it's easily faked so it'll never take over race.

3 Islam. A dark horse. It's religion...so libs would expectedly hate it. But no....they dont. They cherish it...even though Islam is overtly oppressive itself.

4 Police Abuse. This one is nearly mandatory for all liberals. It won't rank as high though....because it's EASILY obtained. Either make up a story...or...just bitch that a cop stopped you doing 75 in a 35 zone and call it oppression. They have a special rainbow bordered police abuse patch for those who were assaulted (or claim to be) by cops. AND....there is one that is crested with a gold sickle and hammer reserved for those lucky libs who catch it on camera!!

5 Tranny. This is another new one. Very close to the sexual orientation badge...but different because you can be Tranny and not gay. This badge is hot right now. But....does it have staying power?

So there you have it. The liberal merit badges of oppression.

If you're a gay Transsexual black Muslim who was beat down on camera by cops....you can be president of liberal land.

What about gender?
Do White Progressives hate themselves that much?

i know they are conditioned in their schools to blame the White man for every evil on the planet, but this is ridiculous!!
Why do you constantly whine?

not whining leftard; i find you losers amusing!

what on earth makes you think i'm whining? as far as i'm concerned this phenonomum IS PROOF Progressives are mental-cases, and the ideology is just a cesspool of asinine pandering and political-correctness
the White lady that was head of the NAACP chapter got love from the Left, no grudges held until they found out she had sued for racial discrimination AS A WHITE PERSON. Of course she also claimed to have been victimized by racism as a "Black" woman too.

so she was a victim as two different races. i dont know what the Left doesnt still lover here; arent they supposed to be all about defending victims of racism, regardless of which way the racism runs?

But yeah....libs can fake it to get badges 2 3 4 and 5. Make shit up. Pretend to be gay or Muslim. Falsify cop abuse stories.

But racial oppression....the most sought after status a liberal could desire....is very hard to fake. But...they're trying. They want that top honor.
And the man who hands out the 'Solid Gold Race Oppression' badges is our old friend the number one fucking race whore in the country......and BOBO's 'special friend'.
They have NO HONOR when it comes to politics. or SHAME in lying and misleading you the people in this country

when will you WAKE up to this Democrat party that filled with snakes?

they are BEHIND this group just like they were the OWS. is this what you go out and VOTE FOR TO BE brought down on you and YOUR FAMILY?
Do White Progressives hate themselves that much?

i know they are conditioned in their schools to blame the White man for every evil on the planet, but this is ridiculous!!
Yes. They got to have the man keeping them down to make life worth living. If you ain't a victim... You ain't nothing.
They have NO HONOR when it comes to politics. or SHAME in lying and misleading you the people in this country

when will you WAKE up to this Democrat party that filled with snakes?

they are BEHIND this group just like they were the OWS. is this what you go out and VOTE FOR TO BE brought down on you and YOUR FAMILY?

I don't think you're qualified to even talk about honor.
Do White Progressives hate themselves that much?

i know they are conditioned in their schools to blame the White man for every evil on the planet, but this is ridiculous!!

Yes…..there is also a lot of mental illness that goes along with being on the left…..
They have NO HONOR when it comes to politics. or SHAME in lying and misleading you the people in this country

when will you WAKE up to this Democrat party that filled with snakes?

they are BEHIND this group just like they were the OWS. is this what you go out and VOTE FOR TO BE brought down on you and YOUR FAMILY?

I don't think you're qualified to even talk about honor.
LMAO...standard tactic..When cornered by truth, try to change the subject...
Do White Progressives hate themselves that much?

i know they are conditioned in their schools to blame the White man for every evil on the planet, but this is ridiculous!!
Why do you constantly whine?

not whining leftard; i find you losers amusing!

what on earth makes you think i'm whining? as far as i'm concerned this phenonomum IS PROOF Progressives are mental-cases, and the ideology is just a cesspool of asinine pandering and political-correctness
Only shallow and pedantic whiners like you start a flame thread in the wrong place...

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