Why 7,000 Languages?

Languages, due to greed and lust, were entangled with other languages.
That does not mean the languages changed.

Languages are entangled due to interaction between cultures due to proximity, war and trade.

Yes, that does mean they changed
I can read Aramic and Hebrew written 2,00 years ago.
I have many friends who can read 2,000 year old texts in various languages.
The issue is how technology added words.
The root language remains the same
"I can read Aramic and Hebrew written 2,00 years ago", 2 years ago? SPECTACULAR!!!! :biggrin:

But a Biblical Hebrew speaker would not understand a modern Israeli. Hebrew has changed less than most language, but it has changed. The pace was slower because it was not a commonly spoken language for a long time.
... The fact is the reason there are so many languages is because God divided the tongues of the nations of the earth because of what took place at the Tower of Babel.

That's a story, and if that is what you choose to believe, more power to you. The FACT is that languages develop wherever human communities are either isolated from other communities for a sufficient period of time, or civilizations of unequal strength and influence come into prolonged contact with one another under particular circumstances.

No, the Tower of Babel is true and recorded in history.

There really isn’t much left of the Tower of Babel. Alexander the Great removed bricks and the outer coating, but he never rebuilt it. However, most researchers think they know where the foundation is located.

Also, there was an archaeological artifact found called a “stele.” A stele (pronounced the same as steal or steel) is actually a rock slab with pictures and inscriptions on it. Archaeologists love finding things like this.

The Tower of Babel stele has an image of Nebuchadnezzar next to the Tower of Babel. It shows its shape as a ziggurat (imagine a step pyramid or a pyramid with several flat layers on it).

About 440 B.C., a historian named Herodotus claimed he saw the tower and described it:

“It has a solid central tower, one furlong square, with a second erected on top of it and then a third, and so on up to eight. All eight towers can be climbed by a spiral way running around the outside, and about halfway up there are seats for those who make the journey to rest on.”

There you go.
There you go - what? That you kept your 9th grade World History textbook? Congratulations on the common knowledge.

Apparently, the truth can't penetrate the thickness up there. You can't even provide anything to back up your claim of "The FACT is that languages develop wherever human communities are either isolated from other communities for a sufficient period of time, or civilizations of unequal strength and influence come into prolonged contact with one another under particular circumstances." We can all use a fact, but yours isn't.
It’s called post-truth. Who needs thousand year old facts when it doesn’t relate to the point they want to make. Right, Unkontare?
Languages, due to greed and lust, were entangled with other languages.
That does not mean the languages changed.

Languages are entangled due to interaction between cultures due to proximity, war and trade.

Yes, that does mean they changed
I can read Aramic and Hebrew written 2,00 years ago.
I have many friends who can read 2,000 year old texts in various languages.
The issue is how technology added words.
The root language remains the same
"I can read Aramic and Hebrew written 2,00 years ago", 2 years ago? SPECTACULAR!!!! :biggrin:

But a Biblical Hebrew speaker would not understand a modern Israeli. Hebrew has changed less than most language, but it has changed. The pace was slower because it was not a commonly spoken language for a long time.
The only thing that changes language is outside influence. Whether culture, dispersion, localization, or anything else. The point is that even Tarzan learned English. (Tongue in cheek) It takes a willing heart to be able to express ones self in a foreign language because it feels unnatural at first but the more you consume it and practice the words it becomes written into your being, therefore you’re able to be yourself, except using a different language. Now imagine having to give an inspirational speech in a foreign language.

Big Idea: language is more than just words. It’s your way of communicating with the world. Now what if one wants to communicate with the whole world? The only language that can do that is Kingdom language. A language unknown to man.

There were no cavemen and cavewomen. How dumb is it to live in a cave when they could build homes and live elsewhere? That's why I asked if you believed in evolution? Humans didn't evolve from monkeys or else we would see it today. They aren't even bipedal and they are limited the way they were described.

"Chimps grunt and hoot and cry out, too. What happened to humans in the 6 million years or so since the hominid and chimpanzee lines diverged, and when and how did hominid communication begin to have the properties of modern language?

Of course, many other properties besides language differentiate humans from chimpanzees: lower extremities suitable for upright walking and running, opposable thumbs, lack of body hair, weaker muscles, smaller teeth - and larger brains. According to current thinking, the changes crucial for language were not just in the size of the brain, but in its character: the kinds of tasks it is suited to do - as it were, the 'software' it comes furnished with. So the question of the origin of language rests on the differences between human and chimpanzee brains, when these differences came into being, and under what evolutionary pressures."

Sounds like BS or else we would see it today. Chimps are still chimps. As for the rest, I'll assume it's more of the same of what you believe. You believe in the science of atheism which could be considered religion, too.

Also, if the different languages developed, it doesn't explain how the ethnicities stayed and colonized together. The language would be based on the people of the region wouldn't it. It may not have been by ethnicity. We have Japanese living together, Waswahili living together, and Swedes living together in their countries. Wouldn't it be mixed race if the languages developed as you believe?
It’s called post-truth. Who needs thousand year old facts when it doesn’t relate to the point they want to make.

No, it's what happened around 2175 BC and would explain how the different ethnicities stayed together and colonized their lands. Otherwise, different peoples who lived in the same area would've stayed together. For example, the US has a melting pot of peoples who speak the same language. Instead, we have same ethnicities living together with the same language. There you go.

BTW there were no cave people lol.
...Also, if the different languages developed, it doesn't explain how the ethnicities stayed and colonized together. The language would be based on the people of the region wouldn't it. It may not have been by ethnicity. We have Japanese living together, Waswahili living together, and Swedes living together in their countries. Wouldn't it be mixed race if the languages developed as you believe?

Are you kidding, or are you really this feeble-minded?

BTW there were no cave people lol.

You seem really obsessed with this. There is evidence of some cave-dwelling people in various places. In terms of evidence, it seems Neanderthal lived in caves more often than human ancestors.
... You believe in the science of atheism ...

I never said that. Do not presume to tell me what I believe, douche.

You are admitting you didn't say anything so you won't have to be wrong. I am the one saying you are wrong about how you believe the 7000 languages developed.

Are you that thick headed to not understand?

I can explain things and make an argument so I'll tell you again. If peoples, i.e. different ethnicities, developed a language and this evolved, then they would've stuck together and migrated together to a country of their choice. We would have groups of different ethnicities living in that country and throughout the world. However, we don't have that. We just have a melting pot of peoples in the United States under the common language of English. The rest of the ethnicities colonized their respective countries and share a same language. It means the evidence favors God making people talk the same language by ethnicities. Afterward, they migrated together to their respective countries where they reside today.

Not only do you not understand your links, you can't explain anything about what you are claiming? You can't explain how your evolution of language just stayed with one ethnicity while a different language stayed with another ethnicity. Are you so dense that you cannot recognize a common language brings people together?
... If peoples, i.e. different ethnicities, developed a language and this evolved, then they would've stuck together and migrated together to a country of their choice. ...

That is an illogical conclusion on both ends.
... It means the evidence favors God making people talk the same language by ethnicities. Afterward, they migrated together to their respective countries where they reside today.

You have established that you do not understand Linguistics, but do you understand anything at all about logic? The conclusion above is simply not logical.
The only thing that changes language is outside influence.
Not the only thing that changes language, it also changes from within. The word 'gay' has a new meaning that it didn't have when I was a kid. I don't think there was any external driver of that change. The interweb is speeding up change as they are instantly disseminated.
It’s called post-truth. Who needs thousand year old facts when it doesn’t relate to the point they want to make.

No, it's what happened around 2175 BC and would explain how the different ethnicities stayed together and colonized their lands. Otherwise, different peoples who lived in the same area would've stayed together. For example, the US has a melting pot of peoples who speak the same language. Instead, we have same ethnicities living together with the same language. There you go.

BTW there were no cave people lol.
Reminds me of an old joke: The USA and England are two countries divided by a single language. Hmmm, maybe I told it wrong?
Big Idea: language is more than just words. It’s your way of communicating with the world. Now what if one wants to communicate with the whole world? The only language that can do that is Kingdom language. A language unknown to man.

English is now the Kingdom language
It’s called post-truth. Who needs thousand year old facts when it doesn’t relate to the point they want to make.

No, it's what happened around 2175 BC and would explain how the different ethnicities stayed together and colonized their lands. Otherwise, different peoples who lived in the same area would've stayed together. For example, the US has a melting pot of peoples who speak the same language. Instead, we have same ethnicities living together with the same language. There you go.

BTW there were no cave people lol.
Reminds me of an old joke: The USA and England are two countries divided by a single language. Hmmm, maybe I told it wrong?

We speak better English than most of the Brits do. Much of what they say is barely understandable
It’s called post-truth. Who needs thousand year old facts when it doesn’t relate to the point they want to make.

No, it's what happened around 2175 BC and would explain how the different ethnicities stayed together and colonized their lands. Otherwise, different peoples who lived in the same area would've stayed together. For example, the US has a melting pot of peoples who speak the same language. Instead, we have same ethnicities living together with the same language. There you go.

BTW there were no cave people lol.
Reminds me of an old joke: The USA and England are two countries divided by a single language. Hmmm, maybe I told it wrong?

We speak better English than most of the Brits do. Much of what they say is barely understandable
I love their accent, it makes anything they say sound so much more intelligent than Americans.

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