Why A "Good Guy with a Gun" is Bullshit

I did not say it should. This post above is in response to the lame, lone event in Maine. My O/P simply states the consequences of what can happen in an active shooting situation for someone who brandishes a gun. Can you not read?

Don't play stupid, everyone here realizes your thread was an attempt to justify gun control.

Or maybe you aren't playing.

Again, another idiot who wants to spin. Fear is a bitch, isn't it? Like 90% of all other Americans, I would like better, thorough background checks and certainly a federal law banning gun ownership to anyone ever convicted of a felony.

Moron.....felons are already banned from gun ownership.....under current law.........and background checks don't stop felons from getting guns......do you have any idea what you are talking about?
Well said....but then again, you said nada, lol.

On an iPad. Read it again you might learn something. Convicted felons can get guns after being released from prison. Takes 3 to 10 years
We already have a No Gun list...where the people on it received all the due process you want...they are called convicted felons and they cannot buy, own or carry guns....and the magic list that they are on...and the magic list that you want with the no fly no buy list.....

90% of gun murder is committed by people on the convicted No Buy list for guns........

your magic no fly, no buy list will not stop mass shooters or criminals....it will cause major problems for law abiding people put on that list without due process....
The government already has plenty of restrictions on getting guns, and yet every time liberals propose these ideas with the implicit thought that THIS TIME the government will magically do its job correctly. And yet in mass shooting after mass shooting, dozens of current laws are violated all the time. Its like a compulsive obsessive disorder or something.

Take your time to use the pudding between your ears. I believe Australia has only had one large scale shooting spree so your question is disingenuous. France, England, Norway etc. has strict laws and it didn't stop theirs.

That's true re Norway, England etc,but by and large they are singular events. yours aren't.
Each one is a singular event unrelated, except most recently by Islamofascists.
Aren't Police Officers the "good guys"? What makes a person with three or six months training superior in skill and mental stability to a retired Military Veteran or a person who excels at shooting sports? If the truth be known most Police Officers aren't interested in anything other than basic proficiency with a firearm and there are civilians who are not only interested in shooting sports but are forced to be aware of laws governing shooting situations. I'm not trying to put down Police Officers but they aren't the only "good guys" on the block.
A victim with a gun is less likely to be killed by police than by the shooter that caused the situation in the first place because police identify themselves before opening fire. Now, why again is this remote possibility a good reason to deny people their 2nd Amendment rights?

Who is denying anyone their Second Amendment Privilege? If one reads Heller without bias, they will realize even the late Justice Scalia limited the 2nd A. to a privilege and not an absolute right. Some people should never own or possess a gun. Do you not agree?
And it is up to the government to prove that with real evidence that will stand legal muster

But that's not what people are doing are they? no they want to arbitrarily deny the rights of people because some government lackey secretly put their name on a list
You want Muslims who have been radicalized but have not yet carried out an attack to be buying AR-15's and flying in the same plane with you? You are nuts! That is who is on the list. Check out the reality of the situation sometime, instead of listening to a bunch of twisted propaganda.

Wrong....I just posted the story from ABC news...Air Marshals are putting people on the list because of a quota they need to fill each month.....

and again....

Rifles in mass shootings....149 dead in 34 years...1982-2016

Box cutters in 2001.....3,000 people......

Knives in 2014... 1,567

Which weapons are more deadly again?
False comparison!
You conveniently left out that knives and box cutters are close quarter weapons , rifles aren't.
Failed attempt at skewing the stats.

False comparison!
You conveniently left out that knives and box cutters are close quarter weapons , rifles aren't.
Failed attempt at skewing the stats

it is not a false comparison moron...........rifles actually killed fewer people than knives.....in objective reality.....rifles killed less people than knives did......

Knives killed 6 times more people than rifles did...over 6 times as many people...that makes them deadlier in reality than rifles...........

Do you fucking understand that?

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

For 2014 included......

All rifles: 248 ------------(2013....285 (that means AR-15s kill even fewer than that))

Knives: 1,567-------------( 2013....1,490)

Hands and feet: 660----( 2013 .......687 )

Blunt objects: 435------ ( 2013....428)

And the numbers hold steady year after year...every year knives kill more people than all rifles do......
Don't play stupid, everyone here realizes your thread was an attempt to justify gun control.

Or maybe you aren't playing.

Again, another idiot who wants to spin. Fear is a bitch, isn't it? Like 90% of all other Americans, I would like better, thorough background checks and certainly a federal law banning gun ownership to anyone ever convicted of a felony.

Moron.....felons are already banned from gun ownership.....under current law.........and background checks don't stop felons from getting guns......do you have any idea what you are talking about?
Well said....but then again, you said nada, lol.

On an iPad. Read it again you might learn something. Convicted felons can get guns after being released from prison. Takes 3 to 10 years
There is absolutely zero text in your previous response, which is a high mark in intelligence for you, I admit.

And whether felons can get guns is a state by state issue.
We already have a No Gun list...where the people on it received all the due process you want...they are called convicted felons and they cannot buy, own or carry guns....and the magic list that they are on...and the magic list that you want with the no fly no buy list.....

90% of gun murder is committed by people on the convicted No Buy list for guns........

your magic no fly, no buy list will not stop mass shooters or criminals....it will cause major problems for law abiding people put on that list without due process....
The government already has plenty of restrictions on getting guns, and yet every time liberals propose these ideas with the implicit thought that THIS TIME the government will magically do its job correctly. And yet in mass shooting after mass shooting, dozens of current laws are violated all the time. Its like a compulsive obsessive disorder or something.


Then why do Isis spokesmen publish videos encouraging their members to go to America to get guns and commit mass murder? Because it's easier here than any place else.
Don't play stupid, everyone here realizes your thread was an attempt to justify gun control.

Or maybe you aren't playing.

Again, another idiot who wants to spin. Fear is a bitch, isn't it? Like 90% of all other Americans, I would like better, thorough background checks and certainly a federal law banning gun ownership to anyone ever convicted of a felony.

Moron.....felons are already banned from gun ownership.....under current law.........and background checks don't stop felons from getting guns......do you have any idea what you are talking about?
Well said....but then again, you said nada, lol.

On an iPad. Read it again you might learn something. Convicted felons can get guns after being released from prison. Takes 3 to 10 years

Do you actually think felons...who commit 90% of the gun murders wait ten years to get a legal gun?
We already have a No Gun list...where the people on it received all the due process you want...they are called convicted felons and they cannot buy, own or carry guns....and the magic list that they are on...and the magic list that you want with the no fly no buy list.....

90% of gun murder is committed by people on the convicted No Buy list for guns........

your magic no fly, no buy list will not stop mass shooters or criminals....it will cause major problems for law abiding people put on that list without due process....
The government already has plenty of restrictions on getting guns, and yet every time liberals propose these ideas with the implicit thought that THIS TIME the government will magically do its job correctly. And yet in mass shooting after mass shooting, dozens of current laws are violated all the time. Its like a compulsive obsessive disorder or something.


Then why do Isis spokesmen publish videos encouraging their members to go to America to get guns and commit mass murder? Because it's easier here than any place else.

And yet with 357,000,000 guns in private hands a grand total of 37 dead in 2015 by mass shooters.......yeah...they aren't getting the job done, are they?
False comparison!
You conveniently left out that knives and box cutters are close quarter weapons , rifles aren't.
Failed attempt at skewing the stats.

Smoke spin troll lie fail...again and again....
so you can't refute those facts.

I refuted them moron....

Knives kill more people each and every year than rifles do...no matter that rifles can kill over a distance...the actual numbers show knives kill over 6 times as many poeple each year as rifles do........you are wrong....
Aren't Police Officers the "good guys"? What makes a person with three or six months training superior in skill and mental stability to a retired Military Veteran or a person who excels at shooting sports? If the truth be known most Police Officers aren't interested in anything other than basic proficiency with a firearm and there are civilians who are not only interested in shooting sports but are forced to be aware of laws governing shooting situations. I'm not trying to put down Police Officers but they aren't the only "good guys" on the block.
LOL, that might happen, or before that may happen the presence of the gun may be the first thing even a trained officer will see, and respond with deadly force. A breach no matter how well prepared is a high adrenaline situation, and an active shooter situation is an unlocked and loader situation.
A victim with a gun is less likely to be killed by police than by the shooter that caused the situation in the first place because police identify themselves before opening fire. Now, why again is this remote possibility a good reason to deny people their 2nd Amendment rights?

Who is denying anyone their Second Amendment Privilege? If one reads Heller without bias, they will realize even the late Justice Scalia limited the 2nd A. to a privilege and not an absolute right. Some people should never own or possess a gun. Do you not agree?
And it is up to the government to prove that with real evidence that will stand legal muster

But that's not what people are doing are they? no they want to arbitrarily deny the rights of people because some government lackey secretly put their name on a list

You make stuff up to defend you position, that's not only dishonest, it is stupid!

But prove me wrong: Name the Lackey who secretly put the name of someone else (not their own, even your use of syntax is childish) and that person's name on a list. Do it now with sufficient evidence and prove you're not dishonest and stupid.

Some mistakes happen and can be corrected, others are fatal and cannot! That concept seems to be above your level of understanding (common sense).

No one knows who put their name on a no fly list or why. They aren't even notified when their name is put on a no fly list.

That's the fucking point.
Of course they aren't notified! That would be the same as notifying Mafia members that they were the subject of an undercover operation! Most people who "suspect" they're on the list aren't. If they complain, it is investigated, and they are removed if it was a mistake. However, most of the time, they aren't on the FBI's list at all.

2AGuy's article about Air Marshalls' "quota" does not say a Surveillance Report automatically puts anyone on the FBI watch list. There is a list of criteria -- which the Orlando shooter did NOT meet, btw -- for putting someone on the list and keeping them there. If a tourist takes a picture out a plane window and there is nothing suspicious about this person's daily activities or past, they aren't going to end up on anyone's list. It's just a report by an air marshall of their observations on planes. The quota is ridiculous and should be struck down, but it doesn't put anyone on the Terror Watch List or the No Fly List unless a whole lot more is evident.

This is NOTHING but another attempt to stop any gun control. There was no one complaining about this list until it suddenly got tied to buying a firearm. Now. some of the FBI guys actually doing the terrorist surveillance don't like the list tied to buying a gun either, since it would or could tip the individual off that he is on the list if he is denied a gun. I don't know how we would get around that and still prohibit weapons to suspected terrorists.
Again, another idiot who wants to spin. Fear is a bitch, isn't it? Like 90% of all other Americans, I would like better, thorough background checks and certainly a federal law banning gun ownership to anyone ever convicted of a felony.

Moron.....felons are already banned from gun ownership.....under current law.........and background checks don't stop felons from getting guns......do you have any idea what you are talking about?
Well said....but then again, you said nada, lol.

On an iPad. Read it again you might learn something. Convicted felons can get guns after being released from prison. Takes 3 to 10 years
There is absolutely zero text in your previous response, which is a high mark in intelligence for you, I admit.

And whether felons can get guns is a state by state issue.

On an iPad. You won't go back and read it but Newsmax has posted the five federal loopholes for felons to acquire guns. Hide your fucking head in the sand and keep up the lies. It is what you do best
We already have a No Gun list...where the people on it received all the due process you want...they are called convicted felons and they cannot buy, own or carry guns....and the magic list that they are on...and the magic list that you want with the no fly no buy list.....

90% of gun murder is committed by people on the convicted No Buy list for guns........

your magic no fly, no buy list will not stop mass shooters or criminals....it will cause major problems for law abiding people put on that list without due process....
The government already has plenty of restrictions on getting guns, and yet every time liberals propose these ideas with the implicit thought that THIS TIME the government will magically do its job correctly. And yet in mass shooting after mass shooting, dozens of current laws are violated all the time. Its like a compulsive obsessive disorder or something.


Then why do Isis spokesmen publish videos encouraging their members to go to America to get guns and commit mass murder? Because it's easier here than any place else.

And here are the actual numbers.......with 320,000,000 guns in private hands in 2013...and 357,000,000 guns in private hands in 2016....

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation


2015....4 ( obama's new standard....7)

2014....2 (4)












2002 not listed so more than likely 0

















1985... not listed so probably 0


1983...not listed so probably 0

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

How many deaths on average according to Mother Jones...anti gun, uber left wing Mother Jones.......each year, well less than 73.

2014..... 9
2013..... 36
2012..... 72
2011..... 19
2002...not listed by mother jones



Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208
Accidental drowning.....3,391
Accidental exposure to smoke, fire and flames.....2,760

Deaths from mass shootings 2015..... 37
I refuted them moron....

Knives kill more people each and every year than rifles do...no matter that rifles can kill over a distance...the actual numbers show knives kill over 6 times as many poeple each year as rifles do........you are wrong....
'Refuting' daws is like washing a pig. The pig doesnt care and will still smell like shit when your through anyway.
Aren't Police Officers the "good guys"? What makes a person with three or six months training superior in skill and mental stability to a retired Military Veteran or a person who excels at shooting sports? If the truth be known most Police Officers aren't interested in anything other than basic proficiency with a firearm and there are civilians who are not only interested in shooting sports but are forced to be aware of laws governing shooting situations. I'm not trying to put down Police Officers but they aren't the only "good guys" on the block.
A victim with a gun is less likely to be killed by police than by the shooter that caused the situation in the first place because police identify themselves before opening fire. Now, why again is this remote possibility a good reason to deny people their 2nd Amendment rights?

Who is denying anyone their Second Amendment Privilege? If one reads Heller without bias, they will realize even the late Justice Scalia limited the 2nd A. to a privilege and not an absolute right. Some people should never own or possess a gun. Do you not agree?
And it is up to the government to prove that with real evidence that will stand legal muster

But that's not what people are doing are they? no they want to arbitrarily deny the rights of people because some government lackey secretly put their name on a list

You make stuff up to defend you position, that's not only dishonest, it is stupid!

But prove me wrong: Name the Lackey who secretly put the name of someone else (not their own, even your use of syntax is childish) and that person's name on a list. Do it now with sufficient evidence and prove you're not dishonest and stupid.

Some mistakes happen and can be corrected, others are fatal and cannot! That concept seems to be above your level of understanding (common sense).

No one knows who put their name on a no fly list or why. They aren't even notified when their name is put on a no fly list.

That's the fucking point.
Of course they aren't notified! That would be the same as notifying Mafia members that they were the subject of an undercover operation! Most people who "suspect" they're on the list aren't. If they complain, it is investigated, and they are removed if it was a mistake. However, most of the time, they aren't on the FBI's list at all.

2AGuy's article about Air Marshalls' "quota" does not say a Surveillance Report automatically puts anyone on the FBI watch list. There is a list of criteria -- which the Orlando shooter did NOT meet, btw -- for putting someone on the list and keeping them there. If a tourist takes a picture out a plane window and there is nothing suspicious about this person's daily activities or past, they aren't going to end up on anyone's list. It's just a report by an air marshall of their observations on planes. The quota is ridiculous and should be struck down, but it doesn't put anyone on the Terror Watch List or the No Fly List unless a whole lot more is evident.

This is NOTHING but another attempt to stop any gun control. There was no one complaining about this list until it suddenly got tied to buying a firearm. Now. some of the FBI guys actually doing the terrorist surveillance don't like the list tied to buying a gun either, since it would or could tip the individual off that he is on the list if he is denied a gun. I don't know how we would get around that and still prohibit weapons to suspected terrorists.

Yeah...because none of the mass shooters...including Orlando and San Bernadino...muslim terrorists, were not on the no fly list....there is no bearing on that list with mass shootings....yet the anti gunners want to use a list that has no due process to ban normal Americans from owning guns......
Moron.....felons are already banned from gun ownership.....under current law.........and background checks don't stop felons from getting guns......do you have any idea what you are talking about?
Well said....but then again, you said nada, lol.

On an iPad. Read it again you might learn something. Convicted felons can get guns after being released from prison. Takes 3 to 10 years
There is absolutely zero text in your previous response, which is a high mark in intelligence for you, I admit.

And whether felons can get guns is a state by state issue.

On an iPad. You won't go back and read it but Newsmax has posted the five federal loopholes for felons to acquire guns. Hide your fucking head in the sand and keep up the lies. It is what you do best

Yeah...and what are those loopholes.......please give a link........

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