Why A "Good Guy with a Gun" is Bullshit

Aren't Police Officers the "good guys"? What makes a person with three or six months training superior in skill and mental stability to a retired Military Veteran or a person who excels at shooting sports? If the truth be known most Police Officers aren't interested in anything other than basic proficiency with a firearm and there are civilians who are not only interested in shooting sports but are forced to be aware of laws governing shooting situations. I'm not trying to put down Police Officers but they aren't the only "good guys" on the block.
Announce your presence and inform the police that you are armed and place the firearm on the floor and back away from it with your arms extended.
Yes, that.

LOL, that might happen, or before that may happen the presence of the gun may be the first thing even a trained officer will see, and respond with deadly force. A breach no matter how well prepared is a high adrenaline situation, and an active shooter situation is an unlocked and loader situation.
A victim with a gun is less likely to be killed by police than by the shooter that caused the situation in the first place because police identify themselves before opening fire. Now, why again is this remote possibility a good reason to deny people their 2nd Amendment rights?

Who is denying anyone their Second Amendment Privilege? If one reads Heller without bias, they will realize even the late Justice Scalia limited the 2nd A. to a privilege and not an absolute right. Some people should never own or possess a gun. Do you not agree?
And it is up to the government to prove that with real evidence that will stand legal muster

But that's not what people are doing are they? no they want to arbitrarily deny the rights of people because some government lackey secretly put their name on a list

You make stuff up to defend you position, that's not only dishonest, it is stupid!

But prove me wrong: Name the Lackey who secretly put the name of someone else (not their own, even your use of syntax is childish) and that person's name on a list. Do it now with sufficient evidence and prove you're not dishonest and stupid.

Some mistakes happen and can be corrected, others are fatal and cannot! That concept seems to be above your level of understanding (common sense).
Aren't Police Officers the "good guys"? What makes a person with three or six months training superior in skill and mental stability to a retired Military Veteran or a person who excels at shooting sports? If the truth be known most Police Officers aren't interested in anything other than basic proficiency with a firearm and there are civilians who are not only interested in shooting sports but are forced to be aware of laws governing shooting situations. I'm not trying to put down Police Officers but they aren't the only "good guys" on the block.
Who is denying anyone their Second Amendment Privilege? If one reads Heller without bias, they will realize even the late Justice Scalia limited the 2nd A. to a privilege and not an absolute right. Some people should never own or possess a gun. Do you not agree?
And it is up to the government to prove that with real evidence that will stand legal muster

But that's not what people are doing are they? no they want to arbitrarily deny the rights of people because some government lackey secretly put their name on a list

And because of a quota....Air Marshals are putting people on no fly lists to fill a mandatory quota........
any actual evidence or just more Crapspiracy raving. ?

From ABC news Denver......they aren't exactly conspiracy websites are they?

Marshals: Innocent People Placed On 'Watch List' To Meet Quota

You could be on a secret government database or watch list for simply taking a picture on an airplane. Some federal air marshals say they're reporting your actions to meet a quota, even though some top officials deny it.

The air marshals, whose identities are being concealed, told 7NEWS that they're required to submit at least one report a month. If they don't, there's no raise, no bonus, no awards and no special assignments.

"Innocent passengers are being entered into an international intelligence database as suspicious persons, acting in a suspicious manner on an aircraft ... and they did nothing wrong," said one federal air marshal.

These unknowing passengers who are doing nothing wrong are landing in a secret government document called a Surveillance Detection Report, or SDR. Air marshals told 7NEWS that managers in Las Vegas created and continue to maintain this potentially dangerous quota system.

Shit happens, and can be corrected.

Let's digress:

Liberals support the Innocents Project

Conservatives reject it and want executions immediate after sentencing and oppose appeals.

Is it better to make an error, and allow a civilian jet liner to crash and kill all aboard, or to delay the purchase of a firearm to try and ensure innocent will live?

Conservatives define themselves on what they dislike, and this exposes their hypocrisy, a necessary element in the character of 21st Century conservatives.

Sorry....our entire system of alw is built on the premise that allowing 100 guilty go free fine as long as 1 innocent person is not wrongly jailed....that is what the innocence project believes you twit....
Aren't Police Officers the "good guys"? What makes a person with three or six months training superior in skill and mental stability to a retired Military Veteran or a person who excels at shooting sports? If the truth be known most Police Officers aren't interested in anything other than basic proficiency with a firearm and there are civilians who are not only interested in shooting sports but are forced to be aware of laws governing shooting situations. I'm not trying to put down Police Officers but they aren't the only "good guys" on the block.
Yes, that.

LOL, that might happen, or before that may happen the presence of the gun may be the first thing even a trained officer will see, and respond with deadly force. A breach no matter how well prepared is a high adrenaline situation, and an active shooter situation is an unlocked and loader situation.
A victim with a gun is less likely to be killed by police than by the shooter that caused the situation in the first place because police identify themselves before opening fire. Now, why again is this remote possibility a good reason to deny people their 2nd Amendment rights?

Who is denying anyone their Second Amendment Privilege? If one reads Heller without bias, they will realize even the late Justice Scalia limited the 2nd A. to a privilege and not an absolute right. Some people should never own or possess a gun. Do you not agree?
And it is up to the government to prove that with real evidence that will stand legal muster

But that's not what people are doing are they? no they want to arbitrarily deny the rights of people because some government lackey secretly put their name on a list

You make stuff up to defend you position, that's not only dishonest, it is stupid!

But prove me wrong: Name the Lackey who secretly put the name of someone else (not their own, even your use of syntax is childish) and that person's name on a list. Do it now with sufficient evidence and prove you're not dishonest and stupid.

Some mistakes happen and can be corrected, others are fatal and cannot! That concept seems to be above your level of understanding (common sense).

It isn't one lacky....it is many....in fact...it is the entire Air Marshal Service...and that is just one government organization....
Aren't Police Officers the "good guys"? What makes a person with three or six months training superior in skill and mental stability to a retired Military Veteran or a person who excels at shooting sports? If the truth be known most Police Officers aren't interested in anything other than basic proficiency with a firearm and there are civilians who are not only interested in shooting sports but are forced to be aware of laws governing shooting situations. I'm not trying to put down Police Officers but they aren't the only "good guys" on the block.
Who is denying anyone their Second Amendment Privilege? If one reads Heller without bias, they will realize even the late Justice Scalia limited the 2nd A. to a privilege and not an absolute right. Some people should never own or possess a gun. Do you not agree?
And it is up to the government to prove that with real evidence that will stand legal muster

But that's not what people are doing are they? no they want to arbitrarily deny the rights of people because some government lackey secretly put their name on a list

And because of a quota....Air Marshals are putting people on no fly lists to fill a mandatory quota........
any actual evidence or just more Crapspiracy raving. ?

From ABC news Denver......they aren't exactly conspiracy websites are they?

Marshals: Innocent People Placed On 'Watch List' To Meet Quota

You could be on a secret government database or watch list for simply taking a picture on an airplane. Some federal air marshals say they're reporting your actions to meet a quota, even though some top officials deny it.

The air marshals, whose identities are being concealed, told 7NEWS that they're required to submit at least one report a month. If they don't, there's no raise, no bonus, no awards and no special assignments.

"Innocent passengers are being entered into an international intelligence database as suspicious persons, acting in a suspicious manner on an aircraft ... and they did nothing wrong," said one federal air marshal.

These unknowing passengers who are doing nothing wrong are landing in a secret government document called a Surveillance Detection Report, or SDR. Air marshals told 7NEWS that managers in Las Vegas created and continue to maintain this potentially dangerous quota system.

Shit happens, and can be corrected.

Let's digress:

Liberals support the Innocents Project

Conservatives reject it and want executions immediate after sentencing and oppose appeals.

Is it better to make an error, and allow a civilian jet liner to crash and kill all aboard, or to delay the purchase of a firearm to try and ensure innocent will live?

Conservatives define themselves on what they dislike, and this exposes their hypocrisy, a necessary element in the character of 21st Century conservatives.

I support the innocence project. You know why? Because I believe that all rights should be protected for all people.

You obviously think it's just fine to arbitrarily deny people their rights and yet you claim to support the innocence project

Seems like a conflicted view to me
And it is up to the government to prove that with real evidence that will stand legal muster

But that's not what people are doing are they? no they want to arbitrarily deny the rights of people because some government lackey secretly put their name on a list

And because of a quota....Air Marshals are putting people on no fly lists to fill a mandatory quota........
any actual evidence or just more Crapspiracy raving. ?

From ABC news Denver......they aren't exactly conspiracy websites are they?

Marshals: Innocent People Placed On 'Watch List' To Meet Quota

You could be on a secret government database or watch list for simply taking a picture on an airplane. Some federal air marshals say they're reporting your actions to meet a quota, even though some top officials deny it.

The air marshals, whose identities are being concealed, told 7NEWS that they're required to submit at least one report a month. If they don't, there's no raise, no bonus, no awards and no special assignments.

"Innocent passengers are being entered into an international intelligence database as suspicious persons, acting in a suspicious manner on an aircraft ... and they did nothing wrong," said one federal air marshal.

These unknowing passengers who are doing nothing wrong are landing in a secret government document called a Surveillance Detection Report, or SDR. Air marshals told 7NEWS that managers in Las Vegas created and continue to maintain this potentially dangerous quota system.

Shit happens, and can be corrected.

Let's digress:

Liberals support the Innocents Project

Conservatives reject it and want executions immediate after sentencing and oppose appeals.

Is it better to make an error, and allow a civilian jet liner to crash and kill all aboard, or to delay the purchase of a firearm to try and ensure innocent will live?

Conservatives define themselves on what they dislike, and this exposes their hypocrisy, a necessary element in the character of 21st Century conservatives.

Wrong...on all counts...no conservative wants immediate executions...and we don't oppose appeals..that is a lie.

Delaying the purchase of a gun is not what they are doing here...they are making it impossible for normal gun owners put on a list without due process from owning a gun....a list they cannot get off of, and they cannot challenge...because even in the deals on this new law.....the anti gunners have done the bait and switch..they only allow the victim of the list to challenge non secret aspects of the reasoning they were put on the list....

The government should have to prove you are a threat, not the other way around...the ACLU and the New York Times disagrees with you....

No, it's not a lie but I admit it is hyperbole. A rhetorical term used to make a point.

You also have no understanding of the term "due process". Look it up!
And it is up to the government to prove that with real evidence that will stand legal muster

But that's not what people are doing are they? no they want to arbitrarily deny the rights of people because some government lackey secretly put their name on a list

And because of a quota....Air Marshals are putting people on no fly lists to fill a mandatory quota........
any actual evidence or just more Crapspiracy raving. ?

From ABC news Denver......they aren't exactly conspiracy websites are they?

Marshals: Innocent People Placed On 'Watch List' To Meet Quota

You could be on a secret government database or watch list for simply taking a picture on an airplane. Some federal air marshals say they're reporting your actions to meet a quota, even though some top officials deny it.

The air marshals, whose identities are being concealed, told 7NEWS that they're required to submit at least one report a month. If they don't, there's no raise, no bonus, no awards and no special assignments.

"Innocent passengers are being entered into an international intelligence database as suspicious persons, acting in a suspicious manner on an aircraft ... and they did nothing wrong," said one federal air marshal.

These unknowing passengers who are doing nothing wrong are landing in a secret government document called a Surveillance Detection Report, or SDR. Air marshals told 7NEWS that managers in Las Vegas created and continue to maintain this potentially dangerous quota system.

Shit happens, and can be corrected.

Let's digress:

Liberals support the Innocents Project

Conservatives reject it and want executions immediate after sentencing and oppose appeals.

Is it better to make an error, and allow a civilian jet liner to crash and kill all aboard, or to delay the purchase of a firearm to try and ensure innocent will live?

Conservatives define themselves on what they dislike, and this exposes their hypocrisy, a necessary element in the character of 21st Century conservatives.

I support the innocence project. You know why? Because I believe that all rights should be protected for all people.

You obviously think it's just fine to arbitrarily deny people their rights and yet you claim to support the innocence project

Seems like a conflicted view to me

It actually doesn't "seem" to be a conflicted view...it actually is a conflicted view......he hates guns....so he is more than willing to throw out the same due process he wants for actually guilty murderers as long as it keeps some people from owning guns.....no matter how the truth, the facts and reality show that he is wrong on every aspect of the gun debate.
And because of a quota....Air Marshals are putting people on no fly lists to fill a mandatory quota........
any actual evidence or just more Crapspiracy raving. ?

From ABC news Denver......they aren't exactly conspiracy websites are they?

Marshals: Innocent People Placed On 'Watch List' To Meet Quota

You could be on a secret government database or watch list for simply taking a picture on an airplane. Some federal air marshals say they're reporting your actions to meet a quota, even though some top officials deny it.

The air marshals, whose identities are being concealed, told 7NEWS that they're required to submit at least one report a month. If they don't, there's no raise, no bonus, no awards and no special assignments.

"Innocent passengers are being entered into an international intelligence database as suspicious persons, acting in a suspicious manner on an aircraft ... and they did nothing wrong," said one federal air marshal.

These unknowing passengers who are doing nothing wrong are landing in a secret government document called a Surveillance Detection Report, or SDR. Air marshals told 7NEWS that managers in Las Vegas created and continue to maintain this potentially dangerous quota system.

Shit happens, and can be corrected.

Let's digress:

Liberals support the Innocents Project

Conservatives reject it and want executions immediate after sentencing and oppose appeals.

Is it better to make an error, and allow a civilian jet liner to crash and kill all aboard, or to delay the purchase of a firearm to try and ensure innocent will live?

Conservatives define themselves on what they dislike, and this exposes their hypocrisy, a necessary element in the character of 21st Century conservatives.

Wrong...on all counts...no conservative wants immediate executions...and we don't oppose appeals..that is a lie.

Delaying the purchase of a gun is not what they are doing here...they are making it impossible for normal gun owners put on a list without due process from owning a gun....a list they cannot get off of, and they cannot challenge...because even in the deals on this new law.....the anti gunners have done the bait and switch..they only allow the victim of the list to challenge non secret aspects of the reasoning they were put on the list....

The government should have to prove you are a threat, not the other way around...the ACLU and the New York Times disagrees with you....

No, it's not a lie but I admit it is hyperbole. A rhetorical term used to make a point.

You also have no understanding of the term "due process". Look it up!

An Air Marshal who has to submit names to the no fly list because of a quota system is not fucking due process twit.
Hey liberal queers, here's a recent picture of me:

gun guy.jpg
Aren't Police Officers the "good guys"? What makes a person with three or six months training superior in skill and mental stability to a retired Military Veteran or a person who excels at shooting sports? If the truth be known most Police Officers aren't interested in anything other than basic proficiency with a firearm and there are civilians who are not only interested in shooting sports but are forced to be aware of laws governing shooting situations. I'm not trying to put down Police Officers but they aren't the only "good guys" on the block.
Yes, that.

LOL, that might happen, or before that may happen the presence of the gun may be the first thing even a trained officer will see, and respond with deadly force. A breach no matter how well prepared is a high adrenaline situation, and an active shooter situation is an unlocked and loader situation.
A victim with a gun is less likely to be killed by police than by the shooter that caused the situation in the first place because police identify themselves before opening fire. Now, why again is this remote possibility a good reason to deny people their 2nd Amendment rights?

Who is denying anyone their Second Amendment Privilege? If one reads Heller without bias, they will realize even the late Justice Scalia limited the 2nd A. to a privilege and not an absolute right. Some people should never own or possess a gun. Do you not agree?
And it is up to the government to prove that with real evidence that will stand legal muster

But that's not what people are doing are they? no they want to arbitrarily deny the rights of people because some government lackey secretly put their name on a list

You make stuff up to defend you position, that's not only dishonest, it is stupid!

But prove me wrong: Name the Lackey who secretly put the name of someone else (not their own, even your use of syntax is childish) and that person's name on a list. Do it now with sufficient evidence and prove you're not dishonest and stupid.

Some mistakes happen and can be corrected, others are fatal and cannot! That concept seems to be above your level of understanding (common sense).

No one knows who put their name on a no fly list or why. They aren't even notified when their name is put on a no fly list.

That's the fucking point.
And because of a quota....Air Marshals are putting people on no fly lists to fill a mandatory quota........
any actual evidence or just more Crapspiracy raving. ?

From ABC news Denver......they aren't exactly conspiracy websites are they?

Marshals: Innocent People Placed On 'Watch List' To Meet Quota

You could be on a secret government database or watch list for simply taking a picture on an airplane. Some federal air marshals say they're reporting your actions to meet a quota, even though some top officials deny it.

The air marshals, whose identities are being concealed, told 7NEWS that they're required to submit at least one report a month. If they don't, there's no raise, no bonus, no awards and no special assignments.

"Innocent passengers are being entered into an international intelligence database as suspicious persons, acting in a suspicious manner on an aircraft ... and they did nothing wrong," said one federal air marshal.

These unknowing passengers who are doing nothing wrong are landing in a secret government document called a Surveillance Detection Report, or SDR. Air marshals told 7NEWS that managers in Las Vegas created and continue to maintain this potentially dangerous quota system.

Shit happens, and can be corrected.

Let's digress:

Liberals support the Innocents Project

Conservatives reject it and want executions immediate after sentencing and oppose appeals.

Is it better to make an error, and allow a civilian jet liner to crash and kill all aboard, or to delay the purchase of a firearm to try and ensure innocent will live?

Conservatives define themselves on what they dislike, and this exposes their hypocrisy, a necessary element in the character of 21st Century conservatives.

Wrong...on all counts...no conservative wants immediate executions...and we don't oppose appeals..that is a lie.

Delaying the purchase of a gun is not what they are doing here...they are making it impossible for normal gun owners put on a list without due process from owning a gun....a list they cannot get off of, and they cannot challenge...because even in the deals on this new law.....the anti gunners have done the bait and switch..they only allow the victim of the list to challenge non secret aspects of the reasoning they were put on the list....

The government should have to prove you are a threat, not the other way around...the ACLU and the New York Times disagrees with you....

No, it's not a lie but I admit it is hyperbole. A rhetorical term used to make a point.

You also have no understanding of the term "due process". Look it up!

Where is the due process in the Air Marshal quota...

From ABC news......

Marshals: Innocent People Placed On 'Watch List' To Meet Quota

You could be on a secret government database or watch list for simply taking a picture on an airplane. Some federal air marshals say they're reporting your actions to meet a quota, even though some top officials deny it.

The air marshals, whose identities are being concealed, told 7NEWS that they're required to submit at least one report a month. If they don't, there's no raise, no bonus, no awards and no special assignments.

"Innocent passengers are being entered into an international intelligence database as suspicious persons, acting in a suspicious manner on an aircraft ... and they did nothing wrong," said one federal air marshal.

These unknowing passengers who are doing nothing wrong are landing in a secret government document called a Surveillance Detection Report, or SDR. Air marshals told 7NEWS that managers in Las Vegas created and continue to maintain this potentially dangerous quota system.

"Do these reports have real life impacts on the people who are identified as potential terrorists?" 7NEWS Investigator Tony Kovaleski asked.

"Absolutely," a federal air marshal replied.

7NEWS obtained an internal Homeland Security document defining an SDR as a report designed to identify terrorist surveillance activity.

"When you see a decision like this, for these reports, who loses here?" Kovaleski asked.

"The people we're supposed to protect -- the American public," an air marshal said.

What kind of impact would it have for a flying individual to be named in an SDR?

"That could have serious impact ... They could be placed on a watch list. They could wind up on databases that identify them as potential terrorists or a threat to an aircraft. It could be very serious," said Don Strange, a former agent in charge of air marshals in Atlanta. He lost his job attempting to change policies inside the agency.
That's ONE. Wow, I'm impressed.

Now here's all the mass shootings in just the last few months: (The numbers to the right of the address are number killed and number wounded).

June 25, 2016 Illinois Chicago 1400 block of W. 114th Place 0 4
June 24, 2016 Kansas Kansas City N. 3rd and Walker 0 4
June 24, 2016 Maryland District Heights 3100 block of Orleans Avenue 3 2
June 24, 2016 Connecticut Hartford Brook and Winter Street 0 5

May 11, 2016 Alabama Birmingham 1400 block of 21st Street N 1 4
May 11, 2016 Illinois Chicago 7100 block of South State Street 0 5
May 8, 2016 Texas Austin 8600 block of North Lamar 1 3
May 6, 2016 Michigan Detroit 12300 Block of Gratiot 1 4
May 6, 2016 Alabama Montgomery 1300 block of Clay Street 1 3
May 6, 2016 Maryland Bethesda 7101 Democracy Blvd 3 3
May 5, 2016 Louisiana Shreveport 300 block of North Thomas Drive 2 6
May 5, 2016 Florida Miami 2108 NW 19th Terrace 1 3
May 4, 2016 Minnesota Minneapolis 16th Avenue North and Newton Avenue North 1 7
May 1, 2016 Tennessee Murfreesboro 1955 Old Castle Drive 0 5
April 29, 2016 Missouri Saint Louis (Ferguson) 400 block of Dade Avenue 0 4
April 29, 2016 California Oakland 3200 block of San Pablo Avenue 0 5
April 27, 2016 Louisiana Baton Rouge Kerrit Drive 1 3
April 27, 2016 Mississippi Kilmichael Pecan Drive 3 1
June 22, 2016 Washington Lacey 500 block of Dutterow Road 3 1
June 22, 2016 Georgia Dekalb (county) Lancashire Drive and Central Drive 1 4
June 22, 2016 Illinois Chicago 3100 block of West Warren 0 4
June 21, 2016 New Jersey Willingboro Mosshill Lane 0 4
June 21, 2016 Kentucky Louisville 2802 Rodman Street 2 2
June 19, 2016 Virginia Roanoke 2328 Melrose Avenue 0 4
June 18, 2016 Virginia Exmore Fredrick Douglas Road 1 3
June 18, 2016 Georgia Waycross 2625 Arnold Ct 2 2
June 18, 2016 Illinois Chicago East 79th Street and South Escanaba Avenue 0 4
June 14, 2016 Delaware Wilmington South Van Buren and Elm streets 0 4
June 14, 2016 California Oakland 1301 Franklin Street 1 3
June 13, 2016 California Fresno East El Monte Way and Recreation Avenue 0 4
June 9, 2016 Florida Fort Walton Beach Landview Drive 0 4
June 8, 2016 Massachusetts Boston 66 Washington St 1 3
June 8, 2016 District of Columbia Washington North Capitol Street and New York Avenue NW 0 4
June 6, 2016 California Visalia 33 60 South Fairway Street 0 4
June 5, 2016 Minnesota Minneapolis 8th and Humboldt Avenue N. 0 4
June 5, 2016 Florida Cape Coral 2600 block of Skyline Boulevard S 3 3
June 5, 2016 New York Brooklyn Mermaid Ave and 16th St. 0 4
June 5, 2016 Arizona Phoenix 8152 N Black Canyon Hwy 2 5
June 4, 2016 Colorado Denver 3600 block of Hudson Street 3 1
May 31, 2016 Illinois Chicago 3300 block of West Huron Street 0 4
May 31, 2016 Indiana Fort Wayne 6600 block of Pawawna Drive 0 4
May 30, 2016 Maryland Baltimore 500 block of East 43rd Street 0 5
May 30, 2016 California Sacramento 3900 block of 44th 0 5
May 29, 2016 Nevada Las Vegas 200 block of North 3rd Street 0 4
May 29, 2016 Texas Houston 13210 Memorial Drive 2 6
May 29, 2016 New Jersey Trenton 600 block of Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard 0 6
May 29, 2016 Indiana Indianapolis 300 block of South Meridian Street 0 4
April 26, 2016 Maryland District Heights (Forestville) 6500 block of Hil-Mar Drive 1 4
April 25, 2016 Tennessee Nashville 400 Charlotte Avenue 0 4
April 25, 2016 Florida Miami 1506 Northwest 70th Street 0 5
April 24, 2016 Virginia Halifax 1055 L P Bailey Memorial Hwy 0 5
April 24, 2016 Illinois Chicago (Englewood) 2000 block of West 68th Place 2 3
April 24, 2016 Colorado Denver 1400 Block of 14th Street 0 4
April 23, 2016 Nevada Las Vegas 1650 South Hollywood Boulevard 1 3
April 23, 2016 Alabama Auburn 1200 block of Lee Road 83 3 1
April 23, 2016 Kansas Topeka 3732 S.W. Topeka Boulevard 1 4
April 23, 2016 New York New York (Manhattan) West 141st Street and Edgecombe Avenue 0 4
April 22, 2016 Ohio Piketon 4077 Union Hill Road 8 0
April 22, 2016 Georgia Appling 3162 Johnson Drive 6 0
April 21, 2016 Maryland Baltimore 4800 block of Frankford Avenue 0 4
April 19, 2016 Alabama Blountsville 81551 Us Highway 278 1 4
April 19, 2016 Illinois Chicago 2700 block of West 53rd Street 1 3
April 19, 2016 Illinois Chicago 1400 block of West 84th Street 1 4
April 18, 2016 California Long Beach 1200 block of E. 17th Street 1 3
April 17, 2016 Pennsylvania Philadelphia 600 block of Westmoreland Street 3 1
April 17, 2016 South Carolina Pelzer 200 block of Eastview Road 1 3
April 17, 2016 Texas Edinburg 5021 W St Hwy 107 1 6
April 16, 2016 Michigan Detroit 9500 block of Oakland 1 4
April 16, 2016 Florida Orlando 1100 block of Conley Street 2 4
April 16, 2016 Alabama Enterprise Baxter Street 0 4
April 14, 2016 New Jersey Orange Taylor Street 1 3
April 10, 2016 Wisconsin Milwaukee 76th and Sheridan 1 3
April 10, 2016 California Los Angeles 84th Street and Towne Avenue 0 4
April 9, 2016 Tennessee Memphis Mt Moriah Road and Ridgeway Road 0 4
April 9, 2016 Alabama Anniston West 15th Street and Crawford Avenue 0 4
April 9, 2016 New Mexico Albuquerque 2600 block of Mesa Drive SE 0 4
April 7, 2016 Illinois Chicago 2200 block of East 70th Place 0 4

NONE of that justifies taking away a civil liberty , moron.

I did not say it should. This post above is in response to the lame, lone event in Maine. My O/P simply states the consequences of what can happen in an active shooting situation for someone who brandishes a gun. Can you not read?

Don't play stupid, everyone here realizes your thread was an attempt to justify gun control.

Or maybe you aren't playing.

Again, another idiot who wants to spin. Fear is a bitch, isn't it? Like 90% of all other Americans, I would like better, thorough background checks and certainly a federal law banning gun ownership to anyone ever convicted of a felony.

Moron.....felons are already banned from gun ownership.....under current law.........and background checks don't stop felons from getting guns......do you have any idea what you are talking about?

Yes, I do.

"Can a Felon Own a Gun? 5 Loopholes in Federal Law"
Can a Felon Own a Gun? 5 Loopholes in Federal Law

There are even law firms that specialize in helping convicted felons acquire guns after they have served their sentences.
Last edited:
If you are a "good guy with a gun" and you see a cop, you immediately drop your weapon and put your hands up, immediately. That this escapes anyone is puzzling.
Announce your presence and inform the police that you are armed and place the firearm on the floor and back away from it with your arms extended.
Homeowners that call the cops and then approach the cops with their guns visible, and/or dont respond to officers ('He cant be talking to me, I live here and I called them') get shot and killed by cops all the time.

When the cops arrive holster your gun, raise your hands in the air, tell them your name and that you are the home owner, and OBEY THEIR INSTRUCTIONS. If you suddenly bend over towards them without them telling you to in the dark around your home to put your gun on the ground (dont literally drop it), they might think you are charging them or aiming your gun. Just do what they tell you so there is no misunderstanding between you and the cop.

Responding to domestic situations is a very risky situation for the police and I think many of the younger ones are on edge before they even get out of their squad cars. We should avoid adding more stress to their situation that you called them to.
NONE of that justifies taking away a civil liberty , moron.

I did not say it should. This post above is in response to the lame, lone event in Maine. My O/P simply states the consequences of what can happen in an active shooting situation for someone who brandishes a gun. Can you not read?

Don't play stupid, everyone here realizes your thread was an attempt to justify gun control.

Or maybe you aren't playing.

Again, another idiot who wants to spin. Fear is a bitch, isn't it? Like 90% of all other Americans, I would like better, thorough background checks and certainly a federal law banning gun ownership to anyone ever convicted of a felony.

Moron.....felons are already banned from gun ownership.....under current law.........and background checks don't stop felons from getting guns......do you have any idea what you are talking about?
Well said....but then again, you said nada, lol.
And it is up to the government to prove that with real evidence that will stand legal muster

But that's not what people are doing are they? no they want to arbitrarily deny the rights of people because some government lackey secretly put their name on a list

And because of a quota....Air Marshals are putting people on no fly lists to fill a mandatory quota........
any actual evidence or just more Crapspiracy raving. ?

From ABC news Denver......they aren't exactly conspiracy websites are they?

Marshals: Innocent People Placed On 'Watch List' To Meet Quota

You could be on a secret government database or watch list for simply taking a picture on an airplane. Some federal air marshals say they're reporting your actions to meet a quota, even though some top officials deny it.

The air marshals, whose identities are being concealed, told 7NEWS that they're required to submit at least one report a month. If they don't, there's no raise, no bonus, no awards and no special assignments.

"Innocent passengers are being entered into an international intelligence database as suspicious persons, acting in a suspicious manner on an aircraft ... and they did nothing wrong," said one federal air marshal.

These unknowing passengers who are doing nothing wrong are landing in a secret government document called a Surveillance Detection Report, or SDR. Air marshals told 7NEWS that managers in Las Vegas created and continue to maintain this potentially dangerous quota system.

Shit happens, and can be corrected.

Let's digress:

Liberals support the Innocents Project

Conservatives reject it and want executions immediate after sentencing and oppose appeals.

Is it better to make an error, and allow a civilian jet liner to crash and kill all aboard, or to delay the purchase of a firearm to try and ensure innocent will live?

Conservatives define themselves on what they dislike, and this exposes their hypocrisy, a necessary element in the character of 21st Century conservatives.

I support the innocence project. You know why? Because I believe that all rights should be protected for all people.

You obviously think it's just fine to arbitrarily deny people their rights and yet you claim to support the innocence project

Seems like a conflicted view to me

Looks like you're not a conservative. Holding view of liberals wrong is a necessary and sufficient requirement to be a 21st Century conservative.
And because of a quota....Air Marshals are putting people on no fly lists to fill a mandatory quota........
any actual evidence or just more Crapspiracy raving. ?

From ABC news Denver......they aren't exactly conspiracy websites are they?

Marshals: Innocent People Placed On 'Watch List' To Meet Quota

You could be on a secret government database or watch list for simply taking a picture on an airplane. Some federal air marshals say they're reporting your actions to meet a quota, even though some top officials deny it.

The air marshals, whose identities are being concealed, told 7NEWS that they're required to submit at least one report a month. If they don't, there's no raise, no bonus, no awards and no special assignments.

"Innocent passengers are being entered into an international intelligence database as suspicious persons, acting in a suspicious manner on an aircraft ... and they did nothing wrong," said one federal air marshal.

These unknowing passengers who are doing nothing wrong are landing in a secret government document called a Surveillance Detection Report, or SDR. Air marshals told 7NEWS that managers in Las Vegas created and continue to maintain this potentially dangerous quota system.

Shit happens, and can be corrected.

Let's digress:

Liberals support the Innocents Project

Conservatives reject it and want executions immediate after sentencing and oppose appeals.

Is it better to make an error, and allow a civilian jet liner to crash and kill all aboard, or to delay the purchase of a firearm to try and ensure innocent will live?

Conservatives define themselves on what they dislike, and this exposes their hypocrisy, a necessary element in the character of 21st Century conservatives.

I support the innocence project. You know why? Because I believe that all rights should be protected for all people.

You obviously think it's just fine to arbitrarily deny people their rights and yet you claim to support the innocence project

Seems like a conflicted view to me

Looks like you're not a conservative. Holding view of liberals wrong is a necessary and sufficient requirement to be a 21st Century conservative.
That is so much bullshit, I cant even find the words.....
Aren't Police Officers the "good guys"? What makes a person with three or six months training superior in skill and mental stability to a retired Military Veteran or a person who excels at shooting sports? If the truth be known most Police Officers aren't interested in anything other than basic proficiency with a firearm and there are civilians who are not only interested in shooting sports but are forced to be aware of laws governing shooting situations. I'm not trying to put down Police Officers but they aren't the only "good guys" on the block.
LOL, that might happen, or before that may happen the presence of the gun may be the first thing even a trained officer will see, and respond with deadly force. A breach no matter how well prepared is a high adrenaline situation, and an active shooter situation is an unlocked and loader situation.
A victim with a gun is less likely to be killed by police than by the shooter that caused the situation in the first place because police identify themselves before opening fire. Now, why again is this remote possibility a good reason to deny people their 2nd Amendment rights?

Who is denying anyone their Second Amendment Privilege? If one reads Heller without bias, they will realize even the late Justice Scalia limited the 2nd A. to a privilege and not an absolute right. Some people should never own or possess a gun. Do you not agree?
And it is up to the government to prove that with real evidence that will stand legal muster

But that's not what people are doing are they? no they want to arbitrarily deny the rights of people because some government lackey secretly put their name on a list
You want Muslims who have been radicalized but have not yet carried out an attack to be buying AR-15's and flying in the same plane with you? You are nuts! That is who is on the list. Check out the reality of the situation sometime, instead of listening to a bunch of twisted propaganda.

Wrong....I just posted the story from ABC news...Air Marshals are putting people on the list because of a quota they need to fill each month.....

and again....

Rifles in mass shootings....149 dead in 34 years...1982-2016

Box cutters in 2001.....3,000 people......

Knives in 2014... 1,567

Which weapons are more deadly again?
False comparison!
You conveniently left out that knives and box cutters are close quarter weapons , rifles aren't.
Failed attempt at skewing the stats.
False comparison!
You conveniently left out that knives and box cutters are close quarter weapons , rifles aren't.
Failed attempt at skewing the stats.

Smoke spin troll lie fail...again and again....
Aren't Police Officers the "good guys"? What makes a person with three or six months training superior in skill and mental stability to a retired Military Veteran or a person who excels at shooting sports? If the truth be known most Police Officers aren't interested in anything other than basic proficiency with a firearm and there are civilians who are not only interested in shooting sports but are forced to be aware of laws governing shooting situations. I'm not trying to put down Police Officers but they aren't the only "good guys" on the block.
Yes, that.

LOL, that might happen, or before that may happen the presence of the gun may be the first thing even a trained officer will see, and respond with deadly force. A breach no matter how well prepared is a high adrenaline situation, and an active shooter situation is an unlocked and loader situation.
A victim with a gun is less likely to be killed by police than by the shooter that caused the situation in the first place because police identify themselves before opening fire. Now, why again is this remote possibility a good reason to deny people their 2nd Amendment rights?

Who is denying anyone their Second Amendment Privilege? If one reads Heller without bias, they will realize even the late Justice Scalia limited the 2nd A. to a privilege and not an absolute right. Some people should never own or possess a gun. Do you not agree?
And it is up to the government to prove that with real evidence that will stand legal muster

But that's not what people are doing are they? no they want to arbitrarily deny the rights of people because some government lackey secretly put their name on a list

You make stuff up to defend you position, that's not only dishonest, it is stupid!

But prove me wrong: Name the Lackey who secretly put the name of someone else (not their own, even your use of syntax is childish) and that person's name on a list. Do it now with sufficient evidence and prove you're not dishonest and stupid.

Some mistakes happen and can be corrected, others are fatal and cannot! That concept seems to be above your level of understanding (common sense).

We already have a No Gun list...where the people on it received all the due process you want...they are called convicted felons and they cannot buy, own or carry guns....and the magic list that they are on...and the magic list that you want with the no fly no buy list.....

90% of gun murder is committed by people on the convicted No Buy list for guns........

your magic no fly, no buy list will not stop mass shooters or criminals....it will cause major problems for law abiding people put on that list without due process....

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