Why A "Good Guy with a Gun" is Bullshit

Show some stats that prove concealed carriers make the situation worse

the dickie amendment prohibits the CDC from examining deaths from gun violence.

so good luck with that.

That is an anti-gunner lie......

Why Congress Cut The CDC’s Gun Research Budget

Firstly, CDC was not banned from doing the research. In fact, CDC articles pertaining to firearms have held steady since the defunding, and even increased to 121 in 2013.

CDC very recently released a 16-page report that was commissioned by the city council of Wilmington, Delaware, on factors contributing to its abnormally high gun crime, and methods of prevention. The study weighed factors such as where the guns were coming from, the sex of the offenders, likeliness of committing a gun crime, and how unemployment plays a factor.

In other words it studied, the environment surrounding the crime.
This did not go over well with some in the media, who were disappointed it didn’t implicate firearms as a cause and not an effect. Kate Masters of VICE.com wrote, “If the CDC wasn’t going to consider the role of firearms in Wilmington’s gun crimes, why do the study at all?” That sounds an awful lot like, “If you have nothing bad to say about guns, then don’t say anything.”
If you hold in place and you hear someone coming down a blind hallway, do you shout out and ask if they are the police, the shooter or another good guy? If it's the shooter, you're shit out of luck, aren't you? If it's the police they may not believe you are a good guy. They may think you're the shooter trying to save his sorry ass.

And if you hold in place but can hear the shooter actively killing people in another part of the building, what do you do? Your gun becomes a joke to the people who are dying.

So you should check YOUR premise for reality.
If you are a "good guy with a gun" and you see a cop, you immediately drop your weapon and put your hands up, immediately. That this escapes anyone is puzzling.
Announce your presence and inform the police that you are armed and place the firearm on the floor and back away from it with your arms extended.
Yes, that.

LOL, that might happen, or before that may happen the presence of the gun may be the first thing even a trained officer will see, and respond with deadly force. A breach no matter how well prepared is a high adrenaline situation, and an active shooter situation is an unlocked and loader situation.
A victim with a gun is less likely to be killed by police than by the shooter that caused the situation in the first place because police identify themselves before opening fire. Now, why again is this remote possibility a good reason to deny people their 2nd Amendment rights?

LOL, you watch too much TV.
Okay....what will happen when you statist tyrants get your wish, and all law abiding are disarmed?

Can you THINK that far ahead?

At any rate, you refuse to accept reality, since just last month several mass murdering events were thwarted by armed citizens. Is this a mental illness or just stupidity?

I don't know of anybody who wants you disarmed. They want certain types of weapons banned. They also want other stupid stuff...like....maybe not allowing paranoid schizcos to have guns. You may think that's a dumb idea. I don't...
Mental patients can't legally buy guns and we've had semi-auto rifles for a long time without these kinds of problems. So what changed?

so only people confined to mental health facilities shouldn't have guns?


Felons, who aren't confined to mental health facilities, can't have guns either........
If you are a "good guy with a gun" and you see a cop, you immediately drop your weapon and put your hands up, immediately. That this escapes anyone is puzzling.
Announce your presence and inform the police that you are armed and place the firearm on the floor and back away from it with your arms extended.
Yes, that.

LOL, that might happen, or before that may happen the presence of the gun may be the first thing even a trained officer will see, and respond with deadly force. A breach no matter how well prepared is a high adrenaline situation, and an active shooter situation is an unlocked and loader situation.
A victim with a gun is less likely to be killed by police than by the shooter that caused the situation in the first place because police identify themselves before opening fire. Now, why again is this remote possibility a good reason to deny people their 2nd Amendment rights?

Who is denying anyone their Second Amendment Privilege? If one reads Heller without bias, they will realize even the late Justice Scalia limited the 2nd A. to a privilege and not an absolute right. Some people should never own or possess a gun. Do you not agree?

Wrong.....he never said it was a priveldge, he said the opposite...his mistake was giving nut jobs like you any wiggle room....
Mental patients can't legally buy guns and we've had semi-auto rifles for a long time without these kinds of problems. So what changed?

Nothing's changed. America's always been the King of First World mass shootings bar none. Sure, Norway had a mass shooting. As have most first world countries. The issue is, for some weird reason the US just keeps on having them. Of course, when Australia banned certain types of weapons back in 96 there hasn't been one since. Nothing to do with banning assault rifles though. no, no, no. Just a pesky coincidence :cuckoo:

Wrong...you haven't had a defined mass shooting because of dumb luck...there isn't one Australian gun control law that stopped a mass shooting from happening...as my list shows.....
Mental patients can't legally buy guns and we've had semi-auto rifles for a long time without these kinds of problems. So what changed?

Nothing's changed. America's always been the King of First World mass shootings bar none. Sure, Norway had a mass shooting. As have most first world countries. The issue is, for some weird reason the US just keeps on having them. Of course, when Australia banned certain types of weapons back in 96 there hasn't been one since. Nothing to do with banning assault rifles though. no, no, no. Just a pesky coincidence :cuckoo:

Nothing to do with banning assault rifles though. no, no, no. Just a pesky coincidence

Deaths during mass shootings with assault rifles....

149 in 34 years....1982-2016....

Deaths by knives in 2014 alone......1,567.....in one year.....

Knives in this country kill more people than all rifle deaths combined...and we have 8,000,000 rifles with detachable magazines in private hands......rifles aren't the problem.....
If you are a "good guy with a gun" and you see a cop, you immediately drop your weapon and put your hands up, immediately. That this escapes anyone is puzzling.
Announce your presence and inform the police that you are armed and place the firearm on the floor and back away from it with your arms extended.
Yes, that.

LOL, that might happen, or before that may happen the presence of the gun may be the first thing even a trained officer will see, and respond with deadly force. A breach no matter how well prepared is a high adrenaline situation, and an active shooter situation is an unlocked and loader situation.
A victim with a gun is less likely to be killed by police than by the shooter that caused the situation in the first place because police identify themselves before opening fire. Now, why again is this remote possibility a good reason to deny people their 2nd Amendment rights?

Who is denying anyone their Second Amendment Privilege? If one reads Heller without bias, they will realize even the late Justice Scalia limited the 2nd A. to a privilege and not an absolute right. Some people should never own or possess a gun. Do you not agree?

New York and California are denying the 2nd Amendment Right.......try to get a concealed carry permit in New York....the taxes, fees and wait periods keep all but the rich and politically connected from getting permits....and left wing states like California allow their sherrifs to deny people the ability to carry guns for self defense...and the 9th circuit just handed down the unConstitutional decision on concealed carry twit....
This is the reality of being in an active shooting situation, whether it's a crowded store or a building with hallways and several levels.

So say you actually pull your gun out and stay in place until you are found? You have a lot of explaining to do when the cops arrive, and explain very quickly.


I'd be willing to bet whoever came up with such silly shit has never ever been involved with an "active shooter. You should be more worried about police and other good guys than someone who is there and actively trying to kill you and/or other people you care about? I don't think so. You should fail in your responsibility to protect your wife and children because you might get hurt? Again, I don't think so.
That is really sad. You are incapable of thinking logically, but then I knew that.

Yeah the NRA doesn't give a fuck about anything, but Obama and the Ds they really care and are all about love and hope...you doofus.

I am not even an NRA member, but because you are such an asshole, I think I will become a lifetime member today.

Do you know anything about history? Once the people are disarmed, what do you think happens? Now think long and hard...

Once again, nobody wants you disarmed.
Most of Europe, Australia, NZ and Canada are disarmed well and truly compared to the US. Some real dictatorships there my paranoid friend....

Yeah, go give your money to the NRA. Why don't you just set it on fire though. Do you about as much good..

actually...our money given to the NRA has kept our 2nd Amendment alive...without the NRA it would have been gone a long time ago...
In the liberal utopia of the DUPE ^^^, only elites and criminals get to have guns.

Yeah...nothing will go wrong.

And yet I live in Australia. Guns are not the purview of elites or criminals alone. Also, more guns than ever have been imported into Australia since the ban and we still don't have mass shootings. That's because only certain types of guns are allowed. Go figure...again, coincidence? I think not.

the ban and we still don't have mass shootings.

You forgot to add the word..."Yet"....they are going to happen...you had two terrorist attacks with guns last year.......and the only thing that kept them from being mass shootings....pure dumb luck.......

The coffee house siege and the police shooting....had either one decided to actually shoot more people.....your gun laws couldn't have stopped them...they were both by muslim immigrants...they both had illegal guns....they both had ample access to victims.....and pure dumb luck saved the day.......

the clock is ticking on your smuggness...and when it starts ringing, the unarmed body count will be high....
Once again dupe, the left has made it clear they want to disarm law abiding Americans. They know full well they can't do all at once...it must be done gradually. Get it dupe?

It is amazing how easily the elites and their media dupe fools like you.

No they don't.

I just really wish you gun-loving nuts were honest. Just say "I love shooting guns. It makes me feel good. It makes me feel big. It gives me a woodie." Just be a little honest. Go to any youtube video of you nutters shootings your peashooters. See the glint in your eye. How big it makes your feel....

hey look....another anti-gunner who immediately starts to think about sex when he starts talking about guns...the anti-gun morons in Australia do it too......get help....wanting to have sex with a gun is not normal.....see a shrink, down under and stop yourself before you hurt someone....
Take your time to use the pudding between your ears. I believe Australia has only had one large scale shooting spree so your question is disingenuous. France, England, Norway etc. has strict laws and it didn't stop theirs.

That's true re Norway, England etc,but by and large they are singular events. yours aren't.

They were singular events before they were singular events.....their culture is not creating mass shooters........it isn't access to guns...last year a 19 year old British teenager got a Glock 19 and ammo through the dark web...he was going to shoot up the university that had kicked him out....there wasn't one British gun control law that stopped him from getting that gun...

He said it was easy as ordering chocolates......

What stopped him.......he posted about shooting up the university on social media....and someone reported him to the police...

Pure, dumb luck.......not one British gun control law stopped that mass shooting......and their gun crime rate went up 4% last year.......

And they are finding more and more fully automatic rifles on their streets, and they now are sending armed patrols into heavy gun crime areas...I have linked to these stories on various threads this whole year......

Pure dumb luck .....
The problem or should I say one of the many problems with martyrbegan's theory is unless the good guy has a clear shot it's more than likely he will miss due to the inability to concentrate on the target due to the fluid nature of group of people in a panic.

A guy without a gun has 100% chance of missing.

Again, you are not trying to make a bad situation good, or expecting perfection, you are trying to make a bad situation less bad.
That kind of wishful thinking is why the good guy with gun fantasy is so dangerous.
It's a simple equation more guns=more bullets = more deaths.
The only workable solutions involve more security measures and more trained guards
In public places.

As I thought. You're Police State!
Nope you wanted a solution and I gave you one.
Either way it beats the shit out of the Vigilante bullshit you clowns are pushing.
Take your time to use the pudding between your ears. I believe Australia has only had one large scale shooting spree so your question is disingenuous. France, England, Norway etc. has strict laws and it didn't stop theirs.

That's true re Norway, England etc,but by and large they are singular events. yours aren't.

Britain confiscated guns....even though they didn't have mass shootings either......and guess what...their gun crime rate did not change....it stayed the same....

disarming normal people does not effect gun murder or gun crime rates...in fact, their gun crime rate went up 4% last year.

What about disarming people who are not normal, like you? People obsessed with guns, like you and others who put their privilege of gun ownership about the lives and costs which daily impact American citizens, personally and vicariously by watching events unfold on the TV.

I am not obsessed about guns...I focus on Civil Rights.....

The cost of guns....really?

we have 357,000,000 million guns in private hands....

1,500,000 times a year Americans use them to stop violent criminal attack and to save lives, and stop mass shooters.....

felons who are not legally allowed to buy, own or carry guns use guns to murder 90% of the 8,124 gun murder victims.....of the gun victims ...70-80% are also convicted felons......

With 357,000,000 guns in private hands we had a total of 586 accidental gun deaths....

from the1990s to 2016 more Americans now own and carry guns......from about 2 million people carrying guns to 13 million people carrying guns in 2016....our gun murder rate went down, not up.....

Reading those numbers only an irrational moron could say that normal people owning and carrying guns is a problem....
The problem or should I say one of the many problems with martyrbegan's theory is unless the good guy has a clear shot it's more than likely he will miss due to the inability to concentrate on the target due to the fluid nature of group of people in a panic.

A guy without a gun has 100% chance of missing.

Again, you are not trying to make a bad situation good, or expecting perfection, you are trying to make a bad situation less bad.
That kind of wishful thinking is why the good guy with gun fantasy is so dangerous.
It's a simple equation more guns=more bullets = more deaths.
The only workable solutions involve more security measures and more trained guards
In public places.

As I thought. You're Police State!
Nope you wanted a solution and I gave you one.
Either way it beats the shit out of the Vigilante bullshit you clowns are pushing.

Do you even know you are wrong......the actual statistics on gun violence and gun murder show that as more Americans own guns and actually carry them...our gun murder rate went down....you are just wrong.....
What about disarming people who are not normal, like you? People obsessed with guns, like you and others who put their privilege of gun ownership about the lives and costs which daily impact American citizens, personally and vicariously by watching events unfold on the TV.

Come get them.

Thanks for the insight into your character. Deadly force is a game to you and the lose of life or disfigurement is simply the price to pay for others since you believe you're special. Funny thing, so do I.
Take your time to use the pudding between your ears. I believe Australia has only had one large scale shooting spree so your question is disingenuous. France, England, Norway etc. has strict laws and it didn't stop theirs.

That's true re Norway, England etc,but by and large they are singular events. yours aren't.

Britain confiscated guns....even though they didn't have mass shootings either......and guess what...their gun crime rate did not change....it stayed the same....

disarming normal people does not effect gun murder or gun crime rates...in fact, their gun crime rate went up 4% last year.

What about disarming people who are not normal, like you? People obsessed with guns, like you and others who put their privilege of gun ownership about the lives and costs which daily impact American citizens, personally and vicariously by watching events unfold on the TV.

I am not obsessed about guns...I focus on Civil Rights.....

The cost of guns....really?

we have 357,000,000 million guns in private hands....

1,500,000 times a year Americans use them to stop violent criminal attack and to save lives, and stop mass shooters.....

felons who are not legally allowed to buy, own or carry guns use guns to murder 90% of the 8,124 gun murder victims.....of the gun victims ...70-80% are also convicted felons......

With 357,000,000 guns in private hands we had a total of 586 accidental gun deaths....

from the1990s to 2016 more Americans now own and carry guns......from about 2 million people carrying guns to 13 million people carrying guns in 2016....our gun murder rate went down, not up.....

Reading those numbers only an irrational moron could say that normal people owning and carrying guns is a problem....

You're obsessed, and in denial.

Six alerts in a row from you, that is obsessed on steroids.
Thanks for the insight into your character. Deadly force is a game to you and the lose of life or disfigurement is simply the price to pay for others since you believe you're special. Funny thing, so do I.

You scum want my guns, come get them. It's as simple as that.
The problem or should I say one of the many problems with martyrbegan's theory is unless the good guy has a clear shot it's more than likely he will miss due to the inability to concentrate on the target due to the fluid nature of group of people in a panic.

A guy without a gun has 100% chance of missing.

Again, you are not trying to make a bad situation good, or expecting perfection, you are trying to make a bad situation less bad.
That kind of wishful thinking is why the good guy with gun fantasy is so dangerous.
It's a simple equation more guns=more bullets = more deaths.
The only workable solutions involve more security measures and more trained guards
In public places.

As I thought. You're Police State!
Nope you wanted a solution and I gave you one.
Either way it beats the shit out of the Vigilante bullshit you clowns are pushing.

Do you even know you are wrong......the actual statistics on gun violence and gun murder show that as more Americans own guns and actually carry them...our gun murder rate went down....you are just wrong.....
False you are obsessed.
You'd be the Last type of person I'd trust with the responsibility of gun ownership.
Your posts prove beyond any doubt that you are far too eager to shoot.
My guess is you are one of those people who go batshit if Mc Donalds fucks up your order.
False you are obsessed.
You'd be the Last type of person I'd trust with the responsibility of gun ownership.
Your posts prove beyond any doubt that you are far too eager to shoot.
My guess is you are one of those people who go batshit if Mc Donalds fucks up your order.

Good thing our rights have nothing to do with what you'd do, isn't it? But why would you think anyone in their right mind would eat at McDonalds? Are you nuts? That shit will kill you!

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