Why all the panic on the Left?

Stop lying. His son's company was not under investigation when Biden threatened to hold up the money.

WSJ News Exclusive | Trump Repeatedly Pressed Ukraine President to Investigate Biden’s Son

Mr. Giuliani has suggested Mr. Biden’s motivation was to protect his son, a lawyer who has been involved in several investment and consulting firms, although Mr. Shokin had already completed his investigation of Burisma Group before he left office.

So when Shokin said that he was fired because of investigation, he was lying?
Of course he was. Every news article, left, center & right, that reported on this has reported there was no active investigation into Burisma or Hunter Biden when Biden threatened to hold up the funds. Every Ukrainian except for Shokin who spoke about this said there was no active investigation into Burisma or Hunter Biden when Biden threatened to hold up the funds.

The only one to say the investigation was open was Shokin. And he only said that on September 4th of this year. And he has an axe to grind against Joe Biden who got him fired.

So what you're saying, Shokin said it because he held a grudge for Biden having him fired.

According to the tape where Biden bragging about firing of Shokin, the one holding a grudge is Biden himself.
Biden got Shokin fired. Here we are, 3½ years later, and the only one saying Shokin was actively investigating Burisma is Shokin. And he only started saying that 2 months ago after talking with Rudy Giuliani, who was trying to help Shokin gain admittance to the U.S.

Biden had skin in the game so he stepped in and used the military aid to Ukraine as blackmail to get the prosecutor that was looking into corruption of companies like Burismo fired. In other words he acted like a mob boss to save his son's ass.

Evidence seem to be missing. Let's wait to see what trump's personal lawyer, AG Barr, comes back with.
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Well... all these poor little unhinged demtrash snowflakes in this thread... yep... you can SMELL the ANGER and HATE, despite the smell of their DESPERATION.

They know the vast majority of Americans are behind the president, and despite all the 24/7 smearing, lies and bashing of him by the democrats and their propaganda wing, ever since he was elected, he now has MORE support than he did BEFORE, and the democraps can't wrap their heads around it, and they're too STUPID to know when to QUIT.

I say fine, all good and dandy. The DEMOCRATS are ENSURING President Trump will be elected by what THEY ARE DOING, they are HELPING... so... THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP DEMTARDS.

As if we needed more evidence that conservatism is a brain defect.

By, "the vast majority of Americans are behind the president," you mean the plurality to majority, based on the poll, want Trump impeached; and the 54% average of polls showing disapproval of Trump.
How did your polls work out for ya in 2016?
Polls were remarkably accurate.

They predicted a Hillary electoral landslide.

Uh, no, they didn't. They predicted Hillary would win the popular vote by 3.2 points. She won by 2.2 points.

As always, you rightards prove to be too stupid to know the difference between polls and pollsters.
Once again you demonstrate you are completely ignorant of the subject you are attempting to debate.

There is a 95 percent chance Hillary Clinton wins the Electoral College by 118 votes: poll

ELECTORAL MAP: Hillary Clinton is on track for a blowout win in November

Should Clinton Play For An Electoral College Landslide?

Electoral College Map Update: Pollster Predicts Hillary Clinton Landslide, Winning All Swing States Except Iowa, Ohio

Hillary Clinton Will Win The 2016 Election By A Landslide: FiveThirtyEight’s Poll Guru Nate Silver Predicted Obama, Will The Trump Prediction Be True?

Hillary Clinton Will Win by a Landslide Against Donald Trump
Well... all these poor little unhinged demtrash snowflakes in this thread... yep... you can SMELL the ANGER and HATE, despite the smell of their DESPERATION.

They know the vast majority of Americans are behind the president, and despite all the 24/7 smearing, lies and bashing of him by the democrats and their propaganda wing, ever since he was elected, he now has MORE support than he did BEFORE, and the democraps can't wrap their heads around it, and they're too STUPID to know when to QUIT.

I say fine, all good and dandy. The DEMOCRATS are ENSURING President Trump will be elected by what THEY ARE DOING, they are HELPING... so... THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP DEMTARDS.

As if we needed more evidence that conservatism is a brain defect.

By, "the vast majority of Americans are behind the president," you mean the plurality to majority, based on the poll, want Trump impeached; and the 54% average of polls showing disapproval of Trump.
How did your polls work out for ya in 2016?
Polls were remarkably accurate.

They predicted a Hillary electoral landslide.


WOW, you come to that conclusion all by yourself. Congratulations!!! You must be so proud.
Nope. Not all by myself, but thanks for stopping by to expose your ignorance.
Vindman's boss said he saw nothing wrong with the conversation or the transcript, and nothing was omitted. In other words Vindman is a deep state hack that was activated after Mueller's collusion lunacy fell flat.

Nah, the deep state is Vindman's boss who is protecting Trump. See how that works?
Ya sure, the deep state protecting Trump. Good joke!

Well at least you admit that Vindmans superior contradicted his testimony.
Yes, Trump is now deep state. He is the swamp. See how that works?
Actually considering all the evidence that the deep state mastubated the Left into thinking that "Trump colluded" and therefore will be impeached for the last three years, your statement is yet more evidence of the mental illness that has taken over the Left.
The left did no such thing. Mueller is Republican. He was appointed Special Counsel by a Republican. That Republican was filling in for another Republican who recused himself. And that Republican was appointed by a Republican president who was elected by mostly Republicans.

Idiots blame the left for that. :cuckoo:

If Mueller is truly Republican, and guy who appointed him, how come they hired only Democrats to their phony investigation of Trump-Russia collusion.

According to DNA testing, Mueller is only 1/1024 Republican.
Of course not. Dimwinger corruptions is not a crime.:21:
Paying someone a salary because their father is VP is not a crime.
A VP threatening to blackmail Ukraine by withholding a billion in military aid should they not fire a prosecutor investigating a corrupt company his son was getting bribes to the tune of 50,000 a month is certainly a crime.
Jesus fuck. When are you assfucks going to quit lying about this?
Biden is on tape bragging about how he got the prosecutor fired that was looking into corruption and the company his son was getting 50,000 a month for his good looks.
You're lying. Post a news article stating the investigation into Burisma was active when Biden did that...

According to this article, and Ukrainian source, the investigation was still open when he was fired.

The Plundering of Ukraine by Corrupt American Democrats
So, after the House votes to impeach listing several proven articles from obstruction of justice, quid pro quo in Ukraine, to bribing Republican Senators, I suspect some Republican Senators will vote to impeach.

If not enough, you actually think all Republican voters will still vote for Trump? They may not vote Democrat, they will do like the Bernie assholes did in 2016. Just stay home or vote third party.

Those who voted Trump in 2016 know full well what the Democrats will attempt should they again take power. They will vote for him again. Anyone who votes Democrat in this era is out of their fucking mind.

There are no current proven articles of impeachment, or even any worthy of consideration. The investigation is still a snipe hunt. If the Democrats impeach on what they have, they will fall very hard indeed.

Given a choice between a Republican and ANY living Democrat, I will vote Republican every time.

Because trillion dollar deficits & endless trade wars & alienating our allies and requiring yet another Fed bailout is so fucking great.

Republicans are just great. They managed to go from a balanced budget to the worst recession in 80 years under Bush.

Trump has doubled the 2015 deficit. Great news!!! Winning!!!!!! You people are dumber than shit.

Why don’t you vote to double your taxes, with the gay new deal. And take your pick of geriatric losers. One is actually an American Indian. Fuckhead.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

As if we needed more evidence that conservatism is a brain defect.

By, "the vast majority of Americans are behind the president," you mean the plurality to majority, based on the poll, want Trump impeached; and the 54% average of polls showing disapproval of Trump.
How did your polls work out for ya in 2016?
Polls were remarkably accurate.

They predicted a Hillary electoral landslide.

Uh, no, they didn't. They predicted Hillary would win the popular vote by 3.2 points. She won by 2.2 points.

As always, you rightards prove to be too stupid to know the difference between polls and pollsters.
Once again you demonstrate you are completely ignorant of the subject you are attempting to debate.

There is a 95 percent chance Hillary Clinton wins the Electoral College by 118 votes: poll

ELECTORAL MAP: Hillary Clinton is on track for a blowout win in November

Should Clinton Play For An Electoral College Landslide?

Electoral College Map Update: Pollster Predicts Hillary Clinton Landslide, Winning All Swing States Except Iowa, Ohio

Hillary Clinton Will Win The 2016 Election By A Landslide: FiveThirtyEight’s Poll Guru Nate Silver Predicted Obama, Will The Trump Prediction Be True?

Hillary Clinton Will Win by a Landslide Against Donald Trump

You brain-dead cons crack me up. Dumbfuck, there is no such thing as an electoral college poll. What there is, are individual state polls. Swing states are too close to call and what happened in 2016 was pollsters, not polls, assign those states to Hillary's column. Pollsters were wrong. Polls were remarkably close.

You cult freaks never learn.

As if we needed more evidence that conservatism is a brain defect.

By, "the vast majority of Americans are behind the president," you mean the plurality to majority, based on the poll, want Trump impeached; and the 54% average of polls showing disapproval of Trump.
How did your polls work out for ya in 2016?

Interesting tactic
Running on the assumption that the polls are ALWAYS wrong

You are assuming.
No tactic, just a question and you add always, which was never implied.
Just like a vast majority do.
People need to stop trying to be mind readers.
This is partly why we don't listen to each other.
Condemn each other without honest discussions.
No assumption

Republicans are running on a position of ......polls don’t matter
Yet, they secretly conduct their own polls

All polls can be flawed.
Dependents on how they are asked.
When details come out people change their views.
What the left are doing wrong is the same thing Hillary did.

"One place where we see inferential statistics used every day is in polling. Opinion polls, like it or not, are part of our political system. Polling is also used in marketing, sales, and entertainment. The intricacies of polling are far too complicated for us to treat completely. We can, however. understand the basic ideas behind this discipline and see how probability theory is used in polling."

Nah, the deep state is Vindman's boss who is protecting Trump. See how that works?
Ya sure, the deep state protecting Trump. Good joke!

Well at least you admit that Vindmans superior contradicted his testimony.
Yes, Trump is now deep state. He is the swamp. See how that works?
Actually considering all the evidence that the deep state mastubated the Left into thinking that "Trump colluded" and therefore will be impeached for the last three years, your statement is yet more evidence of the mental illness that has taken over the Left.
The left did no such thing. Mueller is Republican. He was appointed Special Counsel by a Republican. That Republican was filling in for another Republican who recused himself. And that Republican was appointed by a Republican president who was elected by mostly Republicans.

Idiots blame the left for that. :cuckoo:

If Mueller is truly Republican, and guy who appointed him, how come they hired only Democrats to their phony investigation of Trump-Russia collusion.

According to DNA testing, Mueller is only 1/1024 Republican.
Well now you're simply lying again. Mueller did not hire only Democrats.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Ya sure, the deep state protecting Trump. Good joke!

Well at least you admit that Vindmans superior contradicted his testimony.
Yes, Trump is now deep state. He is the swamp. See how that works?
Actually considering all the evidence that the deep state mastubated the Left into thinking that "Trump colluded" and therefore will be impeached for the last three years, your statement is yet more evidence of the mental illness that has taken over the Left.
The left did no such thing. Mueller is Republican. He was appointed Special Counsel by a Republican. That Republican was filling in for another Republican who recused himself. And that Republican was appointed by a Republican president who was elected by mostly Republicans.

Idiots blame the left for that. :cuckoo:

If Mueller is truly Republican, and guy who appointed him, how come they hired only Democrats to their phony investigation of Trump-Russia collusion.

According to DNA testing, Mueller is only 1/1024 Republican.
Well now you're simply lying again. Mueller did not hire only Democrats.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

Well that zinger went way over your head. LOL
Well... all these poor little unhinged demtrash snowflakes in this thread... yep... you can SMELL the ANGER and HATE, despite the smell of their DESPERATION.

They know the vast majority of Americans are behind the president, and despite all the 24/7 smearing, lies and bashing of him by the democrats and their propaganda wing, ever since he was elected, he now has MORE support than he did BEFORE, and the democraps can't wrap their heads around it, and they're too STUPID to know when to QUIT.

I say fine, all good and dandy. The DEMOCRATS are ENSURING President Trump will be elected by what THEY ARE DOING, they are HELPING... so... THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP DEMTARDS.

As if we needed more evidence that conservatism is a brain defect.

By, "the vast majority of Americans are behind the president," you mean the plurality to majority, based on the poll, want Trump impeached; and the 54% average of polls showing disapproval of Trump.
How did your polls work out for ya in 2016?
Polls were remarkably accurate.

They predicted a Hillary electoral landslide.

Uh, no, they didn't. They predicted Hillary would win the popular vote by 3.2 points. She won by 2.2 points.

As always, you rightards prove to be too stupid to know the difference between polls and pollsters.

There is no national popular vote contest to win or lose.
Yes, Trump is now deep state. He is the swamp. See how that works?
Actually considering all the evidence that the deep state mastubated the Left into thinking that "Trump colluded" and therefore will be impeached for the last three years, your statement is yet more evidence of the mental illness that has taken over the Left.
The left did no such thing. Mueller is Republican. He was appointed Special Counsel by a Republican. That Republican was filling in for another Republican who recused himself. And that Republican was appointed by a Republican president who was elected by mostly Republicans.

Idiots blame the left for that. :cuckoo:

If Mueller is truly Republican, and guy who appointed him, how come they hired only Democrats to their phony investigation of Trump-Russia collusion.

According to DNA testing, Mueller is only 1/1024 Republican.
Well now you're simply lying again. Mueller did not hire only Democrats.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

Well that zinger went way over your head. LOL
I stopped reading as soon as I encountered a lie.

As if we needed more evidence that conservatism is a brain defect.

By, "the vast majority of Americans are behind the president," you mean the plurality to majority, based on the poll, want Trump impeached; and the 54% average of polls showing disapproval of Trump.
How did your polls work out for ya in 2016?
Polls were remarkably accurate.

They predicted a Hillary electoral landslide.

Uh, no, they didn't. They predicted Hillary would win the popular vote by 3.2 points. She won by 2.2 points.

As always, you rightards prove to be too stupid to know the difference between polls and pollsters.

There is no national popular vote contest to win or lose.
Well you prove again that you're an idiot. Of course there is. That's why the popular vote count is known for every presidential election. If just doesn't decide who wins the election.
How did your polls work out for ya in 2016?
Polls were remarkably accurate.

They predicted a Hillary electoral landslide.

Uh, no, they didn't. They predicted Hillary would win the popular vote by 3.2 points. She won by 2.2 points.

As always, you rightards prove to be too stupid to know the difference between polls and pollsters.

There is no national popular vote contest to win or lose.
Well you prove again that you're an idiot. Of course there is. That's why the popular vote count is known for every presidential election. If just doesn't decide who wins the election.

If it is an actual thing, what does someone do with it?
Polls were remarkably accurate.

They predicted a Hillary electoral landslide.

Uh, no, they didn't. They predicted Hillary would win the popular vote by 3.2 points. She won by 2.2 points.

As always, you rightards prove to be too stupid to know the difference between polls and pollsters.

There is no national popular vote contest to win or lose.
Well you prove again that you're an idiot. Of course there is. That's why the popular vote count is known for every presidential election. If just doesn't decide who wins the election.

If it is an actual thing, what does someone do with it?
Brag. Like Trump did when he bragged he had actually won it -- even though he didn't.
They predicted a Hillary electoral landslide.

Uh, no, they didn't. They predicted Hillary would win the popular vote by 3.2 points. She won by 2.2 points.

As always, you rightards prove to be too stupid to know the difference between polls and pollsters.

There is no national popular vote contest to win or lose.
Well you prove again that you're an idiot. Of course there is. That's why the popular vote count is known for every presidential election. If just doesn't decide who wins the election.

If it is an actual thing, what does someone do with it?
Brag. Like Trump did when he bragged he had actually won it -- even though he didn't.

He did.
He won 30 States over Hillary's 20.

As if we needed more evidence that conservatism is a brain defect.

By, "the vast majority of Americans are behind the president," you mean the plurality to majority, based on the poll, want Trump impeached; and the 54% average of polls showing disapproval of Trump.
How did your polls work out for ya in 2016?

Interesting tactic
Running on the assumption that the polls are ALWAYS wrong

You are assuming.
No tactic, just a question and you add always, which was never implied.
Just like a vast majority do.
People need to stop trying to be mind readers.
This is partly why we don't listen to each other.
Condemn each other without honest discussions.
No assumption

Republicans are running on a position of ......polls don’t matter
Yet, they secretly conduct their own polls

All polls can be flawed.
Dependents on how they are asked.
When details come out people change their views.
What the left are doing wrong is the same thing Hillary did.

Very true...just look at Rasmussen
But if you look at polls like Real Clear Politics which is a compilation of all major polls, the bias works it’s way out

If Republicans believe they can treat all polls as being wrong all the time, just because 2016 was wrong......they are in trouble
Paying someone a salary because their father is VP is not a crime.
A VP threatening to blackmail Ukraine by withholding a billion in military aid should they not fire a prosecutor investigating a corrupt company his son was getting bribes to the tune of 50,000 a month is certainly a crime.
Jesus fuck. When are you assfucks going to quit lying about this?
Biden is on tape bragging about how he got the prosecutor fired that was looking into corruption and the company his son was getting 50,000 a month for his good looks.
You're lying. Post a news article stating the investigation into Burisma was active when Biden did that...

According to this article, and Ukrainian source, the investigation was still open when he was fired.

The Plundering of Ukraine by Corrupt American Democrats
I asked for a news article. Unz is run by a conservative and is not news. It's Ron Unz.

Even worse for you, it contradicts what you indicated earlier. Unz, purportedly citing Tzarev, claims Poroshenko instructed Shokin to investigate Burisma. But earlier, you cited Shokin's affidavit. In it, he claims Poroshenko asked him to wind down the Burisma investigation.

So which story do you expect people to believe? What you posted earlier or what you post now? And why should anyone believe either is true when every actual news article speaking of this says there was no active investigation? Even articles written at that time.
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Uh, no, they didn't. They predicted Hillary would win the popular vote by 3.2 points. She won by 2.2 points.

As always, you rightards prove to be too stupid to know the difference between polls and pollsters.

There is no national popular vote contest to win or lose.
Well you prove again that you're an idiot. Of course there is. That's why the popular vote count is known for every presidential election. If just doesn't decide who wins the election.

If it is an actual thing, what does someone do with it?
Brag. Like Trump did when he bragged he had actually won it -- even though he didn't.

He did.
He won 30 States over Hillary's 20.

You dumbshit. He bragged he won the popular vote.
Silly me ... here I thought House Democrats were in full campaign mode and didn't have time to do their jobs ... the impeachment charade is just free advertising ... no way in God's Green Earth will the Senate get 2/3's vote to remove The Donald from office ... on the bright side, House Democrats aren't doing their jobs, and that's a GOOD thing ... if you take my meaning ...

Please tell us, what was Shokin doing so US and "other countries" were so interested in ousting him?

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