Why all the panic on the Left?

Jesus fuck you people are so God damn stupid.
No, we just haven't had our heads pumped full of lies and bull shit by the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING... you have.

The transcript & testimony is clear.
The transcript & testimony IS clear, and clearly shows President Trump did nothing wrong, and above all, nothing worthy of impeachment.

What people like you don't realize is, there's a majority of Americans that do NOT listen to the same TDS DPW GARBAGE that you people do, so we know the FACTS of the matter, the TRUTH, and we know this ENTIRE WITCH HUNT that started minutes after Trump was inaugurated, this impeachment BS over a phone call is nothing more than the LATEST CHAPTER of the democrats CORRUPTION and ABUSE OF POWER to remove a sitting president, because he had the AUDACITY to WIN THE ELECTION against your NASTY old corrupt hag HITLERY.
Sorry but many testifying said there was quid pro quo.
All were giving their opinion of the call, many were not even on the call.
Jesus fuck you people are so God damn stupid.
No, we just haven't had our heads pumped full of lies and bull shit by the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING... you have.

The transcript & testimony is clear.
The transcript & testimony IS clear, and clearly shows President Trump did nothing wrong, and above all, nothing worthy of impeachment.

What people like you don't realize is, there's a majority of Americans that do NOT listen to the same TDS DPW GARBAGE that you people do, so we know the FACTS of the matter, the TRUTH, and we know this ENTIRE WITCH HUNT that started minutes after Trump was inaugurated, this impeachment BS over a phone call is nothing more than the LATEST CHAPTER of the democrats CORRUPTION and ABUSE OF POWER to remove a sitting president, because he had the AUDACITY to WIN THE ELECTION against your NASTY old corrupt hag HITLERY.
Sorry but many testifying said there was quid pro quo.
All were giving their opinion of the call, many were not even on the call.

Uh, no, some were giving first hand accounts of how Ukraine aid was being held up until the favors asked on the phone call were met.
Imbecile... pollsters made those calls, not polls. Are you idiots ever gonna learn the difference?
Based on their state by state POLLS, Puddinbrain.
Dumbfuck... and who calls a state that's too close to call?

How the fuck can anybody be as retarded as you??
Let's repeat, one of the most reliable election forecasters has predicted a landslide for Trump. Maybe you guys should try to deal with it emotionally, instead of running around in a panic like your hair is on fire.
Have you examined the Moody analysis? They make very clear their analysis and prediction are based on the economies in several key states. None of those states are highly reliable on the stock market. Their economies rely on agriculture and manufacturing. Moody will change it's predictions if the downward trend of economic factors continues in those states.
Incumbent president has an 80% chance of winning in a good economy. Even if the economy is slightly down the incumbent president still has a pretty good chance. So which Camp are you in...praying an economic catastrophe, believers of the fake polls concocted by the Left, or Trump is going to be impeached and removed?
That is an amazing statistic and very accurate

Makes you wonder why a President in such a strong economy only has a 42 percent approval rate

Voters must decide.....

Economy is strong vs Our President is an asshole
Based on their state by state POLLS, Puddinbrain.
Dumbfuck... and who calls a state that's too close to call?

How the fuck can anybody be as retarded as you??
Let's repeat, one of the most reliable election forecasters has predicted a landslide for Trump. Maybe you guys should try to deal with it emotionally, instead of running around in a panic like your hair is on fire.
Have you examined the Moody analysis? They make very clear their analysis and prediction are based on the economies in several key states. None of those states are highly reliable on the stock market. Their economies rely on agriculture and manufacturing. Moody will change it's predictions if the downward trend of economic factors continues in those states.
Incumbent president has an 80% chance of winning in a good economy. Even if the economy is slightly down the incumbent president still has a pretty good chance. So which Camp are you in...praying an economic catastrophe, believers of the fake polls concocted by the Left, or Trump is going to be impeached and removed?
That is an amazing statistic and very accurate

Makes you wonder why a President in such a strong economy only has a 42 percent approval rate

Voters must decide.....

Economy is strong vs Our President is an asshole
Roughly half don't even credit Trump for the economy.
Bull fucking shit.

He demanded he investigate Biden.

In your efforts to try to defend your fast assed orange buddy, you are making yourselves look really pathetic.
resd the transcript, he asked for Ukraine to look into corruption and interference in the 2016 election elections, and Biden was mentioned because he and his son were extorting Ukraine and part of this corruption.

Jesus fuck you people are so God damn stupid. The transcript & testimony is clear.
It is very clear to anyone with an IQ above their shoe size................nothing illegal or corrupt about it.
So you are at the stage where you admit he did it & now claim it was not illegal?
Did what?
Ask for political favors in exchange for US aid. You said that was not illegal demonstrating how you support Trump the Crook.
Only a window licking moron thinks this isn't just a political stunt.

Hardly a stunt
Trump committed a serious violation of ethics appearing to be a criminal offense

The most damning evidence comes from Trumps own people
There is no evidence. We have the transcript of the call.

You have second hand opinions and feelings.
The "transcript" reveals trump solicited a foreign national to help with his campaign.
Transcript reveals that Trump wanted Ukraine to clean up its corruption problems so that our taxpayer money is used properly. In other words he was doing his job, unlike his predecessors.

Dumbfuck, he asked the president of Ukraine to find the DNC server, which is not in Ukraine -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

He asked the president of Ukraine to look into Joe Biden's son working at Burisma, who no longer works there -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

He asked the president of Ukraine to look into a U.S. vice president getting a prosecutor fired, who's no longer a U.S. vice president -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

Trump didn't bring up a single case of any ongoing corruption. Only old purported cases which happen to help his campaign for running in the presidential election.

He abused the power of his office and you rightards hate America so much, you're willing to turn a blind eye to it.

You're lying.

Trump asked Zelensky about Crowdstrike, that is co-founded by Ukrainian and company was involved in DNC server "hacking" cover up. Since Ukraine already admitted their involvement in interfering into our elections, any information that Crowdstrike may have could uncover the truth.

Burisma was not directly mentioned once in the phone call. He asked Zelensky about Biden involvement in firing Shokin and stopping ongoing investigation. By the way, Ukraine opened investigation into Burisma three months before the phone call between presidents. Why's that?

You're saying crackead Biden no longer work in Burisma (he never actually been in Ukraine), and Joe is no longer vice-president is irrelevant. The investigation is about the corruption during the time they were in those positions. Finding about what happened back then is gonna reveal all the players involved and that's what Democrats are trying to prevent. Maybe we'll even find out where are three billion dollars of US aid to Ukraine that disappeared from the bank owned by the same guy who owns Burisma.
I think most Americas know that America can be run better and there is no need or desire to put up with Trump antics.
resd the transcript, he asked for Ukraine to look into corruption and interference in the 2016 election elections, and Biden was mentioned because he and his son were extorting Ukraine and part of this corruption.

Jesus fuck you people are so God damn stupid. The transcript & testimony is clear.
It is very clear to anyone with an IQ above their shoe size................nothing illegal or corrupt about it.
So you are at the stage where you admit he did it & now claim it was not illegal?
Did what?
Ask for political favors in exchange for US aid. You said that was not illegal demonstrating how you support Trump the Crook.
Let me know when that happens.
They are also repeating facts of what was said and done
Opinion has very little bearing
Nope. They are offering their opinions, nothing more.

To say they knew Trump withheld aid unless he got dirt is not an opinion.
You are correct, it is a lie.

My God. It is clear from the summary of the phone call & confirmed by so many others.
What is clear?

It's clear evidence isn't accepted. The "No, it isn't" defense is impregnable.
Hardly a stunt
Trump committed a serious violation of ethics appearing to be a criminal offense

The most damning evidence comes from Trumps own people
There is no evidence. We have the transcript of the call.

You have second hand opinions and feelings.
The "transcript" reveals trump solicited a foreign national to help with his campaign.
Transcript reveals that Trump wanted Ukraine to clean up its corruption problems so that our taxpayer money is used properly. In other words he was doing his job, unlike his predecessors.

Dumbfuck, he asked the president of Ukraine to find the DNC server, which is not in Ukraine -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

He asked the president of Ukraine to look into Joe Biden's son working at Burisma, who no longer works there -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

He asked the president of Ukraine to look into a U.S. vice president getting a prosecutor fired, who's no longer a U.S. vice president -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

Trump didn't bring up a single case of any ongoing corruption. Only old purported cases which happen to help his campaign for running in the presidential election.

He abused the power of his office and you rightards hate America so much, you're willing to turn a blind eye to it.

You're lying.

Trump asked Zelensky about Crowdstrike, that is co-founded by Ukrainian and company was involved in DNC server "hacking" cover up. Since Ukraine already admitted their involvement in interfering into our elections, any information that Crowdstrike may have could uncover the truth.

Burisma was not directly mentioned once in the phone call. He asked Zelensky about Biden involvement in firing Shokin and stopping ongoing investigation. By the way, Ukraine opened investigation into Burisma three months before the phone call between presidents. Why's that?

You're saying crackead Biden no longer work in Burisma (he never actually been in Ukraine), and Joe is no longer vice-president is irrelevant. The investigation is about the corruption during the time they were in those positions. Finding about what happened back then is gonna reveal all the players involved and that's what Democrats are trying to prevent. Maybe we'll even find out where are three billion dollars of US aid to Ukraine that disappeared from the bank owned by the same guy who owns Burisma.

"Trump asked Zelensky about Crowdstrike, that is co-founded by Ukrainian and company was involved in DNC server "hacking" cover up."

CrowdStrike is not founded by a Ukrainian nor was it involved in a cover up. You're fucked in the head. :cuckoo:

And Trump did ask Zelensky if he could locate the DNC server, just as I said. That is not a lie.

"I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it."

"Burisma was not directly mentioned once in the phone call."

Yes, it was, by description, not by name...

"There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution..."

"By the way, Ukraine opened investigation into Burisma three months before the phone call between presidents. Why's that?"

I don't know if that's true or not. All I see is you saying it. But keep in mind, Trump's personal attorney was involved in this since January.

"You're saying crackead Biden no longer work in Burisma (he never actually been in Ukraine), and Joe is no longer vice-president is irrelevant. The investigation is about the corruption during the time they were in those positions."

It's completely relevant to the false claim I responded to which was that Trump asked Zelensky to clean up corruption. You don't clean up corruption by investigating something that is not corruption. If we're going to clean up corruption in the U.S., are we going to investigate Watergate to cleanup ongoing corruption? :cuckoo:
It's clear evidence isn't accepted. The "No, it isn't" defense is impregnable.

So you say, but still, they improved upon the defense.

Here's a three-year old in the sandpit: "Sure, use my rake, just lend me your shovel for a while." So, three-year olds pull it off, but we're very credibly informed by the invariably sincere and honorable Sen. Graham that the Trump administration wouldn't be competent enough to get that done. There isn't any evidence, really, for any wrongdoing. But even if there were, it would still be invalid - no one that incapacitated could be credibly accused of doing something so complex.

Admit, you've been outwitted. Again.

"Trump asked Zelensky about Crowdstrike, that is co-founded by Ukrainian and company was involved in DNC server "hacking" cover up."

CrowdStrike is not founded by a Ukrainian nor was it involved in a cover up. You're fucked in the head. :cuckoo:

And Trump did ask Zelensky if he could locate the DNC server, just as I said. That is not a lie.

"I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it."

You're still lying.

Crowdstrike IS co-founded by Russian/Ukrainian Dmitri Alperovitch, also donor to Clinton campaign, with close tie to another Ukrainian Hillary donor Victor Pinchuk.

"Burisma was not directly mentioned once in the phone call."

Yes, it was, by description, not by name...

"There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution..."

You do know what words "directly" and "mentioned" means, do ya?

"By the way, Ukraine opened investigation into Burisma three months before the phone call between presidents. Why's that?"

I don't know if that's true or not. All I see is you saying it. But keep in mind, Trump's personal attorney was involved in this since January.

So what? Are you upset he didn't ask Democrats whom he should sent?

"You're saying crackead Biden no longer work in Burisma (he never actually been in Ukraine), and Joe is no longer vice-president is irrelevant. The investigation is about the corruption during the time they were in those positions."

It's completely relevant to the false claim I responded to which was that Trump asked Zelensky to clean up corruption. You don't clean up corruption by investigating something that is not corruption. If we're going to clean up corruption in the U.S., are we going to investigate Watergate to cleanup ongoing corruption? :cuckoo:

And you decide what is, or is not corruption?

Left has been investigating Trump, for three years and haven't found anything. Endless committees, plus special counsel, and came up with nothing. Even now, they're still investigating, and every time you keep asking "what he has to hide"? Question for you is not what Biden, but what Democrats are trying to hide?

What Trump talk with Zelensky is to investigate if there was corruption involving previous administration. There are two possible outcomes, there was corruption, or there was not.

Ukraine already admitted their interference in US elections. Who was the president at the time? Not Trump. With whom Ukrainian worked to dig dirt on Trump? Even Zelensky asked Trump to help him to get bottom of Ambassador involvement with DNC. Three billion US aid dollars vanished in Burisma Holding bank? Who was overseeing it? Not Trump.

But for all that Democrats blame Trump? Consider that maybe... just maybe, Trump hasn't done what Dems are accusing him for, wouldn't you like to find out who did?

I say, investigate hell out of them. Let it all come out on the open. Who got most to lose?

"Trump asked Zelensky about Crowdstrike, that is co-founded by Ukrainian and company was involved in DNC server "hacking" cover up."

CrowdStrike is not founded by a Ukrainian nor was it involved in a cover up. You're fucked in the head. :cuckoo:

And Trump did ask Zelensky if he could locate the DNC server, just as I said. That is not a lie.

"I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it."

You're still lying.

Crowdstrike IS co-founded by Russian/Ukrainian Dmitri Alperovitch, also donor to Clinton campaign, with close tie to another Ukrainian Hillary donor Victor Pinchuk.

"Burisma was not directly mentioned once in the phone call."

Yes, it was, by description, not by name...

"There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution..."

You do know what words "directly" and "mentioned" means, do ya?

"By the way, Ukraine opened investigation into Burisma three months before the phone call between presidents. Why's that?"

I don't know if that's true or not. All I see is you saying it. But keep in mind, Trump's personal attorney was involved in this since January.

So what? Are you upset he didn't ask Democrats whom he should sent?

"You're saying crackead Biden no longer work in Burisma (he never actually been in Ukraine), and Joe is no longer vice-president is irrelevant. The investigation is about the corruption during the time they were in those positions."

It's completely relevant to the false claim I responded to which was that Trump asked Zelensky to clean up corruption. You don't clean up corruption by investigating something that is not corruption. If we're going to clean up corruption in the U.S., are we going to investigate Watergate to cleanup ongoing corruption? :cuckoo:

And you decide what is, or is not corruption?

Left has been investigating Trump, for three years and haven't found anything. Endless committees, plus special counsel, and came up with nothing. Even now, they're still investigating, and every time you keep asking "what he has to hide"? Question for you is not what Biden, but what Democrats are trying to hide?

What Trump talk with Zelensky is to investigate if there was corruption involving previous administration. There are two possible outcomes, there was corruption, or there was not.

Ukraine already admitted their interference in US elections. Who was the president at the time? Not Trump. With whom Ukrainian worked to dig dirt on Trump? Even Zelensky asked Trump to help him to get bottom of Ambassador involvement with DNC. Three billion US aid dollars vanished in Burisma Holding bank? Who was overseeing it? Not Trump.

But for all that Democrats blame Trump? Consider that maybe... just maybe, Trump hasn't done what Dems are accusing him for, wouldn't you like to find out who did?

I say, investigate hell out of them. Let it all come out on the open. Who got most to lose?

You're truly fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

No, Dmitri Alperovitch is not Russian/Ukranian. He's Russian.

Russian Expat Founds CrowdStrike to Guard Against Russian Email Hackers - Who Is Dmitri Alperovitch?

As far as Trump talking about Burisma, he did. That you think you can somehow remove that from his dialog with Zelensky because hd didn't say the word, "Burisma," is symptomatic of your derangement .

And again, looking into purported old cases of corruption involving the Bidens does nothing to curb corruption in Ukraine since no Biden is involved with Ukraine. Which means the claim that Trump was trying to get Ukraine to crack down on corruption is the very bullshit it was meant to be. The only corruption Trump was interested in was purported corruption which only serves his own campaign. For which, he's getting impeached. :mm:

"Trump asked Zelensky about Crowdstrike, that is co-founded by Ukrainian and company was involved in DNC server "hacking" cover up."

CrowdStrike is not founded by a Ukrainian nor was it involved in a cover up. You're fucked in the head. :cuckoo:

And Trump did ask Zelensky if he could locate the DNC server, just as I said. That is not a lie.

"I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it."

You're still lying.

Crowdstrike IS co-founded by Russian/Ukrainian Dmitri Alperovitch, also donor to Clinton campaign, with close tie to another Ukrainian Hillary donor Victor Pinchuk.

"Burisma was not directly mentioned once in the phone call."

Yes, it was, by description, not by name...

"There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution..."

You do know what words "directly" and "mentioned" means, do ya?

"By the way, Ukraine opened investigation into Burisma three months before the phone call between presidents. Why's that?"

I don't know if that's true or not. All I see is you saying it. But keep in mind, Trump's personal attorney was involved in this since January.

So what? Are you upset he didn't ask Democrats whom he should sent?

"You're saying crackead Biden no longer work in Burisma (he never actually been in Ukraine), and Joe is no longer vice-president is irrelevant. The investigation is about the corruption during the time they were in those positions."

It's completely relevant to the false claim I responded to which was that Trump asked Zelensky to clean up corruption. You don't clean up corruption by investigating something that is not corruption. If we're going to clean up corruption in the U.S., are we going to investigate Watergate to cleanup ongoing corruption? :cuckoo:

And you decide what is, or is not corruption?

Left has been investigating Trump, for three years and haven't found anything. Endless committees, plus special counsel, and came up with nothing. Even now, they're still investigating, and every time you keep asking "what he has to hide"? Question for you is not what Biden, but what Democrats are trying to hide?

What Trump talk with Zelensky is to investigate if there was corruption involving previous administration. There are two possible outcomes, there was corruption, or there was not.

Ukraine already admitted their interference in US elections. Who was the president at the time? Not Trump. With whom Ukrainian worked to dig dirt on Trump? Even Zelensky asked Trump to help him to get bottom of Ambassador involvement with DNC. Three billion US aid dollars vanished in Burisma Holding bank? Who was overseeing it? Not Trump.

But for all that Democrats blame Trump? Consider that maybe... just maybe, Trump hasn't done what Dems are accusing him for, wouldn't you like to find out who did?

I say, investigate hell out of them. Let it all come out on the open. Who got most to lose?

You're truly fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

No, Dmitri Alperovitch is not Russian/Ukranian. He's Russian.

Russian Expat Founds CrowdStrike to Guard Against Russian Email Hackers - Who Is Dmitri Alperovitch?

As far as Trump talking about Burisma, he did. That you think you can somehow remove that from his dialog with Zelensky because hd didn't say the word, "Burisma," is symptomatic of your derangement .

And again, looking into purported old cases of corruption involving the Bidens does nothing to curb corruption in Ukraine since no Biden is involved with Ukraine. Which means the claim that Trump was trying to get Ukraine to crack down on corruption is the very bullshit it was meant to be. The only corruption Trump was interested in was purported corruption which only serves his own campaign. For which, he's getting impeached. :mm:
Poor, cowardly Nostra. Can only tap on funny because he can't refute a word of my post. :mm:

"Trump asked Zelensky about Crowdstrike, that is co-founded by Ukrainian and company was involved in DNC server "hacking" cover up."

CrowdStrike is not founded by a Ukrainian nor was it involved in a cover up. You're fucked in the head. :cuckoo:

And Trump did ask Zelensky if he could locate the DNC server, just as I said. That is not a lie.

"I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it."

You're still lying.

Crowdstrike IS co-founded by Russian/Ukrainian Dmitri Alperovitch, also donor to Clinton campaign, with close tie to another Ukrainian Hillary donor Victor Pinchuk.

"Burisma was not directly mentioned once in the phone call."

Yes, it was, by description, not by name...

"There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution..."

You do know what words "directly" and "mentioned" means, do ya?

"By the way, Ukraine opened investigation into Burisma three months before the phone call between presidents. Why's that?"

I don't know if that's true or not. All I see is you saying it. But keep in mind, Trump's personal attorney was involved in this since January.

So what? Are you upset he didn't ask Democrats whom he should sent?

"You're saying crackead Biden no longer work in Burisma (he never actually been in Ukraine), and Joe is no longer vice-president is irrelevant. The investigation is about the corruption during the time they were in those positions."

It's completely relevant to the false claim I responded to which was that Trump asked Zelensky to clean up corruption. You don't clean up corruption by investigating something that is not corruption. If we're going to clean up corruption in the U.S., are we going to investigate Watergate to cleanup ongoing corruption? :cuckoo:

And you decide what is, or is not corruption?

Left has been investigating Trump, for three years and haven't found anything. Endless committees, plus special counsel, and came up with nothing. Even now, they're still investigating, and every time you keep asking "what he has to hide"? Question for you is not what Biden, but what Democrats are trying to hide?

What Trump talk with Zelensky is to investigate if there was corruption involving previous administration. There are two possible outcomes, there was corruption, or there was not.

Ukraine already admitted their interference in US elections. Who was the president at the time? Not Trump. With whom Ukrainian worked to dig dirt on Trump? Even Zelensky asked Trump to help him to get bottom of Ambassador involvement with DNC. Three billion US aid dollars vanished in Burisma Holding bank? Who was overseeing it? Not Trump.

But for all that Democrats blame Trump? Consider that maybe... just maybe, Trump hasn't done what Dems are accusing him for, wouldn't you like to find out who did?

I say, investigate hell out of them. Let it all come out on the open. Who got most to lose?

You're truly fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

No, Dmitri Alperovitch is not Russian/Ukranian. He's Russian.

Russian Expat Founds CrowdStrike to Guard Against Russian Email Hackers - Who Is Dmitri Alperovitch?

As far as Trump talking about Burisma, he did. That you think you can somehow remove that from his dialog with Zelensky because hd didn't say the word, "Burisma," is symptomatic of your derangement .

And again, looking into purported old cases of corruption involving the Bidens does nothing to curb corruption in Ukraine since no Biden is involved with Ukraine. Which means the claim that Trump was trying to get Ukraine to crack down on corruption is the very bullshit it was meant to be. The only corruption Trump was interested in was purported corruption which only serves his own campaign. For which, he's getting impeached. :mm:
Poor, cowardly Nostra. Can only tap on funny because he can't refute a word of my post. :mm:

Hey Genius, I have no posts in anything you just quoted. You don't even know who you are quoting.

What color crayon is your favorite flavor?

"Trump asked Zelensky about Crowdstrike, that is co-founded by Ukrainian and company was involved in DNC server "hacking" cover up."

CrowdStrike is not founded by a Ukrainian nor was it involved in a cover up. You're fucked in the head. :cuckoo:

And Trump did ask Zelensky if he could locate the DNC server, just as I said. That is not a lie.

"I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it."

You're still lying.

Crowdstrike IS co-founded by Russian/Ukrainian Dmitri Alperovitch, also donor to Clinton campaign, with close tie to another Ukrainian Hillary donor Victor Pinchuk.

"Burisma was not directly mentioned once in the phone call."

Yes, it was, by description, not by name...

"There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution..."

You do know what words "directly" and "mentioned" means, do ya?

"By the way, Ukraine opened investigation into Burisma three months before the phone call between presidents. Why's that?"

I don't know if that's true or not. All I see is you saying it. But keep in mind, Trump's personal attorney was involved in this since January.

So what? Are you upset he didn't ask Democrats whom he should sent?

"You're saying crackead Biden no longer work in Burisma (he never actually been in Ukraine), and Joe is no longer vice-president is irrelevant. The investigation is about the corruption during the time they were in those positions."

It's completely relevant to the false claim I responded to which was that Trump asked Zelensky to clean up corruption. You don't clean up corruption by investigating something that is not corruption. If we're going to clean up corruption in the U.S., are we going to investigate Watergate to cleanup ongoing corruption? :cuckoo:

And you decide what is, or is not corruption?

Left has been investigating Trump, for three years and haven't found anything. Endless committees, plus special counsel, and came up with nothing. Even now, they're still investigating, and every time you keep asking "what he has to hide"? Question for you is not what Biden, but what Democrats are trying to hide?

What Trump talk with Zelensky is to investigate if there was corruption involving previous administration. There are two possible outcomes, there was corruption, or there was not.

Ukraine already admitted their interference in US elections. Who was the president at the time? Not Trump. With whom Ukrainian worked to dig dirt on Trump? Even Zelensky asked Trump to help him to get bottom of Ambassador involvement with DNC. Three billion US aid dollars vanished in Burisma Holding bank? Who was overseeing it? Not Trump.

But for all that Democrats blame Trump? Consider that maybe... just maybe, Trump hasn't done what Dems are accusing him for, wouldn't you like to find out who did?

I say, investigate hell out of them. Let it all come out on the open. Who got most to lose?

You're truly fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

No, Dmitri Alperovitch is not Russian/Ukranian. He's Russian.

Russian Expat Founds CrowdStrike to Guard Against Russian Email Hackers - Who Is Dmitri Alperovitch?

As far as Trump talking about Burisma, he did. That you think you can somehow remove that from his dialog with Zelensky because hd didn't say the word, "Burisma," is symptomatic of your derangement .

And again, looking into purported old cases of corruption involving the Bidens does nothing to curb corruption in Ukraine since no Biden is involved with Ukraine. Which means the claim that Trump was trying to get Ukraine to crack down on corruption is the very bullshit it was meant to be. The only corruption Trump was interested in was purported corruption which only serves his own campaign. For which, he's getting impeached. :mm:

"no Biden is involved in Ukraine"

Is there corruption in Ukraine today. I'm sure there is, so is here in US.

But we're not talking about corruption in Ukraine today. We're talking about corruption in Ukraine and involvement of both Bidens and everyone else involved during the previous administrations, US and of Ukraine.

"Trump asked Zelensky about Crowdstrike, that is co-founded by Ukrainian and company was involved in DNC server "hacking" cover up."

CrowdStrike is not founded by a Ukrainian nor was it involved in a cover up. You're fucked in the head. :cuckoo:

And Trump did ask Zelensky if he could locate the DNC server, just as I said. That is not a lie.

"I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it."

You're still lying.

Crowdstrike IS co-founded by Russian/Ukrainian Dmitri Alperovitch, also donor to Clinton campaign, with close tie to another Ukrainian Hillary donor Victor Pinchuk.

"Burisma was not directly mentioned once in the phone call."

Yes, it was, by description, not by name...

"There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution..."

You do know what words "directly" and "mentioned" means, do ya?

"By the way, Ukraine opened investigation into Burisma three months before the phone call between presidents. Why's that?"

I don't know if that's true or not. All I see is you saying it. But keep in mind, Trump's personal attorney was involved in this since January.

So what? Are you upset he didn't ask Democrats whom he should sent?

"You're saying crackead Biden no longer work in Burisma (he never actually been in Ukraine), and Joe is no longer vice-president is irrelevant. The investigation is about the corruption during the time they were in those positions."

It's completely relevant to the false claim I responded to which was that Trump asked Zelensky to clean up corruption. You don't clean up corruption by investigating something that is not corruption. If we're going to clean up corruption in the U.S., are we going to investigate Watergate to cleanup ongoing corruption? :cuckoo:

And you decide what is, or is not corruption?

Left has been investigating Trump, for three years and haven't found anything. Endless committees, plus special counsel, and came up with nothing. Even now, they're still investigating, and every time you keep asking "what he has to hide"? Question for you is not what Biden, but what Democrats are trying to hide?

What Trump talk with Zelensky is to investigate if there was corruption involving previous administration. There are two possible outcomes, there was corruption, or there was not.

Ukraine already admitted their interference in US elections. Who was the president at the time? Not Trump. With whom Ukrainian worked to dig dirt on Trump? Even Zelensky asked Trump to help him to get bottom of Ambassador involvement with DNC. Three billion US aid dollars vanished in Burisma Holding bank? Who was overseeing it? Not Trump.

But for all that Democrats blame Trump? Consider that maybe... just maybe, Trump hasn't done what Dems are accusing him for, wouldn't you like to find out who did?

I say, investigate hell out of them. Let it all come out on the open. Who got most to lose?

You're truly fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

No, Dmitri Alperovitch is not Russian/Ukranian. He's Russian.

Russian Expat Founds CrowdStrike to Guard Against Russian Email Hackers - Who Is Dmitri Alperovitch?

As far as Trump talking about Burisma, he did. That you think you can somehow remove that from his dialog with Zelensky because hd didn't say the word, "Burisma," is symptomatic of your derangement .

And again, looking into purported old cases of corruption involving the Bidens does nothing to curb corruption in Ukraine since no Biden is involved with Ukraine. Which means the claim that Trump was trying to get Ukraine to crack down on corruption is the very bullshit it was meant to be. The only corruption Trump was interested in was purported corruption which only serves his own campaign. For which, he's getting impeached. :mm:
Poor, cowardly Nostra. Can only tap on funny because he can't refute a word of my post. :mm:

Hey Genius, I have no posts in anything you just quoted. You don't even know who you are quoting.

What color crayon is your favorite flavor?

Nutcase is quoting himself now.

"Trump asked Zelensky about Crowdstrike, that is co-founded by Ukrainian and company was involved in DNC server "hacking" cover up."

CrowdStrike is not founded by a Ukrainian nor was it involved in a cover up. You're fucked in the head. :cuckoo:

And Trump did ask Zelensky if he could locate the DNC server, just as I said. That is not a lie.

"I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it."

You're still lying.

Crowdstrike IS co-founded by Russian/Ukrainian Dmitri Alperovitch, also donor to Clinton campaign, with close tie to another Ukrainian Hillary donor Victor Pinchuk.

"Burisma was not directly mentioned once in the phone call."

Yes, it was, by description, not by name...

"There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution..."

You do know what words "directly" and "mentioned" means, do ya?

"By the way, Ukraine opened investigation into Burisma three months before the phone call between presidents. Why's that?"

I don't know if that's true or not. All I see is you saying it. But keep in mind, Trump's personal attorney was involved in this since January.

So what? Are you upset he didn't ask Democrats whom he should sent?

"You're saying crackead Biden no longer work in Burisma (he never actually been in Ukraine), and Joe is no longer vice-president is irrelevant. The investigation is about the corruption during the time they were in those positions."

It's completely relevant to the false claim I responded to which was that Trump asked Zelensky to clean up corruption. You don't clean up corruption by investigating something that is not corruption. If we're going to clean up corruption in the U.S., are we going to investigate Watergate to cleanup ongoing corruption? :cuckoo:

And you decide what is, or is not corruption?

Left has been investigating Trump, for three years and haven't found anything. Endless committees, plus special counsel, and came up with nothing. Even now, they're still investigating, and every time you keep asking "what he has to hide"? Question for you is not what Biden, but what Democrats are trying to hide?

What Trump talk with Zelensky is to investigate if there was corruption involving previous administration. There are two possible outcomes, there was corruption, or there was not.

Ukraine already admitted their interference in US elections. Who was the president at the time? Not Trump. With whom Ukrainian worked to dig dirt on Trump? Even Zelensky asked Trump to help him to get bottom of Ambassador involvement with DNC. Three billion US aid dollars vanished in Burisma Holding bank? Who was overseeing it? Not Trump.

But for all that Democrats blame Trump? Consider that maybe... just maybe, Trump hasn't done what Dems are accusing him for, wouldn't you like to find out who did?

I say, investigate hell out of them. Let it all come out on the open. Who got most to lose?

You're truly fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

No, Dmitri Alperovitch is not Russian/Ukranian. He's Russian.

Russian Expat Founds CrowdStrike to Guard Against Russian Email Hackers - Who Is Dmitri Alperovitch?

As far as Trump talking about Burisma, he did. That you think you can somehow remove that from his dialog with Zelensky because hd didn't say the word, "Burisma," is symptomatic of your derangement .

And again, looking into purported old cases of corruption involving the Bidens does nothing to curb corruption in Ukraine since no Biden is involved with Ukraine. Which means the claim that Trump was trying to get Ukraine to crack down on corruption is the very bullshit it was meant to be. The only corruption Trump was interested in was purported corruption which only serves his own campaign. For which, he's getting impeached. :mm:
Poor, cowardly Nostra. Can only tap on funny because he can't refute a word of my post. :mm:

Hey Genius, I have no posts in anything you just quoted. You don't even know who you are quoting.

What color crayon is your favorite flavor?

Nutcase is quoting himself now.
I really triggered him.............and I wasn't even responding to his lunacy.


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