Why all the panic on the Left?

They had no direct conversation with Trump, no aid was withheld, and the Ukranian president confirms this. I'll take these facts any day over the opinions of a bunch of Leftist hacks.
Zelensky had a direct conversation with Trump and Trump asked for personal favors while discussing military aid
Trump asked for Ukraine to clean up its corruption. Nothing wrong with that. You guys pulled the same stunt with the collusion hoax, you went from "Russia interfered" to "Trump interfered". As with the collusion hoax the party that is guilty of blatant extortion and quid pro quo with Ukraine is Democrst Joe Biden, he's on tape.
Bull fucking shit.

He demanded he investigate Biden.

In your efforts to try to defend your fast assed orange buddy, you are making yourselves look really pathetic.
resd the transcript, he asked for Ukraine to look into corruption and interference in the 2016 election elections, and Biden was mentioned because he and his son were extorting Ukraine and part of this corruption.

Jesus fuck you people are so God damn stupid. The transcript & testimony is clear.
Yes, it's very clear. Trump didn't do anything wrong. You need to look at Biden's tape if you want clear quid pro quo. But you won't because Dems can never wrong, right? Just how ABC hid the Epstein story.
Nope. They are offering their opinions, nothing more.

To say they knew Trump withheld aid unless he got dirt is not an opinion.
They had no direct conversation with Trump, no aid was withheld, and the Ukranian president confirms this. I'll take these facts any day over the opinions of a bunch of Leftist hacks.
Zelensky had a direct conversation with Trump and Trump asked for personal favors while discussing military aid
Trump asked for Ukraine to clean up its corruption. Nothing wrong with that. You guys pulled the same stunt with the collusion hoax, you went from "Russia interfered" to "Trump interfered". As with the collusion hoax the party that is guilty of blatant extortion and quid pro quo with Ukraine is Democrst Joe Biden, he's on tape.
Bull fucking shit.

He demanded he investigate Biden.

Again, please indicate the statutes protecting Biden and his son from criminal investigation simply because the old man is a political candidate.

Also, I believe we have a reciprocal treaty with Ukraine covering criminal investigations.
Last edited:
Jesus fuck you people are so God damn stupid.
No, we just haven't had our heads pumped full of lies and bull shit by the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING... you have.

The transcript & testimony is clear.
The transcript & testimony IS clear, and clearly shows President Trump did nothing wrong, and above all, nothing worthy of impeachment.

What people like you don't realize is, there's a majority of Americans that do NOT listen to the same TDS DPW GARBAGE that you people do, so we know the FACTS of the matter, the TRUTH, and we know this ENTIRE WITCH HUNT that started minutes after Trump was inaugurated, this impeachment BS over a phone call is nothing more than the LATEST CHAPTER of the democrats CORRUPTION and ABUSE OF POWER to remove a sitting president, because he had the AUDACITY to WIN THE ELECTION against your NASTY old corrupt hag HITLERY.
Crooks have run for election before
Prosecuting their crimes is not political
Only a window licking moron thinks this isn't just a political stunt.

Hardly a stunt
Trump committed a serious violation of ethics appearing to be a criminal offense

The most damning evidence comes from Trumps own people
There is no evidence. We have the transcript of the call.

You have second hand opinions and feelings.
The "transcript" reveals trump solicited a foreign national to help with his campaign.
Transcript reveals that Trump wanted Ukraine to clean up its corruption problems so that our taxpayer money is used properly. In other words he was doing his job, unlike his predecessors.

Dumbfuck, he asked the president of Ukraine to find the DNC server, which is not in Ukraine -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

He asked the president of Ukraine to look into Joe Biden's son working at Burisma, who no longer works there -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

He asked the president of Ukraine to look into a U.S. vice president getting a prosecutor fired, who's no longer a U.S. vice president -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

Trump didn't bring up a single case of any ongoing corruption. Only old purported cases which happen to help his campaign for running in the presidential election.

He abused the power of his office and you rightards hate America so much, you're willing to turn a blind eye to it.
Reporting what occurred is not opinion
Trump is offering lies, nothing more

Sondland's NEW story:
U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland issued a new statement on Nov. 4 to the House Intelligence Committee that he “presumed” military assistance to Ukraine was “likely” being conditioned by the administration when he spoke to a Ukrainian presidential aide on Sept. 1, but that he “did not know… when, why, or by whom the aid was suspended…”

No much evidence.....a whole lotta opinion and guessing.


WASHINGTON—A diplomat who is a key witness in the House impeachment probe said he told a Ukrainian official this summer that aid to that country would remain frozen until Kyiv committed to investigations sought by President Trump, reversing earlier testimony that he didn’t know of any such link.

Diplomat Sondland Told Ukrainians Held-Up Aid Was Tied to Investigations

The WSJ doesn't seem to be behind a paywall today. Not on a Foxfire private browser, anyway. Don't read it if you're a Trump supporter.
The same "presumptions" he believes "likely" happened even though "he did not know".

From a guy who lied under oath.......


From a guy who donated $1 million for the honor of being Trump's bagman. He delivered the extortion demand to Andriy Yermak in person. He said so, under oath.
from the guys who lied to the country for three years about the Trump Russia collusion hoax, and now that their credulity is totally shattered, what's their next move? The Trump Ukraine quid pro quo hoax! Funny party is in both cases the Dems were far more guilty of what they accused Trump of.
Bullshit. That was a Republican investigation brought on by Republicans in the Department of Justice.
Only a window licking moron thinks this isn't just a political stunt.

Hardly a stunt
Trump committed a serious violation of ethics appearing to be a criminal offense

The most damning evidence comes from Trumps own people
There is no evidence. We have the transcript of the call.

You have second hand opinions and feelings.
The "transcript" reveals trump solicited a foreign national to help with his campaign.
Transcript reveals that Trump wanted Ukraine to clean up its corruption problems so that our taxpayer money is used properly. In other words he was doing his job, unlike his predecessors.

Dumbfuck, he asked the president of Ukraine to find the DNC server, which is not in Ukraine -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

He asked the president of Ukraine to look into Joe Biden's son working at Burisma, who no longer works there -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

He asked the president of Ukraine to look into a U.S. vice president getting a prosecutor fired, who's no longer a U.S. vice president -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

Trump didn't bring up a single case of any ongoing corruption. Only old purported cases which happen to help his campaign for running in the presidential election.

He abused the power of his office and you rightards hate America so much, you're willing to turn a blind eye to it.
The president was doing his job...

Imbecile... pollsters made those calls, not polls. Are you idiots ever gonna learn the difference?
Based on their state by state POLLS, Puddinbrain.
Dumbfuck... and who calls a state that's too close to call?

How the fuck can anybody be as retarded as you??
Let's repeat, one of the most reliable election forecasters has predicted a landslide for Trump. Maybe you guys should try to deal with it emotionally, instead of running around in a panic like your hair is on fire.
Have you examined the Moody analysis? They make very clear their analysis and prediction are based on the economies in several key states. None of those states are highly reliable on the stock market. Their economies rely on agriculture and manufacturing. Moody will change it's predictions if the downward trend of economic factors continues in those states.
Incumbent president has an 80% chance of winning in a good economy. Even if the economy is slightly down the incumbent president still has a pretty good chance. So which Camp are you in...praying an economic catastrophe, believers of the fake polls concocted by the Left, or Trump is going to be impeached and removed?

A "good economy" the Federal Reserve had to save.
Well... all these poor little unhinged demtrash snowflakes in this thread... yep... you can SMELL the ANGER and HATE, despite the smell of their DESPERATION.

They know the vast majority of Americans are behind the president, and despite all the 24/7 smearing, lies and bashing of him by the democrats and their propaganda wing, ever since he was elected, he now has MORE support than he did BEFORE, and the democraps can't wrap their heads around it, and they're too STUPID to know when to QUIT.

I say fine, all good and dandy. The DEMOCRATS are ENSURING President Trump will be reelected because of what THEY ARE DOING, they are HELPING... so... THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP DEMTARDS.
The vast majority of feeble minded jerks.

Anyone is thinks Trump is so great is dumber than shit.
What's dumb is the zombies voting for a Democrat party that plans to raise our taxes, expand the size of govt and its control over every aspect of our lives, have monsters like Epstein and Weinstien as celebrated donors, and want to hand our sovereignty over to foreign govt.'s and super wealthy crooks like Soros who actually want to destroy America from within.
A Democratic Party that plans to increase access to healthcare, make secondary education affordable, protect the environment and return our global leadership
Democratic socialist party that plans to bankrupt the country by making pie in the sky promises, and banking on the ignorance of people as to the dark history of socialism. Then using whatever wealth we have left to maintain its stand hold on power.
Yeah, unlike Trump who's lowering the debt.
Nope. They are offering their opinions, nothing more.

To say they knew Trump withheld aid unless he got dirt is not an opinion.
They had no direct conversation with Trump, no aid was withheld, and the Ukranian president confirms this. I'll take these facts any day over the opinions of a bunch of Leftist hacks.
Zelensky had a direct conversation with Trump and Trump asked for personal favors while discussing military aid
Trump asked for Ukraine to clean up its corruption. Nothing wrong with that. You guys pulled the same stunt with the collusion hoax, you went from "Russia interfered" to "Trump interfered". As with the collusion hoax the party that is guilty of blatant extortion and quid pro quo with Ukraine is Democrst Joe Biden, he's on tape.
Bull fucking shit.

He demanded he investigate Biden.

In your efforts to try to defend your fast assed orange buddy, you are making yourselves look really pathetic.
He demanded nothing. You are a liar.
Both of them. Polls and pollsters.

Nearly every poll showed Hillary winning, with exception of one or two, meaning, either they were fixed or completely wrong.

Uh, no. The poll would not be wrong in that case.

You cult freaks are such fucking morons. :lmao:
Funny...a radical Leftist calling others "cult freaks". Another example of The Left accusing the opposing side of things they are far more guilty of.

They're helpless and desperate to name us with any label in the playbook. Trump has been in politics far shorter time than any politician left supports. And they call us "cult" while they still claim that Hillary "won" something.
Remember even McCain and Romney were called racists, sexists, blah blah...by the Left when they were running before they became their darlings. It's the same shtick no matter who's running or in office. There isn't a single conservative that isn't a racist or sexist etc.
No, I don't remember because you are full of shit. T
There was no major complaints of racism.
Maybe he's talking about when Republicans were calling McCain a racist?
Well... all these poor little unhinged demtrash snowflakes in this thread... yep... you can SMELL the ANGER and HATE, despite the smell of their DESPERATION.

They know the vast majority of Americans are behind the president, and despite all the 24/7 smearing, lies and bashing of him by the democrats and their propaganda wing, ever since he was elected, he now has MORE support than he did BEFORE, and the democraps can't wrap their heads around it, and they're too STUPID to know when to QUIT.

I say fine, all good and dandy. The DEMOCRATS are ENSURING President Trump will be reelected because of what THEY ARE DOING, they are HELPING... so... THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP DEMTARDS.
The vast majority of feeble minded jerks.

Anyone is thinks Trump is so great is dumber than shit.
What's dumb is the zombies voting for a Democrat party that plans to raise our taxes, expand the size of govt and its control over every aspect of our lives, have monsters like Epstein and Weinstien as celebrated donors, and want to hand our sovereignty over to foreign govt.'s and super wealthy crooks like Soros who actually want to destroy America from within.
A Democratic Party that plans to increase access to healthcare, make secondary education affordable, protect the environment and return our global leadership
Democratic socialist party that plans to bankrupt the country by making pie in the sky promises, and banking on the ignorance of people as to the dark history of socialism. Then using whatever wealth we have left to maintain its stand hold on power.
Yeah, unlike Trump who's lowering the debt.
Just like your messiah Barry who DOUBLED the debt, and you had no problem with that.
They had no direct conversation with Trump, no aid was withheld, and the Ukranian president confirms this. I'll take these facts any day over the opinions of a bunch of Leftist hacks.
Zelensky had a direct conversation with Trump and Trump asked for personal favors while discussing military aid
Trump asked for Ukraine to clean up its corruption. Nothing wrong with that. You guys pulled the same stunt with the collusion hoax, you went from "Russia interfered" to "Trump interfered". As with the collusion hoax the party that is guilty of blatant extortion and quid pro quo with Ukraine is Democrst Joe Biden, he's on tape.
Bull fucking shit.

He demanded he investigate Biden.

In your efforts to try to defend your fast assed orange buddy, you are making yourselves look really pathetic.
resd the transcript, he asked for Ukraine to look into corruption and interference in the 2016 election elections, and Biden was mentioned because he and his son were extorting Ukraine and part of this corruption.

Jesus fuck you people are so God damn stupid. The transcript & testimony is clear.
It is very clear to anyone with an IQ above their shoe size................nothing illegal or corrupt about it.
To say they knew Trump withheld aid unless he got dirt is not an opinion.
They had no direct conversation with Trump, no aid was withheld, and the Ukranian president confirms this. I'll take these facts any day over the opinions of a bunch of Leftist hacks.
Zelensky had a direct conversation with Trump and Trump asked for personal favors while discussing military aid
Trump asked for Ukraine to clean up its corruption. Nothing wrong with that. You guys pulled the same stunt with the collusion hoax, you went from "Russia interfered" to "Trump interfered". As with the collusion hoax the party that is guilty of blatant extortion and quid pro quo with Ukraine is Democrst Joe Biden, he's on tape.
Bull fucking shit.

He demanded he investigate Biden.

In your efforts to try to defend your fast assed orange buddy, you are making yourselves look really pathetic.
resd the transcript, he asked for Ukraine to look into corruption and interference in the 2016 election elections, and Biden was mentioned because he and his son were extorting Ukraine and part of this corruption.
None of which has anything to do with ongoing corruption and everything to do with increasing his chances at getting re-elected.
Hardly a stunt
Trump committed a serious violation of ethics appearing to be a criminal offense

The most damning evidence comes from Trumps own people
There is no evidence. We have the transcript of the call.

You have second hand opinions and feelings.
The "transcript" reveals trump solicited a foreign national to help with his campaign.
Transcript reveals that Trump wanted Ukraine to clean up its corruption problems so that our taxpayer money is used properly. In other words he was doing his job, unlike his predecessors.

Dumbfuck, he asked the president of Ukraine to find the DNC server, which is not in Ukraine -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

He asked the president of Ukraine to look into Joe Biden's son working at Burisma, who no longer works there -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

He asked the president of Ukraine to look into a U.S. vice president getting a prosecutor fired, who's no longer a U.S. vice president -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

Trump didn't bring up a single case of any ongoing corruption. Only old purported cases which happen to help his campaign for running in the presidential election.

He abused the power of his office and you rightards hate America so much, you're willing to turn a blind eye to it.
The president was doing his job...

Uh, no, the president lied to Zelensky to get him to look into the Bidens.
The vast majority of feeble minded jerks.

Anyone is thinks Trump is so great is dumber than shit.
What's dumb is the zombies voting for a Democrat party that plans to raise our taxes, expand the size of govt and its control over every aspect of our lives, have monsters like Epstein and Weinstien as celebrated donors, and want to hand our sovereignty over to foreign govt.'s and super wealthy crooks like Soros who actually want to destroy America from within.
A Democratic Party that plans to increase access to healthcare, make secondary education affordable, protect the environment and return our global leadership
Democratic socialist party that plans to bankrupt the country by making pie in the sky promises, and banking on the ignorance of people as to the dark history of socialism. Then using whatever wealth we have left to maintain its stand hold on power.
Yeah, unlike Trump who's lowering the debt.
Just like your messiah Barry who DOUBLED the debt, and you had no problem with that.
He doubled the debt because he was handed the worst economy since the Great Depression.
Zelensky had a direct conversation with Trump and Trump asked for personal favors while discussing military aid
Trump asked for Ukraine to clean up its corruption. Nothing wrong with that. You guys pulled the same stunt with the collusion hoax, you went from "Russia interfered" to "Trump interfered". As with the collusion hoax the party that is guilty of blatant extortion and quid pro quo with Ukraine is Democrst Joe Biden, he's on tape.
Bull fucking shit.

He demanded he investigate Biden.

In your efforts to try to defend your fast assed orange buddy, you are making yourselves look really pathetic.
resd the transcript, he asked for Ukraine to look into corruption and interference in the 2016 election elections, and Biden was mentioned because he and his son were extorting Ukraine and part of this corruption.

Jesus fuck you people are so God damn stupid. The transcript & testimony is clear.
Yes, it's very clear. Trump didn't do anything wrong. You need to look at Biden's tape if you want clear quid pro quo. But you won't because Dems can never wrong, right? Just how ABC hid the Epstein story.
Biden was working in the best interest of the USA. We and other countries demanded that the prosecutor be fired & action was taken about corruption or the US & these other countries would not give the Ukraine aid so as not to have this aid stolen in corruption.

Trump wanted political favors.

Trumpettes are too stupid to see the difference.

Trump is a crook. You knew he was a crook & you voted for him anyhow. Why are you surprised by this impeachment?
Zelensky had a direct conversation with Trump and Trump asked for personal favors while discussing military aid
Trump asked for Ukraine to clean up its corruption. Nothing wrong with that. You guys pulled the same stunt with the collusion hoax, you went from "Russia interfered" to "Trump interfered". As with the collusion hoax the party that is guilty of blatant extortion and quid pro quo with Ukraine is Democrst Joe Biden, he's on tape.
Bull fucking shit.

He demanded he investigate Biden.

In your efforts to try to defend your fast assed orange buddy, you are making yourselves look really pathetic.
resd the transcript, he asked for Ukraine to look into corruption and interference in the 2016 election elections, and Biden was mentioned because he and his son were extorting Ukraine and part of this corruption.

Jesus fuck you people are so God damn stupid. The transcript & testimony is clear.
It is very clear to anyone with an IQ above their shoe size................nothing illegal or corrupt about it.
So you are at the stage where you admit he did it & now claim it was not illegal?
The vast majority of feeble minded jerks.

Anyone is thinks Trump is so great is dumber than shit.
What's dumb is the zombies voting for a Democrat party that plans to raise our taxes, expand the size of govt and its control over every aspect of our lives, have monsters like Epstein and Weinstien as celebrated donors, and want to hand our sovereignty over to foreign govt.'s and super wealthy crooks like Soros who actually want to destroy America from within.
A Democratic Party that plans to increase access to healthcare, make secondary education affordable, protect the environment and return our global leadership
Democratic socialist party that plans to bankrupt the country by making pie in the sky promises, and banking on the ignorance of people as to the dark history of socialism. Then using whatever wealth we have left to maintain its stand hold on power.
Yeah, unlike Trump who's lowering the debt.
Just like your messiah Barry who DOUBLED the debt, and you had no problem with that.

Another assfuck blaming Obama for the effects of the Bush recession.
Jesus fuck you people are so God damn stupid.
No, we just haven't had our heads pumped full of lies and bull shit by the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING... you have.

The transcript & testimony is clear.
The transcript & testimony IS clear, and clearly shows President Trump did nothing wrong, and above all, nothing worthy of impeachment.

What people like you don't realize is, there's a majority of Americans that do NOT listen to the same TDS DPW GARBAGE that you people do, so we know the FACTS of the matter, the TRUTH, and we know this ENTIRE WITCH HUNT that started minutes after Trump was inaugurated, this impeachment BS over a phone call is nothing more than the LATEST CHAPTER of the democrats CORRUPTION and ABUSE OF POWER to remove a sitting president, because he had the AUDACITY to WIN THE ELECTION against your NASTY old corrupt hag HITLERY.
Sorry but many testifying said there was quid pro quo.
Trump asked for Ukraine to clean up its corruption. Nothing wrong with that. You guys pulled the same stunt with the collusion hoax, you went from "Russia interfered" to "Trump interfered". As with the collusion hoax the party that is guilty of blatant extortion and quid pro quo with Ukraine is Democrst Joe Biden, he's on tape.
Bull fucking shit.

He demanded he investigate Biden.

In your efforts to try to defend your fast assed orange buddy, you are making yourselves look really pathetic.
resd the transcript, he asked for Ukraine to look into corruption and interference in the 2016 election elections, and Biden was mentioned because he and his son were extorting Ukraine and part of this corruption.

Jesus fuck you people are so God damn stupid. The transcript & testimony is clear.
It is very clear to anyone with an IQ above their shoe size................nothing illegal or corrupt about it.
So you are at the stage where you admit he did it & now claim it was not illegal?
Did what?

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