Why All the Posts About Republican Candidates

Actually, it's brought to me nightly on the news about what new stupid thing they said.

I'd rather talk about policy and how to actually get this country working better, not have someone tell me how rich they are (Chump), or how they believe that in cases of rape and incest, the child has to go to full term and be born, stating that there are many famous and successful people who came from such circumstances (Carson).

Carson's vision for this country is to turn it into a Christian theocracy, because he doesn't believe Muslims should be elected to high office.

Oh, I already knew you were another racist bigot who hated Carson because he was an educated Black man.

Wrong. I don't hate anyone, but glad you can discern things about people you've never met except as computer words on a screen.

I strongly disagree with many of Carson's views. No, you should not put everyone on a voucher system for healthcare, and no, you shouldn't get rid of Social Security.

If we privatized all of that, what would happen if the stock market crashes again like it did in 2008? We'd all be broke.

I also don't think that a woman who has been raped should be forced to take the child to term, because that puts even more undue mental pain on the woman.

I also don't think that we should keep people from running for President just because of their religion. A true servant of the people would keep their religion out of their policy, because not everyone in this country has the same belief system.

THOSE are just a few of the reasons I think Carson is a crappy choice.

Is Carson one of your Party's candidates?
If your premise is that only loyal party members can criticize GOP candidates, you will of course apply the same stricture to yourself and the other GOOPers vis-a-vis Democratic candidates, right?

Actually, I have a thread on here that asks the question why Liberals make so many posts about Carson and Trump instead of threads concerning their own candidates. Seems strange to me unless your own candidates are simply uninteresting and are making no new proposals.
Actually, it's brought to me nightly on the news about what new stupid thing they said.

I'd rather talk about policy and how to actually get this country working better, not have someone tell me how rich they are (Chump), or how they believe that in cases of rape and incest, the child has to go to full term and be born, stating that there are many famous and successful people who came from such circumstances (Carson).

Carson's vision for this country is to turn it into a Christian theocracy, because he doesn't believe Muslims should be elected to high office.

Oh, I already knew you were another racist bigot who hated Carson because he was an educated Black man.

Wrong. I don't hate anyone, but glad you can discern things about people you've never met except as computer words on a screen.

I strongly disagree with many of Carson's views. No, you should not put everyone on a voucher system for healthcare, and no, you shouldn't get rid of Social Security.

If we privatized all of that, what would happen if the stock market crashes again like it did in 2008? We'd all be broke.

I also don't think that a woman who has been raped should be forced to take the child to term, because that puts even more undue mental pain on the woman.

I also don't think that we should keep people from running for President just because of their religion. A true servant of the people would keep their religion out of their policy, because not everyone in this country has the same belief system.

THOSE are just a few of the reasons I think Carson is a crappy choice.

Is Carson one of your Party's candidates?
If your premise is that only loyal party members can criticize GOP candidates, you will of course apply the same stricture to yourself and the other GOOPers vis-a-vis Democratic candidates, right?

Actually, I have a thread on here that asks the question why Liberals make so many posts about Carson and Trump instead of threads concerning their own candidates. Seems strange to me unless your own candidates are simply uninteresting and are making no new proposals.
Then you proceed from not one, but several false assumptions. Your confusion is aided by the fact that you deliberately mischaracterize what people are saying. Example:

ABikerSailor: "Carson wants to make the U.S. a theocracy."
the_human_being: "Hah! I knew it! You hate him because he's black!"

Very conducive to intelligent conversation.
Actually, it's brought to me nightly on the news about what new stupid thing they said.

I'd rather talk about policy and how to actually get this country working better, not have someone tell me how rich they are (Chump), or how they believe that in cases of rape and incest, the child has to go to full term and be born, stating that there are many famous and successful people who came from such circumstances (Carson).

Carson's vision for this country is to turn it into a Christian theocracy, because he doesn't believe Muslims should be elected to high office.

Oh, I already knew you were another racist bigot who hated Carson because he was an educated Black man.

Wrong. I don't hate anyone, but glad you can discern things about people you've never met except as computer words on a screen.

I strongly disagree with many of Carson's views. No, you should not put everyone on a voucher system for healthcare, and no, you shouldn't get rid of Social Security.

If we privatized all of that, what would happen if the stock market crashes again like it did in 2008? We'd all be broke.

I also don't think that a woman who has been raped should be forced to take the child to term, because that puts even more undue mental pain on the woman.

I also don't think that we should keep people from running for President just because of their religion. A true servant of the people would keep their religion out of their policy, because not everyone in this country has the same belief system.

THOSE are just a few of the reasons I think Carson is a crappy choice.

Is Carson one of your Party's candidates?
If your premise is that only loyal party members can criticize GOP candidates, you will of course apply the same stricture to yourself and the other GOOPers vis-a-vis Democratic candidates, right?

Actually, I have a thread on here that asks the question why Liberals make so many posts about Carson and Trump instead of threads concerning their own candidates. Seems strange to me unless your own candidates are simply uninteresting and are making no new proposals.

There's a quote in the news agency "if it bleeds, it leads", meaning they want to lead off with the most impactful story they have that day.

Second to murder and mayhem, the news people seem to also gravitate to reporting when people make outrageous statements, because policy and procedure are so boring and people generally lose interest in dull stuff, instead preferring gossip.

Why are there so many threads on the right wing candidates? They are the ones who are saying the most outrageous things.

Shoot...................even Bernie's attack on Clinton over this weekend got some coverage, but nobody cared much because he didn't mention her by name, he just stated policies that she's voted for before that he has always been against.

But when it comes to the most offensive and politically incorrect language? Seems that Carson and Trump have that one sewn up.
Oh, I already knew you were another racist bigot who hated Carson because he was an educated Black man.

Wrong. I don't hate anyone, but glad you can discern things about people you've never met except as computer words on a screen.

I strongly disagree with many of Carson's views. No, you should not put everyone on a voucher system for healthcare, and no, you shouldn't get rid of Social Security.

If we privatized all of that, what would happen if the stock market crashes again like it did in 2008? We'd all be broke.

I also don't think that a woman who has been raped should be forced to take the child to term, because that puts even more undue mental pain on the woman.

I also don't think that we should keep people from running for President just because of their religion. A true servant of the people would keep their religion out of their policy, because not everyone in this country has the same belief system.

THOSE are just a few of the reasons I think Carson is a crappy choice.

Is Carson one of your Party's candidates?
If your premise is that only loyal party members can criticize GOP candidates, you will of course apply the same stricture to yourself and the other GOOPers vis-a-vis Democratic candidates, right?

Actually, I have a thread on here that asks the question why Liberals make so many posts about Carson and Trump instead of threads concerning their own candidates. Seems strange to me unless your own candidates are simply uninteresting and are making no new proposals.

There's a quote in the news agency "if it bleeds, it leads", meaning they want to lead off with the most impactful story they have that day.

Second to murder and mayhem, the news people seem to also gravitate to reporting when people make outrageous statements, because policy and procedure are so boring and people generally lose interest in dull stuff, instead preferring gossip.

Why are there so many threads on the right wing candidates? They are the ones who are saying the most outrageous things.

Shoot...................even Bernie's attack on Clinton over this weekend got some coverage, but nobody cared much because he didn't mention her by name, he just stated policies that she's voted for before that he has always been against.

But when it comes to the most offensive and politically incorrect language? Seems that Carson and Trump have that one sewn up.

Like I said, I realize you folks hate an educated Black Man. You folks always did. Now though, I believe you hate all Black men. You appear to be just a bunch of racist bigots.
Like I said, I realize you folks hate an educated Black Man.

No, you don't.

Of course I do. I actually read many of the threads on USMB. May of the threads are made by Liberals attacking the educated Ben Carson - a Black man. You guys simply hate Blacks.

No, you simply hate the fact that reality doesn't fit your confirmation bias, so you make up shit. Some of us elected an educated black man...twice.

(Now go ahead and make the predictable racist's argument so popular among the Rightists here that "he's only half-black." Politics by color-coding...pathetic.)

Nice little misdirection you've created here...in your own thread. Can you start a thread about the Democratic candidates, or are you just going to whine because there aren't any?
Like I said, I realize you folks hate an educated Black Man.

No, you don't.

Of course I do. I actually read many of the threads on USMB. May of the threads are made by Liberals attacking the educated Ben Carson - a Black man. You guys simply hate Blacks.

No, you simply hate the fact that reality doesn't fit your confirmation bias, so you make up shit. Some of us elected an educated black man...twice.

(Now go ahead and make the predictable racist's argument so popular among the Rightists here that "he's only half-black." Politics by color-coding...pathetic.)

Nice little misdirection you've created here...in your own thread. Can you start a thread about the Democratic candidates, or are you just going to whine because there aren't any?

My whole point has been that your old white-haired Democrat candidates have nothing either new or of any interest to say. I also submit that Dr. Carson has broken your preconceived notion concerning Blacks. You have preached for so long that Blacks are incapable of fending for themselves and of standing on their own two feet in a white man's world. You have put forward the idea that it is impossible for a Black man to achieve success or even become a respected doctor of all things. How dare that old Black Ben Carson lift himself from the throes of poverty and become a successful doctor. He must be destroyed at all costs. Yes, your racial bigotry has reared its ugly head.
Like I said, I realize you folks hate an educated Black Man.

No, you don't.

Of course I do. I actually read many of the threads on USMB. May of the threads are made by Liberals attacking the educated Ben Carson - a Black man. You guys simply hate Blacks.

No, you simply hate the fact that reality doesn't fit your confirmation bias, so you make up shit. Some of us elected an educated black man...twice.

(Now go ahead and make the predictable racist's argument so popular among the Rightists here that "he's only half-black." Politics by color-coding...pathetic.)

Nice little misdirection you've created here...in your own thread. Can you start a thread about the Democratic candidates, or are you just going to whine because there aren't any?

My whole point has been that your old white-haired Democrat candidates have nothing either new or of any interest to say.

And that would have made an interesting thread.
Like I said, I realize you folks hate an educated Black Man.

No, you don't.

Of course I do. I actually read many of the threads on USMB. May of the threads are made by Liberals attacking the educated Ben Carson - a Black man. You guys simply hate Blacks.

No, you simply hate the fact that reality doesn't fit your confirmation bias, so you make up shit. Some of us elected an educated black man...twice.

(Now go ahead and make the predictable racist's argument so popular among the Rightists here that "he's only half-black." Politics by color-coding...pathetic.)

Nice little misdirection you've created here...in your own thread. Can you start a thread about the Democratic candidates, or are you just going to whine because there aren't any?

My whole point has been that your old white-haired Democrat candidates have nothing either new or of any interest to say.

And that would have made an interesting thread.

Nice. You deleted part of my response to your racial bigotry.
No, you don't.

Of course I do. I actually read many of the threads on USMB. May of the threads are made by Liberals attacking the educated Ben Carson - a Black man. You guys simply hate Blacks.

No, you simply hate the fact that reality doesn't fit your confirmation bias, so you make up shit. Some of us elected an educated black man...twice.

(Now go ahead and make the predictable racist's argument so popular among the Rightists here that "he's only half-black." Politics by color-coding...pathetic.)

Nice little misdirection you've created here...in your own thread. Can you start a thread about the Democratic candidates, or are you just going to whine because there aren't any?

My whole point has been that your old white-haired Democrat candidates have nothing either new or of any interest to say.

And that would have made an interesting thread.

Nice. You deleted part of my response to your racial bigotry.
I'm trying to protect you from your lies.

Kindly link to every post of mine in which you find "bigotry." I'll be offline for a couple of hours, so you have plenty of time. And, go...
Of course I do. I actually read many of the threads on USMB. May of the threads are made by Liberals attacking the educated Ben Carson - a Black man. You guys simply hate Blacks.

No, you simply hate the fact that reality doesn't fit your confirmation bias, so you make up shit. Some of us elected an educated black man...twice.

(Now go ahead and make the predictable racist's argument so popular among the Rightists here that "he's only half-black." Politics by color-coding...pathetic.)

Nice little misdirection you've created here...in your own thread. Can you start a thread about the Democratic candidates, or are you just going to whine because there aren't any?

My whole point has been that your old white-haired Democrat candidates have nothing either new or of any interest to say.

And that would have made an interesting thread.

Nice. You deleted part of my response to your racial bigotry.
I'm trying to protect you from your lies.

Kindly link to every post of mine in which you find "bigotry." I'll be offline for a couple of hours, so you have plenty of time. And, go...

You're kidding? I've got a football game to watch.
Because they don't have anything to brag about their own candidates and their political tactic anymore is, smear, dirt and lies about the other party.
DIRTY politics is what they are famous for
No, you simply hate the fact that reality doesn't fit your confirmation bias, so you make up shit. Some of us elected an educated black man...twice.

(Now go ahead and make the predictable racist's argument so popular among the Rightists here that "he's only half-black." Politics by color-coding...pathetic.)

Nice little misdirection you've created here...in your own thread. Can you start a thread about the Democratic candidates, or are you just going to whine because there aren't any?

My whole point has been that your old white-haired Democrat candidates have nothing either new or of any interest to say.

And that would have made an interesting thread.

Nice. You deleted part of my response to your racial bigotry.
I'm trying to protect you from your lies.

Kindly link to every post of mine in which you find "bigotry." I'll be offline for a couple of hours, so you have plenty of time. And, go...

You're kidding? I've got a football game to watch.
I'll give you 24 hours. You won't be able to do the impossible in that much time, either.
There are TWO parties. It is amazing to me to see the disparity in the number of posts most especially concerning Donald Trump and Dr. Ben Carson. Many of these threads are started by Liberals. I submit to you that the reason for such a disparity in the number of threads on USMB concerning Donald Trump and Dr. Carson far outnumber the threads concerning Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders is simply because the policies enumerated by either of the Democrat Party's leading candidates is old news and has been presented over and over again in nearly every election. It's the same old new taxes, tax the wealthy, and more gifts paid for by other people. Theirs is a worn out platform and a very dry and uninteresting platform.

No, it's because there are at least twice as many nut job cons in this forum.
Like I said, I realize you folks hate an educated Black Man.

No, you don't.

Of course I do. I actually read many of the threads on USMB. May of the threads are made by Liberals attacking the educated Ben Carson - a Black man. You guys simply hate Blacks.

No, you simply hate the fact that reality doesn't fit your confirmation bias, so you make up shit. Some of us elected an educated black man...twice.

(Now go ahead and make the predictable racist's argument so popular among the Rightists here that "he's only half-black." Politics by color-coding...pathetic.)

Nice little misdirection you've created here...in your own thread. Can you start a thread about the Democratic candidates, or are you just going to whine because there aren't any?

My whole point has been that your old white-haired Democrat candidates have nothing either new or of any interest to say. I also submit that Dr. Carson has broken your preconceived notion concerning Blacks. You have preached for so long that Blacks are incapable of fending for themselves and of standing on their own two feet in a white man's world. You have put forward the idea that it is impossible for a Black man to achieve success or even become a respected doctor of all things. How dare that old Black Ben Carson lift himself from the throes of poverty and become a successful doctor. He must be destroyed at all costs. Yes, your racial bigotry has reared its ugly head.

Hey Human Being, almost everything that you accuse the Democrats of having a preconceived notion about blacks in your above post is the very thing that Republicans were saying and doing to Barrack Obama in 2008.
Like I said, I realize you folks hate an educated Black Man.

No, you don't.

Of course I do. I actually read many of the threads on USMB. May of the threads are made by Liberals attacking the educated Ben Carson - a Black man. You guys simply hate Blacks.

No, you simply hate the fact that reality doesn't fit your confirmation bias, so you make up shit. Some of us elected an educated black man...twice.

(Now go ahead and make the predictable racist's argument so popular among the Rightists here that "he's only half-black." Politics by color-coding...pathetic.)

Nice little misdirection you've created here...in your own thread. Can you start a thread about the Democratic candidates, or are you just going to whine because there aren't any?

My whole point has been that your old white-haired Democrat candidates have nothing either new or of any interest to say. I also submit that Dr. Carson has broken your preconceived notion concerning Blacks. You have preached for so long that Blacks are incapable of fending for themselves and of standing on their own two feet in a white man's world. You have put forward the idea that it is impossible for a Black man to achieve success or even become a respected doctor of all things. How dare that old Black Ben Carson lift himself from the throes of poverty and become a successful doctor. He must be destroyed at all costs. Yes, your racial bigotry has reared its ugly head.

Hey Human Being, almost everything that you accuse the Democrats of having a preconceived notion about blacks in your above post is the very thing that Republicans were saying and doing to Barrack Obama in 2008.

I expect Democrats were saying that about Lincoln as well.
There are TWO parties. It is amazing to me to see the disparity in the number of posts most especially concerning Donald Trump and Dr. Ben Carson. Many of these threads are started by Liberals. I submit to you that the reason for such a disparity in the number of threads on USMB concerning Donald Trump and Dr. Carson far outnumber the threads concerning Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders is simply because the policies enumerated by either of the Democrat Party's leading candidates is old news and has been presented over and over again in nearly every election. It's the same old new taxes, tax the wealthy, and more gifts paid for by other people. Theirs is a worn out platform and a very dry and uninteresting platform.

Many? Excellent word.

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