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Why Americans Overwhelmingly Support Israel

Weren't we the ones who made Israel? I thought that after World War 1 or 2, the U.S. sanctioned off a bunch of Palastinian land and founded Israel on it. The Jews have always believed that it was their home, the U.S. just made it official.

If I'm wrong, please let me know. This is just a shot in the dark, really.
To put in an a very oversimplified nutshell, the Brits governed Palestine and with increased Jewish settlement post WWII and Arab/Pale unhappiness, the UN voted to partition the land between the two factions in 1948, at which time the Brits exited. Israel announced it existed. Various countries agreed, including Stalin and Truman. Also in 1948, the Arab states invaded, and the Jews did some ethnic cleansing of their own, and eventually they fought to a standstill on roughly the 1967 borders, which showed the Pales/Jordan controlling the West Bank. Israel entered a treaty with Jordan to cede the West Bank for a Pale homeland in exchange for peace. Jordan abided. Israel and the PA disagree over whether the PA has accepted Israel's existence.
Why shouldn't they? Judeah and Samaria is ancient Isrsel, not ancient Arabia.
What does "ancient Israel" have to do with stealing Arab land and water in violation of 21st Century international law? Do Native Americans deserve the same rights as Jews?
Arab land? It was Ottoman land for 700 years, and then British land for another approx. 40. Hasn't been Arab land for almost 800 years.
s long as there's a terrorist group who stated mission is to destroy Israel and commit a second Holocaust on the Jews in charge of Gaza, then Israel will maintain its legal blockade of Gaza. Want the blockade removed? Stop the rockets, terrorism, and terrorist tunnels. Simple.
Where did Hamas come from?
"Israel and Hamas[edit]

Another often cited example is Israeli support of Islamic movements in the 1970s and 1980s intended to weaken the PLO, and leading to the creation of Hamas.[5][6][7]

"With its takeover of Gaza after the 1967 war with Egypt, Israel hunted down secular Palestinian Liberation Organization factions but dropped the previous Egyptian rulers' harsh restrictions against Islamic activists.[8]

"In fact, Israel for many years tolerated and at times encouraged Islamic activists and groups as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the PLO and its dominant faction, Fatah.[8][9]

"Among the activists benefited was Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza, who had also formed the Islamist group Mujama al-Islamiya in 1973, a charity recognized by Israel in 1979. Israel allowed the organization to build mosques, clubs, schools, and a library in Gaza.[8][10]"

Blowback intelligence - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Yawn. So? Same reason why US supported Islamists in Afghanistan during the Soviet invasion. They morphed into something else, just like Hamas did.
You know what never again means, Mohammed?
It means you are on the wrong side of history again, Golda
"The 1999 Likud Party platform emphasizes the right of settlement.
"'The Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza are the realization of Zionist values. Settlement of the land is a clear expression of the unassailable right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and constitutes an important asset in the defense of the vital interests of the State of Israel. The Likud will continue to strengthen and develop these communities and will prevent their uprooting.'"[26]

"Similarly, they claim the Jordan River as the permanent eastern border to Israel and it also claims Jerusalem as belonging to Israel.

  • The 'Peace & Security' chapter of the 1999 Likud Party platform rejects a Palestinian state.
"The Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan river. The Palestinians can run their lives freely in the framework of self-rule, but not as an independent and sovereign state. Thus, for example, in matters of foreign affairs, security, immigration and ecology, their activity shall be limited in accordance with imperatives of Israel’s existence, security and national needs."[26]

Likud - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Yes. Jewish Palestine West of the Jordan River, Arab Palestine East of the Jordan River. That was the arrangement. Arabs didn't like that 1% of the collapsed Ottoman Empire after WWI was allocated to the Jews, while 99% was given to Muslims? Too fucking bad. Go howl at the Islamic crescent moon.
Yes. Jewish Palestine West of the Jordan River, Arab Palestine East of the Jordan River. That was the arrangement. Arabs didn't like that 1% of the collapsed Ottoman Empire after WWI was allocated to the Jews, while 99% was given to Muslims? Too fucking bad. Go howl at the Islamic crescent moon.
Mandate Palestine between the River and the sea in 1948 contained 650,000 Jews and 1.3 million Arabs. Don't like it? Invite Bibi to address your local chamber of commerce.
Weren't we the ones who made Israel? I thought that after World War 1 or 2, the U.S. sanctioned off a bunch of Palastinian land and founded Israel on it. The Jews have always believed that it was their home, the U.S. just made it official.

If I'm wrong, please let me know. This is just a shot in the dark, really.
To put in an a very oversimplified nutshell, the Brits governed Palestine and with increased Jewish settlement post WWII and Arab/Pale unhappiness, the UN voted to partition the land between the two factions in 1948, at which time the Brits exited. Israel announced it existed. Various countries agreed, including Stalin and Truman. Also in 1948, the Arab states invaded, and the Jews did some ethnic cleansing of their own, and eventually they fought to a standstill on roughly the 1967 borders, which showed the Pales/Jordan controlling the West Bank. Israel entered a treaty with Jordan to cede the West Bank for a Pale homeland in exchange for peace. Jordan abided. Israel and the PA disagree over whether the PA has accepted Israel's existence.

Israel Jordan peace treaty wasn't "in exchange for Israel ceding a homeland to the Palestinians". In fact, the Jordanians did not believe a Palestine themselves. Which is why they slaughtered over 25,000 Palestinians during Black September in 1971 when Arafat tried to pull a Palestine in Jordan. Nor did Israel engage in ethnic cleansing. The ethnic cleansing was attempted by Arabs, and it started with the 1929 Hebron massacre.

Content of the Peace treaty
The Peace treaty consists of a preamble, 30 articles, 5 annexes, and agreed minutes. It settles issues about territory, security, water, and co-operation on a range of subjects.

Annex I concerns borders and sovereignty. Section Annex I (a) establishes an "administrative boundary" between Jordan and the West Bank, occupied by Israel in 1967, without prejudice to the status of that territory. Israel recognises Jordan's sovereignty over the Naharayim/Baqura area (including Peace Island) and the Zofar/Al-Ghamr area.[6]
Annex II concerns water and related matters. Pursuant to Article 6 of the Treaty, Jordan and Israel agreed to establish a "Joint Water Committee" (Article VII).
Annex III concerns crime and drugs.
Annex IV concerns environment.
Annex V concerns Border Crossings, passports and visas. Article 6 stipulates that ″Each Party has the right to refuse entry to a person, in accordance with its regulations″.
The Agreed Minutes of the treaty give some details about the implementation of the peace treaty.

Main principles
  • Borders: The international boundary between Israel and Jordan follows the Jordan and Yarmouk Rivers, the Dead Sea, the Emek Ha'arva/Wadi Araba, and the Gulf of Aqaba.
  • Diplomatic relations and co-operation: The Parties agreed to establish full diplomatic and consular relations and to exchange resident embassies, grant tourists visas, open air travel and seaports, establish a free tradezone and an industrial park in the Arava. The agreement prohibits hostile propaganda.
  • Security and defense: Each country promised respect for the sovereignty and territory of each side, to not enter the other's territory without permission, and to cooperate against terrorism. This included thwarting border attacks, smuggling, preventing any hostile attack against the other and not cooperating with any terrorist organization against the other.
  • Jerusalem: Article 9 links the Peace Treaty to the peace process in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. Israel recognized the special role of Jordan in Muslim Holy shrines in Jerusalem and committed itself to give high priority to the Jordanian historic role in these shrines in negotiations on the permanent status.
  • Water: Israel agreed to give Jordan 50,000,000 cubic metres (1.8×109 cu ft) of water each year and for Jordan to own 75% of the water from the Yarmouk River. Both countries could develop other water resources and reservoirs and agreed to help each other survive droughts. Israel also agreed to help Jordan use desalination technology in order to find additional water.
  • Palestinian refugees: Israel and Jordan agreed to cooperate to help the refugees, including a four-way committee (Israel, Jordan, Egypt and the Palestinians) to try to work towards solutions.
Arab land? It was Ottoman land for 700 years, and then British land for another approx. 40. Hasn't been Arab land for almost 800 years.
It hadn't been Jewish land for thousands of years.
Good thing Jews had British bayonets to hide behind?

Yeah so? The land was conquered and reconquered by many, yet Jews maintained a presence over the millennia and their ties have remained strong for the last 3000 years. The land hasn't belonged to the Arabs for 800 years. It is conquered Ottoman territory which was allocated to the Jews by the conquerors, and 99% of the rest of conquered Ottoman land was given to the Arab Muslims. I don't see any Muslims upset over why a bunch of Arab leaders with no real ties to the land suddenly became "rulers" of all these newly formed Arab nations just because the British were doing back room deals with Arabs in exchange for allegiances
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Arab land? It was Ottoman land for 700 years, and then British land for another approx. 40. Hasn't been Arab land for almost 800 years.
It hadn't been Jewish land for thousands of years.
Good thing Jews had British bayonets to hide behind?

Actually the British tried to limit legal Jewish migration while encouraging illegal Arab migration in order to tip the scales in favor of the Arabs. The Arabs then started a civil war and got their asses kicked by a bunch of rag tag Jews, which led to the establishment of the Jewish stste, as arranged. And intolerant savage Muslims have been getting their asses kicked every time they show aggression towards Israel.

Aren't you happy that Israel is the only non Muslim country that doesn't take shit from Islamic barbarians, and able to properly defend itself?
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Jordan gave it's claims to the west bank to the PLO to be adjudicated by the UN. Resolution 446 remained and remains intl law. The WB settlement is illegal.
Yes. Jewish Palestine West of the Jordan River, Arab Palestine East of the Jordan River. That was the arrangement. Arabs didn't like that 1% of the collapsed Ottoman Empire after WWI was allocated to the Jews, while 99% was given to Muslims? Too fucking bad. Go howl at the Islamic crescent moon.
Mandate Palestine between the River and the sea in 1948 contained 650,000 Jews and 1.3 million Arabs. Don't like it? Invite Bibi to address your local chamber of commerce.
And majority if those 1.3 million Arabs were either Arab invaders between 1920 to 1948 or Arabs who lived in Jordan. Jordan was part of the Palestine mandate in 1948 before Israel was formed. You aren't fooling anybody. Besides, that doesn't make it Arab land.
I don't support Israel. I could care less about any filthy ass Middle East country. I support America.

Besides, I am still pissed about the USS Liberty incident.
Jordan gave it's claims to the west bank to the PLO to be adjudicated by the UN. Resolution 446 remained and remains intl law. The WB settlement is illegal.

Jordan had no "claims" to give up. Resolution 446 has nothing to do with Jordan Israel peace treaty.

In fact it has no relevance or meaning today either. West Bank was actually called Judeah and Samaria of ancient Israel for 3000 years. Arabs Attacked Israel in 1948 not to create this fictional Palestine, but to destroy the Jewish state, and divide it among themselves. As a result Jordan captured Judeah and Samaria from what was supposed to be Israel, and renamed it "West Bank" and sat on it for 20 years, while the Egyptians sat on Gaza for the same amount of time. In no time during these 20 years did any Arab rise up and demand his or her rightful "Palestine" from Jordan or Egypt. Nor did any Arab nation offer the creation of this fictional state.

Arab Palestine is Jordan, and Jordanians are the biggest winners in the ME so far. They passed on a costly refugee problem which they created to th Israelis, while they've been laughing for the last 50 years. The fall of the current Jordanian regime might not be a bad thing after all, it may allow the Arab refugees to go back to Jordan where they came from where they can finally create their Arab Palestine Caliphate. :clap2:
I don't support Israel. I could care less about any filthy ass Middle East country. I support America.

Besides, I am still pissed about the USS Liberty incident.
But not as pissed about the USS Cole, the Marine Barack Bombing, 9-11, etc. etc. right? Ha ha ha.
The Talmud as land title.

Get over it. Israel is ancient Jewish land...the artifacts and archeological sites prove it, and it had the right to exist just as much as all the other arab nations that were created out of the collapsed Ottoman Empire did.
I don't support Israel. I could care less about any filthy ass Middle East country. I support America.

Besides, I am still pissed about the USS Liberty incident.
But not as pissed about the USS Cole, the Marine Barack Bombing, 9-11, etc. etc. right? Ha ha ha.

It is equal. Middle East shit is shit no matter what flag they are flying.
The Talmud as land title.

Get over it. Israel is ancient Jewish land...the artifacts and archeological sites prove it, and it had the right to exist just as much as all the other arab nations that were created out of the collapsed Ottoman Empire did.

The UN created modern day Israel. They sent a bunch of European refugees there.

That is fine and good but I don't want the bastards to get any of my tax money or to waste the lives of any Americans defending them.

By the way, what are you going to do when the UN decides that the US belongs to the Indians or Mexicans or Brits or whoever?
Weren't we the ones who made Israel? I thought that after World War 1 or 2, the U.S. sanctioned off a bunch of Palastinian land and founded Israel on it. The Jews have always believed that it was their home, the U.S. just made it official.

If I'm wrong, please let me know. This is just a shot in the dark, really.
The Talmud as land title.

Get over it. Israel is ancient Jewish land...the artifacts and archeological sites prove it, and it had the right to exist just as much as all the other arab nations that were created out of the collapsed Ottoman Empire did.

The UN created modern day Israel. They sent a bunch of European refugees there.
That is fine and good but I don't want the bastards to get any of my tax money or to waste the lives of any Americans defending them.

By the way, what are you going to do when the UN decides that the US belongs to the Indians or Mexicans or Brits or whoever?

The UN didn't have the power to create Israel. The General Assembly, whose vote is not binding, approved the Partition Plan. The Security Council was suppose to take up the matter but the violence started spinning out control and Palestine became a war zone in late 47. The Israelis declare their state and defended/expanded it.

The UNSC relies on member states to enforce it's resolutions. We of course have veto power so........
Weren't we the ones who made Israel? I thought that after World War 1 or 2, the U.S. sanctioned off a bunch of Palastinian land and founded Israel on it. The Jews have always believed that it was their home, the U.S. just made it official.

If I'm wrong, please let me know. This is just a shot in the dark, really.
The Talmud as land title.

Get over it. Israel is ancient Jewish land...the artifacts and archeological sites prove it, and it had the right to exist just as much as all the other arab nations that were created out of the collapsed Ottoman Empire did.

The UN created modern day Israel. They sent a bunch of European refugees there.
That is fine and good but I don't want the bastards to get any of my tax money or to waste the lives of any Americans defending them.

By the way, what are you going to do when the UN decides that the US belongs to the Indians or Mexicans or Brits or whoever?

The UN didn't have the power to create Israel. The General Assembly, whose vote is not binding, approved the Partition Plan. The Security Council was suppose to take up the matter but the violence started spinning out control and Palestine became a war zone in late 47. The Israelis declare their state and defended/expanded it.

The UNSC relies on member states to enforce it's resolutions. We of course have veto power so........

The far left continue to show they do not know history..

But then again what do you expect from the far left drones that believe the history of Iraq began in 2003.

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