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Why Americans Overwhelmingly Support Israel

So are a large majority of Jews who live in Israel (atheist), but they don't mind the money the evans send, you don't see them returning it, while most likely laughing at them behind their back .

Funny, Muslim nations send money to the Palstinians on precondition that they continue being savage terrorist assholes, while non of these Muslim nations will take them in.
Why would they, they're Palestinians. They have a land, that the Jews are squatting on.

It wasn't Palestinian's land during the 700 years of the Ottoman rule, nor was it when it was under British control. The Palestinians are the ones squatting on Jewish land. Palestinian is an invented name for an invented people.

Well the Palestinians were there under the Ottoman rule and the British rule, WHERE were the Jews , oh in Russia, Poland, Germany, North America, India, S. Africa(gold miners), and well
the Palestinians are still there.

Actually there were no "Palestinians" back then as there was no such thing as a Palestinian. The land was referred to by the Ottomans as Southern Syria, and yes, there were many Jews there, like the ancient Jews of Hebron that had been there since the crusades. Only later in the 20th century invading Arab animals committed ethnic cleansing and genocide upon them. So its the Arabs that need to get the hell out.
Israel is filled with hundreds of thousands of archeological sites and artifacts proving that Jews lived there. So the historical connection is even stronger than the religious and spiritual. Arabs have nothing. Zero, zip, nada. They are recent invaders from neighboring lands.
Nothing beyond they own the lands the Jews are squatting on...

Łand belonged to the Ottomans for 700 years and then the British. At no time in recent history was it ever Arab łand. Arabs invaded the area, the Brits saw it happen and documented observations.

The land was allocated to be the future home of the Jewish people, because of their historical and religious ties to it. The rest of the Ottoman Empire became all Arab Muslim nations. Muslims have a problem with the one country that becameJewish? Well TOO FUCKING BAD. Who and where do they NOT have problems with?
The only reason the Jews are there is because no one wanted them. And are you one of those who wants them there so that Jesus will return, and then damn them all to Hell?

Jews are there because it has been the spiritual and cultural capital of their faith for 3000 years. They will never leave, nor will they ever give jerusalem up. Short of an asteroid hitting earth and totally destroying it or a nuclear holocaust, the Jews are there to stay. That is final. Deal with it, or not, who cares. Just another IslamoNazi sympathizer howling at the crescent moon of Islam.
Israel has been wiped off the map several times now. Once more is only a matter of time. That's what happens when 5 million Jews try to steal a land surrounded by 300 million Arabs and 75 million Persians.

Israel hasn't been wiped off the map its been conquered. And it's been stuck in this tug of war between Islam and Christianty. Truth is the land belongs to neither, as Jewish rights to the land preceded theirs by thousands of years. In fact both Islam and Christianty explicitly give the land to the Jews. It's the opposing side they were always trying to push out. The reason Pope Urban II ordered the first crusades occurred was to drive out the Muslim invaders of Christian Europe and "the holy land" which made it impossible for Christians to make pilgrimage to Israel. And all throughout this back and forth between Islam and Christianty, the Jews maintained a presence.

Arab / Muslim hoards have been trying to "wipe Israel off the map" since it was reestablished in 1948, and each time they've suffered a humiliating defeat. Another time won't do any harm. They need to be reminded every five or ten years.
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I'm not sure what % gives the Zionist expansion in the WB a free pass, but I am sure that the vast maj of Americans believe, rightfully, that if the Pales chose to coexist peacefully in some state, the Israelis wouldn't object.
Likdud would object just as they have for decades:
"Although Netanyahu plays the part, the details of his party platform need to be taken into account as a “peace partner” to show the reality behind the circus. Likud Party Charter states:

a. “The Jordan river will be the permanent eastern border of the State of Israel.”

b. “Jerusalem is the eternal, united capital of the State of Israel and only of Israel. The government will flatly reject Palestinian proposals to divide Jerusalem”

c. “The Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan river.”

d. “The Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza are the realization of Zionist values. Settlement of the land is a clear expression of the unassailable right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and constitutes an important asset in the defense of the vital interests of the State of Israel. The Likud will continue to strengthen and develop these communities and will prevent..."

Netanyahu s party platform 8216 flatly rejects 8217 establishment of Palestinian state 8211 Mondoweiss
I'm not sure what % gives the Zionist expansion in the WB a free pass, but I am sure that the vast maj of Americans believe, rightfully, that if the Pales chose to coexist peacefully in some state, the Israelis wouldn't object.
Likdud would object just as they have for decades:
"Although Netanyahu plays the part, the details of his party platform need to be taken into account as a “peace partner” to show the reality behind the circus. Likud Party Charter states:

a. “The Jordan river will be the permanent eastern border of the State of Israel.”

b. “Jerusalem is the eternal, united capital of the State of Israel and only of Israel. The government will flatly reject Palestinian proposals to divide Jerusalem”

c. “The Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan river.”

d. “The Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza are the realization of Zionist values. Settlement of the land is a clear expression of the unassailable right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and constitutes an important asset in the defense of the vital interests of the State of Israel. The Likud will continue to strengthen and develop these communities and will prevent..."

Netanyahu s party platform 8216 flatly rejects 8217 establishment of Palestinian state 8211 Mondoweiss

Sounds good. This will be the eventual outcome, except for Gaza, which Israel has already given back. A, B, and C, are already happening.

Israel aka Jewish Palestine as designated by League of Nations in 1922, was supposed to be the land West of the Jordan River, and Arab Palestine was East, which is today's Jordan.

I'm not sure what % gives the Zionist expansion in the WB a free pass, but I am sure that the vast maj of Americans believe, rightfully, that if the Pales chose to coexist peacefully in some state, the Israelis wouldn't object.
Likdud would object just as they have for decades:
"Although Netanyahu plays the part, the details of his party platform need to be taken into account as a “peace partner” to show the reality behind the circus. Likud Party Charter states:

a. “The Jordan river will be the permanent eastern border of the State of Israel.”

b. “Jerusalem is the eternal, united capital of the State of Israel and only of Israel. The government will flatly reject Palestinian proposals to divide Jerusalem”

c. “The Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan river.”

d. “The Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza are the realization of Zionist values. Settlement of the land is a clear expression of the unassailable right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and constitutes an important asset in the defense of the vital interests of the State of Israel. The Likud will continue to strengthen and develop these communities and will prevent..."

Netanyahu s party platform 8216 flatly rejects 8217 establishment of Palestinian state 8211 Mondoweiss
The sooner the remaining Arab-Muslim-Palestinians pack up and leave for Jordan or Lebanon or elsewhere, the sooner this thing comes to its inevitable conclusion.

None of the rest of this happy horseshit matters one little damn.

The Arabs have been reduced to a handful of non-contiguous postage-stamp -sized scraps of land and will soon be standing 10-tall on top of each others' shoulders.

Hell, even the Egyptians and Jordanians fence-off these mad dogs and want nothing to do with them in their present mental state.

It's over, Arabs - time to go.
Sounds good. This will be the eventual outcome, except for Gaza, which Israel has already given back. A, B, and C, are already happening.
Except Israel forgot to give back Gaza's airspace, coastal waters, and population registry; it's not like Jews are planning to give up Samson's last stand, are they?
I'm not sure what % gives the Zionist expansion in the WB a free pass, but I am sure that the vast maj of Americans believe, rightfully, that if the Pales chose to coexist peacefully in some state, the Israelis wouldn't object.
Likdud would object just as they have for decades:
"Although Netanyahu plays the part, the details of his party platform need to be taken into account as a “peace partner” to show the reality behind the circus. Likud Party Charter states:

a. “The Jordan river will be the permanent eastern border of the State of Israel.”

b. “Jerusalem is the eternal, united capital of the State of Israel and only of Israel. The government will flatly reject Palestinian proposals to divide Jerusalem”

c. “The Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan river.”

d. “The Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza are the realization of Zionist values. Settlement of the land is a clear expression of the unassailable right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and constitutes an important asset in the defense of the vital interests of the State of Israel. The Likud will continue to strengthen and develop these communities and will prevent..."

Netanyahu s party platform 8216 flatly rejects 8217 establishment of Palestinian state 8211 Mondoweiss
The sooner the remaining Arab-Muslim-Palestinians pack up and leave for Jordan or Lebanon or elsewhere, the sooner this thing comes to its inevitable conclusion.

None of the rest of this happy horseshit matters one little damn.

The Arabs have been reduced to a handful of non-contiguous postage-stamp -sized scraps of land and will soon be standing 10-tall on top of each others' shoulders.

Hell, even the Egyptians and Jordanians fence-off these mad dogs and want nothing to do with them in their present mental state.

It's over, Arabs - time to go.
The Netanyahu Guide to Middle East Peace 8211 Mondoweiss
Weren't we the ones who made Israel? I thought that after World War 1 or 2, the U.S. sanctioned off a bunch of Palastinian land and founded Israel on it. The Jews have always believed that it was their home, the U.S. just made it official.

If I'm wrong, please let me know. This is just a shot in the dark, really.
Sounds good. This will be the eventual outcome, except for Gaza, which Israel has already given back. A, B, and C, are already happening.
Except Israel forgot to give back Gaza's airspace, coastal waters, and population registry; it's not like Jews are planning to give up Samson's last stand, are they?
As long as there's a terrorist group who stated mission is to destroy Israel and commit a second Holocaust on the Jews in charge of Gaza, then Israel will maintain its legal blockade of Gaza. Want the blockade removed? Stop the rockets, terrorism, and terrorist tunnels. Simple.
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Weren't we the ones who made Israel? I thought that after World War 1 or 2, the U.S. sanctioned off a bunch of Palastinian land and founded Israel on it. The Jews have always believed that it was their home, the U.S. just made it official.

If I'm wrong, please let me know. This is just a shot in the dark, really.
I'm not sure what % gives the Zionist expansion in the WB a free pass, but I am sure that the vast maj of Americans believe, rightfully, that if the Pales chose to coexist peacefully in some state, the Israelis wouldn't object.
Likdud would object just as they have for decades:
"Although Netanyahu plays the part, the details of his party platform need to be taken into account as a “peace partner” to show the reality behind the circus. Likud Party Charter states:

a. “The Jordan river will be the permanent eastern border of the State of Israel.”

b. “Jerusalem is the eternal, united capital of the State of Israel and only of Israel. The government will flatly reject Palestinian proposals to divide Jerusalem”

c. “The Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan river.”

d. “The Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza are the realization of Zionist values. Settlement of the land is a clear expression of the unassailable right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and constitutes an important asset in the defense of the vital interests of the State of Israel. The Likud will continue to strengthen and develop these communities and will prevent..."

Netanyahu s party platform 8216 flatly rejects 8217 establishment of Palestinian state 8211 Mondoweiss
The sooner the remaining Arab-Muslim-Palestinians pack up and leave for Jordan or Lebanon or elsewhere, the sooner this thing comes to its inevitable conclusion.

None of the rest of this happy horseshit matters one little damn.

The Arabs have been reduced to a handful of non-contiguous postage-stamp -sized scraps of land and will soon be standing 10-tall on top of each others' shoulders.

Hell, even the Egyptians and Jordanians fence-off these mad dogs and want nothing to do with them in their present mental state.

It's over, Arabs - time to go.
The Netanyahu Guide to Middle East Peace 8211 Mondoweiss

Does anybody actually read that garbage site mondoweiss?

Arab peace plan -----> destroy Israel

You know what never again means, Mohammed?
You know what never again means, Mohammed?
It means you are on the wrong side of history again, Golda
"The 1999 Likud Party platform emphasizes the right of settlement.
"'The Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza are the realization of Zionist values. Settlement of the land is a clear expression of the unassailable right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and constitutes an important asset in the defense of the vital interests of the State of Israel. The Likud will continue to strengthen and develop these communities and will prevent their uprooting.'"[26]

"Similarly, they claim the Jordan River as the permanent eastern border to Israel and it also claims Jerusalem as belonging to Israel.

  • The 'Peace & Security' chapter of the 1999 Likud Party platform rejects a Palestinian state.
"The Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan river. The Palestinians can run their lives freely in the framework of self-rule, but not as an independent and sovereign state. Thus, for example, in matters of foreign affairs, security, immigration and ecology, their activity shall be limited in accordance with imperatives of Israel’s existence, security and national needs."[26]

Likud - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
s long as there's a terrorist group who stated mission is to destroy Israel and commit a second Holocaust on the Jews in charge of Gaza, then Israel will maintain its legal blockade of Gaza. Want the blockade removed? Stop the rockets, terrorism, and terrorist tunnels. Simple.
Where did Hamas come from?
"Israel and Hamas[edit]

Another often cited example is Israeli support of Islamic movements in the 1970s and 1980s intended to weaken the PLO, and leading to the creation of Hamas.[5][6][7]

"With its takeover of Gaza after the 1967 war with Egypt, Israel hunted down secular Palestinian Liberation Organization factions but dropped the previous Egyptian rulers' harsh restrictions against Islamic activists.[8]

"In fact, Israel for many years tolerated and at times encouraged Islamic activists and groups as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the PLO and its dominant faction, Fatah.[8][9]

"Among the activists benefited was Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza, who had also formed the Islamist group Mujama al-Islamiya in 1973, a charity recognized by Israel in 1979. Israel allowed the organization to build mosques, clubs, schools, and a library in Gaza.[8][10]"

Blowback intelligence - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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