Why and When was the Myth of al-Aqsa Created?

Muslims are destroying history and even their own mosques and it is not the muslims that are upset by the rest of the world.
If they can wipe out the past, why shouldn't Israel have been able to wipe out the muslim past on the mount?
When Israel find some lost ottoman site by the mount it is claimed by the muslims and demand Israel stop their archeological digging, but muslims had forgotten or lost these things. They didn't care about them, left they to ruin and disappear. What gives them the right to tell Israel anything about preserving anything from the muslim past?
Muslims go crazy when a non-muslim knowing or not destroys or damages any quran, but thousands of qurans have been lost in their bombings of mosques or in the case of saudi, thrown in the sewage pipes.

It was also the Nazi Mufti who painted the dome of crock in gold and exaggerated the myth of it's significance to Islam.

Aerial from East

Built atop the earlier location of the Temple, the Dome of the Rock was erected by the Muslim ruler Abd el-Malik in 688-691. Because of its situation on bedrock, the numerous earthquakes over the centuries have not caused significant damage to the structure (unlike its neighbor Al Aqsa mosque). This shrine was covered by a lead dome from 691 until it was replaced with a gold-colored covering in the early 1960s. Because of rust, the anodized aluminum cover was again replaced in 1993 with a gold covering.

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