Why Are Alabama Churches Being Forced To Participate In This Racist Woke Event?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Several Birmingham-area churches will ring their bells four times at 10:22 a.m. today in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing. Lisa McNair, the sister of one of the victims, made this request. According to McNair, churches who don’t have bell towers will use hand bells in front of the church to mark the moment of the bombing and a Jewish temple will blow the shofar.

On September 15, 1963 at 10:22 a.m. the Ku Klux Klan planted a bomb that exploded in the church’s basement and killed Lisa’s sister Denise, 11, and 14-year-olds Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson, and Addie Mae Collins and injured several others. “I’ve been trying to get this project off for several years,” McNair told AL.com. “It looks like it’s finally taking place.” The annual memorial service at 16th Street Baptist Church is at 9:30 a.m. featuring Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson. The doors opened to the public at 7:30 a.m."


Why is this something that we are trying to force churches to participate in? It's like 60 years ago, nobody is even around from back then - why remember something from so long ago? All it does is stoke division. Remembering these people won't heal our nation or bring us together - the best thing to do is forget about it and move on. So this need to talk about it still and even teach children about it? How is this helpful? If the family members of these dead people want to remember them or whatever, we can't stop that - but we shouldn't let these people force their agenda down our throats -- if they choose to want to remember what the Democrats did; that's on them.

You would think someone like Kentanji Brown would want us to FORGET what her liberal ideology has brought about 60 yrs ago - you would think she wouldn't want to remind us that the liberals are still the party of the KKK and white supremacy as well the party of anti-white racism - you would think they would want to hide this; ban it from being remembered - but their insistence on bringing it up is basically just laughing in the face of the victims; and being proud of their dirty work.

"Several Birmingham-area churches will ring their bells four times at 10:22 a.m. today in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing. Lisa McNair, the sister of one of the victims, made this request. According to McNair, churches who don’t have bell towers will use hand bells in front of the church to mark the moment of the bombing and a Jewish temple will blow the shofar.

On September 15, 1963 at 10:22 a.m. the Ku Klux Klan planted a bomb that exploded in the church’s basement and killed Lisa’s sister Denise, 11, and 14-year-olds Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson, and Addie Mae Collins and injured several others. “I’ve been trying to get this project off for several years,” McNair told AL.com. “It looks like it’s finally taking place.” The annual memorial service at 16th Street Baptist Church is at 9:30 a.m. featuring Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson. The doors opened to the public at 7:30 a.m."

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Why is this something that we are trying to force churches to participate in? It's like 60 years ago, nobody is even around from back then - why remember something from so long ago? All it does is stoke division. Remembering these people won't heal our nation or bring us together - the best thing to do is forget about it and move on. So this need to talk about it still and even teach children about it? How is this helpful? If the family members of these dead people want to remember them or whatever, we can't stop that - but we shouldn't let these people force their agenda down our throats -- if they choose to want to remember what the Democrats did; that's on them.

You would think someone like Kentanji Brown would want us to FORGET what her liberal ideology has brought about 60 yrs ago - you would think she wouldn't want to remind us that the liberals are still the party of the KKK and white supremacy as well the party of anti-white racism - you would think they would want to hide this; ban it from being remembered - but their insistence on bringing it up is basically just laughing in the face of the victims; and being proud of their dirty work.

So you don't know anyone who is over 60? My brothers both remember this heinous crime. Plenty people remember the way the gov't stalled in interferred with the investigation.

It was a horrific act by a handful of terrorists. And it was meant to stop all black people from ever being able to cast a vote.

It is not about being divisive. It is about a segment of OUR population that was not allowed to enjoy their constitutional rights. That should always be remembered.

And it is a good reminder that many US Citizens were in favor of what was happening in "Bombingham".

Unless we are all free, none of us is free.
So you don't know anyone who is over 60? My brothers both remember this heinous crime. Plenty people remember the way the gov't stalled in interferred with the investigation.

It was a horrific act by a handful of terrorists. And it was meant to stop all black people from ever being able to cast a vote.

It is not about being divisive. It is about a segment of OUR population that was not allowed to enjoy their constitutional rights. That should always be remembered.

And it is a good reminder that many US Citizens were in favor of what was happening in "Bombingham".

Unless we are all free, none of us is free.

Way to go, Biff_Poindexter! You reeled in another one!

As horrible a day as that was, and how important it is to remember these 4 precious young girls, we need to remember all the kids being killed TODAY in America too. It's not bombs anymore, it's guns.

Let's not only remember these four killed by the Klan.
So you don't know anyone who is over 60? My brothers both remember this heinous crime. Plenty people remember the way the gov't stalled in interferred with the investigation.

It was a horrific act by a handful of terrorists. And it was meant to stop all black people from ever being able to cast a vote.

It is not about being divisive. It is about a segment of OUR population that was not allowed to enjoy their constitutional rights. That should always be remembered.

And it is a good reminder that many US Citizens were in favor of what was happening in "Bombingham".

Unless we are all free, none of us is free.
I disagree. The reason these tragic incidents of the past are constantly brought into the present is for keeping hate alive into the next generations of Black people. This is promoted by the Democrats to maintain their 90% Black voting bloc.
They were forced in the same way the OP was forced to be an ass and lie about what’s happening.

"Several Birmingham-area churches will ring their bells four times at 10:22 a.m. today in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing. Lisa McNair, the sister of one of the victims, made this request. According to McNair, churches who don’t have bell towers will use hand bells in front of the church to mark the moment of the bombing and a Jewish temple will blow the shofar.

On September 15, 1963 at 10:22 a.m. the Ku Klux Klan planted a bomb that exploded in the church’s basement and killed Lisa’s sister Denise, 11, and 14-year-olds Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson, and Addie Mae Collins and injured several others. “I’ve been trying to get this project off for several years,” McNair told AL.com. “It looks like it’s finally taking place.” The annual memorial service at 16th Street Baptist Church is at 9:30 a.m. featuring Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson. The doors opened to the public at 7:30 a.m."

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Why is this something that we are trying to force churches to participate in? It's like 60 years ago, nobody is even around from back then - why remember something from so long ago? All it does is stoke division. Remembering these people won't heal our nation or bring us together - the best thing to do is forget about it and move on. So this need to talk about it still and even teach children about it? How is this helpful? If the family members of these dead people want to remember them or whatever, we can't stop that - but we shouldn't let these people force their agenda down our throats -- if they choose to want to remember what the Democrats did; that's on them.

You would think someone like Kentanji Brown would want us to FORGET what her liberal ideology has brought about 60 yrs ago - you would think she wouldn't want to remind us that the liberals are still the party of the KKK and white supremacy as well the party of anti-white racism - you would think they would want to hide this; ban it from being remembered - but their insistence on bringing it up is basically just laughing in the face of the victims; and being proud of their dirty work.
No one "forced" ringing bells.

but why wouldn't they ring their bells? I'm hard pressed to think of anything more evil than killing children to perpetuate Jim Crow

And you link doesn't explain why Birmingham was known an Bombingham
The KKK proved how stupid they were.

They had a perfect right to oppose integration.

But in a peaceful and legal manner.

Their violence only ensured that integration would prevail.
The KKK proved how stupid they were.

They had a perfect right to oppose integration.

But in a peaceful and legal manner.

Their violence only ensured that integration would prevail.

The same went for the Thug Police Officers who beat protestors, attacked them with dogs and fire hoses all because people wanted to vote
All in front of the cameras
It's no secret that the KKK was the democrat party's political muscle through the early to mid 20th century. It's likely the KKK was still an agent of the democrat party in 1963 since democrats were fighting against LBJ's equal rights amendment. It's disrespectful to bring up the deaths of these kids to make a political point that is intended to promote the democrat party agenda 60 years later when democrats may have been responsible for the bombing.
The KKK proved how stupid they were.

They had a perfect right to oppose integration.

But in a peaceful and legal manner.

Their violence only ensured that integration would prevail.

During the time of the bombing it was mainly about registering to vote.

"Several Birmingham-area churches will ring their bells four times at 10:22 a.m. today in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing. Lisa McNair, the sister of one of the victims, made this request. According to McNair, churches who don’t have bell towers will use hand bells in front of the church to mark the moment of the bombing and a Jewish temple will blow the shofar.

On September 15, 1963 at 10:22 a.m. the Ku Klux Klan planted a bomb that exploded in the church’s basement and killed Lisa’s sister Denise, 11, and 14-year-olds Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson, and Addie Mae Collins and injured several others. “I’ve been trying to get this project off for several years,” McNair told AL.com. “It looks like it’s finally taking place.” The annual memorial service at 16th Street Baptist Church is at 9:30 a.m. featuring Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson. The doors opened to the public at 7:30 a.m."

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Why is this something that we are trying to force churches to participate in? It's like 60 years ago, nobody is even around from back then - why remember something from so long ago? All it does is stoke division. Remembering these people won't heal our nation or bring us together - the best thing to do is forget about it and move on. So this need to talk about it still and even teach children about it? How is this helpful? If the family members of these dead people want to remember them or whatever, we can't stop that - but we shouldn't let these people force their agenda down our throats -- if they choose to want to remember what the Democrats did; that's on them.

You would think someone like Kentanji Brown would want us to FORGET what her liberal ideology has brought about 60 yrs ago - you would think she wouldn't want to remind us that the liberals are still the party of the KKK and white supremacy as well the party of anti-white racism - you would think they would want to hide this; ban it from being remembered - but their insistence on bringing it up is basically just laughing in the face of the victims; and being proud of their dirty work.
It is useful for keeping the hatred alive. Hatred produces political antipathy. Political antipathy is a rich source of funding. Funding is necessary to remain in power. Power is necessary to accomplish whatever dark goals they have in mind. Unity would be anathema to them because they would go broke.

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