CDZ Why are anti gunners so open all of a sudden about banning guns?

I think that the anti gunners believe they have a shot at ending the 2nd Amendment, and that is why they feel free to be honest about what they want...banning all semi automatic guns...that would include semi automatic rifles, pistols, ( including revolvers) and shotguns.....which would end concealed and open carry as well.

Why do they think they have a shot at ending the 2nd Amendment....?

They think the democrats will get control of the House in 2018.

If that happens they will immediately impeach Trump. They also think that with their Never Trump republican allies, they can bully the cowardly moderate Rebublicans in the Senate to actually remove him from office.....and Pence, having been Trump's guy, will be powerless as he fills out Trump's last years.

That is what they hope.

At a minimum, by impeaching Trump they think they will then have the juice to block any new appointments, especially to the Supreme Court, using their Never Trump allies and bullying moderate Republican cowards to go along with it.....

That means if ginsburg and kennedy retire or die, he won't be able to put real Justices on the court, and if Justice Thomas retires or dies, he won't be able to keep the status quo on the court.....and they think they will be able to elect a democrat as President, who will then be the one shaping the court for the next 30 years....

If that happens....the 2nd Amendment will be nothing but ink on paper, just as it is in Mexico.

They will vote on the 4th Circuit Court of appeals ban on Assault weapons, which will ban all semi auto weapons, and they will use the courts to sue gun makers into submission.

That is why the democrats are openly calling for a ban on semi automatic weapons.......which is essentially almost every gun in the country....

1. House can impeach all they want but will lack the votes in the Senate to convict.

Also what will they impeach Trump for?

2. Repeal of the Second Amendment will take the Senate and again they lack the votes while also lacking the States to approval a new Amendment.

3. As for appointments to the USSC I believe Trump is smart enough to mess with Democrats and get a sleeper through on them.

So as you might believe the left has momentum I believe this wedge issue help Republicans more than Democrats in November.

Also even if Democrats are able to win the House the issue will be winning the Seante and even if possible they will have a slight majority which mean they need Red State Republicans and boy if they believe things were hostile then they are in a rude awakening!

They don't care what they impeach them for, all they need is 50 plus 1 and he is impeached.

The senate......I would bet you there is a 50/50 chance that democrats and Never Trump republicans will team up, and they will bully the coward moderate Republicans to remove Trump......

They don't have to repeal the 2nd Amendment...they just have to get rid of the lawful commerce in arms act....then use the Department of Justice to sue gun makers, allow victims to sue gun makers.......then they stack the appellate courts with gun grabbers who pass gun control at the state and local level.....making it Constitutional if the Supreme Court doesn't take it up...which they won't if Trump can't replace ginsburg and kennedy. Those points above would make the 2nd Amendment ink on paper and nothing more...just like in Mexico where they have the Right to have guns, but the only gun store in the whole country is controlled by the military...
We are all crazy persons, it is just that some are more crazy than others. What is crazy is to believe that all the "common sense" gun laws that have been enacted have made us safer from crazy people with guns. What is also crazy is believing that the American gun culture is some evil conspiracy concocted by gun manufactures and the NRA.

Conspiracy would indicate that they've done it in secret. They've pretty much done it out in the open.

Common sense gun laws work just fine. Japan had 11 gun homicides in 2011, the last year we have figures for.

We had 11,000.

The odds of any of us being killed by a crazy with a gun are far less than the odds of us being mowed down in a crosswalk by a drunken, illegal alien in a pickup truck.

Um, not really.

11,000 gun homicides a year.

I'm sure people killed by undocumented workers in traffic accidents are nowhere near that.

Cars kill far more people than criminals do committing murder with guns....

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC








Gun murder.....2016

We are all crazy persons, it is just that some are more crazy than others. What is crazy is to believe that all the "common sense" gun laws that have been enacted have made us safer from crazy people with guns. What is also crazy is believing that the American gun culture is some evil conspiracy concocted by gun manufactures and the NRA.

Conspiracy would indicate that they've done it in secret. They've pretty much done it out in the open.

Common sense gun laws work just fine. Japan had 11 gun homicides in 2011, the last year we have figures for.

We had 11,000.

The odds of any of us being killed by a crazy with a gun are far less than the odds of us being mowed down in a crosswalk by a drunken, illegal alien in a pickup truck.

Um, not really.

11,000 gun homicides a year.

I'm sure people killed by undocumented workers in traffic accidents are nowhere near that.

Cars kill far more people than criminals do committing murder with guns....

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC








Gun murder.....2016


People have a better chance of dying from Opioid overdose than being killed in a violent crime by a gun!

Now with that it make me wonder why on Earth the Progressive would want to unarmed themselves with a epidemic in America when it come to Opioid addicts that will most likely become violent criminals?

42k+ and the rate of death per day is at 110+ when it come to opioid death, so I am more likely to see someone die of a overdose than them being killed by someone with a AR-15!

Opioid overdose deaths are still rising in nearly every segment of the country, CDC says
I think that the anti gunners believe they have a shot at ending the 2nd Amendment, and that is why they feel free to be honest about what they want...banning all semi automatic guns...that would include semi automatic rifles, pistols, ( including revolvers) and shotguns.....which would end concealed and open carry as well.

Why do they think they have a shot at ending the 2nd Amendment....?

They think the democrats will get control of the House in 2018.

If that happens they will immediately impeach Trump. They also think that with their Never Trump republican allies, they can bully the cowardly moderate Rebublicans in the Senate to actually remove him from office.....and Pence, having been Trump's guy, will be powerless as he fills out Trump's last years.

That is what they hope.

At a minimum, by impeaching Trump they think they will then have the juice to block any new appointments, especially to the Supreme Court, using their Never Trump allies and bullying moderate Republican cowards to go along with it.....

That means if ginsburg and kennedy retire or die, he won't be able to put real Justices on the court, and if Justice Thomas retires or dies, he won't be able to keep the status quo on the court.....and they think they will be able to elect a democrat as President, who will then be the one shaping the court for the next 30 years....

If that happens....the 2nd Amendment will be nothing but ink on paper, just as it is in Mexico.

They will vote on the 4th Circuit Court of appeals ban on Assault weapons, which will ban all semi auto weapons, and they will use the courts to sue gun makers into submission.

That is why the democrats are openly calling for a ban on semi automatic weapons.......which is essentially almost every gun in the country....

1. House can impeach all they want but will lack the votes in the Senate to convict.

Also what will they impeach Trump for?

2. Repeal of the Second Amendment will take the Senate and again they lack the votes while also lacking the States to approval a new Amendment.

3. As for appointments to the USSC I believe Trump is smart enough to mess with Democrats and get a sleeper through on them.

So as you might believe the left has momentum I believe this wedge issue help Republicans more than Democrats in November.

Also even if Democrats are able to win the House the issue will be winning the Seante and even if possible they will have a slight majority which mean they need Red State Republicans and boy if they believe things were hostile then they are in a rude awakening!

They don't care what they impeach them for, all they need is 50 plus 1 and he is impeached.

The senate......I would bet you there is a 50/50 chance that democrats and Never Trump republicans will team up, and they will bully the coward moderate Republicans to remove Trump......

They don't have to repeal the 2nd Amendment...they just have to get rid of the lawful commerce in arms act....then use the Department of Justice to sue gun makers, allow victims to sue gun makers.......then they stack the appellate courts with gun grabbers who pass gun control at the state and local level.....making it Constitutional if the Supreme Court doesn't take it up...which they won't if Trump can't replace ginsburg and kennedy. Those points above would make the 2nd Amendment ink on paper and nothing more...just like in Mexico where they have the Right to have guns, but the only gun store in the whole country is controlled by the military...

If they are able to imoeach and convict Trump then Pence will be President which mean the left still loses even more!

So the left need to cool their nonsense about impeachment and removal because Pence is going to be their worst nightmare.

Also I have a feeling this November is going to be like 2016 and the left is not going to be happy and will blame everything under the stars for their failure from gerrymandering to Russian influence and if that is the case then Trump will be safe...
1. House can impeach all they want but will lack the votes in the Senate to convict.

Yeah, that works on the assumption the GOP would go down fighting for Trump the way Democrats went down fighting for Clinton.

They probably won't, if Mueller presents solid evidence he obstructed justice or was otherwise engaged in corrupt activities.

The Republicans want Trump gone more than Democrats do.
If they are able to imoeach and convict Trump then Pence will be President which mean the left still loses even more!

So the left need to cool their nonsense about impeachment and removal because Pence is going to be their worst nightmare.

Pence is a wuss... I'm not that worried about him.

Mind you, I'd sleep better at night knowing he won't get us into a nuclear war over dumb tweets, but if he was all that good, he'd have been the candidate in 2016 instead of Trump.

Also I have a feeling this November is going to be like 2016 and the left is not going to be happy and will blame everything under the stars for their failure from gerrymandering to Russian influence and if that is the case then Trump will be safe...

You can have a feeling, but the fact is, the out of power Party has made gains in every off year election since 1946 except for two cases. ANd in neither case, did they have a president as universally despised as Trump.

Here's how you can tell how much trouble they are in. Look at all the Republicans retiring.
This is where the wheels fall off your tricycle. No one is advocating arming all teachers.

Where did I use the word, "all"?

Arming ANY teachers is actually a pretty bad idea. We have a hard enough time keeping cops from over-reacting and shooting innocent people, and that's like their primary job. We're going to expect that standard out of teachers?

What do you mean then when you say "arm teachers"?

Yes. And we can. Most cops don't flip out and shoot people. Most teachers wouldn't either.
What do you mean then when you say "arm teachers"?

Yes. And we can. Most cops don't flip out and shoot people. Most teachers wouldn't either.

1200 Civilians shot by police every year. Compared to only 2 shot a year in the UK, and it almost never happens in Japan.

Yeah, I don't think I want a situation where a teacher freaks out and shoots little Jamal because Jamal talked back to him.
the people who want guns banned are just as zealous as the ardent pro gunners..........

Um, no.

The people who want guns banned don't want people murdering each other.

The people who want guns want them so they can done shoot the Government.

Irrefutable laws of nature

1 People kill people
2 People have always killed people
3 People will always kill people
4 Gravity
By the same token nukes don't kill people, so why infringe people's right to own them?
What do you mean then when you say "arm teachers"?

Yes. And we can. Most cops don't flip out and shoot people. Most teachers wouldn't either.

1200 Civilians shot by police every year. Compared to only 2 shot a year in the UK, and it almost never happens in Japan.

Yeah, I don't think I want a situation where a teacher freaks out and shoots little Jamal because Jamal talked back to him.

We know school shootings are a reality and that there are a lot of guns that are not going away any time soon, so what happens in other countries does not really apply here. Given that, I want a qualified teacher to have a last line of defense when, God forbid, a shooter comes through the door to his classroom while apparently you would prefer he have nothing more effective than an eraser to throw. You don't have to arm unqualified people, because it only takes a handful of armed teachers or administrators to change a school from a soft target into one that might shoot back.

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