Why are churches locked at night Time in America?

Other countries don’t have the issues we have in America.

tons of people who are perhaps feeling bad about themselves for whatever reason…. would want to go to church at any time of the day or night and they are to be able to water country like America.

Every country has its own issues. No, other countries do not have the same issues. But there are 24 hour counselling lines, medical facilities with counselors on duty, and there is a chapel in every hospital.

I have difficulty believing that someone could be fine during the day, and then desperate for a place to pray at night.
Since churches have no facilities for the homeless (beds and other services) they lock their doors. Many homeless shelters have curfews and require you be in by a certain time or you will be locked out. But most homeless shelters and kitchens are open 24/7. I know this because I have volunteered at several.
Historically speaking the knights hospitallar organization played a prominent role in helping the poor and sick. All throughout the thousand year history, including to this very day.

Catholic charities is the single largest charity group in all of America. And so they operate all throughout the world helping poor people
Other countries don’t have the issues we have in America.

tons of people who are perhaps feeling bad about themselves for whatever reason…. would want to go to church at any time of the day or night and they are to be able to water country like America.
Yeah, if only we could have the low crime rates of countries like those in South America…
The reason I made the troll comment is because you did not acknowledge the fact that other countries leave their churches open at night time. But now you have acknowledged it , and so I appreciate it.

Yes, Brazil and other countries in South America have a higher percentage of Christians compared to other western countries. Some southern American countries label Catholicism as their official religion.

Families are also bigger and countries of South America, even though they have more poverty compared to us in the United States. It’s just an interesting point that sometimes money doesn’t always buy happiness. Look at what we have in America. The family values are constantly under attack. that is a problem. It’s unacceptable that a child in America way more often than they do in other countries, has to grow up with a parent household.

While it is true that there are Christian criminals in otherwise Christian who commit crimes…. We can all look at this autistics in the fax. The child to prison pipeline was much less of an issue in the 1950s and before then. The black divorce rate from 1890 to 1920 was lower than that of the white divorce rate. That is a testament to black Christians in America in that time Period.

I can show you a video from the 1980s of a black Skyler, Walter Williams discussing how the church leaders and even mosque leader’s plate of pivotal role in the 1980s doing what they could fight back against the crack cocaine epidemic. And that those same black leaders were saying how throughout the 20th century before decline in religious values that it was Christianity and similar religious values that kept together the black families. Same thing applies to white families too.

The thread is about why churches in America are locked at night. I responded to that. Accurately, I might add.
Every country has its own issues. No, other countries do not have the same issues. But there are 24 hour counselling lines, medical facilities with counselors on duty, and there is a chapel in every hospital.

I have difficulty believing that someone could be fine during the day, and then desperate for a place to pray at night.
We have record homelessness in America according to the LA Times. We have an astronomically high divorce rate in America today.

Of course, it’s a fact that those who are struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts are feeling those issues throughout the entire day and night. It would help if they had a place to pray at night time.
Historically speaking the knights hospitallar organization played a prominent role in helping the poor and sick. All throughout the thousand year history, including to this very day.

Catholic charities is the single largest charity group in all of America. And so they operate all throughout the world helping poor people

Yes they do. But the topic of the thread is not about homeless charities. It is about protecting a community asset from crime. Each church decides how they will do that.
Yeah, if only we could have the low crime rates of countries like those in South America…
Depends on which crime category you are speaking of which country in South America as well.

Look at some of the religious countries in the Middle East. Like the United Arab Emirates, his crime is almost unheard of their same with Saudi Arabia

And those countries are modernizing. Look at how Saudi Arabia’s going closer to Israel. You know in Saudi Arabia men and women can now dance with each other. It is a huge development when just a few years ago a man and a woman who were not married, couldn’t go to the same movie theater.

Well, the crime rate in Moscow, for example, is quite a bit lower than many other major cities in America. We can also say the same thing about major cities throughout the world compared to major cities in America. And yes, you have churches that are open all night in Moscow.
We have record homelessness in America according to the LA Times. We have an astronomically high divorce rate in America today.

Of course, it’s a fact that those who are struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts are feeling those issues throughout the entire day and night. It would help if they had a place to pray at night time.

People always have a place tp pray. They idea that they HAVE to pray inside a church is ridiculous.
Yes they do. But the topic of the thread is not about homeless charities. It is about protecting a community asset from crime. Each church decides how they will do that.
And perhaps churches can do better with that. But also look at the undeniable facts that affect those decisions. More homelessness in America than ever. Criminals basically being able to do what they want… you have seen the videos they going to stores like Rite Aid and CVS and steal whatever they want and nobody does anything about it

Again, why are these issues not occurring in countries like Brazil and Russia where The churches are open all night.

Every country has its own issues. This is true. What is important to learn from the world. America has led the way in the 20th century in many categories. We had the strongest middle class. I don’t think we have the strongest middle class anymore. Depression, suicide in this country is a serious issue now when it wasn’t like that in the past.

Homelessness is a major issue in America today, and perhaps that is why churches in the United States are hesitant to remain open all night. But certainly to your point, I would like to see some churches take a role in perhaps leading the way and stay open all night.

But it is a part of this threads topic that Catholic charities play a major role in America in helping poor people. There are Catholic shelters open all night for homeless people.
People always have a place tp pray. They idea that they HAVE to pray inside a church is ridiculous.
The church has played a major role in humanity for 2000 years. It is an established part of human history. And certainly a church, like a mosque or a synagogue, plays a central role in the lives of billions of people in this world.
Depends on which crime category you are speaking of which country in South America as well.

Look at some of the religious countries in the Middle East. Like the United Arab Emirates, his crime is almost unheard of their same with Saudi Arabia

And those countries are modernizing. Look at how Saudi Arabia’s going closer to Israel. You know in Saudi Arabia men and women can now dance with each other. It is a huge development when just a few years ago a man and a woman who were not married, couldn’t go to the same movie theater.

Well, the crime rate in Moscow, for example, is quite a bit lower than many other major cities in America. We can also say the same thing about major cities throughout the world compared to major cities in America. And yes, you have churches that are open all night in Moscow.

And how do they punish crimes in Russia and Saudi Arabia? I know in Saudi Arabia, if a couple is caught committing adultery, they can be put to death. Often the man is let go with a lecture and the woman gets 100 lashes. If you are caught stealing they cut off your hand. Do you want that sort of justice system in the US? I do not.
The church has played a major role in humanity for 2000 years. It is an established part of human history. And certainly a church, like a mosque or a synagogue, plays a central role in the lives of billions of people in this world.

Yes, it does. Faith is central many families. But that does not mean the church should be open at 1:00AM.
You say right here of how big of a troll you are. How can you get up in the morning and act like this. All of your other threads you claim to be some kind of a far right wing person. Bizarre man very bizarre.

Of course the 1950s was a much better time in this country. You can see by the divorce rate among black Americans and white Americans. It was significantly lower, the child school to prison pipeline was much less of an issue back in those days. But you show your true colors in this thread, by denigrating the beautiful black and white people of America’s history by talking about this “oppression” when in reality, you are denigrating your own ancestors. The facts of the matter are that in the 1950s we can compare the United States with countries anywhere in the entire world. We were probably the most liberal at the very least, among the most liberal and tolerant of multiple cultures.. It is that fact that you and every other left wing Biden BLM supporter don’t care about Or Never address. The church and for that matter, the Mosque played a pivotal role in helping to turn kids away from drugs. But by the 1980s, we saw religion and family values on the decline in American you had things like the crack cocaine epidemic, which ravaged the black community.

There is a correlation between violence and Hardcore atheists. There is clearly and undeniably a correlation between atheism and LGBT insanity like drag story times for children, the idea that a child can have a transgender surgery. No faithful Christian, Muslim or Jew would ever approve of that diabolical insanity.

I hope that in the future threads you stop putting on this act of being some kind of a far right wing person … because everybody here knows that you’re not.

Ok, let's bring back a few bits of the 1950s.

First, more unions. The 1950s saw the largest middle class in the world here in the US. They were making good money and had benefits.

Second, let's bring back the much higher corporate tax rates. That helped build the US as well.

And I think atheists are not the danger. It is religious fanatics who will be perfectly happy to kill hundreds, if not thousands, for their "cause".
They could just hire security if they really wanted to be open 24/7.

But who wants to go to church at 3am anyway?
Beats the bus stop on a cold night.

But the churches aren't about abiding by the word of Jesus.

It's all about the Go$pel of Benjamin.
The reason I made the troll comment is because you did not acknowledge the fact that other countries leave their churches open at night time.
You haven't verified it; why should anyone acknowledge a claim allegedly made by one unnamed person?

If that's your standard of proof, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you. :)
Have you checked on whether the churches are ACTUALLY open 24/7 in Brazil?

And if you think Brazil isn't drowning in issues 10 times worse than those in the US, you need to learn more about Brazil.

A woman from Brazil told him the churches were unlocked.

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