Why Are Conservatives Such Cowards When It Comes To Social Security & Medicare?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Some Republicans -- some Republicans want Medicare and Social Security to sunset,” Biden said as he pledged to prevent Republicans from cutting Social Security and Medicare. “I'm not saying it's the majority. If Congress doesn't keep the programs where they are they go well, the Republicans say I'm not saying there's a majority of you. I don't even think it's even significant.” Although Biden noted that he wasn’t saying the “majority” of Republicans wanted to do so, he was immediately showered with boos from the other side of the aisle. Biden also pointed out that, during the previous administration, Congress raised the debt ceiling three times “without preconditions or crisis".

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has publicly said that potential cuts to Medicare and Social Security are "off the table" but that didn’t stop the boos getting louder -- “So folks, as we all apparently agree, Social Security and Medicare off the books now, right?” Biden asked amid the tense exchange. “All right. We got unanimity.” Biden earned a standing ovation from both sides of the aisle following the comment."

I am not going to rehash the speech; instead I just want to ask right wingers, why do they continuously back away or lie about their positions when a light is shined on them? Why do Republicans continue to try to gaslight the rest of us by claiming they never wanted to cut Medicare and Social Security?? They did the same thing when they claimed they didn't want to repeal Roe v Wade, even tho that is all they have campaigned on for the last 40 years....After the SC repealed it, these same right-wingers lied and said that they only wanted to leave it to the states....then immediately started drafting legislation to propose federal bans on abortions....

Now they are lying once again about cutting Social Security and Medicare....they lie about it because they know those are 2 of the most popular programs in US history...but since it isn't a policy conservatives came up with, they have been opposed to it since its creation...So since their policies suck, they have to lie about it while working behind the scenes to gut it or "sunset" it....Here is Mike Lee to summarize my point...

I am not going to rehash the speech; instead I just want to ask right wingers, why do they continuously back away or lie about their positions when a light is shined on them?
Stump speech. Nothing more. Throw out a blatant lie and when vocal opposition to the lie arises, just say--Oh, I guess we're on the same page, lets sing kumbaya. Take off your blinders moron. This same old tired democrat line has been thrown out in every election for at least fifty years. It was a lie then and it is a lie now.
Move SSDI out of SS and put those 87K new IRS workers onto DI claims.....You can thank me later. ;)
I think you might underestimate the number of people that are actually disabled in this country.

We are extremely unhealthy.
Stump speech. Nothing more. Throw out a blatant lie and when vocal opposition to the lie arises, just say--Oh, I guess we're on the same page, lets sing kumbaya. Take off your blinders moron. This same old tired democrat line has been thrown out in every election for at least fifty years. It was a lie then and it is a lie now.

They'll keep lying as long as idiots like Biff_Poindexter keep falling for it.
I think you might underestimate the number of people that are actually disabled in this country.

We are extremely unhealthy.
I think you might underestimate the number of people that are actually filing fraudulent disability claims in this country. There are a great many dishonest people.
Biden also pointed out that, during the previous administration, Congress raised the debt ceiling three times “without preconditions or crisis".
Not only did Congress raise the debt ceiling three times on Trump's watch, they suspended it completely until after the 2020 election!

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has publicly said that potential cuts to Medicare and Social Security are "off the table" but that didn’t stop the boos getting louder -- “So folks, as we all apparently agree, Social Security and Medicare off the books now, right?”
The performative assholes walked right into Biden's trap.

I think you might underestimate the number of people that are actually filing fraudulent disability claims in this country. There are a great many dishonest people.
A small percentage of overall claims.

You make the process more cumbersome, you’ll exclude the small percentage of fraud but you’ll also torture the vast majority with actual disabilities by making them jump through hoops.
As I keep asking on this forum, Are Leftists stupid or subversive? There is no other possibility. Which is it?

There is no need to "kill" SS or Medicare. Both are funded by "payroll taxes" and not by general revenues, and particularly Federal Income Taxes. Social Security was corrupted by Democrat Administrations in the 70's, when Boomers were paying unprecedented billions into the "trust funds." Congress saw a chance to BUY VOTES with enhanced benefits and by adding a disability pension that was never called for in the original law. But with so much money coming it, who gave a shit? Prior to these innovations, Social Security was reluctantly acknowledged to be a SUPPLEMENT to individuals' pensions, savings, and family resources. Leftists at the time whined that "You can't live on Social Security alone!" To which rational observers responded, "It was never intended to provide enough money to live on." But again, with Boomer money coming in explosive amounts, the pensions were dramatically increased, a cost-of-living provision was added, and disability pensions were tacked on.

And now we have a situation where those very same Boomers are retiring and collecting pensions - again, in unprecedented amounts - and there's not enough money coming in to pay them indefinitely. There was hope with the pandemic; maybe a couple gazillion Boomers would have the decency to die, but alas "we" didn't go along with that plan.

Congress "borrowed" hundreds of billions of dollars from the SS excesses and the return of those borrowed moneys along with current contributions are keeping SS afloat, albeit temporarily.

If Congress does nothing, the funds will run dry in - I don't know - ten years or so, and pensions would be decreased dramatically to conform to the then-current revenue stream.

But Congress will do SOMETHING, the only question is, What? Will they eliminate the cap on earnings subject to FICA tax? Will they raise the retirement age? Will they revise the COLA formula? Will they make SS means-tested, thus cutting benefits (or FREEZING them) to all the rich bastards who actually have no need of SS (like me). When the time comes to get serious about SS, we know two things for certain: The Republicans will try to be rational, and the Democrats will demagog the issue to make it look like Republicans are trying to screw old people, and take away the pensions of everyone under 60 years old.

And so it goes.

No Republican leader has suggested "cutting Social Security" under any set of circumstances, but one Republican Senator made a suggestion that, if you construed it a certain way and were speaking to an audience of morons, could be alleged to threaten cutting SS - while every Republican leader within five thousand miles said that they have no intention of cutting SS.

So of course people like the OP understood that to mean that the Republicans want to cut SS.

Stupid or evil? Which is it?
Why do liberals constantly post incorrect, editorial thread titles that fakely pose a fake “question” as fact and have such fake thread title remain?
As I keep asking on this forum, Are Leftists stupid or subversive? There is no other possibility. Which is it?

There is no need to "kill" SS or Medicare. Both are funded by "payroll taxes" and not by general revenues, and particularly Federal Income Taxes. Social Security was corrupted by Democrat Administrations in the 70's, when Boomers were paying unprecedented billions into the "trust funds." Congress saw a chance to BUY VOTES with enhanced benefits and by adding a disability pension that was never called for in the original law. But with so much money coming it, who gave a shit? Prior to these innovations, Social Security was reluctantly acknowledged to be a SUPPLEMENT to individuals' pensions, savings, and family resources. Leftists at the time whined that "You can't live on Social Security alone!" To which rational observers responded, "It was never intended to provide enough money to live on." But again, with Boomer money coming in explosive amounts, the pensions were dramatically increased, a cost-of-living provision was added, and disability pensions were tacked on.

And now we have a situation where those very same Boomers are retiring and collecting pensions - again, in unprecedented amounts - and there's not enough money coming in to pay them indefinitely. There was hope with the pandemic; maybe a couple gazillion Boomers would have the decency to die, but alas "we" didn't go along with that plan.

Congress "borrowed" hundreds of billions of dollars from the SS excesses and the return of those borrowed moneys along with current contributions are keeping SS afloat, albeit temporarily.

If Congress does nothing, the funds will run dry in - I don't know - ten years or so, and pensions would be decreased dramatically to conform to the then-current revenue stream.

But Congress will do SOMETHING, the only question is, What? Will they eliminate the cap on earnings subject to FICA tax? Will they raise the retirement age? Will they revise the COLA formula? Will they make SS means-tested, thus cutting benefits (or FREEZING them) to all the rich bastards who actually have no need of SS (like me). When the time comes to get serious about SS, we know two things for certain: The Republicans will try to be rational, and the Democrats will demagog the issue to make it look like Republicans are trying to screw old people, and take away the pensions of everyone under 60 years old.

And so it goes.

No Republican leader has suggested "cutting Social Security" under any set of circumstances, but one Republican Senator made a suggestion that, if you construed it a certain way and were speaking to an audience of morons, could be alleged to threaten cutting SS - while every Republican leader within five thousand miles said that they have no intention of cutting SS.

So of course people like the OP understood that to mean that the Republicans want to cut SS.

Stupid or evil? Which is it?
70% of lib loon tard noggins do not know or refuse to agree that social security and Medicare has been Paid For by its Recipients .

They cannot process the diligence involved with achieving that so they treat SS like it’s their pet rags of welfare, food stamps and housing vouchers.
I think you might underestimate the number of people that are actually filing fraudulent disability claims in this country. There are a great many dishonest people.
Thing is it used to be very difficult to win a SSDI claim then the dems filled the SS Administration with affirmative action hires and believe me, some 300# Laquita gets them approved in a hurry.
I am not going to rehash the speech; instead I just want to ask right wingers, why do they continuously back away or lie about their positions when a light is shined on them?
The Republicans never tried to get rid of SS you stupid fucking moron. The fact that you think they did simply proves that your IQ is so low that you are easily brainwashed by fake news, jackass party of slavery supporter.

Fuck off, moron.

"Some Republicans -- some Republicans want Medicare and Social Security to sunset,” Biden said as he pledged to prevent Republicans from cutting Social Security and Medicare. “I'm not saying it's the majority. If Congress doesn't keep the programs where they are they go well, the Republicans say I'm not saying there's a majority of you. I don't even think it's even significant.” Although Biden noted that he wasn’t saying the “majority” of Republicans wanted to do so, he was immediately showered with boos from the other side of the aisle. Biden also pointed out that, during the previous administration, Congress raised the debt ceiling three times “without preconditions or crisis".

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has publicly said that potential cuts to Medicare and Social Security are "off the table" but that didn’t stop the boos getting louder -- “So folks, as we all apparently agree, Social Security and Medicare off the books now, right?” Biden asked amid the tense exchange. “All right. We got unanimity.” Biden earned a standing ovation from both sides of the aisle following the comment."

I am not going to rehash the speech; instead I just want to ask right wingers, why do they continuously back away or lie about their positions when a light is shined on them? Why do Republicans continue to try to gaslight the rest of us by claiming they never wanted to cut Medicare and Social Security?? They did the same thing when they claimed they didn't want to repeal Roe v Wade, even tho that is all they have campaigned on for the last 40 years....After the SC repealed it, these same right-wingers lied and said that they only wanted to leave it to the states....then immediately started drafting legislation to propose federal bans on abortions....

Now they are lying once again about cutting Social Security and Medicare....they lie about it because they know those are 2 of the most popular programs in US history...but since it isn't a policy conservatives came up with, they have been opposed to it since its creation...So since their policies suck, they have to lie about it while working behind the scenes to gut it or "sunset" it....Here is Mike Lee to summarize my point...

Cowards? It's the exact opposite. Social Security and Medicare are both going insolvent and Republicans are the only ones who talk about fixing it. Democrats just want it to go insolvent.
A small percentage of overall claims.

You make the process more cumbersome, you’ll exclude the small percentage of fraud but you’ll also torture the vast majority with actual disabilities by making them jump through hoops.
The biggest fraud of all being Medicare DisAdvantage, of course. A g(r)ift to the Insurance Cabal that's quickly destroying both S.S. and Medicare from the inside out and one that neither half of the Duopoly has done squat to curb.
I think you might underestimate the number of people that are actually filing fraudulent disability claims in this country. There are a great many dishonest people.
I think you might underestimate the number of MAGAts in this country who make fun of and don't care a fig about disabled people in this country.
Move SSDI out of SS and put those 87K new IRS workers onto DI claims.....You can thank me later. ;)
Already done, morons.
Employers and employees each pay an SSDI tax of 0.9 percent on earnings up to Social Security’s tax cap, currently $142,800. The program’s financial transactions are handled through an SSDI trust fund, which receives payroll tax revenues and pays out benefits and which is legally separate from the much larger Social Security retirement fund. The most recent projections (prepared before the COVID-19 pandemic) estimate that the SSDI trust fund will need replenishment in 2065.
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