Why Are Demo Leaders and Fake News so Insecure about Starbucks guy?

Here's an empty promise: "You will have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it will be so easy!"

Here's an empty promise: "Give us all the power and we will repeal and replace Obamacare!"

You dipshits drank that piss for NINE YEARS running now.
Talk to McCain! I know there are lies, but it was that close to repeal Obamacare.
Shultz should run. If he takes votes away from the Democratic Nominee for President, that is the fault of the Democratic Nominee for President. Or, here’s a crazy idea, find out why people are voting for Shultz (if he runs) and see if you can sway them to vote for you; using something other than “he’s not electable!!!” Ya know, it might be that Shultz has better ideas than you do!

Better yet, how about have him explain his ideas and why they are better then the democrat or Republican Party? Why does it have to be just two parties? How many years has one side said they would fight for you on immigration or racial equality decades ago, yet here we are still “fighting” over the same old shit? The politician you see on TV now bothe republican and Democrat are what’s wrong with America. If only America wasn’t so lazy we could change that.
The answer is simply the electoral college. And the irony here is that, while dems complained Trump won only because of the EC (which is true btw), there is zero possibility that Schultz could win 270 EV. He's not wining the left coast, and not Texas. The BEST his campaign could do was deny any candidate 270 and throw the election into the House of Rep.

That won’t happen. What it is theorized that he will do is siphon off enough traditional Democratic Party votes to give Trump the PV win in battleground contests.
I love it how the democrats and Fake News have turned unhinged on Howard Schultz. If he has the funds to run his campaign for an Independent ticket. Then go for it! Can't let the Fake News try to derail Shultz if he's able to make a run at this.

Liz Peek: Democrats are afraid of Howard Schultz because they know he'll expose their empty promises

Another CEO-type is a non-starter. Running a business is not the same as running a nation. Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results.
Welp, career politicians, peanut farmers and community organizers didnt work out either. Whos left? Joe the plumber?
I love it how the democrats and Fake News have turned unhinged on Howard Schultz. If he has the funds to run his campaign for an Independent ticket. Then go for it! Can't let the Fake News try to derail Shultz if he's able to make a run at this.

Liz Peek: Democrats are afraid of Howard Schultz because they know he'll expose their empty promises

Another CEO-type is a non-starter. Running a business is not the same as running a nation. Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results.
Welp, career politicians, peanut farmers and community organizers didnt work out either. Whos left? Joe the plumber?

Sure! Why not?
You posted: "That won’t happen. What it is theorized that he will do is siphon off enough traditional Democratic Party votes to give Trump the PV win in battleground contests.["

In that case, Trump wins. So why would Schultz run?
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I love it how the democrats and Fake News have turned unhinged on Howard Schultz. If he has the funds to run his campaign for an Independent ticket. Then go for it! Can't let the Fake News try to derail Shultz if he's able to make a run at this.

Liz Peek: Democrats are afraid of Howard Schultz because they know he'll expose their empty promises

Another CEO-type is a non-starter. Running a business is not the same as running a nation. Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results.
Welp, career politicians, peanut farmers and community organizers didnt work out either. Whos left? Joe the plumber?

Sure! Why not?
Tbh, my standards are pretty low. I would just like to see a non statist that actually cares about the country in the WH. Idc if he is average or not. Thats why they have 4000 aides lol..
I love it how the democrats and Fake News have turned unhinged on Howard Schultz. If he has the funds to run his campaign for an Independent ticket. Then go for it! Can't let the Fake News try to derail Shultz if he's able to make a run at this.

Liz Peek: Democrats are afraid of Howard Schultz because they know he'll expose their empty promises

Another CEO-type is a non-starter. Running a business is not the same as running a nation. Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results.
Welp, career politicians, peanut farmers and community organizers didnt work out either. Whos left? Joe the plumber?

Sure! Why not?
Tbh, my standards are pretty low. I would just like to see a non statist that actually cares about the country in the WH. Idc if he is average or not. Thats why they have 4000 aides lol..

I couldn't agree more.
I love it how the democrats and Fake News have turned unhinged on Howard Schultz. If he has the funds to run his campaign for an Independent ticket. Then go for it! Can't let the Fake News try to derail Shultz if he's able to make a run at this.

Liz Peek: Democrats are afraid of Howard Schultz because they know he'll expose their empty promises

Another CEO-type is a non-starter. Running a business is not the same as running a nation. Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results.
Welp, career politicians, peanut farmers and community organizers didnt work out either. Whos left? Joe the plumber?

Sure! Why not?
Tbh, my standards are pretty low. I would just like to see a non statist that actually cares about the country in the WH. Idc if he is average or not. Thats why they have 4000 aides lol..

I couldn't agree more.
How does he get to 270? Without the LC and without the former Confederacy even leaving Fla as a possibility? The numbers are NOT there

2020 Presidential Election Interactive Map
You posted: "That won’t happen. What it is theorized that he will do is siphon off enough traditional Democratic Party votes to give Trump the PV win in battleground contests.["

In that case, Trump wins. So why would Schultz run?


And if you know anything about me, I don’t want to see Trump re-elected.

But if Schultz (sp?) wishes to run, that’s his business. The Democratic Party nominee should figure out what a Schultz voter wants and try to tap into that if they can. If Schultz is to the political center of both Trump and whomever the DNC nominee is, that would mean that the DNC nominee will have to move to the right. If that means that the nominee loses votes on the hard left, I am pretty sure they were voting for policies that were not in the best interest of the Nation.

There is an argument to be made that the “best interest of the nation” is to flush the orange blob out of the White House… I get that But it isn’t (or at least shouldn’t) be a matter of appealing to the wackiest single-issue people you can find. It should be doing what is best for the most while preserving the rights for all.

At least that is where I come down. Howard Schultz should run if he feels strongly about his ability to do the best job. If voters are “split”, well, that is the way the cookie crumbles. Perhaps the Democrats who run the Party should ask why registered democrats may be looking elsewhere???
I love it how the democrats and Fake News have turned unhinged on Howard Schultz. If he has the funds to run his campaign for an Independent ticket. Then go for it! Can't let the Fake News try to derail Shultz if he's able to make a run at this.

Liz Peek: Democrats are afraid of Howard Schultz because they know he'll expose their empty promises
Their fears and concerns are reasonable. Schultz used to be a Democrat and his company has massive name recognition with Democrats.

I don't blame them for being concerned, that's for sure.
You posted: "That won’t happen. What it is theorized that he will do is siphon off enough traditional Democratic Party votes to give Trump the PV win in battleground contests.["

In that case, Trump wins. So why would Schultz run?


And if you know anything about me, I don’t want to see Trump re-elected.

But if Schultz (sp?) wishes to run, that’s his business. The Democratic Party nominee should figure out what a Schultz voter wants and try to tap into that if they can. If Schultz is to the political center of both Trump and whomever the DNC nominee is, that would mean that the DNC nominee will have to move to the right. If that means that the nominee loses votes on the hard left, I am pretty sure they were voting for policies that were not in the best interest of the Nation.

There is an argument to be made that the “best interest of the nation” is to flush the orange blob out of the White House… I get that But it isn’t (or at least shouldn’t) be a matter of appealing to the wackiest single-issue people you can find. It should be doing what is best for the most while preserving the rights for all.

At least that is where I come down. Howard Schultz should run if he feels strongly about his ability to do the best job. If voters are “split”, well, that is the way the cookie crumbles. Perhaps the Democrats who run the Party should ask why registered democrats may be looking elsewhere???

Oh I understand your views on Trump. And I'd add that Trump is really a third party candidate who ran as a goper. He's not been able to get the gop to enact a middle class tax cut, he's not been able to force both parties to compromise, and he's not been able to get the gop to adopt some version of Obamacare that let's people keep their insurance or have better .... all of which were promises he made. We are logically left with two possibilities: a. Trump didn't mean those promises and doesn't give a fig, or he is simply unable to work his will on the gop.

The proplem with Schultz is two fold. 1. There's no way he can win as an independent. It's not mathematically possible to win 270 without either the Left Coast or the former confederacy, even leaving out Fla. How is he helping in one result would be to get Trump a second term? I'm not big on Harris, but at least she isn't for locking children in cages .... not unless they murdered someone anyway.

2. Is more about Schultz himself, and Bloomberg is the same but not so extreme. If a candidate is more to the center ideologically than the party, it doesn't mean he cannot win. But how can Schultz be a democrat without supporting more progressive taxes on the very wealthy? This isn't class warfare. The Gop in 2008 wasn't denying the pendulum had swung too far. On single payer, neither Hillary nor Biden went there in 16. There have to be some waffly words about "deficit neutrality" or something a candidate can mumble through. And, unless a candidate can say he supports universal coverage of everyone, somehow, under some system ... he's not a democrat anyway. If he doesn't like single payer he'd better be for mandating employers provide benefits or pay a tax.

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