Why Are Democrats So Violent?

The Nazis made a campaign of saying the Jews were violent, to justify their attacks on Jews.

Clearly, Weatherman is running from the fascist playbook.

What Weatherman, you actually thought it wasn't obvious?
The nazi's used the democrat playbook to do what they did. The bullshit your party used on kavanaugh is proof.
why are dems so violent?

because its all they have left, they have lost the battle of ideology, their candidates have lost, their socialist ideas have failed, their leaders have been shown to be corrupt liars and cheats, they are losers. When losers continue to lose they lash out at the winners.

this wont end until we vote them all out of office and return sanity and constitutionality to this great nation.
Because they are afraid. They are absolutely terrified of the world around them.

Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. And to the desire to make others suffer as you are suffering.
The Nazis made a campaign of saying the Jews were violent, to justify their attacks on Jews.

Clearly, Weatherman is running from the fascist playbook.

What Weatherman, you actually thought it wasn't obvious?
No... Its your ilk that are doing it.. Your projection is a Goebbels trait.. He would be proud of you..
Nazi's were white supremists. Like the Aryan Nation, the KKK, the Alt White, White nationalists and the American Nazi Party.

None of those organizations would ever belong to the Democratic Party. Not white enough.

So which party is white enough? Think about it.


the Nazis weren't white supremacists. They were German supremacists. They didn't care about skin color, they cared about ethnicity and nationality.

The kkk was founded by Democrats. Their policies still align more with Democrat policies.

And btw they don't care about how white an organization is so long as the minorities are subservient. In that way they are harmonious with Democrats.
Your drifting further into la la land. You should request an one week ban, to give yourself some quit time.

Haha, good joke.
Just because your country has been run by violent Democrats, and Republicans who the masses don't realize are both criminal, idiots doesn't change that David Duke didn't kill like a lot of these leaders.

Oh, I don't disagree with the lack of impact by Duke. His greatest impact has been to reveal the utter weakness of the nazi fringe.

I'm more focused on your increasingly strident attacks on mainstream America.

Is this about Yalta?

Explain how Democrats, or Republicans didn't kill more than the KKK, or David Duke?
This I have to hear.

You know what Americans really get what they deserve, and they keep doing the wrong thing, over, and over again.

Seriously dude. YOu are not making a lot of sense. Can you tone down the vagueness a little? What has your panties in a bunch?

I'm losing my patience with Republicans / Trump admin since Bolton's been barking at the EU, Russia, and China for not being anti-Iran enough to his liking.

Not only is this a preparation for WW3, it's the most stupid way possible for the U.S.A to start WW3 by isolating the majority of the World.
Bolton is a moron with no real power.
Why Are Democrats So Violent?
1) When America’s best prospers the filth becomes hostile as they want their cut...their free shit.
2) Their anything goes free for all has come to an end. This new administration calls them all out on all their filthy bullshit.
The Nazis made a campaign of saying the Jews were violent, to justify their attacks on Jews.

Clearly, Weatherman is running from the fascist playbook.

What Weatherman, you actually thought it wasn't obvious?
By pointing out the violence of the Left I’m a Nazi.

Shows Orwell was off just a few decades.
Take your tiki torches from Home Depot and put them where the sun don't shine.
The violence is being incited by the Carnival Barker In Chief, Donald Trump.
The KKK loves him.
David Duke loves him.
Kim Jong Un loves him.
Putin loves his lips on his cock.
You guys are the biggest suckers on Earth.
Your lack of links to any real violence instigated by Republicans is surly noted.
The Nazis made a campaign of saying the Jews were violent, to justify their attacks on Jews.

Clearly, Weatherman is running from the fascist playbook.

What Weatherman, you actually thought it wasn't obvious?
By pointing out the violence of the Left I’m a Nazi.

Shows Orwell was off just a few decades.
If you vote to enforce our borders you are a Nazi.
Your drifting further into la la land. You should request an one week ban, to give yourself some quit time.

Haha, good joke.
Just because your country has been run by violent Democrats, and Republicans who the masses don't realize are both criminal, idiots doesn't change that David Duke didn't kill like a lot of these leaders.

Oh, I don't disagree with the lack of impact by Duke. His greatest impact has been to reveal the utter weakness of the nazi fringe.

I'm more focused on your increasingly strident attacks on mainstream America.

Is this about Yalta?

Explain how Democrats, or Republicans didn't kill more than the KKK, or David Duke?
This I have to hear.

You know what Americans really get what they deserve, and they keep doing the wrong thing, over, and over again.

Seriously dude. YOu are not making a lot of sense. Can you tone down the vagueness a little? What has your panties in a bunch?

I'm losing my patience with Republicans / Trump admin since Bolton's been barking at the EU, Russia, and China for not being anti-Iran enough to his liking.

Not only is this a preparation for WW3, it's the most stupid way possible for the U.S.A to start WW3 by isolating the majority of the World.

Hey, I admit it's stupid. But you Europeans have been just as aggressive with Russia, in an even more stupid way.

And hey, what about Iran? They get a past for their actions?
Haha, good joke.
Just because your country has been run by violent Democrats, and Republicans who the masses don't realize are both criminal, idiots doesn't change that David Duke didn't kill like a lot of these leaders.

Oh, I don't disagree with the lack of impact by Duke. His greatest impact has been to reveal the utter weakness of the nazi fringe.

I'm more focused on your increasingly strident attacks on mainstream America.

Is this about Yalta?

Explain how Democrats, or Republicans didn't kill more than the KKK, or David Duke?
This I have to hear.

You know what Americans really get what they deserve, and they keep doing the wrong thing, over, and over again.

Seriously dude. YOu are not making a lot of sense. Can you tone down the vagueness a little? What has your panties in a bunch?

I'm losing my patience with Republicans / Trump admin since Bolton's been barking at the EU, Russia, and China for not being anti-Iran enough to his liking.

Not only is this a preparation for WW3, it's the most stupid way possible for the U.S.A to start WW3 by isolating the majority of the World.

Hey, I admit it's stupid. But you Europeans have been just as aggressive with Russia, in an even more stupid way.

And hey, what about Iran? They get a past for their actions?

I'm not a Russian, but I'd agree, why do so many Americans behave like Europeans are just one organism of peoples?
As in everything else in Fords make believe world. She has yet to produce evidence of said threats. At this point, those threats just live in her mind. Funny that now all her main ring circus is over she hasn't said any more about them.
Take your tiki torches from Home Depot and put them where the sun don't shine.
The violence is being incited by the Carnival Barker In Chief, Donald Trump.
The KKK loves him.
David Duke loves him.
Kim Jong Un loves him.
Putin loves his lips on his cock.
You guys are the biggest suckers on Earth.

Wrong. The left is committing these atrocities.
Oh, I don't disagree with the lack of impact by Duke. His greatest impact has been to reveal the utter weakness of the nazi fringe.

I'm more focused on your increasingly strident attacks on mainstream America.

Is this about Yalta?

Explain how Democrats, or Republicans didn't kill more than the KKK, or David Duke?
This I have to hear.

You know what Americans really get what they deserve, and they keep doing the wrong thing, over, and over again.

Seriously dude. YOu are not making a lot of sense. Can you tone down the vagueness a little? What has your panties in a bunch?

I'm losing my patience with Republicans / Trump admin since Bolton's been barking at the EU, Russia, and China for not being anti-Iran enough to his liking.

Not only is this a preparation for WW3, it's the most stupid way possible for the U.S.A to start WW3 by isolating the majority of the World.

Hey, I admit it's stupid. But you Europeans have been just as aggressive with Russia, in an even more stupid way.

And hey, what about Iran? They get a past for their actions?

I'm not a Russian, but I'd agree, why do so many Americans behave like Europeans are just one organism of peoples?

For most people, more and more, we've been dealing with Europe, as a group, Trade though the EU, defense though NATO.

And what we get filtered though the media, generally just presents one "voice" from Europe.

Hell, I would bet that the average viewer of MSM, doesn't even know that there are ANY Europeans that like Trump.
Lol.....liberals are not violent. They have no idea about what real violence looks like. Might find out though.....we'll see.:113:

See? Skook couldn't hide it. The Republican lust for violence, that is. Let any Republican talk long enough, and they'll start giggling about the violence they plan against liberals. Also look Dan Stubbs, laughing out loud about violence against a liberal.

And the other Republicans, they all loved seeing it. And least none of them had any criticism of the Republican love of violence, which they deny exists.

It's forbidden for any member of the Republicans thug cult to ever criticize a fellow cultist for being violent. After all, the Republican thug cult endorses violence as a tactic, so condemning it is not an option. That would get them tossed out of the cult, and to one of the authoritarian-follower personality types of the right, group membership takes precedence over everything, including decency and morality. Hence, they all fall in line and obey. Either they pretend the violence doesn't exist, or they pretend it's justified because the liberals deserved it. Fascism 101.

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