Why are Democrats stonewalling a border security bill?

I DGAF what they do. It isn't MY war! IT IS THEIR WAR! If it is so important to you, put on your big girl panties and go over and give Zelensky a hand. Leave MY tax $$$$ out of it. They are NOT a US ally. They are NOT members of NATO. They ARE a money laundering operation for the Biden family. Next
Why don't YOU go put on YOUR big girl panties & give Trump's assbuddy Putin a hand, Boris?

Then maybe you can save a few bucks on your taxes & give it to Dotard so he can pay that massive fine in N.Y. or help to pay his legal bills.

Btw fool, let's have some actual proof that Biden is laudering money given to him by Ukraine & not some bullshit spoonfed to you by Fox or his lackeys in the HOR, Trump trained seal.
Why don't YOU go put on YOUR big girl panties & give Trump's assbuddy Putin a hand, Boris?
You're stupid too. How many times do I have to tell you, IT'S NOT MY WAR! Is that clear enough for you? IDGAF who it is--neither of those countries are US allies. Neither of those countries is a NATO member and neither of those countries has a mutual defense treaty with the US. You seem to want to stick your nose in other countries' business and be the world's cop---more intelligent minds have discovered that it hasn't worked in the past and it won't work now. You want to keep Biden's money laundering scheme so grab a gun and go for it.
Yeah, come on all of you big strong men,
Uncle Sam needs your help again.
He's got himself in a terrible jam
Way down yonder in Ukraine
So put down your books and pick up a gun,
We're gonna have a whole lotta fun.
You're stupid too. How many times do I have to tell you, IT'S NOT MY WAR! Is that clear enough for you? IDGAF who it is--neither of those countries are US allies. Neither of those countries is a NATO member and neither of those countries has a mutual defense treaty with the US. You seem to want to stick your nose in other countries' business and be the world's cop---more intelligent minds have discovered that it hasn't worked in the past and it won't work now. You want to keep Biden's money laundering scheme so grab a gun and go for it.
Yeah, come on all of you big strong men,
Uncle Sam needs your help again.
He's got himself in a terrible jam
Way down yonder in Ukraine
So put down your books and pick up a gun,
We're gonna have a whole lotta fun.
Why sure. Get your revenge on Zelensky for not going along with Trump's mob boss extortion attempt by throwing the entire country into Putin's hands.

You're just another one of traitor Trump's trained monkeys.

Where were you when Trump kept us in Afghanistan for four years? Making excuses for him as one of his cultists, that's where.
It was funny that you stuttered and mumbled something about the Republican Party and slavery but knew it was nonsense so you dropped it.
Girl, your party pines for a return to the antebellum south.

Your current fear of diversity, DEI and CRT is an attempt to lock in white advantage in our social system. Just like those olde days.
Why sure.
SMFH! Who reads for you? You are too stupid to do it for yourself. I said I DO NOT GIVE A FCK ABOUT WHO IS INVOLVED IN THAT WAR. I HAVE NO HORSE IN THE RACE. THEY CAN BOTH KILL EACH OTHER OFF FOR ALL I CARE. You are the one taking sides--Is Zelensky sending you money too? What is your reason for wanting to throw US taxpayer $$$ into the crapper? I think you protest too much, commie.
Girl, your party pines for a return to the antebellum south.

Your current fear of diversity, DEI and CRT is an attempt to lock in white advantage in our social system. Just like those olde days.

Boy, you’re desperately trying to backtrack from your nonsense claim. It’s just a fact that the Democrat party, the “Party of Slavery”, wanted nothing to do with, “honest debate and consensus on polices and laws.”

I have no fear of the leftist politico-religious ideology of DIE and CRT. Those ideologies are no different than the ideology of slavery that was,and still is, so much a part of the democrat party. You people just have a different group that is the focus of your retrograde views that includes your self-loathing.
Boy, you’re desperately trying to backtrack from your nonsense claim. It’s just a fact that the Democrat party, the “Party of Slavery”, wanted nothing to do with, “honest debate and consensus on polices and laws.”

I have no fear of the leftist politico-religious ideology of DIE and CRT. Those ideologies are no different than the ideology of slavery that was,and still is, so much a part of the democrat party. You people just have a different group that is the focus of your retrograde views that includes your self-loathing.
Democrats have ALWAYS been the leaders promoting that other "D" word. DIVISION--it is the only way that they can win an election. E Pluribus Unum means nothing to them. Their mantra has always been divide et impera
Boy, you’re desperately trying to backtrack from your nonsense claim. It’s just a fact that the Democrat party, the “Party of Slavery”, wanted nothing to do with, “honest debate and consensus on polices and laws.”

I have no fear of the leftist politico-religious ideology of DIE and CRT. Those ideologies are no different than the ideology of slavery that was,and still is, so much a part of the democrat party. You people just have a different group that is the focus of your retrograde views that includes your self-loathing.

Whose current party has the turtle grim reaper?

The party of no.
You're stupid too. How many times do I have to tell you, IT'S NOT MY WAR! Is that clear enough for you? IDGAF who it is--neither of those countries are US allies. Neither of those countries is a NATO member and neither of those countries has a mutual defense treaty with the US. You seem to want to stick your nose in other countries' business and be the world's cop---more intelligent minds have discovered that it hasn't worked in the past and it won't work now. You want to keep Biden's money laundering scheme so grab a gun and go for it.
Yeah, come on all of you big strong men,
Uncle Sam needs your help again.
He's got himself in a terrible jam
Way down yonder in Ukraine
So put down your books and pick up a gun,
We're gonna have a whole lotta fun.

Before the US even entered into WWII they provided significant resources to Great Britain, and even Russia. 🤷‍♀️ Ukraine is not part of NATO, but they are an ally. The US even has an agreement with them to provide military assets if their sovereignty was ever threatened. Many countries are not part of NATO, but the US are still allies with them. If China landed on the shores of Australia tomorrow you'd have a problem providing old weapons to them for them to use? Interesting. I guess you and the rest of the right wing wants the US to be weak militarily since we won't have any allies left, just trade partners, and to have little to no influence in the world.
If China landed on the shores of Australia tomorrow you'd have a problem providing old weapons to them for them to use?
Apparently, you've never heard of SEATO. You're dismissed. Not my war, no US taxes should be spent there at least until our border is secure and our homeless crisis is over.
Imagine being a Republicans and thinking that you don’t have to negotiate anything with the other party.
How many more do you want into our country? Have you checked what happens in other countries?
Before the US even entered into WWII they provided significant resources to Great Britain, and even Russia. 🤷‍♀️ Ukraine is not part of NATO, but they are an ally. The US even has an agreement with them to provide military assets if their sovereignty was ever threatened. Many countries are not part of NATO, but the US are still allies with them. If China landed on the shores of Australia tomorrow you'd have a problem providing old weapons to them for them to use? Interesting. I guess you and the rest of the right wing wants the US to be weak militarily since we won't have any allies left, just trade partners, and to have little to no influence in the world.
Let's return to WW2 when our president helped the Soviets. How long do you think it was for FDR to rush help to the Soviets? Days, weeks months? Biden has dicked around in Ukraine to the point that it seems possible for Russia to defeat the Ukrainians. Ukraine has strong minded citizens. And they have not given up. Biden plays war like he gave up 2 years ago.
How many more do you want into our country? Have you checked what happens in other countries?
First thing is to legalize those who have been here for years and years. I don’t know a number, but it’s more than we do now.
Why sure. Get your revenge on Zelensky for not going along with Trump's mob boss extortion attempt by throwing the entire country into Putin's hands.

You're just another one of traitor Trump's trained monkeys.

Where were you when Trump kept us in Afghanistan for four years? Making excuses for him as one of his cultists, that's where.
Barry Hussein kept us in Afghanistan for 8 years, Simp.
Your beliefs of what Dems do is probably not very accurate. Right wing media isn’t particularly interested in accuracy.
You think I form my opinion based on what media tells me? Lol

um no. It’s based on years of interaction with libs….You know it’s true.

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