Why are Democrats stonewalling a border security bill?

Dems are quite good at negotiating.
/----/ "Dems are quite good at negotiating."
Here are democRATs negotiating.
Please show me where Republicans asked Schumer to negotiate before they passed it.
You are just plain stupid. The house created and passed the bill--it goes to the senate for passage OR modification to be returned to the house for reconsideration. That is the "back and forth of negotiation" Schumer short-circuited the process by refusing to allow it on the floor of the senate, effectively, unilaterally, killing the bill. DEMOCRAT NEGOTIATION, indeed. You're a fool.
You are just plain stupid. The house created and passed the bill--it goes to the senate for passage OR modification to be returned to the house for reconsideration. That is the "back and forth of negotiation" Schumer short-circuited the process by refusing to allow it on the floor of the senate, effectively, unilaterally, killing the bill. DEMOCRAT NEGOTIATION, indeed. You're a fool.

Bills are negotiated in the drafting stage.
The side that starts any war is automatically wrong. There are ALWAYS civilized ways to settle issues between countries.

The Palestinians started the current war in Gaza, and the Russians started the war in Ukraine. They started it and they are morally wrong in both cases.

I equally believe that the U.S. was entirely wrong for invading Iraq, and that GWB & his associates should be charged as war criminals.
Anything on topic?

Why is Schumer stonewalling border security Richard-H
It's "their" war? What the hell was Ukraine suppose to do? Lay down & die for that murderous thug Putin, comrade?

You & your cult are so far up Putin's ass on behalf of the blubbering orange MAL jailbird & future convict it's positively pathetic.
Defend themselves, Simp.

Where in the Constitution does it say we are responsible to pay for their defense?

I’ll hang up and listen Clipper

Oh, and seek help soon.:itsok:
That doesn’t make sense. HR-2 wasn’t negotiated. The Republicans just passed it on their own knowing it would never go anywhere.

It was theatre.
Why doesn’t Schumer bring it up for a vote? If it is so bad it would go down in flames and Lil Chucky could crow about it…….but he refuses to do so.

Why is that?

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