Why are Democrats stonewalling a border security bill?

I’m a fan of reality. Might/Violence may not always make Right, but it puts you in charge a lot of the time, and that’s a step in the right direction.

Apparently, evolution bypassed you.

In the civilized world, might makes right is obsolete.

And you all wonder why we call you 'FASCISTS'!

Go crawl back under your rock.
In the civilized world, might makes right is obsolete.

Unless you're fighting Hamas.

No, might does not make right even when fighting Hamas.

The murder of 1400 Israelis makes the Israeli offensive in Gaza right.

If Hamas were to win this war in Gaza would you consider them to be right?
No, might does not make right even when fighting Hamas.

The murder of 1400 Israelis makes the Israeli offensive in Gaza right.

If Hamas were to win this war in Gaza would you consider them to be right?

Anathema said, "I’m a fan of reality. Might/Violence may not always make Right, but it puts you in charge a lot of the time, and that’s a step in the right direction"

Can might put Israel in charge a lot of the time? Would that be a step in the right direction?
Anathema said, "I’m a fan of reality. Might/Violence may not always make Right, but it puts you in charge a lot of the time, and that’s a step in the right direction"

Can might put Israel in charge a lot of the time? Would that be a step in the right direction?

The fact that in this conflict the side that has the superior military power is also the side that is right, does not mean that, as a rule, might makes right.
Ironic that you are advocating for the US (might) send aid to Ukraine for THEIR war (makes right?) LMAO

The side that starts any war is automatically wrong. There are ALWAYS civilized ways to settle issues between countries.

The Palestinians started the current war in Gaza, and the Russians started the war in Ukraine. They started it and they are morally wrong in both cases.

I equally believe that the U.S. was entirely wrong for invading Iraq, and that GWB & his associates should be charged as war criminals.
The side that starts any war is automatically wrong. There are ALWAYS civilized ways to settle issues between countries.

The Palestinians started the current war in Gaza, and the Russians started the war in Ukraine. They started it and they are morally wrong in both cases.

I equally believe that the U.S. was entirely wrong for invading Iraq, and that GWB & his associates should be charged as war criminals.
LMAO, you progs are stepping all over pieces of your anatomy with your contradictions today. Make up your minds.
Ironic that you are advocating for the US (might) send aid to Ukraine for THEIR war (makes right?) LMAO
It's "their" war? What the hell was Ukraine suppose to do? Lay down & die for that murderous thug Putin, comrade?

You & your cult are so far up Putin's ass on behalf of the blubbering orange MAL jailbird & future convict it's positively pathetic.
What the hell was Ukraine suppose to do?
I DGAF what they do. It isn't MY war! IT IS THEIR WAR! If it is so important to you, put on your big girl panties and go over and give Zelensky a hand. Leave MY tax $$$$ out of it. They are NOT a US ally. They are NOT members of NATO. They ARE a money laundering operation for the Biden family. Next

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