Why are FOX news ratings so high?

Fox is truthful in only 18% of their stories. Wing nuts know this and yet they keep going back for more.

Fox is not a news network. Legally, they are an "entertainment" network. The wingnuts know that too.

Fox's ratings are not nearly as high as the wingnuts believe. They look ONLY at cable ratings and think that represents the entire population.

The funniest part of the whole Fox scam is that the very people who say they hate Muslims get their news from one. And they know that too.

FNC (Fox News Channel) is a News Network.
Fox has an Entertainment Network also
Fox has a movie channel also.
Fox has two Sports Channels also.

It's obvious you don't watch FNC or you'd know they have Conservatives and Liberals on all their political discussion shows.
My question would probably make for a boring thread on it's own......

But I'd be interested in news sources people think are good.

Or at least more about how the taking heads on this site get their material.

I'll go first.

I prefer the following:

Non Fiction History Books

Senate.gov and house.gov, for legislation in it's untranslated form.

CSPAN, without commentary.

The Economist.

Foreign papers in english, online, for new specific to a particular incident in a country.

The McLaughlin Group....yes, they're still alive, and on early Sunday mornings

The Daily Show

Fox News and MSNBC for giggles, and to see how people on this site get so wrong
Fox News, MSNBC ABC, CBS, CNN, and using Google where I can pick other sources. Just keep your eyes on the facts that are reported, and don't worry so much about the perspective. If the facts are accurate, you're OK.

Here's a good example.

Obiwan said that liberals never post facts. I posted facts, PROOF that he's slurping up lies and he doesn't have the balls to read the links.

The fact is, gullible RWs want to be stupid and they succeed. They know they're being lied to and they just keep going back for more.
The lure of someone telling you that you're right is powerful.

It takes highly developed critical reasoning skills, and some measure of emotional maturity to resist someone who says you're right.

And that's really what Fox does well. They hold focus groups on what white men over 60, without college dgrees, who attemd church once a week...think about politics. Then they have their programming get that message to their strongest demographic, the afore mentioned.
Face it, the Libs are just upset that so many people reject Liberal talking points masquerading as news. That's why the Libs always try to scream "Fox isn't a source". But ask the Libs to point out examples of inaccurate reporting by Fox (with links) and the Libs suddenly disappear.

Well, not really true.......

Pundifact found Fox News to have only told the truth 18 percent (15 of 83) of the time for the statements they checked. And even of that 18 percent, only 8 percent of what they said was completely “True.” The other 10 percent was rated as “Mostly True.”

A staggering 60 percent (50 of 83) comments were found to be either “Mostly False,” “False,” or “Pants on Fire.”

The other 22 percent were rated “Half True.”

Essentially well over half of what Punditfact has fact-checked on Fox News has been a lie and only 18 percent has been deemed factual.

Agenda driven fact checks aren't reliable. I take them as seriously as I take you or FoxNews.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Fox is truthful in only 18% of their stories. Wing nuts know this and yet they keep going back for more.

Fox is not a news network. Legally, they are an "entertainment" network. The wingnuts know that too.

Fox's ratings are not nearly as high as the wingnuts believe. They look ONLY at cable ratings and think that represents the entire population.

The funniest part of the whole Fox scam is that the very people who say they hate Muslims get their news from one. And they know that too.

FNC (Fox News Channel) is a News Network.
Fox has an Entertainment Network also
Fox has a movie channel also.
Fox has two Sports Channels also.

It's obvious you don't watch FNC or you'd know they have Conservatives and Liberals on all their political discussion shows.
The regular "liberals" Fox News shows are has been's like Doug Schoen, failures like Pat Caddell, and losers like Alan Colmbs. They have ineffectual liberals making the liberal case, and anchor/moderators that favor the conservatives.

Furthermore, the PEW study that Fox viewers and Fox uses to claim objectivity, only addresses, the intent and tone when assessing how balanced the duration of the coverage is.........It doesn't matter how much time they give to liberals, if the liberals they show are incompetent.

Fact of the matter is...if you voted Republican in the last 2 Presidential elections, after watching Fox News, you'll feel good about being a righty. If the same guy watches MSNBC, he'll be angry
PolitiFact Florida s 5 Most Biased Rulings - Media Trackers

PolitiFact Florida shows no signs of becoming a credible, objective political fact-checking group despite being exposed for liberal, pro-Democrat bias in a 2012 Media Trackers Florida investigation.

PolitiFact Florida, a self-appointed political fact-checking group employed by the ultra-liberal Tampa Bay Times, has a glaring record of political bias, a Media Trackers Florida investigation revealed last August. The Media Trackers Florida analysis found PolitiFact gives strikingly more negative rulings against Republicans than Democrats, often employing twisted logic and flat-out falsehoods to justify its rulings.
Reading some of the other threads on here, the issue that FOX news dominates the ratings wars often comes up.......A recent survey finds that right wingers, in general, do NOT trust any other news source BUT Fox.

On the surface, right wingers will "conclude" that since Fox ranks so high, it must be "good" and "trustworthy.".................But is this really the conclusion that should be readily accepted?

Now, I'm sure that right wingers on here will quickly respond that any criticism of Fox's high ratings is based on envy...or liberal spin and biases.

However, for the more open-minded fellow posters, a simple explanation may make sense.

Let's say that the entire rating system was comprised of 10 people; 4 of whom are conservatives and the other 6 span the political spectrum from liberal to independent.....

Now, the 4 conservative faithfully and unwaveringly watch Fox giving that cable network 40% ratings......while the other six watch...CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, PBS, Al-Jazeera-America, Russia-Today, ABC and several other Internet-based news sources (especially for the younger generation).......

It should not be too difficult to then conclude that no other competitor to Fox would even remotely come close to that network's 40% rating.

Yet, the question remains: Is this dominance by Fox in the ratings' war a good or bad thing for the conservative movement, ideology and growth ?

Foxnews ratings are high for the same reason that professional wrestling can make money off pay-per-view events.
Fox actually has good accurate reporting.

Reading some of the other threads on here, the issue that FOX news dominates the ratings wars often comes up.......A recent survey finds that right wingers, in general, do NOT trust any other news source BUT Fox.

On the surface, right wingers will "conclude" that since Fox ranks so high, it must be "good" and "trustworthy.".................But is this really the conclusion that should be readily accepted?

Now, I'm sure that right wingers on here will quickly respond that any criticism of Fox's high ratings is based on envy...or liberal spin and biases.

However, for the more open-minded fellow posters, a simple explanation may make sense.

Let's say that the entire rating system was comprised of 10 people; 4 of whom are conservatives and the other 6 span the political spectrum from liberal to independent.....

Now, the 4 conservative faithfully and unwaveringly watch Fox giving that cable network 40% ratings......while the other six watch...CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, PBS, Al-Jazeera-America, Russia-Today, ABC and several other Internet-based news sources (especially for the younger generation).......

It should not be too difficult to then conclude that no other competitor to Fox would even remotely come close to that network's 40% rating.

Yet, the question remains: Is this dominance by Fox in the ratings' war a good or bad thing for the conservative movement, ideology and growth ?

Since Fox has gained prominence, Repubs have lost the popular vote in 5 out of the last 6 presidential elections. I think it's an echo chamber that blinds them to any idea other than what Fox suggests.

Bill Clinto never got 50% of the popular vote in either of his election wins for President of the USA.
PolitiFact Florida s 5 Most Biased Rulings - Media Trackers

PolitiFact Florida shows no signs of becoming a credible, objective political fact-checking group despite being exposed for liberal, pro-Democrat bias in a 2012 Media Trackers Florida investigation.

PolitiFact Florida, a self-appointed political fact-checking group employed by the ultra-liberal Tampa Bay Times, has a glaring record of political bias, a Media Trackers Florida investigation revealed last August. The Media Trackers Florida analysis found PolitiFact gives strikingly more negative rulings against Republicans than Democrats, often employing twisted logic and flat-out falsehoods to justify its rulings.
You aren't one of those people who think Conservative media is truthfull and accurate, and Liberal/Mainstream media is dishonet and innaccurate.....are you?
11 pages and liberals aren't obsessed?


why are you focusing on what you call "liberals" ???

Yeah, he's not contributing a whole lot here izzie?
Just what exactly is there to contribute? Fox News is popular. Libs hate that fact. /thread

Oh I dunno, maybe analysis? The thread title does after all ask a question; you've made no attempt to answer it. You just sit on the side counting your page numbers.

If you can't think of a point -- that's fine, just move to a thread where you can think of something.
11 pages and liberals aren't obsessed?


why are you focusing on what you call "liberals" ???

Yeah, he's not contributing a whole lot here izzie?
Just what exactly is there to contribute? Fox News is popular. Libs hate that fact. /thread


LOL! These 'people' contesting Fox are not Liberals... Fox sets Liberals next to each and every Conservative they interview... Fox presents the Leftist position next to every Conservative position that they present...

And THAT is why Fox News is the walking away most popular new channel in the United States.

Therefore, given the level of angst that these cretins are leveling, we can rest assured that what they are, is Marxists... socialists of the first order. The Mouthier Contingent of the Political Ideology by which evil is advanced... politically. And there's nothing "Liberating" about it.

But then all Evil represents is chaos, calamity and catastrophe, which is the pure Antithesis of Liberty. Which is why they so loath a network which sets Evil at equity with Good.

Ya see friends, Fox News is designed to turn you into the mythical "Moderate". Because Moderates are easily cowed; because moderates are basically Leftists, without the courage to commit to Leftism.
:lol: ANyone who relies on FNC as a news source is an idiot. They have the LEAST news of all of the networks...it is an entertainment network. Idiot teapers can't tell the difference between fact and opinion. Neither can moronic liberals who love MSNBC. Fox is NOT an news channel...it is an ENTERTAINMENT Channel. And for the stupid idiot who thinks FNC has the BEST breaking news...:rofl: if there is a breaking news story, FNC is the LAST channel I would check...they don't have the resources outside of pundits pushing the teaper agenda.. FNC doesn't cover news...they are like USMB...they simply support the tea party hate narrative. The censor and edit anyone with an opposing opinion.

They get away with lying in 82% of their stories. They even went to court to get permission to lie to their audience.

Fox News gets okay to misinform public court ruling Media Reform CeaseSPIN.org

Appellate Court Rules Media Can Legally Lie.
By Mike Gaddy. Published Feb. 28, 2003

The court did not dispute the heart of Akre’s claim, that Fox pressured her to broadcast a false story to protect the broadcaster from having to defend the truth in court, as well as suffer the ire of irate advertisers. Fox argued from the first, and failed on three separate occasions, in front of three different judges, to have the case tossed out on the grounds there is no hard, fast, and written rule against deliberate distortion of the news.

The attorneys for Fox, owned by media baron Rupert Murdoch, argued the First Amendment gives broadcasters the right to lie or deliberately distort news reports on the public airwaves.

In its six-page written decision, the Court of Appeals held that the Federal Communications Commission position against news distortion is only a “policy,” not a promulgated law, rule, or regulation. Fox aired a report after the ruling saying it was “totally vindicated” by the verdict.
Fox Affiliate Correct To Fire Irresponsible Journalists. legal accuse state - Politics and Other Controversies -Democrats Republicans Libertarians Conservatives Liberals Third Parties Left-Wing Right-Wing Congress President - City-Data Forum
The journalists in the video who were terminated by a Fox News affiliate in Tampa, FL are husband and wife. They wrote a story that claimed bovine growth hormones were transmitted to humans through milk and caused cancer in humans. Since the claim opened the Fox News affiliate up to all sorts of litigation, the legal department insisted that these claims be supported with objective proof. The court records reveal the couple simply didn't do their homework and the Fox News legal team wisely prevented an irresponsible news story from going forward. The couple retaliated against their employer by alleging they were coerced to lie. This claim and all others were dismissed by a jury that only upheld a wrongful termination suit based on whistle blower laws that actually did not apply. That decision was reversed on appeal. None of this prevented ceaseSPIN.org from completely fabricating an anti-Fox News story that has no basis in fact what so ever.

Fox News gets okay to misinform public, court ruling | Media Reform | CeaseSPIN.org

New World Communications of Tampa, Inc., d/b/a WTVT-TV, a subsidiary of Fox Television, challenges a judgment entered against it for violating Florida's private sector whistle-blower's statute, section 448.102, Florida Statutes (Supp. 1998). We reverse.

Each time the station asked Wilson and Akre to provide supporting documentation for statements in the story or to make changes in the content of the story, the reporters accused the station of attempting to distort the story to favor the manufacturer of BGH.

After a four-week trial, a jury found against Wilson on all of his claims. The trial court directed a verdict against Akre on her breach of contract claim, Akre abandoned her claim for declaratory relief, and the trial court let her whistle-blower claims go to the jury. The jury rejected all of Akre’s claims except her claim that WTVT retaliated against her in response to her threat to disclose the alleged news distortion to the FCC.

Read more: http://www.city-data.com/forum/politics-other-controversies/746766-fox-affiliate-correct-fire-irresponsible-journalists.html#ixzz3Xgt4xbFa
My question would probably make for a boring thread on it's own......

But I'd be interested in news sources people think are good.

Or at least more about how the taking heads on this site get their material.

I'll go first.

I prefer the following:

Non Fiction History Books

Senate.gov and house.gov, for legislation in it's untranslated form.

CSPAN, without commentary.

The Economist.

Foreign papers in english, online, for new specific to a particular incident in a country.

The McLaughlin Group....yes, they're still alive, and on early Sunday mornings

The Daily Show

Fox News and MSNBC for giggles, and to see how people on this site get so wrong
Fox News, MSNBC ABC, CBS, CNN, and using Google where I can pick other sources. Just keep your eyes on the facts that are reported, and don't worry so much about the perspective. If the facts are accurate, you're OK.

Here's a good example.

Obiwan said that liberals never post facts. I posted facts, PROOF that he's slurping up lies and he doesn't have the balls to read the links.

The fact is, gullible RWs want to be stupid and they succeed. They know they're being lied to and they just keep going back for more.

I read them...

You've got mail....
PolitiFact Florida s 5 Most Biased Rulings - Media Trackers

PolitiFact Florida shows no signs of becoming a credible, objective political fact-checking group despite being exposed for liberal, pro-Democrat bias in a 2012 Media Trackers Florida investigation.

PolitiFact Florida, a self-appointed political fact-checking group employed by the ultra-liberal Tampa Bay Times, has a glaring record of political bias, a Media Trackers Florida investigation revealed last August. The Media Trackers Florida analysis found PolitiFact gives strikingly more negative rulings against Republicans than Democrats, often employing twisted logic and flat-out falsehoods to justify its rulings.
You aren't one of those people who think Conservative media is truthfull and accurate, and Liberal/Mainstream media is dishonet and innaccurate.....are you?
Actually, I check all of the news sources.....

Hell., I even know how to use Google to prove Luddy uses trash sources for his crap. Now who's biased?
11 pages and liberals aren't obsessed?


why are you focusing on what you call "liberals" ???

Yeah, he's not contributing a whole lot here izzie?
Just what exactly is there to contribute? Fox News is popular. Libs hate that fact. /thread

Oh I dunno, maybe analysis? The thread title does after all ask a question; you've made no attempt to answer it. You just sit on the side counting your page numbers.

If you can't think of a point -- that's fine, just move to a thread where you can think of something.
Analysis? Lol

What ever floats your boat.

I gave the only analysis that matters. Heck I'll even expand on it a bit.


Liberals are hysterical morons when it comes to Fox News. They're so stupid that they don't even realize all their ridiculous hysterical rantings about Fox just drive more viewers their way to "see" what all the hysterics are about.

You guys are pathetic

LOL! These 'people' contesting Fox are not Liberals... Fox sets Liberals next to each and every Conservative they interview... Fox presents the Leftist position next to every Conservative position that they present...

Could you please tell us the name of the liberal who sat alongside Ted Cruz in this interview?

Sean Hannity scores the BIG interview tonight Senator Ted Cruz and yes every network anchor wanted it I wanted it -- this is the first official 2016 announcement for President Gretawire
11 pages and liberals aren't obsessed?


why are you focusing on what you call "liberals" ???

Yeah, he's not contributing a whole lot here izzie?
Just what exactly is there to contribute? Fox News is popular. Libs hate that fact. /thread

Oh I dunno, maybe analysis? The thread title does after all ask a question; you've made no attempt to answer it. You just sit on the side counting your page numbers.

If you can't think of a point -- that's fine, just move to a thread where you can think of something.
Analysis? Lol

What ever floats your boat.

I gave the only analysis that matters. Heck I'll even expand on it a bit.


Liberals are hysterical morons when it comes to Fox News. They're so stupid that they don't even realize all their ridiculous hysterical rantings about Fox just drive more viewers their way to "see" what all the hysterics are about.

You guys are pathetic

That ain't analysis -- that's just blanket ad hominem.

You couldn't touch my analysis with a ten-foot pole.
why are you focusing on what you call "liberals" ???

Yeah, he's not contributing a whole lot here izzie?
Just what exactly is there to contribute? Fox News is popular. Libs hate that fact. /thread

Oh I dunno, maybe analysis? The thread title does after all ask a question; you've made no attempt to answer it. You just sit on the side counting your page numbers.

If you can't think of a point -- that's fine, just move to a thread where you can think of something.
Analysis? Lol

What ever floats your boat.

I gave the only analysis that matters. Heck I'll even expand on it a bit.


Liberals are hysterical morons when it comes to Fox News. They're so stupid that they don't even realize all their ridiculous hysterical rantings about Fox just drive more viewers their way to "see" what all the hysterics are about.

You guys are pathetic

That ain't analysis -- that's just blanket ad hominem.

You couldn't touch my analysis with a ten-foot pole.
Your analysis is irrelevant.

Fox News is popular
Liberals practically piss themselves over that fact.

Facts>your analysis
Yeah, he's not contributing a whole lot here izzie?
Just what exactly is there to contribute? Fox News is popular. Libs hate that fact. /thread

Oh I dunno, maybe analysis? The thread title does after all ask a question; you've made no attempt to answer it. You just sit on the side counting your page numbers.

If you can't think of a point -- that's fine, just move to a thread where you can think of something.
Analysis? Lol

What ever floats your boat.

I gave the only analysis that matters. Heck I'll even expand on it a bit.


Liberals are hysterical morons when it comes to Fox News. They're so stupid that they don't even realize all their ridiculous hysterical rantings about Fox just drive more viewers their way to "see" what all the hysterics are about.

You guys are pathetic

That ain't analysis -- that's just blanket ad hominem.

You couldn't touch my analysis with a ten-foot pole.
Your analysis is irrelevant.

Fox News is popular
Liberals practically piss themselves over that fact.

Facts>your analysis

Not "irrelevant" --- the word you're looking for is uncontested.

Once again you can argue only from emotion -- blanket ad hominem.
Which proves my very point: Fox Noise sells emotion; you lap it up like a dog who just discovered Alpo.

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