Why are FOX news ratings so high?

LOL! These 'people' contesting Fox are not Liberals... Fox sets Liberals next to each and every Conservative they interview... Fox presents the Leftist position next to every Conservative position that they present.

Could you please tell us the name of the liberal who sat alongside Ted Cruz in this interview?

Sean Hannity scores the BIG interview tonight Senator Ted Cruz and yes every network anchor wanted it I wanted it -- this is the first official 2016 announcement for President Gretawire

Oh I can do better than that. I will set you up to get your answer from what you would consider to be an unimpeachable source.


Who was the interviewer?

Answer that and you've answered your own question.

Now... take a few minutes and let that soak in.

(Reader, do ya SEE how easy this is?

Again, the key to defeating Leftists in debate is as follows:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to speak.)
Reading some of the other threads on here, the issue that FOX news dominates the ratings wars often comes up.......A recent survey finds that right wingers, in general, do NOT trust any other news source BUT Fox.

On the surface, right wingers will "conclude" that since Fox ranks so high, it must be "good" and "trustworthy.".................But is this really the conclusion that should be readily accepted?

Now, I'm sure that right wingers on here will quickly respond that any criticism of Fox's high ratings is based on envy...or liberal spin and biases.

However, for the more open-minded fellow posters, a simple explanation may make sense.

Let's say that the entire rating system was comprised of 10 people; 4 of whom are conservatives and the other 6 span the political spectrum from liberal to independent.....

Now, the 4 conservative faithfully and unwaveringly watch Fox giving that cable network 40% ratings......while the other six watch...CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, PBS, Al-Jazeera-America, Russia-Today, ABC and several other Internet-based news sources (especially for the younger generation).......

It should not be too difficult to then conclude that no other competitor to Fox would even remotely come close to that network's 40% rating.

Yet, the question remains: Is this dominance by Fox in the ratings' war a good or bad thing for the conservative movement, ideology and growth ?

Simple, it is obviously the news that both the left and right watch. The right watches because it is more in line with their thinking. The left watches to see if a woman wears their dress just a little bit short so they can call her a slut. Or maybe one of the anchors looks just a little too gay. You know, they watch for all the right reasons.
18 pages now....


Because liberals are irrational emotional creatures

^^ Posts a blanket ad hom, then wants to call others emotional.

And still nothing on the topic.

Apparently GMU, who has yet to think of anything to say on the subject, is bent on making enough extraneous noise that those who do have something to say might be drowned out.

Symbolic, that.
LOL! These 'people' contesting Fox are not Liberals... Fox sets Liberals next to each and every Conservative they interview... Fox presents the Leftist position next to every Conservative position that they present.

Could you please tell us the name of the liberal who sat alongside Ted Cruz in this interview?

Sean Hannity scores the BIG interview tonight Senator Ted Cruz and yes every network anchor wanted it I wanted it -- this is the first official 2016 announcement for President Gretawire

Oh I can do better than that. I will set you up to get your answer from what you would consider to be an unimpeachable source.


Who was the interviewer?

Answer that and you've answered your own question.

Now... take a few minutes and let that soak in.

(Reader, do ya SEE how easy this is?

Again, the key to defeating Leftists in debate is as follows:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to speak.)

Let me quote you:

Fox sets Liberals next to each and every Conservative they interview...

Given that, I repeat the question:

Could you please tell us the name of the liberal who sat alongside Ted Cruz in this interview?
18 pages now....


Because liberals are irrational emotional creatures

^^ Posts a blanket ad hom, then wants to call others emotional.

And still nothing on the topic.
On topic?

Fox News is NUMBER ONE

suck it

I don't sell TV advertising, so I don't really care. Nor is it the question here.
The question was "WHY".

I gave comprehensive complex contextual answers. Your answer by contrast was, and I quote,
"suck it".

Alrighty then. Next....
Reading some of the other threads on here, the issue that FOX news dominates the ratings wars often comes up.......A recent survey finds that right wingers, in general, do NOT trust any other news source BUT Fox.

On the surface, right wingers will "conclude" that since Fox ranks so high, it must be "good" and "trustworthy.".................But is this really the conclusion that should be readily accepted?

Now, I'm sure that right wingers on here will quickly respond that any criticism of Fox's high ratings is based on envy...or liberal spin and biases.

However, for the more open-minded fellow posters, a simple explanation may make sense.

Let's say that the entire rating system was comprised of 10 people; 4 of whom are conservatives and the other 6 span the political spectrum from liberal to independent.....

Now, the 4 conservative faithfully and unwaveringly watch Fox giving that cable network 40% ratings......while the other six watch...CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, PBS, Al-Jazeera-America, Russia-Today, ABC and several other Internet-based news sources (especially for the younger generation).......

It should not be too difficult to then conclude that no other competitor to Fox would even remotely come close to that network's 40% rating.

Yet, the question remains: Is this dominance by Fox in the ratings' war a good or bad thing for the conservative movement, ideology and growth ?

Since Fox has gained prominence, Repubs have lost the popular vote in 5 out of the last 6 presidential elections. I think it's an echo chamber that blinds them to any idea other than what Fox suggests.

Bill Clinto never got 50% of the popular vote in either of his election wins for President of the USA.

He still won the popular vote both times by large margins.
Anybody notice that the rabid RWs have ignored every single fact, every bit of proof that I have posted?

They demand proof that Fox lies, that Fox is an entertainment network, PROOF that they're being duped and not one of them has the integrity to respond to even one link.

Ignorance is bliss.

Come on, be honest, did you really EXPECT any right winger on here to actually develop a dose of integrity?....That would mean that a good part of the fantasy they've built around them would have to dissipate......and reality is an anathema for them.
LOL! These 'people' contesting Fox are not Liberals... Fox sets Liberals next to each and every Conservative they interview... Fox presents the Leftist position next to every Conservative position that they present.

Could you please tell us the name of the liberal who sat alongside Ted Cruz in this interview?

Sean Hannity scores the BIG interview tonight Senator Ted Cruz and yes every network anchor wanted it I wanted it -- this is the first official 2016 announcement for President Gretawire

Oh I can do better than that. I will set you up to get your answer from what you would consider to be an unimpeachable source.


Who was the interviewer?

Answer that and you've answered your own question.

Now... take a few minutes and let that soak in.

(Reader, do ya SEE how easy this is?

Again, the key to defeating Leftists in debate is as follows:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to speak.)

Let me quote you:

Fox sets Liberals next to each and every Conservative they interview...

Given that, I repeat the question:

Could you please tell us the name of the liberal who sat alongside Ted Cruz in this interview?

Oh I can do better than that. I will set you up to get your answer from what you would consider to be an unimpeachable source.


Who was the interviewer?

Answer that and you've answered your own question.

Now... take a few minutes and let that soak in.

(Reader, how cool is it that the cult is now SO paranoid, that they're incapable of even trusting THEMSELVES.)
Last edited:
Reading some of the other threads on here, the issue that FOX news dominates the ratings wars often comes up.......A recent survey finds that right wingers, in general, do NOT trust any other news source BUT Fox.

On the surface, right wingers will "conclude" that since Fox ranks so high, it must be "good" and "trustworthy.".................But is this really the conclusion that should be readily accepted?

Now, I'm sure that right wingers on here will quickly respond that any criticism of Fox's high ratings is based on envy...or liberal spin and biases.

However, for the more open-minded fellow posters, a simple explanation may make sense.

Let's say that the entire rating system was comprised of 10 people; 4 of whom are conservatives and the other 6 span the political spectrum from liberal to independent.....

Now, the 4 conservative faithfully and unwaveringly watch Fox giving that cable network 40% ratings......while the other six watch...CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, PBS, Al-Jazeera-America, Russia-Today, ABC and several other Internet-based news sources (especially for the younger generation).......

It should not be too difficult to then conclude that no other competitor to Fox would even remotely come close to that network's 40% rating.

Yet, the question remains: Is this dominance by Fox in the ratings' war a good or bad thing for the conservative movement, ideology and growth ?

Since Fox has gained prominence, Repubs have lost the popular vote in 5 out of the last 6 presidential elections. I think it's an echo chamber that blinds them to any idea other than what Fox suggests.

Bill Clinto never got 50% of the popular vote in either of his election wins for President of the USA.

He still won the popular vote both times by large margins.

No... Clinton did not win the popular vote in either election.

In both Elections more people voted against Clinton than voted for him...
Conservatives and Liberals on all their political discussion shows.

Just for fun, did you ever see a "liberal" on Fox actually WIN an argument???...I mean although you think that liberals are always wrong, the laws of probability should come into play....

The reality is that so-called liberals on FOX are just props to better brainwash the audience.
Anybody notice that the rabid RWs have ignored every single fact, every bit of proof that I have posted?

They demand proof that Fox lies, that Fox is an entertainment network, PROOF that they're being duped and not one of them has the integrity to respond to even one link.

Ignorance is bliss.

Come on, be honest, did you really EXPECT any right winger on here to actually develop a dose of integrity?....That would mean that a good part of the fantasy they've built around them would have to dissipate......and reality is an anathema for them.

Ahahaha, "be honest" :laugh: you libs are FUNNY! lol I heard a good one the other day, some lib was saying that if I like my health insurance plan and doctor I could keep them :haha:
Reading some of the other threads on here, the issue that FOX news dominates the ratings wars often comes up.......A recent survey finds that right wingers, in general, do NOT trust any other news source BUT Fox.

On the surface, right wingers will "conclude" that since Fox ranks so high, it must be "good" and "trustworthy.".................But is this really the conclusion that should be readily accepted?

Now, I'm sure that right wingers on here will quickly respond that any criticism of Fox's high ratings is based on envy...or liberal spin and biases.

However, for the more open-minded fellow posters, a simple explanation may make sense.

Let's say that the entire rating system was comprised of 10 people; 4 of whom are conservatives and the other 6 span the political spectrum from liberal to independent.....

Now, the 4 conservative faithfully and unwaveringly watch Fox giving that cable network 40% ratings......while the other six watch...CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, PBS, Al-Jazeera-America, Russia-Today, ABC and several other Internet-based news sources (especially for the younger generation).......

It should not be too difficult to then conclude that no other competitor to Fox would even remotely come close to that network's 40% rating.

Yet, the question remains: Is this dominance by Fox in the ratings' war a good or bad thing for the conservative movement, ideology and growth ?

Since Fox has gained prominence, Repubs have lost the popular vote in 5 out of the last 6 presidential elections. I think it's an echo chamber that blinds them to any idea other than what Fox suggests.

Bill Clinto never got 50% of the popular vote in either of his election wins for President of the USA.

He still won the popular vote both times by large margins.

No... Clinton did not win the popular vote in either election.

In both Elections more people voted against Clinton than voted for him...

And in both elections there were three candidates. What's your point, and what does it have to do with the topic?
The lure of someone telling you that you're right is powerful.

It takes highly developed critical reasoning skills, and some measure of emotional maturity to resist someone who says you're right.

And that's really what Fox does well. They hold focus groups on what white men over 60, without college dgrees, who attemd church once a week...think about politics. Then they have their programming get that message to their strongest demographic, the afore mentioned.

I believe you PEGGED it !!!!
The lure of someone telling you that you're right is powerful.

It takes highly developed critical reasoning skills, and some measure of emotional maturity to resist someone who says you're right.

And that's really what Fox does well. They hold focus groups on what white men over 60, without college dgrees, who attemd church once a week...think about politics. Then they have their programming get that message to their strongest demographic, the afore mentioned.

I believe you PEGGED it !!!!

LOL! Pitifully desperate.

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