Why Are Leftist Commentators Making Doom&Gloom Predictions If Taxes Get Lowered?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:argue: By now we have seen our favorite cable news hosts going at it with far left loonies over what will likely happen when we drop rates for the average American and business owners. The rats keep insisting that we will add to the debt/deficit, really? now they care about this?
The host will always bring up what happened when we did this under Reagan. Then they freeze up/brain fart moment. What about the Bush Years? Damn, the economy was kicking ass! many employers were begging for help!,,,Then Obama took over and look at what the Dems did to us in 2009.,,then followed by 8 years of 0.0 Growth!,,,and now they have the nerve to tell us that lowering taxes will make things worse? :banghead: :banghead: :dunno:
:eusa_think: :eusa_think:
Because being a leftist means you LOVE big unlimited government. As such, taxes must be high to keep your beloved big government in the green.
Obie already explained it. Basically it's doesn't matter if raising taxes actually helps the economy it's about being fair.
Because it will add $10 trillion to our debt without adding anything of value to the economy

If you borrow $10 trillion to build roads and bridges, you end up with $10 trillion worth of roads and bridges
If you give $10 trillion to the wealthy, they just keep it
Obie already explained it. Basically it's doesn't matter if raising taxes actually helps the economy it's about being fair.
and remember how every winter from 2009ish, we had Barry make his boring SOTU Address, trying to convince 200 Million Americans that the economy was jammin! millions and millions of new jobs, millions of new business start up,,so, so much progress with the economy since he took over?,,,yah? Did Obama ever mention in any of his SOTU addresses that he had to keep borrowing Trillions to make it look like the economy was growing?
Obie already explained it. Basically it's doesn't matter if raising taxes actually helps the economy it's about being fair.
and remember how every winter from 2009ish, we had Barry make his boring SOTU Address, trying to convince 200 Million Americans that the economy was jammin! millions and millions of new jobs, millions of new business start up,,so, so much progress with the economy since he took over?,,,yah? Did Obama ever mention in any of his SOTU addresses that he had to keep borrowing Trillions to make it look like the economy was growing?
Or that he was offsetting the economy by having the Treasury Dept print more money
Lowered tax rates should not be Evergreen.
If the end does not result in the predicted manner, the "cure" should be withdrawn.
By now we have seen our favorite cable news hosts going at it with far left loonies over what will likely happen when we drop rates for the average American and business owners. The rats keep insisting that we will add to the debt/deficit, really?

Because that's what always happens.
who knew that printing 4 trillion dollars would lead to 90 million new jobs?
Obie already explained it. Basically it's doesn't matter if raising taxes actually helps the economy it's about being fair.
and having to watch bob beeckel and jaun {on tthe Five} all those years trying to make it sound as if Obama was doing a great job with the economy in comparison to Bush?
:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
you got to love it when Maria Barchalooloos and her 38dd ( , ) ( , )'s keeps fighting back with these blockheads when she brings up the Reagan Years :iagree:
:argue: By now we have seen our favorite cable news hosts going at it with far left loonies over what will likely happen when we drop rates for the average American and business owners. The rats keep insisting that we will add to the debt/deficit, really? now they care about this?
The host will always bring up what happened when we did this under Reagan. Then they freeze up/brain fart moment. What about the Bush Years? Damn, the economy was kicking ass! many employers were begging for help!,,,Then Obama took over and look at what the Dems did to us in 2009.,,then followed by 8 years of 0.0 Growth!,,,and now they have the nerve to tell us that lowering taxes will make things worse? :banghead: :banghead: :dunno:
:eusa_think: :eusa_think:
Because it will be doom and gloom to the lefties when the people find out how great it is when they get to keep more of their money for the work they perform. Liberals know that they lose power because people start liking their lives again, because they don't OWE 6 months of their salary to the government. Of course the liberal scum who are welfare queens will still get their pittance of money that the government steal from those that create wealth yet continue to do nothing to leave that lifestyle.
Because it will add $10 trillion to our debt without adding anything of value to the economy

If you borrow $10 trillion to build roads and bridges, you end up with $10 trillion worth of roads and bridges
If you give $10 trillion to the wealthy, they just keep it
You're an idiot. They will put in the bank of invest it. If they save it, the bank loans it out to businesses to expand their plant and equipment or loans it to people to buy homes and automobiles. A tax cut means people get to spend money on what they want rather than having some scumbag bureaucrat deciding how it get's spent.

Your belief that the government will spend it on infrastructure is laughable. The empirical evidence shows the politicians will use it to give checks to useless ticks on the ass of society like you.
Because it will be doom and gloom to the lefties when the people find out how great it is when they get to keep more of their money for the work they perform. Liberals know that they lose power because people start liking their lives again, because they don't OWE 6 months of their salary to the government. Of course the liberal scum who are welfare queens will still get their pittance of money that the government steal from those that create wealth yet continue to do nothing to leave that lifestyle.

Um, guy, most of us who create the wealth don't see any of it because the One Percent steals half of it. All the government does is steal some of it back for us.

Now, if you have fair and just wealth distribution, you probably wouldn't need as much government as we have.

But you people don't think.
who knew that printing 4 trillion dollars would lead to 90 million new jobs?
For how long?
We're in a bubble and it's gonna burst.
90 million jobs over 8 years, equals ?
90,000,000 / 96 months = 93,700 jobs a month. Boy, when you look at Obama's economic policy and job creations, no wonder the DOL lowered expectation where 100,000 jobs a month was a great goal reached for the socialist community agitator.
Because it will be doom and gloom to the lefties when the people find out how great it is when they get to keep more of their money for the work they perform. Liberals know that they lose power because people start liking their lives again, because they don't OWE 6 months of their salary to the government. Of course the liberal scum who are welfare queens will still get their pittance of money that the government steal from those that create wealth yet continue to do nothing to leave that lifestyle.

Um, guy, most of us who create the wealth don't see any of it because the One Percent steals half of it. All the government does is steal some of it back for us.

Now, if you have fair and just wealth distribution, you probably wouldn't need as much government as we have.

But you people don't think.
the One Percent steals half of it.
How does one steal it?
Because it will add $10 trillion to our debt without adding anything of value to the economy

If you borrow $10 trillion to build roads and bridges, you end up with $10 trillion worth of roads and bridges
If you give $10 trillion to the wealthy, they just keep it
Just like that money that Obama gave Iran?

Obama gave Iran its own money
Because it will add $10 trillion to our debt without adding anything of value to the economy

If you borrow $10 trillion to build roads and bridges, you end up with $10 trillion worth of roads and bridges
If you give $10 trillion to the wealthy, they just keep it
Just like that money that Obama gave Iran?

Obama gave Iran its own money
Yes, I heard that. What about the additional plane-load of cash?
Because it will add $10 trillion to our debt without adding anything of value to the economy

If you borrow $10 trillion to build roads and bridges, you end up with $10 trillion worth of roads and bridges
If you give $10 trillion to the wealthy, they just keep it
You're an idiot. They will put in the bank of invest it. If they save it, the bank loans it out to businesses to expand their plant and equipment or loans it to people to buy homes and automobiles. A tax cut means people get to spend money on what they want rather than having some scumbag bureaucrat deciding how it get's spent.

Your belief that the government will spend it on infrastructure is laughable. The empirical evidence shows the politicians will use it to give checks to useless ticks on the ass of society like you.

While it is true that a large portion of the infrastructure investment will be confiscated by the one percent as "profit", a significant portion of the money will end up in the hands of the working class and we have roads and bridges to show for it

Now, where does the money from Republican tax cuts go? Directly into the pockets of the wealthy and our society has nothing to show for it

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