Why Are Leftist Commentators Making Doom&Gloom Predictions If Taxes Get Lowered?

Because it will add $10 trillion to our debt without adding anything of value to the economy

If you borrow $10 trillion to build roads and bridges, you end up with $10 trillion worth of roads and bridges
If you give $10 trillion to the wealthy, they just keep it
Just like that money that Obama gave Iran?
Obama didn't give any of our money to Iran. He gave them money we had put into escrow and confiscated, some of it as long ago as 1979. Those confiscated funds were collecting interest by international law. It was a debt that would have to be paid sooner or later. The longer we waited to pay it off the more it cost us in interest.
Because it will add $10 trillion to our debt without adding anything of value to the economy

If you borrow $10 trillion to build roads and bridges, you end up with $10 trillion worth of roads and bridges
If you give $10 trillion to the wealthy, they just keep it
Just like that money that Obama gave Iran?

Obama gave Iran its own money
Iran lost the right to the money when it kidnapped 52 American citizens. That was an act of war.
Just like that money that Obama gave Iran?

Yet ANOTHER right wing idiot pushes that LIE that Alex Jones told him to push....

IDIOT that was not our money....it was Iran's........(what an asshole.)
who knew that printing 4 trillion dollars would lead to 90 million new jobs?
For how long?
We're in a bubble and it's gonna burst.
90 million jobs over 8 years, equals ?
90,000,000 / 96 months = 93,700 jobs a month. Boy, when you look at Obama's economic policy and job creations, no wonder the DOL lowered expectation where 100,000 jobs a month was a great goal reached for the socialist community agitator.
Because it will be doom and gloom to the lefties when the people find out how great it is when they get to keep more of their money for the work they perform. Liberals know that they lose power because people start liking their lives again, because they don't OWE 6 months of their salary to the government. Of course the liberal scum who are welfare queens will still get their pittance of money that the government steal from those that create wealth yet continue to do nothing to leave that lifestyle.

Um, guy, most of us who create the wealth don't see any of it because the One Percent steals half of it. All the government does is steal some of it back for us.

Now, if you have fair and just wealth distribution, you probably wouldn't need as much government as we have.

But you people don't think.
the One Percent steals half of it.
How does one steal it?
Neither extreme from either party really works.
Because it will add $10 trillion to our debt without adding anything of value to the economy

If you borrow $10 trillion to build roads and bridges, you end up with $10 trillion worth of roads and bridges
If you give $10 trillion to the wealthy, they just keep it
You're an idiot. They will put in the bank of invest it. If they save it, the bank loans it out to businesses to expand their plant and equipment or loans it to people to buy homes and automobiles. A tax cut means people get to spend money on what they want rather than having some scumbag bureaucrat deciding how it get's spent.

Your belief that the government will spend it on infrastructure is laughable. The empirical evidence shows the politicians will use it to give checks to useless ticks on the ass of society like you.

While it is true that a large portion of the infrastructure investment will be confiscated by the one percent as "profit", a significant portion of the money will end up in the hands of the working class and we have roads and bridges to show for it

Now, where does the money from Republican tax cuts go? Directly into the pockets of the wealthy and our society has nothing to show for it
Most of the money will go to ticks on the ass of society like you. I don't mean rich people. I mean government employees and government dependents.
Best way to evaluate this Trump proposed tax plan.........boils down to the fact that Trump would benefit by about $ ONE BILLION......Nice, isn't it?
Because it will add $10 trillion to our debt without adding anything of value to the economy

If you borrow $10 trillion to build roads and bridges, you end up with $10 trillion worth of roads and bridges
If you give $10 trillion to the wealthy, they just keep it
You're an idiot. They will put in the bank of invest it. If they save it, the bank loans it out to businesses to expand their plant and equipment or loans it to people to buy homes and automobiles. A tax cut means people get to spend money on what they want rather than having some scumbag bureaucrat deciding how it get's spent.

Your belief that the government will spend it on infrastructure is laughable. The empirical evidence shows the politicians will use it to give checks to useless ticks on the ass of society like you.

While it is true that a large portion of the infrastructure investment will be confiscated by the one percent as "profit", a significant portion of the money will end up in the hands of the working class and we have roads and bridges to show for it

Now, where does the money from Republican tax cuts go? Directly into the pockets of the wealthy and our society has nothing to show for it

O greased all his buds with the stimulus.
Because it will add $10 trillion to our debt without adding anything of value to the economy

If you borrow $10 trillion to build roads and bridges, you end up with $10 trillion worth of roads and bridges
If you give $10 trillion to the wealthy, they just keep it
Just like that money that Obama gave Iran?

Obama gave Iran its own money
Iran lost the right to the money when it kidnapped 52 American citizens. That was an act of war.
That is when the funds were first confiscated. America is a country that follows and respects laws, in this case, international laws. Other options may have been available for a short time under the Carter administration, but fundamentally under the Reagan Administration. The US agreed to have the case heard by an international court. You can not agree to have a case settled in court and then change your mind if you don't like the outcome. Well, you can, but that would destroy any respect for the US and be a great hindrance in future diplomatic dealings.
90 million jobs over 8 years, equals ?
90,000,000 / 96 months = 93,700 jobs a month.

dude, 90 Million divided by 96 is 937,500

So in addition to "Journalism" and "Science" we can add "Math" to one of those things you struggle with.
So Joe if my math is wrong and 90 million divided by 96 is 937,500 jobs created, why wasn't it reported monthly how great Obama was doing?

Monthly job creation averages: Reagan 233,000; Obama 61,000
Now the White House wants you to think that 175,000 is a good job creation number. It's not. But if you don't ave historical context in which to view the number, you might not recognize that. So let’s put the 175,000 jobs in perspective.
Wouldn't you think that 175,000 is much less than 937,500. Why would you make my point how much of lying sacks of shit 90 million jobs were created under Obama, yet the truth doesn't show it at all?
Because it will add $10 trillion to our debt without adding anything of value to the economy

If you borrow $10 trillion to build roads and bridges, you end up with $10 trillion worth of roads and bridges
If you give $10 trillion to the wealthy, they just keep it
Just like that money that Obama gave Iran?

Obama gave Iran its own money
Iran lost the right to the money when it kidnapped 52 American citizens. That was an act of war.
That is when the funds were first confiscated. America is a country that follows and respects laws, in this case, international laws. Other options may have been available for a short time under the Carter administration, but fundamentally under the Reagan Administration. The US agreed to have the case heard by an international court. You can not agree to have a case settled in court and then change your mind if you don't like the outcome. Well, you can, but that would destroy any respect for the US and be a great hindrance in future diplomatic dealings.

The world court has no respect. I have no evidence that the USA agreed to any such judgment. In fact, precisely the opposite is the case:

Iran Withholding $43 Billion In Restitution to U.S Terror Victims - Washington Free Beacon

Iran is refusing to pay more than $43 billion in court judgments issued to U.S. victims of the Islamic Republic’s terror operations, prompting two leading senators to back an effort that would prohibit the Obama administration from unfreezing more than $150 billion in Iranian assets until that country has settled its debts.

The $43 billion in damages to American terror victims were assessed as a result of some 50 U.S. court cases in recent years, according to official government estimates.
Because it will add $10 trillion to our debt without adding anything of value to the economy

If you borrow $10 trillion to build roads and bridges, you end up with $10 trillion worth of roads and bridges
If you give $10 trillion to the wealthy, they just keep it
Just like that money that Obama gave Iran?

Obama gave Iran its own money
Iran lost the right to the money when it kidnapped 52 American citizens. That was an act of war.
That is when the funds were first confiscated. America is a country that follows and respects laws, in this case, international laws. Other options may have been available for a short time under the Carter administration, but fundamentally under the Reagan Administration. The US agreed to have the case heard by an international court. You can not agree to have a case settled in court and then change your mind if you don't like the outcome. Well, you can, but that would destroy any respect for the US and be a great hindrance in future diplomatic dealings.

The world court has no respect. I have no evidence that the USA agreed to any such judgment. In fact, precisely the opposite is the case:

Iran Withholding $43 Billion In Restitution to U.S Terror Victims - Washington Free Beacon

Iran is refusing to pay more than $43 billion in court judgments issued to U.S. victims of the Islamic Republic’s terror operations, prompting two leading senators to back an effort that would prohibit the Obama administration from unfreezing more than $150 billion in Iranian assets until that country has settled its debts.

The $43 billion in damages to American terror victims were assessed as a result of some 50 U.S. court cases in recent years, according to official government estimates.
There is a vast difference between suits and litigation in an individual country and suits and litigations in a mutually agreed upon an international court. First and foremost, both parties must agree to adhere to the courts ruling.
So Joe if my math is wrong and 90 million divided by 96 is 937,500 jobs created, why wasn't it reported monthly how great Obama was doing?

I wouldn't know, since I didn't make that claim, you did.

Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia

the actual number of total jobs created under Obama was 11.5 Million. Better than the net 1.3 million net jobs created under Bush after his two recessions, but not as good as the 23 Million net jobs created under Clinton.

Now, maybe you get to that number of jobs if you talk about all the new positions created without subtracting all the positions lost...

But in a dynamic economy, 15 million new jobs are created every year and about 13 million are eliminated by process improvement or reorganization.

Wouldn't you think that 175,000 is much less than 937,500. Why would you make my point how much of lying sacks of shit 90 million jobs were created under Obama, yet the truth doesn't show it at all?

Again, you are the one who threw out the 90 million number... so you threw out a strawman to argue against, and then demonstrated you don't understand simple math.

Wait. Didn't you claim you worked on jet fighters? Don't you need math skills for that?
So Joe if my math is wrong and 90 million divided by 96 is 937,500 jobs created, why wasn't it reported monthly how great Obama was doing?

I wouldn't know, since I didn't make that claim, you did.

Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia

the actual number of total jobs created under Obama was 11.5 Million. Better than the net 1.3 million net jobs created under Bush after his two recessions, but not as good as the 23 Million net jobs created under Clinton.

Now, maybe you get to that number of jobs if you talk about all the new positions created without subtracting all the positions lost...

But in a dynamic economy, 15 million new jobs are created every year and about 13 million are eliminated by process improvement or reorganization.

Wouldn't you think that 175,000 is much less than 937,500. Why would you make my point how much of lying sacks of shit 90 million jobs were created under Obama, yet the truth doesn't show it at all?

Again, you are the one who threw out the 90 million number... so you threw out a strawman to argue against, and then demonstrated you don't understand simple math.

Wait. Didn't you claim you worked on jet fighters? Don't you need math skills for that?
Rexx Taylor said:
who knew that printing 4 trillion dollars would lead to 90 million new jobs?
Joe? uhmmmmm......
Just like that money that Obama gave Iran?

Obama gave Iran its own money
Iran lost the right to the money when it kidnapped 52 American citizens. That was an act of war.
That is when the funds were first confiscated. America is a country that follows and respects laws, in this case, international laws. Other options may have been available for a short time under the Carter administration, but fundamentally under the Reagan Administration. The US agreed to have the case heard by an international court. You can not agree to have a case settled in court and then change your mind if you don't like the outcome. Well, you can, but that would destroy any respect for the US and be a great hindrance in future diplomatic dealings.

The world court has no respect. I have no evidence that the USA agreed to any such judgment. In fact, precisely the opposite is the case:

Iran Withholding $43 Billion In Restitution to U.S Terror Victims - Washington Free Beacon

Iran is refusing to pay more than $43 billion in court judgments issued to U.S. victims of the Islamic Republic’s terror operations, prompting two leading senators to back an effort that would prohibit the Obama administration from unfreezing more than $150 billion in Iranian assets until that country has settled its debts.

The $43 billion in damages to American terror victims were assessed as a result of some 50 U.S. court cases in recent years, according to official government estimates.
There is a vast difference between suits and litigation in an individual country and suits and litigations in a mutually agreed upon an international court. First and foremost, both parties must agree to adhere to the courts ruling.

I never heard of this ruling. Furthermore, if it ever happened, it violated U.S. law.

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