Why Are Leftist Commentators Making Doom&Gloom Predictions If Taxes Get Lowered?

Because it will add $10 trillion to our debt without adding anything of value to the economy

If you borrow $10 trillion to build roads and bridges, you end up with $10 trillion worth of roads and bridges
If you give $10 trillion to the wealthy, they just keep it
/——/ Tax cuts isn’t giving money to the wealthy you commie imbecile. WElfare is giving people money. Tax cuts let people keep more of their own money. But I think you already knew that.
You are such a goofy liar...

Here's a fun fact for you. Obama was the first potus in U.S. history to NEVER realize an annual GDP of at least 3%, in spite of adding $9 TRILLION in debt. The economy was stagnant and, incidentally, that's why Hillary lost all those swing states. Trump promised to put Americans first and to help them by reinvigorating the economy. Cutting and reforming taxes is a great start!

(OH MY GOSH, I am so sorry this is so long! just go to the last 3 or 5 paragraphs and skip the first few if it is overwhelming to read!!!)

Yes, Obama's era, where he took over after the biggest wall Street crash, and Housing Bubble/ Bust, and Mortgage crisis in our History as a Nation next to the Great Depression, (and unlike the Great Depression, we didn't have a War to pull us out of it or the massive massive massive spending programs that FDR created...)to get gdp over 3%...

we are still, right now, suffering the effects of it with stagnation or close to it... in wages, and the continued growth of disparity between the wealthy and the middle class...while those at the top, and major corporations, have regained all of their losses and managed to grab more of the share so the disparities between these classes is even greater.....

and that would be fine and Dandy if the middle class was also having huge increases in earnings....but they are not....they got hit really hard with the 2008 recession and crashes that annihilated their 401k's, home values, and job opportunities to advance and make more money....

He began with a running deficit of nearly $1.4 trillion dollars, President Bush began with a $300 billion dollar running surplus....Obama got it down to around a $400 billion deficit, without any of his job programs even making it to the floor for a vote.... there was the original stimulus, which technically brought us out of the recession within a year, then nothing from the do nothing congress after that....

So yes, he did add a great deal to the national debt....not certain if he reached doubling it, might have been a hair shy or over? His fiscal year end of his last budget was this past Sept 30th, 2017...the official end of his 8 years and have not looked yet to see how it came out...

but think about this, President bush doubled his fiscal 8 years the National Debt, and he began with a running surplus in the budget, and he had the biggest housing and mortgage boom in our History, along with his 2 tax cuts, YET he still double our national debt from our History, in the 8 years....NOW THAT'S a LOT of spending by Republicans in the so called "good Years" ...he was still overspending and primarily congress, was STILL over spending like there was going to be no tomorrow.

Obama took over a period where the government needs to be spending, during a recession....

I know what Trump promised you, though I have great doubts that he has even a clue, on how to do it...he's kind of ditzy, unable to focus on any given thing for any length of time....

but I agree with a lot of what he was telling you, just not what is appearing to be, his way haphazard and free of any thought, is not the way of getting there...

This rush to get something "passed", any legislation passed... is hindering a successful plan, to reduce the tax burden of the middle class or the wealthy and which will be best for the economy to grow it is debate they should be having on the senate and congressional floors, and the committees over this should be running studies of what is the best return on investment.... what will bring in even more taxes than now, by the reforms....

we have no money to do this, we already do not collect enough now to pay for what they are spending and primarily, not enough to even pay the interest bill/ payment to the foreign banks that loaned us the money for our national debt, AND we have to pay back what they borrowed from the Social Security surplus taxes and put in their budgets.

So to me, we should analyze the cost of these tax cuts and any benefits, up and down and inside out on what the best return on investment would be....before we make them.....and make certain THEY ARE FOCUSED on the middle class improving their place in this economy...whether it is money in their pockets that improves the demand and creates jobs, or any jobs program, or bring jobs, good jobs, back from overseas etc... and NOTHING else.....

we are so tight on revenues, we need to be really smart.

how does the tax cut, make America great again? Let's see the numbers in hearings, and let's tighten up this tax bill to only give tax breaks where we know they will produce the most for us and reduce our deficits the most...

making a mistake and adding even MORE to the deficit and debt is not the way to do it...
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Conservatives talk about tax-cuts today with exactly same naive reverence as they did in 2000.

It is as if 15 years of tax cuts, shity-to-anemic economy and rivers of red ink as far as the eye can see didn't happen.

Nope, never was, we need tax cuts pronto!
Because it will add $10 trillion to our debt without adding anything of value to the economy

If you borrow $10 trillion to build roads and bridges, you end up with $10 trillion worth of roads and bridges
If you give $10 trillion to the wealthy, they just keep it
/——/ Tax cuts isn’t giving money to the wealthy you commie imbecile. WElfare is giving people money. Tax cuts let people keep more of their own money. But I think you already knew that.
Welfare benefits society

Tax cuts to billionaires only benefits the billionaire
Because it will add $10 trillion to our debt without adding anything of value to the economy

If you borrow $10 trillion to build roads and bridges, you end up with $10 trillion worth of roads and bridges
If you give $10 trillion to the wealthy, they just keep it

What they don't buy cars and Snickers bars?
Because it will add $10 trillion to our debt without adding anything of value to the economy

If you borrow $10 trillion to build roads and bridges, you end up with $10 trillion worth of roads and bridges
If you give $10 trillion to the wealthy, they just keep it
/——/ Tax cuts isn’t giving money to the wealthy you commie imbecile. WElfare is giving people money. Tax cuts let people keep more of their own money. But I think you already knew that.
Welfare benefits society

Tax cuts to billionaires only benefits the billionaire

Welfare harms society, and so do taxes.
Conservatives talk about tax-cuts today with exactly same naive reverence as they did in 2000.

It is as if 15 years of tax cuts, shity-to-anemic economy and rivers of red ink as far as the eye can see didn't happen.

Nope, never was, we need tax cuts pronto!
All tax cuts pay for themselves
A rising tide lifts all boats
No poor person ever gave me a job
Trickle down

Been there, done that
Because it will add $10 trillion to our debt without adding anything of value to the economy

If you borrow $10 trillion to build roads and bridges, you end up with $10 trillion worth of roads and bridges
If you give $10 trillion to the wealthy, they just keep it
/——/ Tax cuts isn’t giving money to the wealthy you commie imbecile. WElfare is giving people money. Tax cuts let people keep more of their own money. But I think you already knew that.
Welfare benefits society

Tax cuts to billionaires only benefits the billionaire

Welfare harms society, and so do taxes.

You have no perception of what a society is
Welfare harms society, and so do taxes.

Every damn penny of a welfare check is thrown back into the economy......Giving a tax break of millions to the 1% billionaires, those dollars usually get spent on luxury yachts made in France or on newer Lear jets.
Conservatives talk about tax-cuts today with exactly same naive reverence as they did in 2000.

It is as if 15 years of tax cuts, shity-to-anemic economy and rivers of red ink as far as the eye can see didn't happen.

Nope, never was, we need tax cuts pronto!
All tax cuts pay for themselves
A rising tide lifts all boats
No poor person ever gave me a job
Trickle down

Been there, done that
You mean you've been lying about it your entire life.
You are such a goofy liar...

Here's a fun fact for you. Obama was the first potus in U.S. history to NEVER realize an annual GDP of at least 3%, in spite of adding $9 TRILLION in debt. The economy was stagnant and, incidentally, that's why Hillary lost all those swing states. Trump promised to put Americans first and to help them by reinvigorating the economy. Cutting and reforming taxes is a great start!

(OH MY GOSH, I am so sorry this is so long! just go to the last 3 or 5 paragraphs and skip the first few if it is overwhelming to read!!!)

Yes, Obama's era, where he took over after the biggest wall Street crash, and Housing Bubble/ Bust, and Mortgage crisis in our History as a Nation next to the Great Depression, (and unlike the Great Depression, we didn't have a War to pull us out of it or the massive massive massive spending programs that FDR created...)to get gdp over 3%...

we are still, right now, suffering the effects of it with stagnation or close to it... in wages, and the continued growth of disparity between the wealthy and the middle class...while those at the top, and major corporations, have regained all of their losses and managed to grab more of the share so the disparities between these classes is even greater.....

and that would be fine and Dandy if the middle class was also having huge increases in earnings....but they are not....they got hit really hard with the 2008 recession and crashes that annihilated their 401k's, home values, and job opportunities to advance and make more money....

He began with a running deficit of nearly $1.4 trillion dollars, President Bush began with a $300 billion dollar running surplus....Obama got it down to around a $400 billion deficit, without any of his job programs even making it to the floor for a vote.... there was the original stimulus, which technically brought us out of the recession within a year, then nothing from the do nothing congress after that....

So yes, he did add a great deal to the national debt....not certain if he reached doubling it, might have been a hair shy or over? His fiscal year end of his last budget was this past Sept 30th, 2017...the official end of his 8 years and have not looked yet to see how it came out...

but think about this, President bush doubled his fiscal 8 years the National Debt, and he began with a running surplus in the budget, and he had the biggest housing and mortgage boom in our History, along with his 2 tax cuts, YET he still double our national debt from our History, in the 8 years....NOW THAT'S a LOT of spending by Republicans in the so called "good Years" ...he was still overspending and primarily congress, was STILL over spending like there was going to be no tomorrow.

Obama took over a period where the government needs to be spending, during a recession....

I know what Trump promised you, though I have great doubts that he has even a clue, on how to do it...he's kind of ditzy, unable to focus on any given thing for any length of time....

but I agree with a lot of what he was telling you, just not what is appearing to be, his way haphazard and free of any thought, is not the way of getting there...

This rush to get something "passed", any legislation passed... is hindering a successful plan, to reduce the tax burden of the middle class or the wealthy and which will be best for the economy to grow it is debate they should be having on the senate and congressional floors, and the committees over this should be running studies of what is the best return on investment.... what will bring in even more taxes than now, by the reforms....

we have no money to do this, we already do not collect enough now to pay for what they are spending and primarily, not enough to even pay the interest bill/ payment to the foreign banks that loaned us the money for our national debt, AND we have to pay back what they borrowed from the Social Security surplus taxes and put in their budgets.

So to me, we should analyze the cost of these tax cuts and any benefits, up and down and inside out on what the best return on investment would be....before we make them.....and make certain THEY ARE FOCUSED on the middle class improving their place in this economy...whether it is money in their pockets that improves the demand and creates jobs, or any jobs program, or bring jobs, good jobs, back from overseas etc... and NOTHING else.....

we are so tight on revenues, we need to be really smart.

how does the tax cut, make America great again? Let's see the numbers in hearings, and let's tighten up this tax bill to only give tax breaks where we know they will produce the most for us and reduce our deficits the most...

making a mistake and adding even MORE to the deficit and debt is not the way to do it...

In other words, the community agitator was really an economic genius, but just unlucky, right?
Welfare harms society, and so do taxes.

Every damn penny of a welfare check is thrown back into the economy......Giving a tax break of millions to the 1% billionaires, those dollars usually get spent on luxury yachts made in France or on newer Lear jets.[/QUOTE
/—-/ You understand how the wealthy manage money the way a pig understands aerodynamics
Because it will add $10 trillion to our debt without adding anything of value to the economy

If you borrow $10 trillion to build roads and bridges, you end up with $10 trillion worth of roads and bridges
If you give $10 trillion to the wealthy, they just keep it
/——/ Tax cuts isn’t giving money to the wealthy you commie imbecile. WElfare is giving people money. Tax cuts let people keep more of their own money. But I think you already knew that.
Welfare benefits society

Tax cuts to billionaires only benefits the billionaire

Welfare harms society, and so do taxes.

You have no perception of what a society is
It isn't the government, you brain damaged cockroach.
What they don't spend on themselves they invest in their businesses, thereby providing you with a job.

NO fuckhead.......demand on their businesses has NOT increased since the middle class gets virtually NOTHING......So, why should these wealthy "invest in businesses"....just for fucking fun???
Welfare harms society, and so do taxes.

Every damn penny of a welfare check is thrown back into the economy......Giving a tax break of millions to the 1% billionaires, those dollars usually get spent on luxury yachts made in France or on newer Lear jets.

According to your theory, we should just print money and then no one would have to work. Welfare parasites consume while producing nothing. They contribute nothing to society. Spending money someone else earned is not a benefit to the later.

Biilionaires got rich by producing a product that people wanted. Along the way they created thousands of jobs. What we need in this country is more billionaires and fewer government employees and politicians.
What they don't spend on themselves they invest in their businesses, thereby providing you with a job.

NO fuckhead.......demand on their businesses has NOT increased since the middle class gets virtually NOTHING......So, why should these wealthy "invest in businesses"....just for fucking fun???

Ask Sergey Brin why he invests in Google.
What they don't spend on themselves they invest in their businesses, thereby providing you with a job.

NO fuckhead.......demand on their businesses has NOT increased since the middle class gets virtually NOTHING......So, why should these wealthy "invest in businesses"....just for fucking fun???
/—-/ that word salad makes no sense.

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