Why Are Leftist Commentators Making Doom&Gloom Predictions If Taxes Get Lowered?

:argue: By now we have seen our favorite cable news hosts going at it with far left loonies over what will likely happen when we drop rates for the average American and business owners. The rats keep insisting that we will add to the debt/deficit, really? now they care about this?
The host will always bring up what happened when we did this under Reagan. Then they freeze up/brain fart moment. What about the Bush Years? Damn, the economy was kicking ass! many employers were begging for help!,,,Then Obama took over and look at what the Dems did to us in 2009.,,then followed by 8 years of 0.0 Growth!,,,and now they have the nerve to tell us that lowering taxes will make things worse? :banghead: :banghead: :dunno:
:eusa_think: :eusa_think:
You are such a goofy liar....the housing crash took place in 2006 and then boomeranged in to the mortgage and wall street crashes all by 2008....Dems did nothing to you but save this Nation from the biggest fall and recession since the great depression....thank you Obama!!!!

We lost revenue for 4 years after the 2001 tax cuts and grew our deficits and debt, even with the housing bubble...Bush2 doubled the national debt in his 8 fiscal years....

These tax cuts have no purpose other than making the already wealthy, wealthier and EXPANDS the gap between the already rich and middle class and adds 2 to 10 trillion to the national debt
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its as if the left forgot what happened in 2004/05/06.....and then Pelosi and Reid took over and crashed the economy
What I find comical are all the liberals that swear that Trump is the second coming of Hitler even though, unlike Hitler, Trump wants people to have more freedom and to be able to keep more of their own money. On the contrary, the Democratic Party has FAR more in common with guys like Hitler and Stalin than Trump has ever had.
What I find comical are all the liberals that swear that Trump is the second coming of Hitler even though, unlike Hitler, Trump wants people to have more freedom and to be able to keep more of their own money. On the contrary, the Democratic Party has FAR more in common with guys like Hitler and Stalin than Trump has ever had.
i thought Hillary was our modern day Hitler
You are such a goofy liar...

Here's a fun fact for you. Obama was the first potus in U.S. history to NEVER realize an annual GDP of at least 3%, in spite of adding $9 TRILLION in debt. The economy was stagnant and, incidentally, that's why Hillary lost all those swing states. Trump promised to put Americans first and to help them by reinvigorating the economy. Cutting and reforming taxes is a great start!
You are such a goofy liar...

Here's a fun fact for you. Obama was the first potus in U.S. history to NEVER realize an annual GDP of at least 3%, in spite of adding $9 TRILLION in debt. The economy was stagnant and, incidentally, that's why Hillary lost all those swing states. Trump promised to put Americans first and to help them by reinvigorating the economy. Cutting and reforming taxes is a great start!
Actually it is the best way to put America back into a recession.
1.) Because this country IDIOTICALLY allows ILLEGAL ALIENS to be counted in our CENSUS numbers, STATES with MORE ILLEGALS get MORE FEDERAL DOLLARS. That is a fact. The more population, the more federal taxpayer dollars you get. This is why big cities are shit holes and overwhelmingly run by Democrats. The Left are TAKERS.....period. They want to TAKE MORE. They want Bigger Government so more of them can sit on their ass and we have to work harder to diaper these slothful losers.

2.) THE LEFT relies on BIG GOVERNMENT and pushing for it, and getting constituents addicted to it to stay in power. As soon as people have Economic Empowerment and Financial Independence they leave THE DEMOCRAT PARTY.

3.) Big Government means BIG BRIBES and getting rich off of Public Service. The Left loves this aspect of Big Government but make no mistake, there are probably just as many corrupt career politicians on The RIGHT.

And this my friends is why Trump gets resistance from both sides, because Left and Right career politicians don't care about HONEST Thrifty Government.
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You are such a goofy liar...

Here's a fun fact for you. Obama was the first potus in U.S. history to NEVER realize an annual GDP of at least 3%, in spite of adding $9 TRILLION in debt. The economy was stagnant and, incidentally, that's why Hillary lost all those swing states. Trump promised to put Americans first and to help them by reinvigorating the economy. Cutting and reforming taxes is a great start!
Actually it is the best way to put America back into a recession.

Well, we've had record tax revenues over, at least, the past several years and we're STILL going deeper into debt. I'm guessing you've never seen a government program you didn't love.
Because it will add $10 trillion to our debt without adding anything of value to the economy

If you borrow $10 trillion to build roads and bridges, you end up with $10 trillion worth of roads and bridges
If you give $10 trillion to the wealthy, they just keep it

RWNJs actually think they're gonna get a tax break.

But then, they also believe trickle down will finally work this time.

Because this shit didn't work when Bush the Dumber did it nationally 15 years ago. It didn't work when Brownback the Skidmark did it in Kansas 5 years ago. It's not going to work today. Give up the ghost already.
Don't be confused, it's the Democrat Fake Newsters who are screeching Doom & Gloom 24/7. They desperately want the Economy to collapse. They don't give a damn about fellow Americans. They just wanna destroy Trump and get the Democrats back in power. It's only 'Party before Country' for them. It is what it is.
:argue: By now we have seen our favorite cable news hosts going at it with far left loonies over what will likely happen when we drop rates for the average American and business owners. The rats keep insisting that we will add to the debt/deficit, really? now they care about this?
The host will always bring up what happened when we did this under Reagan. Then they freeze up/brain fart moment. What about the Bush Years? Damn, the economy was kicking ass! many employers were begging for help!,,,Then Obama took over and look at what the Dems did to us in 2009.,,then followed by 8 years of 0.0 Growth!,,,and now they have the nerve to tell us that lowering taxes will make things worse? :banghead: :banghead: :dunno:
:eusa_think: :eusa_think:
You are such a goofy liar....the housing crash took place in 2006 and then boomeranged in to the mortgage and wall street crashes all by 2008....Dems did nothing to you but save this Nation from the biggest fall and recession since the great depression....thank you Obama!!!!

We lost revenue for 4 years after the 2001 tax cuts and grew our deficits and debt, even with the housing bubble...Bush2 doubled the national debt in his 8 fiscal years....

These tax cuts have no purpose other than making the already wealthy, wealthier and EXPANDS the gap between the already rich and middle class and adds 2 to 10 trillion to the national debt

Its amazing how the right is able to revise history to fit their agenda.

I'd like to know where they believe the money will come from for the things trump wants to do.

Starting with his idiotic wall.

Wait till they find out their taxes are not going down, will not go down, will never ever go down.

Don't be confused, it's the Democrat Fake Newsters who are screeching Doom & Gloom 24/7. They desperately want the Economy to collapse. They don't give a damn about fellow Americans. They just wanna destroy Trump and get the Democrats back in power. It's only 'Party before Country' for them. It is what it is.

^^^^^Russian bot^^^^^
Because this shit didn't work when Bush the Dumber did it nationally 15 years ago. It didn't work when Brownback the Skidmark did it in Kansas 5 years ago. It's not going to work today. Give up the ghost already.

"Trickle down" is just a leftwing pejorative meaning "capitalism." It has always worked. Only morons believe government spending is what makes the economy grow.
how come Obama didnt take the DOW to 20,000?,,,,he had no problem tanking it to -4432
"Trickle down" is just a leftwing pejorative meaning "capitalism." It has always worked. Only morons believe government spending is what makes the economy grow.

Trickle down is the idea that cutting taxes for those at the top will result in an increase in spending by those at the top, to make up for the revenue lost from cutting taxes.

It has never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever worked.

Don't be confused, it's the Democrat Fake Newsters who are screeching Doom & Gloom 24/7. They desperately want the Economy to collapse. They don't give a damn about fellow Americans. They just wanna destroy Trump and get the Democrats back in power. It's only 'Party before Country' for them. It is what it is.

^^^^^Russian bot^^^^^

^^^^^Moron bot^^^^^
"Trickle down" is just a leftwing pejorative meaning "capitalism." It has always worked. Only morons believe government spending is what makes the economy grow.

Trickle down is the idea that cutting taxes for those at the top will result in an increase in spending by those at the top, to make up for the revenue lost from cutting taxes.

It has never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever worked.

No one has ever made such a claim. The claim is that cutting taxes will make the economy grow, and it does, but perhaps not enough to make up for the loss of revenue. Whether it does make up for the loss of revenue depends on a lot of factors that can't all be predicted or calculated.

I don't think cutting marginal rates by 3% is going to cause a vast increase in economic growth. However the Trump administration claims the cut in marginal rates will be offset by the elimination of exemptions. However, cutting the corporate rate to 15% will cause a vast influcx of money held overseas by multinational corporations to flood into the United States. That money can then be taxed, helping to reduce the deficit, and it will also grow the economy.

That's exactly what leftwingers fear.

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