Why are Liberals lying so much about the HL Ruling?

Can't Democrats be honest about anything?

The ruling didn't take away anyone's right to contraception. It simply says that certain companies, following very strict rules, can refuse to pay for it.

The woman can still get it if she wants it. She simply has to pay for it herself or use another Government programs, such as Planned Parenthood, to get it.

Hobby Lobby has been offering 16 different forms of contraception for years. They only object to 4 different specific types that caused abortions.

Democrats are such liars.

Stop projecting, loony toon. You wouldn't understand the decision anyway, so your calling rational criticisms of it lies is just laughable.
Ironic post is ironic...

I will give you a hint, none of the four cause an abortion. You lied in your OP. ;)


: an agent (as a drug) that induces abortion

Which is not what Plan B does, moron.
Plan B stops or prevents ovulation ie the release of an egg.
WHICH IS 100% NOT AN ABORTION. Plan B in no way shape or form cause an abortion.
It is made from the same synthetic hormone in many forms of oral contraceptives. If you guys know nothing about birth control, hormones, and how conception works, please don't comment on the subject.

Yeah Yeah Yeah....You've said it over & over & over again but you continue to leave out the one sentence that makes this one of the 4 not covered.

"It is also possible that this type of emergency birth control prevents implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus by altering its lining."
Plan B (Morning-After Pill): Effectiveness and Side Effects

It doesn't cause an abortion but it's possible that it prevents implantation of a fertilized egg

If it's Such a Big Deal that your employer pay for your emergency BC because you forgot to take the BC that they are willing to pay for then it's time to seek employment elsewhere & pay for your own obamacare policy.

HL is wanting to pay for their employees HC including Birth Control. We the People should be celebrating as none of HL employees will need subsidies or be put on medicaid. We All Win :lol::lol:
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If you are a strong independent woman then you're happy with the ruling. If you're a weak dependent woman who needs someone to pay her bills then you're obviously upset by this ruling.

That is the exact opposite of what happened. Lol
Before it would have been covered by your work insurance that you pay into, now because they won't the government will pay for it.
Like I said, this was the dumbest political fight. It doesn't cause abortion, they cover birth control made from the exact same hormone, and now the government will be paying for it ie your tax dollars. Total victory for the right.

Either way you said it, it comes our of our pockets. Pay Insurance or pay taxes.
How about trying it the righties way of free market and free clinics and keep the government out of it?
It would be much cheaper and all of us would get what we want.
Can't Democrats be honest about anything?

The ruling didn't take away anyone's right to contraception. It simply says that certain companies, following very strict rules, can refuse to pay for it.

The woman can still get it if she wants it. She simply has to pay for it herself or use another Government programs, such as Planned Parenthood, to get it.

Hobby Lobby has been offering 16 different forms of contraception for years. They only object to 4 different specific types that caused abortions.

Democrats are such liars.

So you can say with confidence that the Court will rule against any similar business that objects to all birth control coverage?

I didn't think you could.
Ironic post is ironic...

I will give you a hint, none of the four cause an abortion. You lied in your OP. ;)

You need to be more careful about who you accuse of "lying". Plan B pills are abortifacients. IUD's perform the same through a "mechanical" means. You need to know what you are talking about.

No, they are not. They stop or prevent ovulation. The same hormone in Plan B is in other forms of Birth Control, probably ones Hobby Lobby covers. You have no clue what you are talking about, liar.
Get a fucking clue before you open you trap.


That doesn't fly when you're running around accusing people of not knowing anything.
Can't Democrats be honest about anything?

The ruling didn't take away anyone's right to contraception. It simply says that certain companies, following very strict rules, can refuse to pay for it.

The woman can still get it if she wants it. She simply has to pay for it herself or use another Government programs, such as Planned Parenthood, to get it.

Hobby Lobby has been offering 16 different forms of contraception for years. They only object to 4 different specific types that caused abortions.

Democrats are such liars.

Stop projecting, loony toon. You wouldn't understand the decision anyway, so your calling rational criticisms of it lies is just laughable.

Rational Criticism?
When they are saying that Hobby Lobby will not pay for birth control that is a lie.
Ruh-roh. Conservatives are beginning to understand just how badly this is going to hurt them in the elections. Hence the hint of panic in their writing.
Can't Democrats be honest about anything?

The ruling didn't take away anyone's right to contraception. It simply says that certain companies, following very strict rules, can refuse to pay for it.

The woman can still get it if she wants it. She simply has to pay for it herself or use another Government programs, such as Planned Parenthood, to get it.

Hobby Lobby has been offering 16 different forms of contraception for years. They only object to 4 different specific types that caused abortions.

Democrats are such liars.

So you can say with confidence that the Court will rule against any similar business that objects to all birth control coverage?

I didn't think you could.

Hobby Lobby is still providing BC coverage.
I love the way the lefties won't admit that this isn't about restricting a woman's right to choose, because it isn't.

It's about forcing someone else, who object to it on religious grounds, to pay for the woman to choose.
This is just another fake "rights" outrage from the racist far left Obama drones and their masters.
Hobby Lobby Is still covering BC.

Made from the same synthetic hormone Plan B is made from. They really stood for their morals. :lol:

You obviously don't understand the significance of the issue. Fertilized egg and human being and all that stuff.

Fertilized egg? Like birth control, Plan B prevents the egg from releasing. There is no egg to fertilize. You obviously have no clue what the hell you are talking about.
Plan B stops or prevents ovulation. Do you get what that means?
I love the way the lefties won't admit that this isn't about restricting a woman's right to choose, because it isn't.

It's about forcing someone else, who object to it on religious grounds, to pay for the woman to choose.

That's why the leftist trash will erect straw men and spew false premises all around the real issue. They can't win in the arena of common sense.

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